The guards in the caravan were not newbies. When they heard the cry, they immediately got up from the ground, picked up the weapons around them, and ran to the vicinity of the barricade. The archer also picked up the bow and arrow, carefully looked out, looking for aims.

The ordinary people and villagers in the convoy also woke up one after another. At first, they did not understand what was going on, but when they saw the nervous look of the caravan guards around them, they immediately understood what was going to happen, and they shrank more and more frightened. Where you can block your body around the barrier.

At this time, Cassir ordered the mercenaries to annihilate all the fire in the camp with mud to prevent the enemies outside from seeing the situation through the firelight. Then he again sent the personnel as Sylvia left to order Arranged in appropriate positions.

After doing all of this, Cassier looked at the tents of Sylvia and Leo again, and Leo did not come out of the tent at the moment, as if the movement outside was isolated by the tent cloth.

Although Cassier did not think that the noble private guards disguised as robbers outside were difficult to deal with, he still thought of Leo's shot, because as long as Leo's shot, then this matter will soon be able to End.

He was also present when summoning monsters from other worlds at the Warlock Manor that day, and he saw how Leo cut those powerful monsters under the sword one by one like mowing the grass.

Although in various legends among the citizens of the Taosent, Sylvia has been regarded as the most powerful knight in the world, because she has defeated and killed dozens of bandits more than once in one person, and also in Bell On the battlefield of Havin, he led the Knights of Light to easily annihilate several times her army, but Cassier knew that the real strongest person was Leo, and his power was the kind that made his opponent desperate. powerful.

However, no matter how powerful Leo is, it seems that Leo has no intention of shooting, so Cassier looks at the woods where Sylvia disappeared before.

Sylvia took all the seven wandering knights from the caravan. It seemed that they were going to use these wandering knights to launch an impact on the enemy, but for the average person, there are only eight teams of knights. Two or three hundred enemies have little effect.

However, Casil, who has also taught Sylvia's mighty power, is clear that Sylvia on the ground is very powerful, but on a horse, Sylvia in a spear raid is more powerful, he has no doubt when outside When those people showed their flaws, Sylvia was able to lead the seven wandering knights and destroy them all.

Soon the people outside were already close to about 400 meters away from the convoy and stopped.

With the light of the torch in the opponent's hand, the team members clearly saw the blurred image of those on the opposite side.

I saw that those people were very similar in dress to ordinary robbers, but attentive Cassier was able to find some different places. When those people stopped, the real soldiers quickly settled down, while others The people still moving around should be the real bandits recruited by the other party.

"A total of 443 people!" At this moment, Regill said suddenly: "There are 443 people across the board, 98 people should be soldiers, and the rest are robbers."

"Not very good to deal with!" Geralt also seemed to be able to see clearly the situation on the opposite side. He turned to look at the more than thirty guards in the camp who had shown a panic, and then looked at the people who were protected by the barricades. Shen Sheng said: "If we didn't come, they might be over."

"They are about to attack!" Regill pointed to the front.

I saw a band of dozens of bandits waved the torches in their hands, rushed out of the team opposite, then made a strange noise, rushed towards the barrier, and reached more than twenty meters in front of the barrier, enough to see each other. At the distance, the horse's head turned around and ran around the edge of the barricade. While making a strange noise, he threw something into the barricade. From the smell, it seemed to be something like fire oil.

Some ordinary people in the barricades have been frightened by the screams of robbers. When the things they threw to the ground, many people couldn’t help but make a frightened cry because the splashed liquid fell on their bodies. These horrified calls made the robbers outside more excited and made strange noises louder.

"Damn! It's all kerosene. They didn't want the goods at all. They wanted to burn us all here!" One of the bounty hunters screamed in panic as soon as he smelled the kerosene.

Others are also aware of this, and they have screamed in horror. Many experienced people immediately said that the spilt ground was covered with mud.

Just when these robbers turned around twice, and all the kerosene in their hands was thrown into the car barrier, they saw that they were about to throw the torches in their hands to ignite the kerosene before.

However, before waiting for the man among them to set an example and recognize the torch, he saw a sharp arrow hit the target's eye from the barricade, plunge deep into the eye, and kill him instantly , Followed by two more arrows, which hit the other two people who were about to throw torches. Although they did not hit the eyes, they also hit the throat and chest. Immediately fell down, rolled over twice on the ground without movement.

These three arrows were shot by Milwa. She not only learned superb archery from her hunter father, but also learned more powerful archery from Shu Jing, which made her even in the world. In the dark, you can also easily hit those fast-moving targets.

After Miwa Three Arrows resolved the three robbers, the camp immediately cheered, and the low morale caused by the robbers was restored. The archers who had not responded before were also like the signals of attack. Shooting the arrow in his hand towards the outside of the barrier.

It's just that their archery is obviously not very good. Although the arrows shot a lot, they only injured two or three people, and the robbers no longer showed their strength at the close of the car barrier, quickly turned the horse's head, back To the large team in the distance.

"Good job!" Geralt turned to look at Mirva, complimenting.

Milwa smiled and said nothing.

At this time, the other party didn't seem to be ready to play this cat-and-mouse game, but the headed person shouted around and then waved his finger at the barrier.

