The Name of Eternity

Chapter 248 Xi Yan

Li Hao did not stop, and continued to deduce.

Soon, the third unique skill, the Ancestral Dragon Body transformed from the Ten Thousand Dragon Body, was also cultivated into the Dao Domain.

The Dao Domain Law is solidified, and can squeeze and crush things in the Dao Domain.

As the third layer of the Dao Domain expanded, the originally weak Dao intention was completely blocked in an instant.

But it was just blocking, not annihilating it. The Dao intention of the saint could not be annihilated unless the Dao was broken!

Li Hao did not rest, but continued to deduce all other skills.

Soon, layers of Dao Domain extended and covered his body.

In this abyss, Li Hao sat cross-legged, and an unimaginable terrifying aura emanated from him. A total of nine layers of Dao Domain were superimposed, and the aging Dao intention had long been isolated and could not get close.

As for the rest of the unique skills, Li Hao could only deduce them to the level of unique skills. If he wanted to open them up into Dao Domain, these skills themselves were greatly limited and lacked perception.

Unless his physical body can be improved again, the remaining deficiencies can be completely made up.

However, dozens of top-grade skills, all of which have been deduced to the level of unique skills, are already shocking enough.

Li Hao stood up and practiced in this abyss, his flesh and blood squeezed and contracted. There was no power of heaven and earth here, so he drew the blood of the demon saint in the blood lake, absorbed it with the true magic of the sacrifice spirit, and converted it into the power of heaven and earth to temper himself.

His aura was constantly rising and condensing, his flesh and blood were also rapidly transforming, and his physical strength was rapidly increasing.

Originally, the strength was less than two million jin, but now with Li Hao's practice, it gradually rose to three million, four million, and five million jin!

This is five times more than the state of opening up the divine power!

Only the physical body was promoted from the seventh stage to the eighth stage, and many skills were transformed, and such an exaggerated improvement was achieved.

"I don't know, if I can reach 10 million jin, will I break the limit again?"

Li Hao's eyes turned, but in that case, he would need at least dozens of body-refining techniques, and they would not overlap with the ones he was practicing now, which was not easy to find.

He didn't think much and continued to practice and absorb.

The blood lake that was originally going to take his life has now become a nutrient that nourishes him.

Until this moment, Li Hao was in the mood to feel the blood lake. The pure blood contained in it was not as magnificent as he imagined. This demon saint had died ten thousand years ago. Before his death, his body was overdrawn severely, and his blood was burning. What was left was only corrupted flesh and blood.

But despite this, he was a demon saint after all. Li Hao absorbed it for several days in a row before he completely absorbed the pure power in the blood lake and turned it all into condensing himself.

His physical strength also increased again, from 5 million jin to about 7 million jin, comparable to two divine power states.

The physical strength was also significantly enhanced compared to before. Li Hao didn't know how strong it was, but he felt that even if he didn't release any power, he would not be injured if he stepped into other people's Dao domains with his physical body.

At this moment, with layers of Dao domains blocking him, Li Hao transferred the Candle Fire God couple and Xiao Chixu in the Qiankun Jade Belt to his own space of heaven and earth, and also transferred the rest of the sundries. He originally planned to throw away the tattered Qiankun Jade Belt, but now he couldn't use it.

But he thought about it again, and it was thanks to this thing that they were able to survive this time.

Li Hao put it away again, then stomped his feet and suddenly soared into the sky. The nine layers of Dao domains protected him, overlapping each other, and the forbidden air power of the abyss law could not affect him.

Not long after, he rushed out of the abyss, soared into the air, and came to the high sky outside.

Looking up, the Prisoner Heaven Island was as big as a silver plate, floating in the sky. The three Abyssal Heaven Locks had returned to their positions. It seemed that a big man from the Ji family had come and dealt with the matter here.

But the other party did not seem to notice him in the depths of the Blood Lake.

However, Li Hao did not misunderstand or resent it. The Dao on the Blood Lake was in chaos, and it was normal to block the exploration.

He glanced at the Prisoner Heaven Island and then retracted his gaze. His eyes were calm, without love or hatred.

Then, his figure flashed, and the nine layers of Dao domain converged, leaving only one layer, crossing the desolate sea, flying straight away, leaving this desperate place, and seemed to say goodbye to the past.

