The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 910: No surprises

At a further distance, I don’t think that when Leo moved closer, he felt a strong touch of impulse, and when he focused on the stone statue, the surrounding scene quickly disappeared and changed. Became the spatial appearance of the stone throne

Leo did not follow his inner impulse to do it, but pressed the impulse in his heart and stood quietly in the same place. He did not know whether he was considering whether it was dangerous to do so or whether he should do so. do.

"What's wrong? Is there anything special about this stone sculpture?" I don't know how long it passed, Sylvia's question suddenly sounded in his ear.

Leo also recovered from his meditation at this moment, and the scene of the surrounding stone throne suddenly disappeared and returned to the treasure house of the royal family of Flan.

At this time, Leo saw that Sylvia’s parcel was already full of stuff, and most of the small objects had disappeared on the surrounding display stand, leaving only some large objects that were not easy to handle.

"How long has it passed?" Leo asked in a deep voice.

"Three Laws." Sylvia reported a time figure, which was about thirty minutes long. After reporting the number, Sylvia also noticed Leo's anomaly and asked: "How do you How is it?"

"It's okay." Leo gestured, then walked decisively to the stone sculpture and said, "If I have something wrong later, attack me hard and let me move my hand away from this thing, but don't be straight Touch me."

Sylvia was stunned and nodded, saying she knew.

Leo did not talk nonsense, he reached out directly to touch the stone carving, but he guessed that the unexpected situation did not appear, he just felt a cool force pouring into his body, and then disappeared.

Leo was puzzled by what was happening, and his face could not help showing a look of doubt. At the same time, he also carefully checked his body, trying to find out the direction of the power pouring into him, but he never found it.

At the same time, he also felt that the cool power that entered his body should be the source of the mysterious power in this stone sculpture. Although it seems that the power emitted by the stone sculpture has not weakened, but without the source support, this mysterious power may not be used. How long will it fade away.

At this moment, Sylvia mistaken the doubt and contemplative look on Leo's face as an uncomfortable expression, and he did not hesitate to smash the scabbard of the knight's sword in his hand towards Leo.

Feeling that someone attacking his Leo instinctively made an evasive action, he jumped away from the stone-carved display and avoided the scabbard attack.

"You didn't have a problem?" Sylvia saw Leo swiftly evade his attack and immediately realized that she might have misunderstood.

"No, it's just something different from what I thought." Leo shook his head and looked at the stone sculpture again. "This is the source of the mysterious power of the palace, but now the power contained in this source has been taken by me. Go away, the mysterious power should disappear soon."

Sylvia carried the package on his body and said, "In this way, we move faster, otherwise if the power disappears, the people in the palace must know that something is wrong here."

"Well, this is not a good place to check the problem." Leo nodded in agreement and asked, "Have you already taken everything you have taken?"

Sylvia looked at the other few things she didn't take with regret, and said, "There are a few big guys, but they are too big and affect the action."

"Do you want to destroy them?" Leo gave an offer.

Sylvia was stunned for a while, then shook her head and said, "It's okay, it's a pity to ruin."

After confirming that there were no missing items, the two headed towards the exit at the other end of the treasure trove. This exit led to a secret basement in the feast palace. According to what they knew, this basement should be stationed by a team of Royal Guards. knight.

However, when they arrived at the door of the treasure house, Leo suddenly heard a sound of unlocking from the other end of the treasure house door, and the two immediately hid in a slightly sunken wall on both sides of the door, as long as they came in If people don't look around, they won't find them.

And this was Leo suddenly thinking of something, and looked at the door they entered opposite the treasure house, maybe they thought it was unnecessary, so when they came in, they did not close the door, although The degree of opening is not large, but it is still very obvious. As long as the person who opens the door stands at the door and glances at the opposite side, there is no need to enter to see the empty display stands around, and you will immediately find the abnormality.

On the other side, Sylvia also noticed the situation of the opposite gate, immediately took off her backpack, quickly pulled out the knight sword, and gestured to Leo.

Seeing this situation, Leo also jumped directly from the ground, his feet stepped on the wall, and sucked the wall tightly by the force of blood, and moved to the top of the slowly opening door as fast as walking on a flat ground. .

At this time, the treasure house door was opened, and a man in aristocratic costume led several scholars to the treasure house. Their attention seemed to be placed elsewhere. Nothing was found on the display of the treasure house. The door opposite was also opened.

It was here that Sylvia and Leo moved at the same time. Sylvia rushed towards the scholars and nobles with two knight swords, while Leo fell directly forward and took advantage of the trend Drilled into the passage behind the door from the top of the door.

Just now Leo has judged by voice that there are at least four or five knights. They are unable to enter the treasure house for some reason and can only wait outside the treasure house, and their positions and status are very lax. What could have happened.

So when Leo got into the channel, none of them responded, and Leo’s subsequent movements did not give them any chance to respond at all, and the fist with powerful blood power hit their very fast speed. The whole head was crushed to pieces together with the helmet.

At the same time, Sylvia had already ended the battle, and several scholars and nobles could not have blocked her attack. She had cut off her head from behind without responding.

Leo returned to Sylvia, and at this time Sylvia just picked up the box held by the nobleman and handed it to Leo, saying, "Is this a return to the original owner?"

I saw that this box was the box with unknown bones sent by Leo as a combat spoil. Leo took the box and opened it a little. After feeling the power of it, he closed the box again and couldn't help smiling. .

