The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 911: Flying out of the winter city

Sylvia turned his head to look at the feast palace behind him, and then looked at the backpack he was carrying behind him. He asked incredulously, "Where did we come out?"

"It should have come out like this." Leo nodded and said with some doubt: "It seems too easy. It's different from what we expected. Has the Royal Palace always been so lax?"

"Of course not." Sylvia shook her head, but for a while did not know how to prove her words, because from the situation just now, the guards of the palace were simply lax to an incredible degree.

Starting from the seventh underground research institute, until now outside the feast palace, the two of them encountered some small obstacles, but overall they were very smooth, and they came out of the treasure trove in the last section and passed the Royal Guard underground station to The feast palace, and then the way out of the feast palace is as easy as walking in your back garden.

Originally, Leo and Sylvia both thought that the way out of the treasure trove at the end, they must definitely fight, even prepared to kill a blood, but the result did not encounter any danger.

The two teams of knight servants outside the treasure house, the heavy armor soldiers guarding the passage, the knights and knight servants walking back and forth inside the Royal Guard station, so many people seemed to be blind, and wrapped the package behind Sylvia. Turning a blind eye, there is no doubt about the identity of the two scholars, and no one came forward to ask.

After that, none of the palace guards, palace attendants, house attendants, maids, etc. in the feast palace expressed any doubts about the identity of the two, even if Sylvia carried a striking backpack behind him.

Leo walked to a grandstand in front of the feast palace, scanned the high and low palace buildings in front, and found that there were a large number of guards stationed in these buildings and on the walkway, and the positions and patrol routes of these guards came. See, they seem to pay more attention to the movement outside the palace, so Leo said: "After the completion of the French palace, it has never been invaded. It can be seen that the guard of the French palace is very tight, but their tightness seems to only be aimed at outside. As far as entrants are concerned, it seems that there is no defense for our penetration from within."

After thinking for a while, Sylvia nodded in agreement and said, "That's fine, it saves us a lot of trouble." Then, she looked at the southeast side of the palace and pointed to the palace in the distance Several towering stone columns in the building said, "The airship usually docks on the square there."

Leo also looked over there along the line of sight of Sylvia. Although the stacked palace buildings blocked the square, Leo’s extraordinary vision still helped him see the square through the gap between the buildings. On the situation.

As Sylvia said, there was indeed an airship docked in that square, but that airship did not seem to pick up the airship from Colin, but another one, which had a smaller shape. And there are a lot of people like mechanics around that airship, who are conducting some tests on the airship.

Leo talked about what he saw, and Sylvia immediately heard what was going on, saying: "There should be the Royal Academy doing airship testing. It looks like we are going to drive a new ship of unknown performance. The airship is up."

After speaking, Sylvia was carrying a backpack and leading the way, Leo followed, and the two walked from a spiral staircase not far away to a corridor on the next floor, and then passed a downward corridor. The path, through the two arches, walked into the small garden of the palace, and then walked towards the square.

As described by Sylvia, the guards of the Royal Palace are very tight. In addition to the Royal Guards patrolling on fixed lines, there are more than ten heavy armor guards guarded in key places, and above some palace buildings, there are Facilities such as guard points can easily see the surrounding conditions. There are warning measures at the positions of the guard points. As long as there is a little abnormal movement, the entire palace will enter the state of martial law.

It’s just that for Sylvia, these palace guards and guards are useless. She knows the role and importance of each building in the palace, and knows where to go will encounter interception queries, so she always finds Some routes that can bypass the interception point continue to advance towards the square.

Walking down the road, although the two of them met a lot of royal guards and royal guards patrolling back and forth, they did not encounter an interception and questioning of their identity. Perhaps some people were a little confused about the package that Sylvia was carrying. But it was just doubts, not knowing whether it was because the attitude they showed was too natural, or whether the clothes of the royal scholars on them played a role.

In the process of traveling, Leo also saw Turing Circles of unknown use hidden in a large number of decorative patterns in many places in the Royal Palace. These Turing Circles can be said to be the Turing Circle of the High Tower Wizard Daquan, not only the combination of Turing radicals that Leo has learned before, but also more Turing array arrangements that Leo has not learned. If it is not the place and timing is not suitable, Leo may stay in Here to learn the core content of the high tower wizard.

Now think about it, it is not so difficult to understand that the Earl of Phelps encountered before is a wizard who has the inheritance of the high tower wizard. Looking at the construction of the Royal Palace in France, it is not difficult to find that the high tower wizard has been in a certain period and The relationship between the French royal family is very good, and it is so good that some of the towering wizards' inheritance systems directly left here in the French royal family.

It's just that now the Turing Circles that were used for defense now move here with the statue of the Stone Throne, and they all fail. Before the power of the Stone Throne disappears, these Turing Circles are unlikely to have any effect. of.

After about ten minutes, the two walked to the square without any danger. At this time, seven or eight guards stood around the airship. They were not cautious about the situation, but curious. Watching the airship, I didn't think of any attack behind me.

On the side of the airship, there are seven or eight mechanics dressed up to adjust the flying wings of the airship. The steam jet accelerator on the rear side seems to be testing this new type of airship.

