The Name of Eternity

Chapter 247 Taiping Dao Realm

Rising from the abyss, standing between heaven and earth, the blood lake under the feet of the young man is churning, and the aging avenue thoughts are rampant and shrouding him, but they cannot make his body wither.

His flesh and blood are reborn in ruins, sublimated in extremes, immortal and indestructible!

And at this moment, he breaks free from the shackles, forges the Dao heart with all things in heaven and earth, and enters the Four-Standing Realm!

At this moment, the Dao heart is detached, extraordinary and unworldly, and can roam freely in heaven and earth.

Waves of breath like raging waves and deep seas rush from all directions and gather on him, and the breath of the Dao heart slowly diffuses out.

But these escaping breaths are swallowed up by the aging avenues raging around.

The young man raised his head, his face was almost perfect, like mountains and rivers carefully carved with ink and brush.

Those eyes were as sharp as glaciers, without emotion, as if looking down at the world of all living beings, with the indifference and coldness of seeing through all the vicissitudes of life, all things and objects, all life, high above.

As if he was not moved by anything, without sadness or joy, transcending life and death, like a ruthless true god!

But as his eyes became sensitive, he turned to the side of the blood lake below, and when he saw a dark jade belt drooping on a rough chain hanging in the blood lake, his glacier-like eyes gradually seemed to melt.

Then slowly, warmth emerged from the coldness, from the indifferent and supreme heart of heaven that overlooked everything, to the chest of this body, completely merging with the flesh, it was both the heart of heaven, the heart of Tao, and the heart of man, the three hearts united, truly returning from Nirvana!

Many thoughts and memories were colored again at this moment, and light burst out of his eyes. His figure flashed, and he quickly swooped down to the blood lake and jumped onto the chain of the jade belt of heaven and earth.

This chain was extremely thick, and it was the chain that bound the demon saint before. He bent down and picked up the broken jade belt of heaven and earth from the edge of the blood lake.

When he sank into the blood lake earlier, he also loosened the jade belt. Fortunately, it seemed that the blood soon washed it onto the chain, so it did not completely rot.

At this moment, in the jade belt, in the broken space of heaven and earth, the blood was churning.

Li Hao's divine consciousness flew in, and he could see clearly that there were three faint breaths of life inside.

Candle Fire God and Madam Yin, as well as a red beard.

When he saw the red beard, Li Hao's eyes suddenly condensed, and then quickly jumped to a higher position on the chain.

He inhaled sharply and sucked out all the blood and water that was rampant in the space of heaven and earth.

The blood and water splashed on him, causing waves of corrosion, but not as serious as before. At this moment, it was just like a burn on the epidermis, with scars, but it condensed rapidly in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, his body has surpassed the Nine Cast Divine Weapons, achieving a qualitative change and improvement, comparable to the Holy Heart Heavenly Treasure!

Even if the Absolute Learning Realm attacked him when he was completely unprepared, he would not be able to cause any harm to him. However, despite this, he could not completely ignore the erosion of the Dao power of the blood lake.

After all, this was the power of the Saint Realm. Even if it was completely incomparable to that in his lifetime, it was not something he could resist at the moment. Even the Wen Dao Realm would lose a layer of skin, and the Holy Heart Heavenly Treasure would be worn out!

After all the blood was sucked out, Li Hao looked at the Candle Fire God and Madam Yin who were curled up inside. They were hugging each other, and a red beard was curled between them.

They were still alive!

Li Hao was stunned, and at the same time he was a little surprised, he was also an indescribable surprise.

The Candle Fire God and Madam Yin were originally extremely weak, but at this moment, they actually merged their bodies, and their bodies were covered with the Dao domain of the Candle Fire God, but it was somewhat different from its original Dao domain, more mysterious and powerful.

In addition, strange purple-black and red light flowed around the couple, circling and chasing, containing the power of extreme yang and extreme yin respectively.