At this moment, he suddenly saw that Sylvia's face became a little gloomy, and even added some inexplicable sad emotions, and the reason for her emotions and expressions was the nobleman on the ground whose head was cut off by him.

"Do you know this person?" Leo questioned.

"Well!" Sylvia nodded and said, "He is the Earl of Phelps, a lifelong academician of the Imperial College, the chief scholar, and my teacher.

"He is the Earl of Phelps?" Leo was stunned because the name was no stranger to him. When he was studying with the old Rembrandt, Leo had seen a lot of Felp in his study. Count Earl’s academic books, according to the introduction of the old man Rembrandt, this Count Phelps has the same status as him in the Foreign Affairs Society, and is also a world-renowned university.

However, I did not expect to die in the hands of the student Sylvia now.

Leo wanted to comfort Sylvia, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

However, the look on Sylvia's face suddenly changed from a touch of sorrow to disdain, saying, "It's cheaper to die like this."

Seeing the change in attitude of Sylvia, Leo couldn't help but wonder: "He has hatred against you?"

Sylvia kicked the head of Earl Phelps, revealing the face of a majestic old man, and said, "This guy secretly removed nearly half of the Belmont family property in my hands. I was bitten by this guy, and I didn’t even have any bones left. This guy is too disguised. Everyone in the world thinks he is a college student. In fact, he is nothing but a liar who takes the research results of his students as his own."

After speaking, Sylvia crouched down, rummaging through the body, and quickly found a very beautiful metal box, then handed the box to Leo, saying: "This should be his most precious. Things that will not be stored close to you, and still packed in a closed box, can you open it?"

Leo took the box and checked it and said, "It should be able to be opened, but this is not the right place."

With that said, he suddenly noticed some details on the corpse's clothes, squatted down and lifted his coat, and saw the inside of the clothes.

I saw a large circle of Turing roots on the inside of Count Phelps's clothes, and the ring on the opponent's hand should also be a wizard's wonder, and there was a book of sorcery in his waist.

This sorcery book is not an ordinary sorcery book, but a wizard's singularity, and judging from the method of making it, this sorcery book is completely made in accordance with the wizardry of the tower.

"He is a wizard?" Leo said with some surprise.

"Sorcerer?" Sylvia also stunned, said: "I don't know this, and there are no rumors outside."

Leo reached out to untie the corpse’s ring and witchcraft book, and said, “As you said, he pretended to be too good. He was not only a wizard, but also a high tower wizard, or a regular high tower. Inherited wizard."

Sylvia looked at Leo's hand, looked at the corpse on the ground, and smiled and said: "Our luck is really good, if not in such an environment, we might not kill him!"

"It's really good luck." Leo nodded and said, "He shouldn't be a real high tower wizard, otherwise, his physical fitness can't be the same as ordinary people, know that even the high tower wizard can't use extraordinary powers. Under the circumstances, still have far more physical strength than ordinary people, just like you and me."

After finishing speaking, Leo pulled off a scholar’s ​​clothes and signaled Sylvia to take off the clothes of another scholar next to him. Then he used the power of blood to clean up the blood on the clothes and put them on. Clothing, when changing clothes, Leo's appearance also changed a little, making him look more in line with the status of a scholar.

After the two men changed their clothes, they walked out of the treasure house and walked towards the Royal Guard Lounge at the end of the tunnel.

When they turned a small corner, the entrance to the Royal Guard Lounge was not far in front, where there were also two Royal Guard Cavalier servants, because the back light did not see Leo and Hill clearly. The appearance of Via, just from their clothes, thought that they were one of the scholars who had just entered, so they did not act like calling the police.

Leo and Sylvia were just about to do it, but after seeing the behavior of the two guards at the door, they speculated on what the other person was thinking, so they walked quietly and walked in front of each other. When they did not see that the two were not scholars before, they suddenly shot and hit the throats of the two, interrupted both throats and necks, and grabbed the two when they fell The body is slowly placed on the ground.

Later, the two pushed the metal gate away and entered the basement lounge, preparing for a fight.

Just like other military installations in the French Empire, the architectural style here is also composed of cube rooms, each room is inhabited by a knight and three knight servants, and there are three teams of horses patrolling in the aisle. There are soldiers wearing heavy armor and armed with crossbows guarding an intersection. It appears that the state of alert is high.

But in fact, these people have no vigilance at all. Those who patrol back and forth are knights and servants. They patrol more routinely. Several soldiers guarding the intersection fall asleep against the wall. No concern about possible dangers.

In addition, none of these people's attention was put on the people who came out of the treasure but on the other end to the exit of the feast palace, which made Leo and Sylvia go When they came out, they didn't respond at all.

There was even a team of Cavaliers waiting at the other end of the door, and there was a team of Cavaliers guarding the small square in front of the door. They only glanced at Leo and Sylvia when they came out. I recognized that the people dressed by the two scholars in front of me were not the same people as those who just entered, and naturally there was no attack.

Leo and Sylvia found something unexpected, so they glanced at each other, and quickly exchanged views. Leo turned around and closed the door, and the lock was broken, and the card was broken. Locked the latch.

After all this was done, Leo and Sylvia naturally walked through the middle of the guardian knights and walked into the main aisle of the front lounge. They walked through the crowd walking back and forth and quickly walked out. In view of this, they thought it might disturb many people and need to fight the Royal Guard station.

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