The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 807: Continue south

With the joining of Sylvia, Geralt and others began to exert their strength. The balance of the battle quickly tilted in one direction. The knights led by Sylvia interspersed in the enemy line, and all the enemies blocking the front were all The corpse was on the spot.

Every time Sylvia's skirmishes can arouse the cheering of the caravan, the morale of the caravan is also increasing.

In this case, the robbers realized that they had lost, so they made an instinctive decision to escape.

It's just that all the horseback riders among them have died in the hands of Sylvia. Others can't escape the four-legged horses chasing after relying on two legs, except for a few people who fled into the woods and avoided Hill In addition to the pursuit of Via and caravan guards, most other people died on the road to escape.

When the last bandit who fought to death was hacked to death by several guards, the battle that lasted about half an hour was over. Everyone did not cheer at first, but stared blankly at the surrounding corpses, and finally did not know Who started it up and shouted, Long live the Knight of Light! Long live the Virgin!

All of a sudden everyone cheered up with all their energy, as if not cheering loudly was not enough to express their excitement at the moment.

It is already a miracle for the caravan people to survive under the siege of so many bandits, and now they not only survive, but also wipe out those bandits, even their own casualties are very low. Only two escorts were killed in the battle, and three ordinary civilians were mistakenly targeted by Liuya. They were killed on the spot, and the others were only injured.

Such a victory is almost unheard of, and it is enough to be called a miracle, and the person who brought such a victory is the woman who is called the Knight of Light. Before all the magical rumors about the Knight of Light, they used to believe it, But now they have fully believed that even cheering is not enough to express their mood at the moment, all kinds of praises they can think of are used on Sylvia, and even this is not enough to express their mood. .

Looking at Sylvia surrounded by countless people, Cassier couldn't help but envy him and said, "It's really enviable."

Angullan didn’t know when he came to Cassir. He heard Cassir’s self-talk and said, “If you can lead seven knights and kill hundreds of bandits, then you can also get This girl cheered that one."

Cassier didn't speak because he knew it was something he couldn't do in his life.

When Sylvia returned to the camp, she accepted all kinds of praise and worship sent by the people in the camp. She knew that the previous battle of life and death had made their nerves extremely tight. Now that the battle is over, they have accumulated in their hearts. All kinds of emotions need to be released and vented, and now cheering for victory is not just a way to vent.

When Sylvia felt about the same, she raised her hand to signal that everyone was quiet, and then said something very honorable to be able to fight with everyone present, and thanked the wandering knights for keeping up with her charge. Then, she ordered everyone to start cleaning the battlefield and take care of things like the wounded.

Although this kind of thing should be ordered by the caravan leader, but now she has become the backbone of the entire caravan, and her command is more useful than the caravan leader.

Soon the camp began to clean up the battlefield in an orderly manner. First, mercenaries and bounty hunters looked at the robbers lying on the ground. If they were dead, they were sent to other people to move away.

Soon a few corpses piled up not far from the camp. In order to avoid the corpses attracting some bad guys, Sylvia also ordered the village to collect the firewood of each family, pile them up next to the corpses, and burn them To avoid future problems.

It wasn't until everything was busy that Sylvia turned back to her tent. At this time Leo was reading a book, not affected by the fierce fighting outside the tent.

"I'm beginning to enjoy this kind of life!" Sylvia put down the helmet in his hand and suddenly said without a tail.

Leo looked up at her and said, "Fight, or cheer?"

"Both." Sylvia responded briefly.

Leo was silent for a while and said, "I feel like we are going back soon."

"Going back soon?" Sylvia frowned.

Leo nodded and said, "I have already felt the rest of the night **** sighing the position of the remaining pages. If nothing goes wrong, that Vigofortz is our goal."

Sylvia didn't say anything but just sighed slightly. She was used to the life here and enjoyed the glory she had gained, so she was quite upset.

Leo Shen said: "If you want, we can stay here for a little longer."

"No more!" Sylvia shook her head and said, "Although the life here is good, but it makes me feel unreal, it is better to go back to our own place."

Seeing Sylvia say this, Leo did not say anything.

The night passed quickly. Although the battle was like last night, the caravan still had to go on the road. The people in the village had found some clues from the dozens of noble guards, knowing that the attack last night was simply They were rushing towards them, and the caravan people saved the names of the people in their village, so they were very grateful to them. When the caravan left, they gave all the trees he had harvested years ago to the caravan.

Although the caravan leader is unwilling to accept these tree ramie, he also knows that he can’t just look at his own wishes. If these tree ramie is sold, he can not only give enough compensation to the two **** families who died Jin was able to send a generous bonus to all caravans, so she hesitated a little and accepted the tree hemp, and very seriously reminded the village head that it’s best to go outside to hide for a while to prevent that The nobleman did something crazy again.

The morale of the caravan that continues to go on the road is very high, and the spirit is also very excited. Still remembering the fight last night, many people are pulling the narrative of the seven wandering knights who followed Sylvia last night. How did Sylvia beheaded the enemy in the late evening, some poets who followed the caravan on the road did not hesitate to compile it into a poem.

On the way down, the caravan hardly reached a place. Those poets would go to a nearby tavern or a crowded square to sing those poems, preaching the bravery and power of the Knight of Light.

The content they sing will naturally be questioned, but the poets will take the questioned people to the caravan to see the harvested robbers.

