The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Orcs' weapon reform buds were killed

The Orc King’s Account, although the orc’s ritual to sacrifice to the gods has ended, but after the orcs ended their war with the elves, they actually had nothing to do. They were either fighting each other or fighting each other every day.

Next to the king's account, Dillon fought with the most powerful adjutant. Neither of them used totems, but was fighting with their own strength.

Dillon's fists, knee blows, and elbow blows all missed.

The adjutant kept dodge and sweat swept across his forehead. The Chief Chief's strength increased day by day, and he progressed rapidly every day.

"When will I hide?"

Dillon yelled and grabbed the adjutant's dodged arms with both hands. The adjutant was panicked and roared and wanted to break free.

Dillon pouted. "Mother-in-law, it's so troublesome."

He suddenly raised the adjutant, lifted the adjutant into the air, let him flutter and struggle in the air, and then slammed him onto the moist mud ground behind him.


The adjutant slammed his eyes off the gold star.

Dillon turned around, facing the adjutant on the ground, and stretched out a hand.

The adjutant got up from the ground, saw the palm of Lord Chief stretched out, smiled bitterly, and put him on the palm of Lord Chief.

He stood up from the ground.

"Master Chief, you are really the number one warrior under God Father."

Dillon raised his brows. "Step up exercise and stop talking nonsense."

At this time, Dillon heard an orc approaching. It was a thinner orc. Dillon frowned. It was not because the orc hadn't told him and suddenly visited, because other orcs couldn't remember the rules.

However, he was not very pleasing to the relatively thin orcs.

"What are you doing here?"

Dillon left the mud pit and walked up, standing burly in front of the orc.

The orc was holding a gray cloth-covered utensil in his hand, and was slightly nervous at Dillon, but he still mustered up the courage and said to Dillon, "Master Chief, I am an inconspicuous orc. ."

"I know you." Dillon prodded him mercilessly. "You once wanted to enter my army, and I thought you were an excellent orc, so I let you try to join, but you let me see the weakest lower limit of an orc."

"You actually withdrew from the team because you couldn't endure the hardship of our iron cavalry, but that's nothing, you can do well in an ordinary army."

"Atoman, is there anything you want me to do?"

Atoman was happy when he heard the chieftain say this. Yes, although he may not be physically as good as other orcs, he can also find a place to give full play to his strengths.

Atoman lifted the gray cloth in his hand, revealing a very rough one in his hand, which looked like a bad work from a small workshop, something that children put together at random.

Dillon squinted at it. "What's this?"

Atoman said to the chief with great excitement: "Master chief, this is a gun I made that can launch fishing nets. The power comes from the tendons of the horned dragon. This is the principle invented by the elves to make the torsion catapult. Pigman Engineers have learned this, and I specifically ask them for advice."

"So?" Dillon became a little impatient.

Atoman didn't notice the contemptuous gaze cast by the chief, and continued: "This fishing net gun has been improved by me and the old pigman engineer. It weighs a ton. Only we orcs can do without affecting our mobility. Take this fishing net gun."

"Master Chief, have you noticed that the elves have a feathered snake in the air? I specifically consulted Master Marlini. I found that the speed of the wolf running at full strength is faster than the speed of the feathered snake flying in the air."

"However, the feather snake is flying in the air with a wide field of vision and a large attack range."

"The mobility advantage of our cavalry will be compressed, and we do not have the disadvantage of the air force, so it will appear."

"So... so... I made this fishing net gun. It can shoot a vertical distance of 250 meters. The special triangular fishing net will unfold in the air and wrap around the feathers of the feathered snakes, interfering with their flight, and even Hit them down."

"This is a weapon against the air."

Atoman fired a shot at the front, only to hear the sound of the heavy fishing net gun inside the machine, and then a gray net was shot forward and landed on a rock in the distance.

"Master Chief, do you think this can be equipped in your army?" Atoman said to Dillon enthusiastically.

Chief Dillon raised his thick eyebrows and folded his hands on his chest. He looked at his adjutant with a helpless look.

The adjutant also smiled at his chief and shook his head.

Atoman ran up to Dillon. "Master Chief, the wolf cavalry can deal with the air force of the elves with this kind of weapon."

"However, only one shot at a time."