The vast desolate sea, at this moment, under the acceleration of Li Hao's Dao domain, was crossed in a short time.

When leaving the desolate sea, the surrounding heaven and earth power quickly gathered and was absorbed by the heaven and earth veins, turning into filling the flesh and nourishing it continuously.

Passing by the solitary peak guarding the desolate sea, the elder on it was squinting and sleeping soundly. Suddenly, he heard the sound of the wind and looked up. He actually saw a young man flying away in the distance.

"Is that...?"

The elder was puzzled. He only saw the back, but he could not detect the breath of the young man.

After hundreds of thousands of miles, Li Hao flew to a hill, and then quickly opened the space of heaven and earth, releasing the Candle God and Lady Yin inside.

They were still curled up together, their bodies were in a semi-fused state, and the Dao domain was covered only around them. The extremely yang and extremely yin blood power was still surrounding them.

Li Hao looked at them intently, and soon he saw some clues. They chose to merge in desperation, but the power was not enough, so they only merged halfway.

If they were not broken by external force, they might always remain in this state for many years and many years...

Seeing that the little red beard in their embrace was also covered by them under the Dao domain, it was considered a blessing and picked up a life.

Li Hao did not hesitate and quickly mobilized the veins of heaven and earth to draw in the vast energy of heaven and earth from all directions, and then transferred it all to them.

With the continuous influx of power, the two bloodline powers of Extreme Yang and Extreme Yin gradually circled slowly on the bodies of Candlefire God and Madam Yin, and then slowly sank into their respective bodies.

Soon, their bodies began to change, and they seemed to be growing and waking up.

Soon, the God of Candlefire opened his eyes first and looked around blankly. When he saw Li Hao, his eyes showed a hint of intimacy:

"here it is?"

Li Hao did not answer, but said: "Remove your Dao domain."

The God of Candlefire glanced at Li Hao. Although he was puzzled, the imprint of his subconscious mind made him very close to the young man in front of him, and he could not feel the murderous intention from Li Hao, so he complied immediately.

Li Hao waved his hand, gently picked up the little red beard covered by their Dao Domain, and dropped it into his palm.

A very weak breath of life emanated from the red beard. Li Hao suddenly thought of the Daoyun Blood Fruit in the Qiankun Jade Belt. He had not eaten it before because it was of little significance to him, so he planned to keep it and bring it to Ren Qianqian.

This thing is the fruit condensed by the Red Blood Vine Demon King himself. It can be regarded as growing together with it, and it is most suitable for filling its Qi and blood.

Li Hao quickly took out the object, and then attracted the majestic energy. After he coordinated and controlled it, it became extremely gentle, just like the red beard holding him gently on the blood lake.

This power, combined with the Daoyun Blood Fruit, turned into plasma and pure energy, and slowly sank into Xiao Chixu.

Li Hao stared at it. After a while, the faint aura on Xiao Chixu was getting stronger little by little.

Li Hao felt relieved.

As Xiao Chixu's aura gradually increased, the speed of absorption also accelerated. Soon, Xiao Chixu's body became longer, he raised a small whisker, and said confusedly:

"Am I alive again?"

"It seems so."

"So, none of us are dead?"



The small red beard immediately wrapped around Li Hao's arm, and two red beards stretched out, like hands, waving and dancing:

"We're not dead. We're not dead. Is it an illusion? How did you do it?"

"I also plan to go to Mianhe to find you."

Li Hao also had a smile on his face: "It seems that you are smart enough not to give all of yourself."

"Are you angry?"

Xiao Chixu immediately shrank and asked in a low voice.

"you guess."

Xiao Chixu looked around, finally convinced that this was not a dream. They had really survived and left the terrifying abyss.

It immediately relaxed, and its two small tentacles touched each other in front of its body, like two little fingers poking:

"I am a demon after all. If I really dedicate myself to you, I will be laughed at by the demon even after I die."

"Besides, even if you eat the few roots I left behind, it won't be much more. As a demon, I can only be killed by humans, so that I can die with dignity!"

"You really want to save face."

Li Hao couldn't help but smile.

"Then you're not angry, are you?" Xiao Chixu asked immediately.

Li Hao smiled and said: "How could it be? You don't owe me anything."