The real bandits next to them rushed out of the crowd immediately, and more than a hundred riders rushed towards the barrier like a tide, followed by the walking robbers behind them, and only more than 90 real noble guard members Without moving, he still stood there and watched the robbers hit the car barrier.

It's just that when these noble guards disguised as robbers waited leisurely for the end of the battle ahead, when they completed this task and returned home, a sound of horseshoes suddenly came from behind them. They turned their heads and looked behind them. Only eight Cavaliers rushed towards them.

The disparity in numbers made the cavalry and knights of these noble guards feel that the eight men who rushed over were like eight fools. The twenty or so cavalrymen closest to the eight men immediately turned their horses and seemed to be ready to fight Eight people solved the other party. The rest of the people thought that eight people were dead, and turned their attention to the robbers who had already attacked the car barrier in front.

However, the subsequent screams surprised the noble guards, and the Niferga German and familiar voices mixed in these screams made them instantly understand who the screamer was, and they quickly turned their heads to check The situation, but found that the eight knights had overwhelmed them unharmed, and their twenty-some companions fell nearby, leaving the horse standing there.

They don't understand what happened just now, nor do they need to understand what happened, because they have already experienced the experience of their companions in the next second.

I saw that the person in the head was wearing a gorgeous armor that I had never seen before, holding a weird cross-shaped lance in his hand. As he waved the lance in his hand, anyone who was swept by him flew up from the horse and fell On the ground, unconscious, this is good. Those sharply pointed by the spear and the blade swept by the cross-wing blade are cut into two sections, just like a farmer cutting weeds.

Everyone was stunned by everything in front of them. When they came back to prepare to fight back, fifty or sixty people had fallen into the pool of blood, most of them were killed by the knight named, Only a few were killed by the seven knights that followed.

At this time, no one thought of fighting against this horrible knight like a demon god. They made a decision to escape, but they just urged the horses, but found that the horses under their crotch did not listen to this time. One by one stood uncontrollably.

And the time they spent to urge the horses to fail was enough for the other party to rush down. They almost died like other companions under the opponent's spear without any resistance, and even the weapons did not have time to pull out.

The entire process took less than three minutes from the moment when the opponent and the ninety-odd noble guards met, and all the noble guards fell to the ground. This amazing record not only shocked those just now The aristocratic guards were so frightened that they could not have any resistance. Even the seven leaked knights who followed this knight were stunned and looked at the dead bodies and pacing around behind them. War horses, even if they saw it with their own eyes, they doubted whether they were dreaming.

These eight people were Sylvia and the seven wandering knights who were hidden in the woods before. When the bandits appeared, they had moved behind the bandits. It was just that it was not the best time to do so. Sylvia did not do it. When it was known that the person headed by the noble guard ordered to launch the main attack, Sylvia took the seven wandering knights to attack the knights of the noble guard. And cavalry.

However, at the time of the assault, although the wandering knights were extremely confident of Sylvia's strength because of the rumors of Sylvia's past record, they still did not think that Sylvia could solve these enemies without damage. , Some of them will even die in battle.

However, they were extremely excited to be able to fight with Sylvia together. Even if they would die in the battle, they would be regarded as supreme glory for them, and even thought that they would go to the heroic palace of the lake fairy after death. , Enjoy endless Yongle, after all, Sylvia also has the name of the incarnation of the fairy in the lake.

But the current results have made them feel like they were in a dream, even if they are also in-person participants, they don’t even remember how they just fought, they just know that every time Sylvia wields the spear in his hand, there will be one Two or more people fell to the ground. When Sylvia was not wielding a spear, there was no standing enemy around him.

"It's not a daze now, our fight is not over!" Sylvia shouted at the seven wandering knights who hadn't recovered from the shock, and then pointed to the fierce fighting with the caravan guards, The robbers who tried to rush into the car barrier said, "There are still enemies we need to solve." Then, she raised her spear and shouted, "The whole team!"

Hearing Sylvia's order, the seven wandering knights moved immediately, concentrated behind Sylvia, formed an assault formation, and led by Sylvia, rushed towards the robbers in front.

At this time, only the noble guards promised them in the minds of the I just thought of rushing into the car barrier, killing all people, all things are bright, as long as these things are completed They will need to be incognito. All the things they have done in the past will be cancelled, and they will be able to enjoy the property they had previously grabbed.

However, they did not know that the noble guards promised to them had all died in the attack of Sylvia, and they did not know that even if they completed the promised things, the master of the noble guards would not help them free. Responsibility, on the contrary, will throw the matter of destroying the village on them, and treat them as scapegoats.

The robbers on horseback did not directly attack the barricade, but ran continuously around the barricade, instead of pulling out some sharp stones that were specifically found from the pocket of the saddle and throwing them into the barricade, interfering with the defense defense on the barricade, Help your partner to kill the car barrier.

Although some robbers did rush to the barricades, they did not play any role. Among the defenders on the barricades were a few extremely powerful guys who quickly resolved these rushing robbers.

Several of the robbers had just thrown stones and were about to dismount and participate in the attack on the car barrier, but found themselves suddenly flying, and then saw a few strange knights passing through their headless bodies , Killed in the past towards other companions.

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