The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 867: Cross the ice bridge

Leo, they didn’t stay with this huge metal head for too long, nor took anything away, so they left, let this metal head from the town on the lake stay quietly in the ice bridge, maybe sometime in the future It will be found by other people walking on the ice bridge.

On the way afterwards, except that some marked passages were blocked due to the movement of the ice bridge, no difficulties were encountered.

On the seventh day of walking, the universal recorder received the latest data from the detector. After analyzing these data, Leo found that the detector had successfully passed the ice bridge and reached the land on the other end of the ice bridge. The reservation process returns.

After Leo told the news to Sylvia and Tessa Moka, they also had smiles on their faces. Although they hadn’t encountered any danger in the past few days, and their bodies were not tired, they were mentally But I was very tired, and all around me was the same sight. All I had to do was to move forward. Maybe a day or two would be nothing, but after walking for half a month like this, the boring feeling is not affordable for ordinary people.

After confirming that he could get out of this ghost place soon, Sylvia and Tessa Moka's pace also accelerated a lot, just thinking about leaving here as soon as possible.

Just after they had walked for another two days, they encountered the returning detector and walked for another two days. A bright light was shot into the ice bridge channel, refracted back and forth on the ice wall, and penetrated In the eyes of Sylvia and others, a strong cold wind rushed in from the front, blowing everyone's hair.

Although the cold wind brought a bitter cold, for Sylvia and Tessa Moka, the bitter cold was more comfortable than the coldness felt these days.

The two of them could not take Leo's steady walking speed, took a step, and rushed towards the cold wind and the light, and then they heard a laugh of excitement and joy from them.

Leo also quickly reached the end of the ice bridge channel, stood next to Sylvia, looked at the endless ice and snow in front, and felt the biting cold wind from the endless ice field in the north.

"I will never walk a second time again!" Sylvia put away the smile on her face, sorted out some messy clothes on her body, then turned to look at the deep ice bridge passage behind him, like Swear generally.

Tessa Moka on the side didn't speak, just nodded in agreement.

Regarding the swears of the two women, Leo said nothing. His eyes turned to the south, trying to see something on the distant horizon, and asked, "Where are we now?"

"If it is the entrance of the ice bridge, we should be in the area of ​​Wissans," Sylvia thought, and his eyes looked towards Leo's line of sight, saying: "The specific location, I am not very It is clear that the Royal Family of France has always regarded Northland as its own ban, and will definitely not allow others to contact Northland without authorization. So there is not much information about Northland, but it is certain that if you go south, you will definitely be able to When you see the Vinoway Mountains and the Vinoway Mountains, you can definitely see the tribes of the Northerners."

While Sylvia was speaking, Leo adjusted his vision so that his vision could reach the limit of his farsightedness. Although there was a wind and snow barrier, because the ground was flat, he could still see the distance. A little shadow of the Norweg Mountains, according to his calculations, it takes about three days to walk, and it should be able to reach the edge of the northernmost mountain of the Veeruowe Mountains.

Leo told the two of his observations and judgments, and Sylvia and Tessa Moka couldn’t help looking at the south, but they obviously didn’t have the extraordinary vision of Leo, and they only saw the sky. Wind and snow.

"Let's go! There is still a way to go." Leo jumped from the break of the ice bridge while talking.

Sylvia and the two also followed, and fell into the soft snow.

Later, Leo came to an open space, took off the luggage backpack behind him under the snow, took out some scattered parts from it, and quickly assembled it.

Sylvia and Tessa Moka walked behind Leo and watched what Leo was doing. This luggage was prepared by Leo in Dai Lisha and has been kept in his backpack since when crossing the ice bridge. It wasn’t taken out, so Sylvia didn’t know what was inside.

However, soon after Leo assembled those parts, they discovered that Leo assembled a small sled.

"You two lie on it." Leo asked Sylvia after the little sled was assembled.

Sylvia didn't ask so much, just lying on the sled, and Tessa Moka followed.

Although the sleigh is small, it can just lie on two people.

"What about you?" Sylvia asked when he lay down and saw Leo covering them with blankets.

Leo didn't speak, standing in the driving position behind the sled, holding onto the main frame of the sled, and then opened the psionic wings.

The powerful ice storm from the north fell on the psionic wings in an instant, and turned into an invisible thrust, which was transmitted to Leo and also to Leo's sleigh.

The entire small sled flew like a sharp arrow off the string, traversed a shallow groove in the snow, rushed toward the south, and disappeared into the snow.

For ordinary people on the Weilun mainland, the Northland is a mysterious place, second only to the Black Forest, because ordinary people rarely go to the Northland, and only with the permission of the French Emperor, the Northland can be opened to the outside world for a period of time. And most people who go to Northland are just some scholars who study the civilization of Northland. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to go to Northland.

At that time, there were only two ways to go to the Northland. One was to take the ancient mountain path of the Vinoway Mountains and enter the southeast corner of the Northland. The other was to take the Continental Railway directly through the Black Forest Marsh to the northwest corner of the Northwest. In the ice field, either of these two methods needs to be approved by the emperor, so for ordinary people, the capital of the Union of France and Hannosa is the two terminals of the Continental Railway.

However, the current situation of prohibiting entry into the North has become somewhat different as the French Empire declined and split into two countries.

Although access to the Northland from the ancient mountain road in the Vinove Mountains in the northeast will still be restricted by the French Empire, access to the Northland from the Black Forest Swamp in the northwest has been much looser. Originally, the Hannossa Union prohibited outsiders from entering the blackland. Forest swamp, but with the declining influence of the French Empire, the Hannosa Alliance’s orders to the French Empire are also deflated, and they will only intercept and warn on the surface, and there will be no substantive action.

