The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1014 Come, come, come

The place where they are now is Qiushi Academy.

Qiushi Academy is the predecessor of Zhejiang University. Founded in 1897, it is one of the first new institutions of higher learning in modern Chinese history to imitate the Western academic system. Duxiu, Li Suizhi, Shi Chengzhi, Jiang Baili, Xu Shouchang, Chen Yi, etc. are all Is a student here.

The temple-like building they saw now was the main hall of Puci Temple, the original site of Qiushi College.

This place was bought together with Genshan Power Plant when Liu Ligan was crazy about buying and buying. He originally liked this place because, as Lao Tan said, the transportation is very convenient. Daxue Road is in front of the door. It has become nothing more than a name, and cannot smell the breath of a university, but it connects Qingchun Road and Jiefang Road.

This place has more than 20 acres. When Liu Ligan bought it, he thought that seven or eight six-story houses could be built here. Unexpectedly, he discovered after buying it that, like Genshan Power Plant, it was also a provincial cultural relic protection unit. , only protective development is allowed, and demolition to build commercial housing for sale is not allowed.

The Genshan Power Plant was renovated and opened to the public due to the renovation of the Genshan River. When Liu Ligan knew that commercial housing could not be built in this place, he threw the real estate certificate and land certificate aside, and forgot about this place to the west.

This place is more cruel than Genshan Power Plant. Genshan Power Plant was originally an industrial factory area. The factories inside can still be used. There are also large tracts of open space that allow the construction of non-permanent buildings like the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery". This place is not only Only the main hall of Puci Temple is not allowed to be demolished or destroyed, and the overall layout of the front yard is not allowed to be destroyed.

Even the surrounding old walls are not allowed to be demolished unless they are struck by lightning or collapse due to years of erosion from rain and snow.

In other words, except that you can tidy up the place and repair it as before, you can't touch it casually. What's the use of it? Who has nothing to do to clean up this place and send someone to guard it?

Therefore, this place was completely forgotten by Liu Ligan. He was a little confused until he got off the bus at Daxue Road. He felt that this place seemed familiar. When he walked into the yard, he realized that he had been here before, but he still couldn't remember why he came there. .

It wasn't until Tan Shuzhen said that this was Qiushi College and it belonged to him that Liu Ligan remembered that such a thing had happened.

The transfer procedures at that time were all handled by Wenwen and Qianqian. Wenwen seemed to have scolded herself for this and bought a bunch of junk. But just because they were the ones who handled the procedures, Liu Lipole said Here, there is even less impression.

Tan Shuzhen was cleaning out the cabinet in the company that day and found the real estate certificate in the cabinet, and then she learned that there was such a place under the company's name.

I drove over to take a look and found that the space here is large enough. Past the main hall of Puci Temple, there are two side halls and a row of houses. This Puci Temple had been renovated because it was to be a school at that time. This row of houses is A product of that time.

Including the original classrooms, student dormitories, teacher dormitories and offices in several halls, as well as the offices of the host and chief teacher, library and dining hall. Qiushi Academy hired American E.L. Mattox as the chief teacher at that time. So here, outside it still looks like a temple hall, but inside, it has long been beyond recognition.

Tan Shuzhen went to the cultural management bureau and asked, and found out that the restoration here remained the same as before, that is, it continued to look like it had changed beyond recognition.

And like this, as long as minor changes are made, it can be used as an office.

The layout of the front yard cannot be changed, but the open space where the door comes in can be poured into a cement floor. In addition, the door coming in from Daxue Road seems small now, but at that time, it was not too small. The prefect Lin Qi is the first host of the academy, and his sedan chair must always be able to enter and exit this gate.

The door is wide and narrow, so large trucks can't drive in, but cars can just drive in, even Liu Ligan's Mercedes-Benz. After entering the door, there is a parking lot converted from the vacant lot.

After Tan Shuzhen came here to see it, she decided to renovate it and use it as an office. So when the two office buildings in the center of Hangzhou began to sell out, Tan Shuzhen did not hesitate and left the floor that she planned to use as an office. Sold.

After the renovation here, the original office can be sublet to others after moving here. Now that the rent has increased, it is no longer the price in the contract between them and Hangcheng Customs. Therefore, they can still make a small profit.

After looking around inside and out, Zhang Chen and Lao Tan also felt that it was okay and it was enough for them. Apart from Liu Ligan's dream of climbing high and overlooking the distance, the biggest advantage was that Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said:

"You, a Zhejiang University student, have finally returned to Zhejiang University."

Zhang Chen made Liu Ligan excited with just one sentence. He pointed to the chief professor's office and asked, is this chief professor the current president of Zhejiang University? My office is here.

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said, the chief teacher should be the director of the teaching and research section, and the person in charge should be the principal.

"Okay, then my office is here."

Liu Ligan pointed to the organizer's office again and told Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen scolded, "Children, you can have both rooms."

After seeing it, Lao Tan knew what he needed. He just needed to connect the water and electricity, install the air conditioner, repair the house, clean the pond in front, rebuild the damaged stone fence, and build two bluestone guardrails on both sides of the road. These are all jobs they have done in Mishihe, and they are not difficult.