There are many bounty hunters in the guards employed by the caravans. They are very familiar with the robbers hanging on the bounty, so when cleaning up the battlefield, they easily found out the leaders of the bandits. These The leaders are all ruthless guys who have not been taken away for many years on the bounty. Almost everyone in the Medina area who knows the bounty knows these people, and their bounty is naturally very high.

Originally, the bounty hunter intended to take these heads in exchange for bounty after arriving in the nearest town, but after the poet wrote the poem for the Knight of Light, they felt that these heads should not be used for money, and should be used. To show the glory and prestige of the Knight of Light, so they sealed all these heads with special methods. Once someone did not believe the shocking record of the Knight of Light mentioned in the poem, they would take out their heads, As proof.

So when the caravan marched to Medina, Sylvia’s prestige had spread in Medina. Everyone knew that the Knight of Light of the Duchy of Tausent had arrived in the Nivegarde Empire. .

Many people came here admiringly, hoping to see this legendary knight, but they all emptied. It turned out that after the caravan walked out of the Magdalea Plain and came to the first big city, Fuzam Then, Sylvia and others left the caravan and continued to go south. According to the itinerary, I am afraid they have entered the Silt River.

Although it was disappointing not to be able to see the legendary Knight of Light, in the poetry story, the seven wandering knights who followed the Knight of Light and rushed to the enemy line were still in the caravan, and these seven immediately became the nobles of the city. The guest was finally recruited as a family knight by several large nobles in Medina.

Geralt and others did not clear the caravan’s encounter after they were separated from the caravan, but they knew that Sylvia’s reputation in Medina was very loud now, and he could hear all about Sylvia Legend has it that even a lot of things happening in Taocente were put here in Medina by some good guys.

"I think that in a few moments, these legends will probably promote you as the savior to prevent the fall of frost." After hearing an exaggerated legend about Sylvia in the tavern, Angouran ran back with a smile. At their temporary camp outside the village, they said to Sylvia who accompanied Leo to read a book.

Sylvia smiled and said nothing.

At this time, Cassir, who went out to find a boat, also returned to the camp. They said that there was no suitable boat in the village, but they mentioned that they went down the Silt River and entered the barn of Tarnham. I can see a bridge for people to travel. Although there are a lot of taxes for crossing the bridge, there is no inconvenience caused by taking a boat.

The next day, everyone followed the instructions of the village and walked down the Silt River. About half a day later, they entered the barn of Tarnhan and saw the wooden bridge on the river.

Judging from the style of the wooden bridge, it should be a bridge that your additional empire temporarily built to allow the army to cross the river. However, after the army passed, the bridge was not demolished, but was used by the local nobility to strengthen the bridge. , And then set up cards at both ends of the bridge to collect taxes.

When Geralt and his party crossed the bridge, they encountered a little trouble. This trouble was mainly caused by Geralt, the demon hunter. I don’t know why the local lord seemed to hate the demon hunter very much. It also made the following people right. The demon hunters had no good feelings, so they stopped Geralt and they were not allowed to cross the bridge even if they gave money.

However, this matter was quickly resolved after Cassir's identity was clear. The bridge tax collector knew very well that after all, Cassir's family was a powerful and powerful family in the Nilfgarde Empire. Although the other party may not be able to deal with the tower What harm or bad influence did Baron Enhan do, but it is not a problem to deal with him as a bridge tax collector.

Since crossing the Silt River, Geralt and his team have become more and more able to feel that the attitude of the people here towards the demon hunter has become worse and worse, not only not allowing the demon hunter to enter the village or town, even Reluctant to sell things like food to the demon hunter, some good people are provoking Geralt repeatedly, seeming to intentionally make Geralt trouble.

However, these things have been resolved by Cassirer, even if the local sheriff is brought in, the other party will not be investigated too much because of Cassier's identity.

The next day after crossing the river, they came to a town called Clermont. This town was larger and more lively than the towns they had passed before, although the town was not established next to the Nivegarde Empire However, because of the bridge on the Hilter River, many caravans from south to north will choose to go around here, which will save a lot of money.

Because of the arrival of a large number of caravans, this town has become a mixed place, and at the same time there are more entertainment facilities that are not available in other places, such as the arena.

Compared to cities and towns in other places, Clamont has a slightly better attitude towards demon hunters, at least allowing demon hunters to enter the town and willing to trade commodities with demon hunters.

This is not very far from the final destination, Stiga Castle. It can be reached in about a day or so. Considering that there may be a hard battle after arriving at the castle, Geralt decided to rest in Clermont today to raise Intensive is ready to reorganize and wait for Stiga Castle tomorrow.

No one had any opinion on this, so they found a hotel in Clermont.

In the hotel, Sylvia felt that she might be leaving tomorrow, so Leo was asked to accompany her to walk around the town. Leo did not refuse and agreed to Sylvia's request.

However, they didn't take off their armor, but found a cloak to cover them, followed by a hello with Geralt, they walked out of the hotel and hung out in this prosperous town.

Although Leo and Sylvia’s overall armor looks a bit weird, but among these caravans from south to north, such strangely dressed people are everywhere, so the locals just watched them more. Eyes, there is no more attention to them.

However, some people saw the material and shape of the two armor from the gap between the cloaks, and all judged that these two armor are likely to be two very advanced sets of armor, which made those people can not help but have some thoughts.

So, after the two had been hanging around for a while, they had followed a few tails behind them.

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