Dillon patted Atoman on the shoulder, his tone improved a lot. "Atoman, I know your intentions, very good, at least I know that you are working hard, this is more important than anything else."

Dillon took the fishing net gun in his hand, pinched the gun with two fingers, and looked left and right in the sun. "This stuff is also good."

Atoman smiled. "Well, the Prophet told me that there are many ways to serve God the Father, no matter what method is good."

"Master Chief..."

Dillon patted his shoulder again. "Take your toy and go, Atoman."

The smile on Atoman's face solidified.

"Chief... what do you mean? I don't understand, what do you mean?"

Dillon said to him: "Your toys are very innovative, but this is just not doing business properly, and it is of no use. Our orcs' wolf cavalry units are naturally equipped with bows and arrows. Bows and arrows are serious war weapons, not yours. It can be used as a toy for orcs and pigmen."

"Atoman, I understand your efforts."

"The Father God must have witnessed your efforts, but there are differences in your efforts. Your efforts are in the wrong direction."

"If you are interested, I can teach you how to exercise your body, strengthen your physique, and make totems. These are the roots of orcs."

Dillon threw the fishing net gun back into his arms.

Atoman hurriedly held the fishing net gun and rushed over. "Master Chief, please wait a second. It is necessary to develop new anti-aircraft weapons. Not only bows and arrows are weapons of war, but weapons made by the orcs ourselves are also weapons of war."

"Chief, please wait a moment."

"My weapon is not a toy, it's really not a toy."

"Master Chief, I heard from the elven druids around Marlinni that the elves are building buildings on the plateau, purifying the land, and developing new spells. The elves are getting stronger and stronger, but we are drinking and eating meat all day in the lowlands. , Fight and duel, we are standing still."

"You should let your orcs learn the system of elves, plan construction, build houses, cultivate fields, fish, etc. in an orderly manner..."

A thick hand stopped Atoman.

It was Dillon's adjutant, who frowned and had a fierce face.

Dillon's adjutant forbade him to go one step further. He looked at Atoman like a clown, winking.

"Do you know what I want to say about you? I think you are like a fool."

"These things are not something you, an ordinary orc, should consider, and you don't have that ability."

"You don't have to bother to think about these things. What use is there to think about so many useless things?"

"The Prophet and the Chief will consider it."

"I advise you to get out at once, otherwise, I will teach you to speak with my fist."

Atoman jumped back in shock.

He looked at the adjutant bitterly, but because he was afraid of his fist, he didn't dare to say anything.

He just stomped his feet, then turned and left.

The adjutant looked at his disappearing back and smiled contemptuously.

Atoman left the king's account and walked through the mountains and plains. Every step he took, he felt that his heart was filled with anger. Perhaps he shouldn't leave the kingdom of the elves and come to the territory of the orcs.

At least, the elves have never treated themselves this way.

The elves knew the meaning of the weapons he made, and the noble elves had never despised any technological progress just because they had magic.

Atoman felt that he should take advantage of the night and escape back to the elf territory.

Out of anger, Atoman wandered in the peach grove, walking a path repeatedly.

In this way, he dissipated the anger in his heart.

When passing through another peach grove, an unexpected character appeared in front of him.

It's an orc prophet!

The orc prophet looked at Atoman with a smile. "Young man, isn't this Atoman? What's wrong with you? I always think you are one of the few smart people among the orcs. I am very optimistic about you. What makes you so angry."

Atoman hesitated, but told the prophet everything.

The Prophet pretended that it was the first time he had heard of the whole process of this incident. He showed that kind of admiring eyes, like a sparkling lake, and he put his hand on Atoman's shoulder.

"I think what you did is very meaningful."

" After all, he is still too young to fight, but in other areas, he has no experience at all."

"As for his adjutant? A villain, it's not that I don't look down on him, but that kind of inferior orc has no brains. It's the end of his life, and he can only be Dillon's follower. As for you, Atoman, I admire you. I want to invite you to help me manage the orcs. What do you think?"

Atoman showed excitement and grievance. "My Prophet."

"I do."

The Prophet gave him a comforting smile in time and patted him on the back. "Good boy."

The prophet narrowed his eyes.

The eyeliner arranged in Dillon's guards played a role. If it weren't for this, he didn't have the chance to buy people's hearts.

Dillon, you are still too young.

You really have no experience in handling house affairs.

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