The biggest project is to build a public toilet next to the row of houses in the backyard. About this, Tan Shuzhen also communicated with the Cultural Management Bureau. The Cultural Management Bureau told her that all cultural relics protection units need to provide water and electricity and add public toilets. It is allowed, otherwise people would not be able to live in it now, and we cannot let everyone still use the toilet.

A group of people walked outside. Liu Ligan looked at a piece of information about Qiushi Academy as he walked. This was brought to Lao Tan by Tan Shuzhen and asked him to pay attention to it when renovating it, especially when several pieces were removed and lying on the side. The stone monument in the backyard needs to be put back up, and the plaque on the door is gone and needs to be redone in its original style.

Liu Ligan looked at it and suddenly laughed excitedly, and said to Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen, do you know who went to school here?

Zhang Chen shook his head, how should I know.

"C Duxiu, C Duxiu." Liu Ligan shouted, "Haha, C Duxiu went to school here, I want to call Meng Ping, Zhang Chen, do you remember, we went to Laohuqiao to see him At that time, this guy proudly told us that C Duxiu had been imprisoned there, and he and C Duxiu lived in the same cell.

"I want to tell him that it turns out that the place where C Duxiu went to school is mine..."

The company's office had to be moved and the house had to be rented out, so Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen had no place to live. Liu Ligan did not leave a villa for himself and Tan Shuzhen in the "Peach Blossom Land". He had had such an idea, but as soon as he said, Tan Shuzhen couldn't bear it and scolded him, "Is there something wrong with you? Why do we want to live in such a good house?"

There is no way, Tan Shuzhen is such a woman. When she scolded him like this, she joined us and classified her and Liu Ligan as a family. Although Liu Ligan was scolded, he felt very happy.

But you can't say that you don't have a house in Hangzhou. Liu Ligan proposed to leave two townhouses for himself and Tan Shuzhen on the banks of Mishi River.

The villas here are small in size and low in unit price. The total price is only a quarter of that in Taohuayuan. Tan Shuzhen has no objection.

The townhouses here come in two sets. When Liu Ligan was choosing a house, he picked two adjacent sets for himself and Tan Shuzhen.

Liu Ligan thought that Tan Shuzhen would scold him and object to living next door to her. Unexpectedly, Tan Shuzhen found out and said nothing.

This made Liu Ligan extremely happy. He felt that it seemed that Tan Shuzhen was really determined and had no other thoughts. Otherwise, other men would appear in her place and be hit by Liu Ligan, more or less. It would be embarrassing.

Tan Shuzhen did not express any objection, which means that in her heart, she never thought that such a thing would happen. Well, since nothing will happen to you, then I will do the same here.

The reason why Liu Ligan arranged two adjacent townhouses was that once Tan Shuzhen allowed him to touch her hands, and then went further, they only had to knock down the wall of the living room on the first floor, and the townhouses would be destroyed. The villa became a single-family villa.

In the Mishihe project, units such as townhouses and villas were originally built at the end. Unexpectedly, all of them were sold out unexpectedly. Now the construction here has been stepped up, but when the units are actually handed over, they can be moved in, at least In another year, Liu Ligan's parents' home is in "Jinxiu Xiangting", so he can live back there.

But whenever he thought of having to face the nagging from his mother and Lao Liu every day, Liu Ligan felt that his head was going to explode. Therefore, he decided that he and Tan Shuzhen would either rent a house in the city, or simply live there. Go to the "Peach Blossom Spring" hotel.

Tan Shuzhen thought it was too far to go to Peach Blossom Spring, so she decided to rent two houses with Liu Ligan in the city.

Zhang Chen found out about this and scolded Tan Shuzhen: "Tan Shuzhen, why are you so stupid? You don't even think of going back to your parents' home when you are in trouble?"

"Why go back to my parents' home?" Tan Shuzhen wondered, "You want me to go back to Yongcheng?"

"Go back to the dynamic zone, idiot, isn't there a place for you to live there?" Zhang Chen asked.

Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan understood and both laughed.

Yes, the house where Tan Shuzhen used to live is still empty above Zhang Chen and the others, and the house where the second-rate guy lived is also empty. Isn't it just right for them to live in?

When renting a house outside, it is not as convenient as living upstairs with Zhang Chen. Especially for Liu Ligan, he can also walk to his old place next door every day, look at the center of Hangzhou next door, or go to Zhang Chen's office. Drink tea and brag.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, Zhang Chen, it's my fault." Tan Shuzhen hurriedly told Zhang Chen.

For Tan Shuzhen, another advantage of living there is that she can go and see Xiangnan every day. If she doesn't have time to go, Zhang Chen's parents will take Xiangnan and Xiangbei to the two bus stops. Or come on foot.

Moreover, there is a canteen below, which is very convenient for eating. But for this person, it is often troublesome to go to the hotel and it is too tedious to cook by yourself, so having a canteen is just right.

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