But even so, traveling to the North is still a very dangerous thing for most people.

Because the mainland train stops, you can only walk through it if you want to walk through the Black Forest Swamp.

It is safe to walk along the railway in the early days, because the mainland trains traveled, causing a lot of movement. Even if it will alarm some beasts and monsters in the swamp, those beasts and monsters encountering the running mainland train are just dead. That’s it, so most of the creatures in the Black Forest Swamp are aware that the train tracks around the mainland are very dangerous and will not be easily approached.

However, now that the mainland trains are stopped and the railways are not maintained, the beasts have also lost their awe to the mainland trains. The railroad tracks have once again become a habitat for swamp creatures. The swamp has also spread back onto the railroad tracks. Now I want to go along the railroad tracks. Northland is much more dangerous than it used to be.

Therefore, most people who want to go to the Northland will choose to go to the Northland when the winter swamp creatures begin to reduce their activities, so that they will encounter less danger.

In addition, crossing the Black Forest Marshes is just the first danger that those who travel to the North must overcome. The danger encountered after entering the North is the real main course, and cold is one of the dangers.

The Vinovsky Mountains on the Velen Continent are like the Minsk Mountains on the Minsk mainland, blocking the cold airflow from the north into the south, but the Vinovsky Mountains are taller and wider than the Minsk Mountains. The top is inserted into the clouds, and it has never appeared. No matter how good a climber is, it can't climb to the top of any mountain in the Vinoway Mountains.

It is said that the peaks of the mountains that are not in the clouds are the dwellings of the gods. Anyone who intends to watch the gods will be punished by the gods. Such claims have been circulating in the Weilun mainland. Although the Orthodox Court did not recognize this statement, There is no denial.

It is precisely because of the height of the Vinove Mountain Range that the cold current in the north hardly enters the area south of the mountain range. Only the gap of the Black Forest Swamp will leak some cold air from time to time, and there will also be a cold current scraping south from the sea, But overall, the climate in the south of the mountain range is still much warmer than in the north.

It is also this extreme climate gap that makes most of those who go to the north lose their battle after feeling the cold of the north. Some of them are lucky and can escape from the north. I stayed in the north directly forever.

In addition to the cold, the fierce creatures inhabiting the Northland, the ignorance of the environment, the unpredictable tribal supply points, etc. are all dangerous obstacles for people going to the Northland, and any of these dangerous obstacles can be fatal. Danger.

However, even so, the expedition to the North is still the first choice for people on the Velun continent, including the empire, because there is now a legend on the Velun continent that has not been confirmed. At that time, Wang had hidden a treasure in the Northland, and asked his descendants to take it out when the empire of the French Empire declined, which would allow the empire to revive.

The sudden emergence of such a legend silently makes people wonder the authenticity of this legend, but what is interesting is that whether it is the official of the Weilun mainland countries or the people seem to believe this rumor.

Because the Knight King’s order to block the Northland and restrict others from entering the Northland was too strange. Even the inside of the French Empire did not know the reason for the Knight King to do so, but just guessed what arrangements the Knight King made in the Northland. Later, the emperor of the French Empire only carried out according to the orders left by the cavalier king. As for why it was necessary to execute such orders, he knew nothing, and the relevant literature was not found at all.

So when this legend appeared, both the French Empire and the United Kingdom sent expeditions to the Northland, and then the Hannosa Union and even the Inge Kingdom sent people to the Northland. Organizations and individuals are rushing northward with curiosity.

Except for the reception of the Northland tribes, all of these people who went to the Northland, because of the reception of the Northland tribes, returned to their homeland unharmed after the search mission. Most of the other people who entered the Northland from the Northwest Black Forest Marsh died in the North Only a few people returned to the south.

Originally, those who watched the lively thought that after this large-scale personnel loss, all countries and various civil organizations will lose interest in the Northland, but the governments and civil organizations of the countries that did not expect to send a lot of people into the Northland again did not have any reason. The loss of personnel shakes the heart of the exploration of the Northland, which has also caused some other people to be interested in the Northland. Mister and Randall are such a group of scholars who are attracted by the abnormal actions of governments and civil organizations in various countries.

Randall and Mister are not the first time to go to Northland, in fact their couple has been to Northland two months ago.

It's just that even with the experience left by their predecessors, the two of them still underestimated the cruel climate of the Northland. It was unfortunate that when they first arrived in Northland, they got sick because of the cold temperature there. Fortunately, there was a team of flanges at the time. The people of the kingdom went back and took them by the way and sent them back to the Hannossa Union, otherwise they will both die in the north like other unlucky two months They decided to go to the Northland again, but this time they were not only attracted by the hidden secrets of the Northland, but also to escape.

During the period of their illness, there was a sudden fog on the sea, and many people in cities and villages around the world suddenly became monsters.

Milia, once the capital of the world, has become the capital of monsters. According to the people who escaped from Milia, the night when the fog appeared on the sea, almost all the people who survived the war in the ruins of Milia All turned into various monsters.

In addition to fighting each other in the ruins of Miria, these monsters also spread towards other places around, but compared to the Black Forest in the east and the United Kingdom of France, blocked by the Dibia Mountains in the south, they are located in the northern swamp The Hannossa Alliance in the area is obviously easier to attack, so a large number of monsters have flocked to the North Hannossa Alliance in the recent period.

Fortunately, the Hanosa Alliance still relies on the material support of the United Kingdom and the support of the local swamp church to keep the monsters out of the kingdom, but the search and arrest of monsters within the Hanosa Alliance has also become extremely strict.

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