This airship is different from the airship Leo had seen before. First, the airbag of the airship and the airship's fuselage are not separate but integrated. In addition, the overall shape of the airship's airbag looks like a sea barracuda, slender and sharp, Finally, the propeller in the stomach of the airship is no longer a propeller air propeller, but a steam jet propeller.

All the technology used on this airship is not a new technology, but some existing technology.

When Leo took over the machinery manufacturing plant and metal smelting plant in Port Saite, he had purchased a large number of books related to machinery in order to study the development level of steam machinery in the world. These books were also mixed with some first-class books. For example, the fantasy of steam machinery.

At present, all the innovations in this airship come from the fantasy of some steam machinery, such as the shape of the sea barracuda, which is an airship battle called "Romance in the Air", and the steam jet thruster. It comes from a book called "The King of the Sea", but this kind of propulsion device is used in sea ships.

Obviously Flange’s airship mechanics got their inspiration from the seemingly absurd books and created the airship in front of them. It should still be in the experimental stage, and it seems that the Emperor Fran does not pay much attention to it, otherwise It will not assign a few people to be responsible for the security of this airship, nor will it let people in the palace approach the airship at will.

Just like now, Leo and Sylvia walked easily through the unguarded palace guards, and they did not stop.

After the two approached the group of mechanics who were doing the final inspection, Sylvia asked directly, tentatively, "Is the test preparations ready?"

The mechanics who were doing the final overhaul were stunned when they heard Sylvia’s inquiry. Apparently they didn’t know Sylvia, but after seeing the scholar robe on Sylvia and Leo, He showed a respectful look and answered without concealment: "The fuel has been fully prepared and has been ignited. A new round of testing can be carried out at any time. Are you ready to participate in this test?"

"Yes. Both of us took this test." Sylvia nodded and said.

Although the mechanics did not understand why there were two royal scholars interested in the test of this experimental airship, they did not dare to ask more, because they knew very well in the palace that the less they knew, the safer it would be. Accidentally knowing any taboo knowledge, maybe you don’t even know how to die.

So instead of asking Leo and Sylvia these things, they quickly completed the overhaul of the airship, and then waved to the royal guards responsible for the airship's security work, and they welcomed Leo and Sylvia into the airship. Next, the royal guards also got into the airship, but they were puzzled by the two people who suddenly joined Leo and Sylvia, because in the order they received, there were no two of them.

It's just that they don't want to ask too much, because the performance of the mechanics just now shows that these two people should also be participants, otherwise the mechanics have drove them away.

After everyone got on the airship, the pilot responsible for controlling the airship came to the airship's rudder and quickly pulled a few senses of control. There was a sound inside the airship, and the whole began to shake a few times, then He slowly floated up and flew into the air.

Although it was not the first time to test this airship, the mechanics and guards who participated were still a little nervous. Even if they are flying smoothly now, their tension has not subsided.

"Now test the propulsion ability." After the airship rose to a certain height, the pilot stopped ascending, and then pulled the lever of the steam jet thruster. A strong impulse came out instantly, and the spacecraft rushed forward at a very fast speed. .

Although the mechanics and guards were prepared, they were still swayed by the sudden impulse, and even the driver fell to the ground because of the unexpectedly strong impulse, and the hand naturally escaped. Driving rudder.

The out-of-control steering rudder turned so fast that the airship lost its direction. When it was about to happen, Leo grabbed the steering rudder, and then quickly turned around two times to put the airship back on track. Flying out of the palace, Leo and Sylvia can feel the body's extraordinary strength returning to normal.

"Thank you, thank you! Otherwise, you must have happened," the driver climbed from the ground, thanking Leo Lian who controlled the rudder, and then said, "Let me drive! We are now out of the test range. If you don’t go back immediately, you will be punished."

"It doesn't matter, this airship did not fly out of my test range." Leo easily controlled the steering rudder, adjusted the airship's direction of travel to the direction of the Black Forest, and said to the pilot.

Leo’s words are not very big, but they can still be heard by everyone in this semi-sealed environment.

Not only did the driver feel puzzled by Leo's words, but even other people's faces were puzzled.

It's just that their doubts didn't last long, and a mechanic realized something and shouted, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

At this time, all talents realized that the identity of Leo and Sylvia was probably not the identity they thought. The mechanics were sitting on the ground in shock, and the royal guards all touched their weapons. , Apparently wanting to seize Leo and Sylvia and atone for the merits.

But don’t wait for them to do A strong pressure appeared on them out of thin air, and then they felt like they were being crushed by a boulder, breathless, and a black halo in front of them In the past.

"It feels great to have power! It was so uncomfortable before." Sylvia couldn't help feeling when she looked at the effect of her release of power.

Leo didn't feel that much. He felt that the airship's thrust was weakening, and he said to Sylvia: "You come to fly the airship, I'll add some fuel."

After he finished speaking, he gave the airship control to Sylvia. He found the position of the furnace chamber through the spiritual net, picked up the shovel, and sent the shovel of the fuel next to it to the furnace.

The originally slowed airship was also added a large amount of fuel, and began to maintain a high flight speed, and soon flew out of Dongling City.

Almost at the same time as they flew out of the Winter City, all the alarm bells in the palace were rang, and apparently they had discovered that the treasure house had been robbed.

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