The aging Dao intention diffused in the blood was mostly blocked by the two ancient and profound forces, and the rest was blocked by the Dao domain, but there was still a very weak penetration.

This caused their bodies to show slight signs of decay.

"Is this, blood awakening?"

Li Hao looked at the purple-black gas and the red light, and thought of what Ji Yunge had said before, that the Candle Fire God and Madam Yin were originally one, with the blood of the ancient wild beast.

Now, these two auras containing deep ancient power seem to be the power hidden in their blood.

Encountered a desperate situation of life and death in the Dead River, and encountered it again here, and was finally stimulated.

Compared with them, Li Hao was more concerned about the red beard, which emitted a very weak breath, and seemed unable to detect him.

Li Hao felt a pain in his heart. He couldn't take it out now, and it couldn't isolate the surrounding demon saint Dao intention.

Taking a deep breath, Li Hao called up the panel and chose to add points.

The bottleneck that was originally stuck in the Dao Heart Realm was broken at this moment. There were only 3 points left in the art skills, which immediately decreased with his choice.

And the physical Dao was upgraded from the seventh stage to the eighth stage!

In an instant, a magnificent message poured into his mind, like some kind of inheritance from the dark, constantly instilling.

Li Hao sat cross-legged. Since entering the Dao Heart Realm, he felt that the world seemed like a curtain, which could be touched with a little force and could also be torn apart.

He immediately broke through the void with the Dao Heart and opened up a small piece of his own heaven and earth space.

He did not open up to the limit, so it was enough for the time being.

Then, he planned to put the Qiankun Jade Belt into it, but felt a repulsive force resisting.

And the source of this repulsive force was the heaven and earth space sealed in the Qiankun Jade Belt.

Li Hao immediately understood that this kind of heaven and earth space treasure could not be put into another heaven and earth space, and the two spaces could not overlap.

If the three of them were moved out of the heaven and earth space of the Qiankun Jade Belt, the more turbulent Dao on the blood lake outside would probably quickly corrode and destroy them.

Li Hao immediately put away his heaven and earth space, held the Qiankun Jade Belt in his hand, and protected the incomplete small heaven and earth space in his palm.

At this time, as he continued to absorb the Dao realm perception of the eighth stage of the physical body, his panel was updated again, and many body refining techniques had great changes.

The changes in these techniques made the breath in his body gradually strong and powerful.

Some techniques belong to the type that can be operated by the body even without practice, allowing his flesh and blood to transform again!

The strength of the physical body is rapidly increasing, and it has long exceeded the original one million catties. After returning from the Tianji Tower, it has reached a level of nearly two million catties.

At this moment, the physical body has been upgraded to the eighth stage, and the perception of the Dao realm is far from ordinary. Many top body refining techniques have been deduced and upgraded again, reaching the level of the ultimate learning realm!

And those second-rate body-refining techniques have also reached the pinnacle, and the level has been deduced to an extraordinary degree!

This is a comprehensive qualitative change and leap!

His physical strength is constantly increasing. At the same time, in just a moment, he sat still, and only a few techniques were running on their own, which made his breath rise rapidly, breaking through to the realm of defying fate in one fell swoop!

A mysterious breath was bred in the body.

This breath, entwined throughout the body, seemed to be able to communicate with an untouchable existence outside the world.

Following the feeling of the dark, Li Hao only felt unimaginable depth and unspeakable oppressive fear. If it continued to extend, he felt that he might violate the taboo and die!

Defying fate is not only about mastering the power of defying fate, but also about feeling the existence of destiny in the true sense!

Thus, you can also know how small you are and how vast the world is!

Reaching the realm of defying fate will make you more humble and awed.

Li Hao had not had time to feel the power of defying fate that he had exchanged from the Merit Treasury before, but this one was cultivated by himself.

Not long after, many thoughts of cultivation techniques flooded into his mind, leaving Li Hao no time to take care of other things.

