The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 109: Hurricane hits the coast

After the war, the third year.

In the lowland city-state of pigs, a group of pigs hide behind the tall city walls, looking up at the changing sky.

Their ears are full of howling ghosts and wolves that are whizzing through the earth in a storm, and they are full of flying sand and walking rocks, wind-blown roof tiles, and flying grass and trees.

It was raining heavily in the sky.

The pigs were very panicked, each finding a place to hide from the rain.

"The storm has hit the coast. We will notify the council soon."

"I have never seen such a strong wind. This time the scale of the tsunami will be huge, and our city may not be able to keep it."

"What's the use of the parliament, please inform the Senate."

In less than three hours, an urgent document was delivered to Pericles' desk.

He immediately called an emergency meeting.

The Senate, where all the senators gather.

Pericles said to the elders who didn’t know about it, “Father God is above, and there is a hurricane on the sea that is approaching our lowland city. According to the opinion of the Pig Council, the scale of the tsunami this time will be very high. It is estimated that more than 70% of the cities are in the range of the tsunami."

"We must quickly come up with a solution."

A elven elder sneered. "What can pig people understand."

Pericles, glanced at him.

The elder suddenly looked embarrassed and did not dare to speak.

Severus suggested: "All the pigmen and orcs in the city-states on the coast should be arranged immediately to evacuate to our high ground."

Diana has different opinions. "But, in this way, all of our buildings and farmland on the coast will be destroyed by the flood."

"Life is the most important." A elven elder said briefly. "It's good to be able to save your life."

"Furthermore, that is a natural disaster. Are we going to fight against natural disasters? I am afraid that the cost of rebuilding all the buildings destroyed by the flood is not comparable to the resources we spend to resist natural disasters."

This remark was received, and most of the elders agreed.

"Just ask them to evacuate the lowlands immediately. We can rebuild the city after the disaster."

"Yes, mobilizing the elves, we can quickly recover all the losses."

Pericles shook his head.

"I don't agree, we must face the natural disasters."

The elders looked over in amazement.


"Master Führer, why is this?"

Pericles explained to them: "You forget one thing, the lowlands are important grain-producing territories."

"The plateau is mountainous and forested, and it has been polluted by strong acid, so it is temporarily impossible to farm."

"We cannot lose the area of ​​farmland in the lowlands, otherwise our food will become a problem."

The words of the head of state awakened all the elders.

They almost forgot that the kingdom is one. It's not that the city-state on your side has been lost, and we are fine here, as long as the lowlands are important grain-producing territories.

Once the lowlands were destroyed, the entire kingdom's national power was taken away by 30%.

An elven elder was dry and anxious.

"Then what should I do, Lord Führer?"

The other elders are anxious.

"Father God is here, we have forgotten this."

"The head of state is right, so it seems that we must not only fight against natural disasters, but also eliminate natural disasters."

Pericles rubbed his brows. "Hateful extreme weather."

"Well, the Senate immediately ordered all the city-states to gather more than 5,000 elven mages. I want them to freeze the sea!"

The elves looked at each other.

In the face of dangerous natural disasters, the head of state did not let the pigs retreat, but directly wiped out the natural disasters...

Pericles said: "According to our previous charter passed by the People's Association, when the country encounters natural disasters and is in danger, the Senate can bypass the citizens' assembly and directly issue instructions to mobilize resources and save the city-state. Do you agree to issue this instruction?"

A veteran is still hesitating. " this feasible?"

"I have carefully understood the process of King Augustus killing the wisdom insects by crossing the sea that day." Pericles said: "They froze the sea first, and then crossed the sea. At that time, they had fewer than 3,000. Elves."

"So, we absolutely have the ability to freeze the sea."

"I can also transform into an ancient tree of life, entangled with war, and reinforce the line of defense."

Orc Dylan said: "Teacher, I can also be a Beacon monster and fight the tide."

"But..." a elven veteran who had already been transferred to a druid hesitated, "Is such a large-scale move somewhat hindering the development of nature?"

"Our purpose is to protect farmland, but farmland itself is an act of destroying nature."

"It's against nature."

Pericles patiently said to him: "Please rest assured, the natural druid itself is the coordinator of the harmonious coexistence of life and nature."

"So, it is now necessary for us to mediate the relationship between nature and life in that area, to appease the hurricane there, and to protect the life there. This is precisely what we have to do as a natural druid."

"Okay, let's start voting."

The persuaded elders passed this decree soon.

Soon, the elven messengers of the Senate went to 23 elven city-states to dispatch troops.

In the assembly building of the city-state [Mashal] in the northernmost part of the plateau, the elf messenger took out the envelope and wrote a blank sheet of the order of the Senate to announce to the members of the assembly.

"In the name of the Father, the Senate and the people, the heads of state and the Senate have discussed and studied and agreed that the hurricane in the lowlands must be wiped out. Masal immediately provided 120 elven wizards to the capital, and immediately Go back together."

Members of parliament blinked and wiped out the hurricane? After research and discussion? In the name of God the Father and the people?

A congressman secretly said to a friend: "Suddenly I feel that the power of our Senate is so great."


Orc Lowland.

Dillon is making a totem in the king's tent. This totem is different from all other totems. Since he saw the spirit of creation and returned from the sky, he has missed the appearance of God the Father countless times and remembered what he said to himself The words of the past.

Then, by chance, it was like a flash of ghosts and spirits, and he knew that he was going to make an unprecedented totem of uniqueness.

This thought appeared in his mind as if it had taken root, making him unable to resist this desire.

Before, he had been trying to use battle to distract himself, to get rid of this disturbing soul throbbing that was too strong to be normal.

Now, Dillon gave up resisting this desire.

He wants to make this totem and see what it looks like.

He held a dagger that could be regarded as a dagger in his big hand, and pierced the peach wood one knife after another, carving out the totem in his heart.

‘After seeing God the Father, I have inspiration in my heart, but I have never seen this image. I have not called souls either, this is just an ordinary piece of wood, why do I feel that it has a soul? ’

‘The knowledge of the orcs comes from the Apocalypse. It’s because I have met the Father God, so this totem has automatically penetrated into my mind? Does this totem come from... the direct revelation of God the Father? ’

‘I just know that I have to concentrate, not to be distracted, not to be distracted, I only do one thing at the moment. ’

Outside the king's tent, the orc prophet took Atoman to enter the tent, but was stopped by guards.

The guard apologized: "I'm sorry, Prophet, the Chief Chief said, today I will not let anyone in anyhow."

"If I let you in, my head will be gone."

The orc prophet glared at him. "Huh. The largest storm in history came in the lowlands, but he played the elf's seclusion."

"You quickly let me see him."

The guard was in a dilemma. "My lord, my head..."

The Prophet rolled his eyes, and in fact persisted, he would definitely see Dillon today, as he did before.

This guy Dillon is very good at doing one But when he does this thing, he will be very serious, very serious, with no distractions, and ignore other things.

In the past, Dillon could only concentrate on one thing when he helped him take care of all the corners and corners.


The prophet's eyes darkened, he pulled Atoman away, and turned his head back pretending to be angry, and stomped his feet several times.

"You will regret it."

"Dillon, because of your negligence, God the Father will definitely blame you."

The Prophet took Atoman and said to him: "Child, go, let's go to the temple on the high slope. I want to tell the Father that someone is dereliction of duty."

Atoman was smarter than ordinary orcs. He saw the prophet's attempt and his eyes flickered. He felt that this was wrong, but when he remembered the various injustices he had suffered before, he nodded fiercely.

"I'll go with you. What can I do? I am a little orc who is not valued by the chief."

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