The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 868: Mister and Randall

Mutants are the general term of the Hannosa Alliance for those who are about to become pendants. In addition to those who initially showed obvious mutations and lost their senses, there are many hidden mutations in their bodies, which are usually nothing like ordinary people. They are different, but they will mutate when they are emotional, and temporarily or permanently lose their reason with the mutation. These mutants are also the main targets of the Hannosa Union's internal arrest during this time.

The Hannosa Alliance initially arrested those mutants fairly moderately, but as some mutants were stimulated to resist the arresters, causing casualties, the official Hanoosa Alliance’s arrest of these mutants It became extremely severe, as long as the arrested rebelled, they immediately killed them on the spot.

Some of the people with body mutations were lucky enough to find ships that could take them south, avoiding the army of the Hanosa Alliance, avoiding the monster-filled Milia, and going to the legendary mutator’s sanctuary. Naya port.

It’s just that people who understand the situation don’t think that those people are really lucky, because even if the ship is much safer to walk from the sea than from the road, it is not absolutely safe, because the dense fog that appears on the sea often changes suddenly. As it moves towards the coastline, it moves to the seaside in a short time.

In this case, if those ships fail to land in time and abandon the ship to land, they will be swallowed by dense fog and will disappear forever.

It is for this reason that many people did not choose this route even if they had the opportunity to go south by boat, and these people and some other people who did not choose to decide to go north, enter the ice field, and leave the hostile Hano Sa alliance.

Although the mutated body will be stronger and stronger than ordinary people, and the physique has become better, it is not easy to get sick, but the Black Forest Swamp is still a dangerous place for them, and huge and fierce monsters will emerge from the swamp at any time. , Engulf the human beings that they see as prey.

But compared to the monsters hidden in the swamp, the mutant itself is more dangerous, because no one knows when other mutants around him will suddenly mutate, and no one knows whether the mutants around him are good or bad, and therefore Often, many mutant groups that fled to the north were attacked by their own people.

Randall and Mister are people from the Sigma Kingdom. They came to Velenland mainly to study the Black Forest. In the past, they have settled in Miria for four years.

They are more fortunate than most people in Miria City. Before Miriam was involved in the war, the two of them had been invited by the Hannosa Union to go to the National Academy of Hannosa Union to work Research on the Black Forest Swamp.

In the night when the mutants appeared, the two of them also had the same mutations, except that their mutations were hidden and deeply hidden. Unless they were naked, it would be difficult to see where they mutated.

As a result, they were fortunate enough to avoid repeated targeted arrests, but this good luck soon came to an end, because the churches and hunters who were specifically responsible for catching mutants had begun to conduct full-body examinations of suspects. Too.

As a result, the two of them took advantage of the fact that they had not been exposed, and found a secretly organized mutant mutant escape team, joined them, and took refuge in the north.

The reason why they chose the north instead of the south is not only because they are worried about the safety of the ship, but also because their own scholars are making a fuss. Although they got nothing last time when they went to the north, they got a useful message. This news is worth exploring, so when they decided to leave the Hannossa League, they did not hesitate to choose Northland as a place of refuge.

With their research on the Black Forest Swamp and their own luck, their escape team did not encounter any major casualties when passing through the Black Forest Swamp. Only four people were caught in the swamp because they did not heed their warning. Except for the biological attack and death, everyone else was intact.

After arriving in the Northland, because the two of them had the experience of living in the Northland, they knew the essentials of life that other people did not know, and they knew which places were suitable for them to establish winter settlements, and they were able to find food to help them through the winter. The refuge team elected them as leaders, and established a village of mutants in the north, near the edge of the Vinoway Mountains, and settled barely.

With the ability of mutants in the village, they were able to catch a lot of prey from the mountain, barely able to live in this cold place, and after the life settled down, Randol and Mister began to think about exploring North The legend of the land tribe.

This legend about the Northland tribe was heard from the mouth of a Northland tribe when they last came to Northland. For the Northland tribe, the legend does not have any deep meaning, but for Landauer and Mies For these two Black Forest research scholars, it means something unusual.

This legend, like the legends of ancient tribes in the south, talks about the origin of the tribe, and the difference is that the origin is the origin of the entire Northland tribe, not just one tribe.

According to legend, the common ancestor of the Northland tribe was originally the heir of a powerful tribe in the south. Later, because their tribe was involved in a war that should not have happened, the tribal chief died on the battlefield. Heir and his brother He was chased and killed by other powerful people in the tribe and lost everything.

During the chase, he and his brothers were scattered and seriously injured, not far from death, but he was lucky, he was rescued by a white deer, and the white deer also took him away After the tribe's hunt, he took him to the Northland and taught him the ability to live in the Northland.

After that, this person lived in the Northland, and through his own ability, he gained the respect of the tribes who lived in the Northland in the early days. Later, he was elected as the chief of a certain tribe.

At the end of the legend, he led the tribe he ruled to annex all the tribes in the Northland, and formed a huge tribe, the White Deer Tribe, who had never been in the Northland, and became the king of the Northland. Now all the tribes in the Northland All are descendants of the White Deer tribe.

The reason why Randall and Mister were very interested in this legend was that when they studied the Black Forest in Miria, they found that the establishment and development of the French Empire, and even several subsequent ups and downs were more or less Shao has a close relationship with the legendary white deer in the Black Forest.