There was a storm in his mind, deducing and integrating seven or eight unique cultivation techniques, as well as dozens of unique cultivation techniques, gathering the strengths of hundreds of schools, blending the great way, and opening up his own unique skills.

However, his unique skills were not sword skills or boxing skills.

These two great ways had not yet reached the seventh stage, let alone refining and deducing his own unique skills.

What he was opening up at this moment was the unique skills of the physical body!

After sitting cross-legged for a long time, Li Hao suddenly opened his eyes. Many body cultivation techniques merged into one at this moment. He realized his own unique physical body skills, and his flesh and blood turned red, steaming out countless air waves.

But then, the red flesh turned into red gold, as if entering a state of divine power.

But in fact, he did not enter, but his physical body exploded to the extreme, and his whole body was transformed by the condensation of blood and essence.

"Supreme World Honored Body!"

Li Hao sat on the chain on the blood lake, his whole body bursting with golden divine light, and a huge blood and flesh rainbow appeared behind him, like a seven-color divine cloud, exuding a transcendent breath.

Around his body, the aging Dao intention eroded his body at a much slower speed.

This is the physical Dao unique learning he opened up, which can improve his own strength and physical defense, and also has the "suppression" rule!

At this moment, facing this aging Dao intention, he can actually force it back and weaken it slightly.

When the ultimate learning realm uses its own unique learning, it basically comes with corresponding rules, that is, special states, such as Li Muxiu's short half-step invincible state.

And the infinite state brought by Lu Yuan's infinite thunder path, which increases the power to a certain limit in all directions.

But these states of ultimate learning will be broken in front of the Dao Realm, because they are not condensed strong enough. Facing the indiscriminate suppression of the Dao Realm, they will soon be broken. Therefore, the ultimate learning state can only flee in front of the Dao Realm!

But at this moment, the suppression rules revealed by Li Hao's body can slightly affect the Dao intention.

If he encounters the Dao Realm, Li Hao feels that he can suppress and break it with his own ultimate learning!

The strength of the ultimate learning state varies, some are high and some are low. His ultimate learning is a combination of seven or eight ultimate learnings and more than a dozen ultimate body refining methods. It is more powerful than you can imagine!

At this moment, Li Hao did not stop, but continued to develop and deduce this ultimate learning.

Soon, a kind of enlightenment emerged.

Like some kind of shock, the chain under him trembled slightly, causing waves in the blood lake.

A force of the Dao Realm extends from his body to the surroundings!

Taiping Dao Realm!

He entered the Dao Realm with the unique skills of the Supreme World Honored One and successfully opened up the Dao Domain!

At this moment, this Dao Domain extended, containing the suppressive power of the unique learning realm, just like the Dao Domain of the Candle Fire God contains its unique burning power, which can burn everything in the Dao Domain.

And Li Hao's Dao Domain is suppression!

The chains under him, the strange iron locks that tied the demon saint, were all shaken by the suppression.

And the power of the aging Dao intentions around them was greatly reduced in Li Hao's Dao Domain.

The suppression force was exerted on it at all times, but this suppression rule was eroded and aged by the Dao intention, and they consumed each other.

In this consumption, this Dao intention still had a little advantage, which had a slight impact on Li Hao's body.

Li Hao's face was cold, he closed his eyes, and continued to deduce.

After a moment, suddenly, another strange wave extended from his body!

The second Dao Domain!

This Dao Domain was opened up by Li Hao using the Dragon Ancestor's Indestructible Body Secret Skill after the transformation of the Dragon Cicada Vacuum Body. In the Dao Domain, there seemed to be a dragon's roar, which contained a terrible pressure. Although it was not Li Hao's own secret skill, he opened up the Dao Domain and contained the rules of pressure!

Suppression and pressure, two similar rules superimposed at the same time, and suddenly, the aging Dao intention in the Dao Domain became weaker.

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