"Then does our agreement still count?" it asked quickly.


Li Hao raised his hand, "Pull the hook."

"Yeah, yes, hook."

Xiao Chixu quickly wrapped around Li Hao's little finger and renewed the agreement again.

"As long as you want to see the place, I will accompany you to go there from now on."

Li Hao said softly, and then smiled slightly: "After leaving here, I will help you find some magic medicine and precious materials to help you recover."

"That's what you said. Do you still need to charge interest?"

"Take it, one bite a day."

"Ugh, but I haven't raised it yet."

"If you don't raise it well, you will owe it."

"How long can I owe you?"

"Then it depends on when you can pay it back."


After a moment of silence, Li Hao said: "What should I call you in the future?"

"I don't know either, they all call me the Scarlet Blood Vine Demon King."

"Do you have your own name?"

"The name...the Red Blood Vine Demon King doesn't count as a name?"

"This should count as a title."

"Then let me think about it..."

Li Hao heard that it obviously didn't have a name, and the demon didn't seem to care about it. Only the human race did.

After all, the name of fame is the name of fame, and the name of fame is also the name of name.

"It seems, I can't think of it. How about you just scream?"

Li Hao saw a patch of moonlight flowers on the hill and said, "Then let's call you Xiyan."

This is a flower name.



"Will I be called Xiyan from now on? Xiyan I have a name?"


"That sounds good. From now on, I will call you Xi Yan. If anyone calls me the Scarlet Blood Vine Demon King, I will ignore them."

Li Hao smiled and saw that Xi Yan had turned into a red ring again and was wrapped around his wrist. In addition to smiling, his eyes were also a little more serious.

He looked up at the Candle God and his wife and saw that they were both awake, but as Ji Yunge said, their past memories seemed to have disappeared, and they were now quite close to him.

"From now on, you will follow me."

Li Hao said.

The couple nodded quickly.

Their bodies separated from the semi-fusion, transformed into the appearance of boys and girls, and knelt down in front of Li Hao.

Li Hao raised his hand to attract more power of heaven and earth, which he coordinated and controlled to nourish their bodies.

Their bones and flesh were growing slowly, their aura was also getting stronger, and their appearance seemed to be one or two years older.

Li Hao planned to help them gradually recover to their original strength on the way back.

Now he no longer cared whether their strength had recovered.

After temporarily receiving them in the space of heaven and earth, Li Hao stepped out and disappeared in an instant.

Ji family, on the holy mountain.

It had been a month and a half since Li Hao's sacrifice, but the grief was still in the hearts of the Ji family, but now no one mentioned it anymore.

In the Ji family ancestral hall, an old heroic soul sat on the threshold, looking into the distance, and shed tears every day.

His daughter was gone, and his most outstanding grandson was gone.

He didn't expect that he would shed so many tears and be so heartbroken after his death.

Hundreds of miles outside the ancestral hall, there were several rings of mountains connected together, which was where the Yun character lineage lived.

"The news we sent to investigate has been received."

In a temple on the mountain, Ji Tianchao and others all looked depressed. In just over a month, they all seemed to have aged a little.

"His father is from the Li family of Dayu Dynasty. That child is the most outstanding Tianjiao in Dayu Dynasty for thousands of years, but he fought with his father and was forced out of the family."

"Not long ago, I heard that he saved a large state and hundreds of millions of people. He became a hero of the time and was pursued by countless Tianjiao. He was appointed as a general and a marquis, and was deeply loved by the emperor of the Jiang family..."

"No wonder his last name is Ji..."

"But Qingqing..."

After reading the investigation materials, they all looked ugly and sad.

It's hard to imagine how the young man insisted on walking here alone.

"Is this fate? It makes my Ji family's luck dim..."

Ji Yunyue whispered, with only depression on her face.

Ji Yunqing's lips moved slightly, wanting to say something, but nothing came out.

At this moment, Ji Tianchao suddenly looked up and looked at the sky.

His gloomy eyes suddenly became somewhat suspicious.

When he looked carefully, not long after, a black shadow flew from a distance, whistling towards him.

When he saw the face of the figure clearly, Ji Tianchao was stunned for a moment, and then the edges of his eyes gradually opened to the limit, revealing an incredible surprise.

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