The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 802: Leave Taocent

The method provided by Baron Reinard, the liaison officer of the Nilfgarde Empire, is simple, but it is absolutely effective. It is absolutely impossible for Flynnila Vigor to violate the orders of the Nilfgarde Empire.

A smile appeared on everyone's face for a time, and I felt that it would not take long to solve the Knight of Light.

Earl Britta also stood up as the master, raised his wine glass, and prepared to congratulate them on the upcoming victory of the temporary Knights of Reflective Knights.

The others also stood up holding wine glasses.

At this moment, the bell of the bell tower in the distance rang, and the whole person of Earl Britta burst like a burst of bubbles, and countless flesh splashed behind him, forming a dozen meters of flesh training, The only thing he left was the half-length body on the table still standing there.

Everything that happened in front of me was so sudden, everyone was stunned, and there was no response for a long time, until a woman screamed in horror, all the people realized what was happening, and went crazy and hid to hide. The place looked terrified looking around, hoping to find something, and after hearing the screams, the knights and attendants guarding outside also rushed in and saw the flesh and half of the body froze. , Followed by looking for Earl Britta in the crowd.

When the Knights of the Earl of Britta heard that the dead man was their master, they were all stunned. They didn't know what to do for a while.

After the panic, the nobles seemed to realize what they were saying that they wanted to leave here, regardless of the knights' blockade, dragging their heads one by one, and stepping out of the count's villa one after another, and the knights were only intentionally blocking it. I dare not really stop these nobles, and at this time, some servants went down to look for the sheriff at the command of the steward.

The great aristocrat who was still competing with the Earl of Britta for the leader of the Knights of Reflecting had been so scared that he was still shaking, even sitting on the carriage.

At this time, sitting next to him, a nobleman who had a good relationship with him, Shen Sheng said: "You said it would be..."

"Shut up!" The big noble suddenly turned his head and stared at the noble fiercely, and said, "Shut up, we don't know anything, we just attended a banquet, do you know? We don't have any reflective knightly alliance , Nothing, you know?"

"I know, I know!" The noble nodded again and again.

At the same time, there are not too many people who think the same as this great nobleman, and these people are destined to suffer tonight.

When these nobles fled in panic from the Villa Count Britta, and the Count Britta was in a mess, a towering bell tower stood on the hillside in the city of Buckland, three or four kilometers away from the Count Britta’s house. There, the big bell at the top of the clock tower ended its last sound not long ago, telling the residents of Buckland City the current time, and on the roof of the clock tower, Leo in armor stood on it, watching calmly In the direction of Villa Brita, holding the king in his hand.

Killing Earl Britta is as simple as solving a bug for Leo, but he not only needs the death of Earl Britta, but also needs some of the guys to stop a little after the death of Earl Britta, at least Quit some before he and Sylvia leave.

Count Britta’s act of holding a banquet in his villa just created Leo’s best opportunity, so the moment the bell in the bell tower was struck, Leo used the cover of the bell to use the king’s The gun resolved Count Britta.

In order to achieve the best effect, Leo also specially controlled the range of the burst bullet, only breaking the upper body of the Earl of Britta, and not affecting others.

After that, Leo stood on the tower like this, watching the people in the manor hiding in anxiety, and then seeing them leave the villa of the Earl of Brita like a rat.

Although he was not clear about the effect of the death of Earl Britta, he could be sure that these people would not jump out and cause trouble at least until he and Sylvia left.

After returning to the station, Leo briefly talked about the situation of Count Britta, and Sylvia just nodded.

The next day, what happened to the Earl Britta Villa soon spread out in the city of Buckland. Everyone knows that the whole upper body of the Earl Britta has become some flesh, although there is no clear Evidence, but almost anyone who hears this news thinks it is something that spells can only do, and throughout Buckland, the only person who can practice with such a powerful spell is Flynnila Vigor.

For a time, all kinds of rumors were on the market, and all the rumors, without exception, were indicative of old grudges between Flingila and Count Brittany.

It’s just that the rumor wasn’t broken long before it was broken, because at the time of the death of Count Britta, Flynn Gila Vigo was staying at the Buckland Palace with the Duchess, and there were several court loyal ministers together. To discuss the second round of negotiations with Belhavin to redeem some civilians in Belhavin territory.

After the rumor about Frenjella was stopped, a new rumor was soon released, but this rumor was not as widespread as the previous Frenjella rumors, and even this rumor caused the vast majority People's plan.

In this rumor, the protagonist became Sylvia, the Knight of Light, and a League of Reflective Knights was involved. The Earl of Britta was one of the leaders of the League. They wanted to deal with the light. Knight, seizing various rights from the Knight of Light, and now the alliance is dismantling the allies of the Knight of Light next to the Duchess. For this reason, the Knight of Light started early and killed one of the leaders of the alliance. Earl of Britta.

After the rumors against Sylvia spread, everyone heard it for a moment, then they were angry. What they were angry was not that the rumor was fake, but that the nobles dared to form an alliance to deal with it. The Knight of Light they called the Virgin, the death of Count Britta became a deserved sin for a time.

As the rumors spread, someone had proposed to the Duchess to investigate the organization of the Knights of Reflective Knights, and the Duchess also agreed to the investigation, and said that the investigation was handed over to the Duke Guard.