And they found from an ancient document from the Royal Library of the French Empire that the emperor who established the first dynasty of the French Empire did not even have a name, and did not come from any tribe around the Black Forest. It came from the Northland, and the emperor always used the white deer as his flag and badge, and it was not changed to a badge of shape until later.

In addition, afterwards, the Frankish Knight King could go to the Northland alone, and then summoned a large number of Northland warriors in a short period of time to help him return to the country. It can be seen that the relationship between the Royal Family of the Frankland and the various tribes in the Northland close.

Therefore, both of them judged that the royal family of Frank may be the descendant of the chief of the White Hart tribe in the legend of Northland, and the secret of the royal family of the Frank must be in the White Hart tribe.

Landauer and Mister chose to build the village in a small valley on the edge of the Vinoway Mountains. This place has enough trees to heat and a large number of animals who come here to avoid extreme cold storms. It is a very suitable settlement. The place.

This place was also told by the people of the Northland tribe they met a few months ago. It is said that sometimes the merchant tribes in the Northland will choose this place if they encounter a northern ice storm.

However, these Northland tribes only used this as a temporary shelter, not for a long time, because in the leeward of another hill not far from here, there is a relic of the White Deer tribe, according to the common designation of the North tribe As a rule, they are not able to establish long-term tribal settlements near the remains of the Bailu tribe.

It is precisely because of the remains of the White Hart tribe that when Randol and Mister discussed settlement with others, they did not choose another place closer to the Black Forest Swamp, but chose this small place away from the Black Forest Swamp. valley.

Now that the refugees have settled down temporarily, Randall and Mister also decided to go to the White Deer Tribe ruins to check the situation.

So, just ten days ago, they collected some food and found an excuse to leave the settlement.

Although the plans of the two of them are very perfect, the more perfect the plan is, the more likely they are to be disrupted by accidents, just as they have planned to spend one day to visit the remains of the White Deer tribe, spend a little time to investigate the remains, and then use a little more Time to return to the settlement.

But as a result, they encountered an unpredictable icefield storm halfway through the storm. In this storm, they could not walk in the snow at all. They could only build igloos in place to avoid the storm according to the method of the Northland tribe.

However, they completely miscalculated the duration of the ice storm. They originally thought that the ice storm that would stop in only one or two days had not stopped after six or seven days, and it seemed impossible even after six or seven days. stop.

Although Randall and Mister prepared a lot of food in advance and thought that they had made enough preparations, but after six or seven days, how much food they prepared was almost exhausted.

They are very clear that if they continue to stay like this, then their survival is almost zero, it is better to take some food back now, try to go back, if they are lucky, they should be able to return to the settlement.

However, just like the perfect plan they had made in advance, their predictions also made mistakes. They got lost in the ice storm and walked on and off for two days intermittently, but still did not reach the settlement.

Although their body mutations make them extremely resistant to cold, this resistance is also limited. Walking for two days in an extreme cold storm has brought their resistance to the limit. They There is no doubt that as long as they fall, what is waiting for them is freezing death.

"Sorry, if not for my persistence..." Mister looked at Randall who was next to her and blocked part of the snow for her, and said apologetically.

"It's none of your business. This is my choice. I also want to unravel the secrets between the Royal Family of the Flanders, the Black Forest, and the Northland. Even without you, I will come here." Randall's voice trembled. Said.

The dialogue between the two has used their great effort, so after they finished speaking, they didn't talk anymore and moved forward silently. They couldn't figure out where they are now and can only go in the direction of the wind Go forward, because it must be the south, and if you can find a suitable shelter there, you can only try your luck. However, in view of the previous experience, they do not expect too much from their luck.

After a further distance, they had to stop, because the most dangerous ice-breaking storm in the northern cold storm appeared. If they did not want to be cut by the ice, they needed to dig a temporary shelter on the ground. , To avoid these sharp broken ice.

This is not the first time they have encountered this kind of ice-breaking storm, so they immediately stopped when they felt something was wrong, took out a simple wooden shovel, and with a little effort left, quickly dug a just to block two. Snow wall of human body.

After the snow wall was dug, they couldn't wait to get in. The two hugged tightly, feeling the only temperature on the other side.

Perhaps they felt that their bodies were deteriorating rapidly, and they might no longer be able to stand up from behind the snow wall after the ice-breaking storm. Mister couldn’t help but face his own couple and asked, “If we can survive, will you marry me? ?"

Randall heard the words, without thinking, he nodded and said: "Will."

Mister didn't say leaned tightly in Randall's arms, waiting for their last moment.

However, just when they had given up all hope, they suddenly felt the ground trembling violently, as if something huge stepped on the ground and approached here.

The two people who were waiting to die behind the snow wall were stunned after they felt the tremor on the ground. Soon they realized what they were, and they shouted unexpectedly: "Tribal hunting!"

A few months ago, they participated in a hunting tribe of northern tribes. On that hunting tribe, they saw how the tribal hunters drove the giant ancient pagoda beasts on the ice field to run back and forth on the vast ice field, consuming these giant beasts. The physical strength, and then use the steam crossbow to create wounds on them, slowly exhausting them.

At the hunting festival, what impressed the two was not the exquisite hunting skills displayed by the people of the northern tribes, but the tremors that occurred when the ancient tower monsters ran, as if the earth would be at the feet of these monsters. The cracks are exactly the same as they now feel.

"How is this possible? How could a tribe hunt in an ice storm?" After the surprise, the two couldn't help but wonder.

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