"Why are you spreading this matter as rumors?" Leo asked after turning around to look at Sylvia who was working on some documents after hearing various rumors from Buckland City.

"It's very simple. Only then can I really stay out of the situation." Sylvia smiled and said: "They absolutely can't think of such a rumor that I will pass it, only think that it is passed on by people inside them. In a short period of time, they have to deal with the Duchess’ investigation as well as the insiders so that they don’t have time to think about other things. Although what you did yesterday was enough to calm them down for a while, there may be some People get hotheaded and do some stupid things, so find them something to do."

Leo frowned and asked, "How do you know the Duchess will investigate the Reflecting Knights Alliance? This thing seems to be good for her too? Let you fight this alliance, then she can be the last Beneficiaries."

"Leo, promise me, you must not be in politics." Sylvia looked at Leo, shook his head helplessly, and said, "I'm about to leave Tausent, how long can I fight with those people , When I leave, do you think those people will disperse? They will continue to maintain this alliance, and at this time who they will be targeting. Don’t look at the duchess like a vase, she can make Tao Cent still maintains self-government in front of the Nilfgarde Empire and controls most of Taucent's rights. Her political mind is not as simple as her appearance. I think she should disintegrate the alliance before I leave. "

In the next two days, the news of whether the Duchess found the members of the Knights of Reflecting and the like had not been reported, but the punishment for Dandrian had already come out. Gila said good things. All in all Dandrian’s death sentence has been cancelled, but he can no longer stay in Taocent, and must be escorted from the Duke's Guard a few days later, permanently expelled from the mirror.

For this result, Geralt had nothing to say and thought it was the best result. He also decided to leave Taocente, but a sudden news made him have to give up and **** Dandrian away, and It was decided to set off immediately to Abin.

This news was overheard by Geralt after receiving a mission. At that time, he received a mission to clear the monsters of the castle. After completing the mission, he wanted to explore the castle somehow. I couldn't find anything useful from it, but ended up in an underground chamber in the old castle, and found some magical devices in the chamber. I also learned from the magical devices that this is actually a secret stronghold of Vigofortz. And also knows another secret stronghold of Vigoforte.

After confirming the location of a secret stronghold in Vigofortez, Geralt, although it is unclear whether Shiri was captured by Vigoforteze, was still reluctant to stay in Taocente and decided He set off on the same day, left Taocent, and went to the stronghold to check it out.

After being notified by Geralt, Leo and Sylvia were also peers. Fortunately, they had already been prepared. Sylvia also said that her dragon hunter armor and weapons were handed over to the Knights and the Knights. Church, he is now wearing another set of Leo's newly created knight armor, and is the only one of the four knights.

In the armor of the four knights, because the king blade kiyalan is the only knight who is mainly assassinated, it needs to be silent and sensitive, so her armor is mainly leather, and the defense can not be compared with other armor.

However, Leo didn’t make it exactly according to the king blade armor, because he used a lot more materials than he used to build the dragon hunter’s armor, so there were many more attempts to transform the armor, after a dozen times of transformation Afterwards, the King Blade Armor was transformed into a set of metal and petrified lizard skin armor. The defensive power is not much weaker than the metal armor, and it is more sensitive.

Although she has changed her armor, she has not completely replaced the weapon of the King Blade Knight. She uses the two short blades of gold and dark silver created by Leo as close-up weapons, while still allowing Leo to build another Dragon hunting spear.

Geralt's squad all came to meet at the Knights of Light, and Flynn Gila also came here, but neither she nor Geralt had a separate conversation, but only a few words with Sylvia.

After that, Sylvia pulled out the best horses of the Knights, one by one, so that everyone could reach their destination as soon as possible.

Because the decision to leave was very sudden, no one was stationed inside the Knights, and the ordinary people of Taosent were even more unclear, which made Sylvia leave quietly while other people were in Taosson. This period of life was very happy. Many people even decided to live in Towson when they were old, so everyone was quite sad when they left.

However, the sadness did not last long, and everyone focused on the road.

The Principality of Taocente is surrounded by mountains. This special terrain also allows the Principality of Taocente to be like spring all seasons, which is why the elves will build a country here, but because of this special terrain, the Principality of Taocente only Can rely on a few roads to connect with the outside.

There is also a waterway where the Yelena River can directly pass through the mountains to reach the outside world of Medina, which is the largest franchise of the Nivelgad But because of the cold wave, the river flows all the year round The Yelena River started to freeze, which made this route impassable. Although the ice layer on the river began to melt and crack as the temperature warmed up, the route still couldn’t be opened because walking on such a river, the broken ice A large hole can be easily cut into the bottom of the ship.

Although he could not leave by boat, Geralt still wanted to use the river channel. He thought that it would be easier to have a clear direction along the river channel than to go through the snow-capped mountains and forests. Walk some.

As a result, a group of people traveled south along the banks of the Yelena River. Although some areas encountered during this process were mountain-shaped rivers with no banks and needed to bypass the road, everything was smooth and unimpeded.

During this journey, Sylvia also established a good relationship with Milwah and Angulan, and taught them some combat skills, and also let Leodo take a few bottles of healing potions to protect them.

On the fifth day after they left Taocente, they finally came out of the mountains around Taocente and came to a fishing town called Verona on the upper reaches of the Yelena River.

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