The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 801: Celebration and conspiracy

Geralt’s actions naturally concealed Flynn Gila, and she seemed to have guessed nothing about it, nor asked much, nor blocked, and her relationship with Geralt was indifferent during the day, as if she hadn’t put this relationship together. Put it in my heart.

However, when everyone began to prepare for leaving, an unexpected event disrupted everyone's plan, and Dandrian was sent to prison by the Duchess.

After hearing the news, everyone, including Leo, felt a little weird, because even Leo, who was the slowest to express his feelings, could feel the Duchess’ true feelings towards Dandrian, if not because of identity and other External factors, maybe the Duchess has proposed to Dandrian, and staged a show where women chase men.

However, such a person who deeply loved Dandrian suddenly ordered Dandrian to be sent to the cell, and there were even rumors that she was still considering the execution of Dandrian. This news was initially known to everyone, and was immediately It felt impossible, this was a rumor, but soon after the definite news arrived, the people began to wonder if the duchess had lost any mental spells, so they sent Sylvia and Flingila to the Buckland Palace to find out. .

After more than two hours, Sylvia and Flingila returned to the Knights of Light station and brought back the answer.

It turned out that all this was pure Dandrian's death, because he had seduced the baroness of the baroness, the baroness of the baroness, when the baroness did not pay attention, and had a relationship with the baroness. The duchess was taken directly from the baroness of Baroness Nic to the prison, and the rumors they had heard before were not completely false. The duchess who was in a rage was indeed thinking about cutting Dandrian’s head.

"This **** fellow! Can't you control your lower body?" Milwa, who was straightforward, waved the bow and arrow in her hand and cursed: "I should have castrated him as long as I knew it." Then she turned and looked back After looking at the men in the room, he finally left his eyes on Geralt and sneered, "Neither men are good things."

He heard that he was innocently affected, Geralt could not help crying, but now he was not in a mood to deal with the mood of the team members, but was very concerned about the safety of his friend Dandrian, so he asked Flynn Gila: "Is there a way to rescue him?"

"Yes, as long as Sylvia speaks, I think the baroness should agree to let go." Flinjela looked at Sylvia aside and said.

Geralt heard this and looked at Sylvia, but Sylvia shook her head and said: "Since the Duchess did not kill Dandrian the first time, it means she will not kill Dandria. Um, those ruthless words are just that she still spoke casually on the head, don't worry, in fact, it is better to let Dandrian in prison now, lest he come out to cause trouble to everyone, we still have to wait before leaving Get him out. By then, even if the Duchess is unwilling to let it go, we can still go to prison and leave Tausent immediately. It may be impossible for the Duchess to chase us."

Hearing Sylvia's words, everyone felt justified, and even Geralt thought it would be good to let Dandrian suffer a little in the prison, so as not to cause trouble.

After learning that Dandrian was not in danger, everyone dispersed again, but Sylvia stopped Leo. After everyone else left, she slowly said, "This is for me?" "

After Leo listened, he was stunned for a while. At first he didn't understand what it meant. He questioned: "What came to you?"

Sylvia told Leo about the fact that Buckland's nobles, big and small, began to make rumors about her in front of the Duchess.

After Leo listened, he asked in a puzzled way: "Why did you come to you but deal with Dandrian?"

"I think those guys may think that Dandrian often tells me good things in front of the Duchess, so the Duchess would allow me to indulge me in expanding the Knights and establishing churches," Sylvia knows these things like court struggles, Explained: "So after seeing that they couldn't knock me down, they decided to solve Dandrian first, so that the Duchess would have one less person to speak for me, and then deal with me." Then, she paused. , And said: "If I guess right, Flynn Gila will probably be taken by them in the past two days, so that there is no one to help us by the Duchess."

When Leo heard the explanation, he couldn't help laughing: "They don't know that the relationship between the Duchess and you is not that way? Even without Dandrian and Flynn Gila, the Duchess will not do anything to you?"

Sylvia shrugged and said, "To know that idiots have narrow eyes, they only want to see what they want to see."

Leo smiled and said, "Do I need to do anything?"

Sylvia was silent for a moment, and said: "Since they have already dealt with us, we will not fight back, nor can we justify it, don't we just have a guy to solve it? Use him to give those guys a warning!"

"Count Britta?" Leo said positively.

Sylvia nodded and sneered: "He is the most active person among the nobles. He heard that he had come up with a plan to deal with Dandrian. The baroness is said to have a good relationship with him, maybe he is still reflective. The convener of the Cavaliers Alliance."

"The Knights of Reflecting?" Leo raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't they know that you have dispersed the functions of the Knights of Light and are you ready to leave Tausent?"

Sylvia sneered: "Of course I know, but they may think I'm just making an illusion! Anyway, they do anything with ulterior motives in their hearts, and every decision may be against them."

"Count Britta, let me solve it!" Leo said flatly: "How do you want him to die?"

"If I really intend to do things like seize power, it is natural to let the Earl of Brittar die as badly as possible, which can serve as a deterrent enough to help me get more rights." Sylvia I thought for a while and said, "But we just want to let those nobles not jump out of trouble for us and stop us from leaving before leaving, so just let Count Britta suddenly die in front of those people and let them know that Britta The Earl’s death was made by us, but he could not grasp any handle, and he could only fear and be suspicious in his heart. At that time, they might be afraid that we would leave quickly, and would not create obstacles for us."

Hearing Sylvia’s words, Leo nodded, saying that he knew what to do, then walked out of the room, left the manor, and disappeared into the woods outside the manor.

Dandrian was put in prison. For ordinary people, it’s just that the duchess has a lover missing. This kind of thing is just a little talk after dinner. However, most people mentioned Dandrian’s emotional accident except gloating. , More is some envy, after all, Dandrian even went to prison, once enjoyed something they had not enjoyed before, and lay in the bed of the Duchess. This alone is enough for all men in Tausent to Envy.

However, for those who planned all of this, Dandrian’s imprisonment was undoubtedly a huge success. This success was enough for them to hold a banquet for this purpose, so more than ten people were very important in Taocent The big nobles came to Count Britta's villa in Buckland to attend the banquet held by Count Britta for this victory, and discussed what to do next.

At the reception in the garden of the villa, a large nobleman came to Count Britta with a glass of wine and said, "My Count, your plan is really effective. It succeeded in less than two days. If it were not for you, We don’t know how to solve that guy!"

"Humph! That guy is a guy who can't control his lower body. When you didn't see him at the banquet, your eyes hadn't left the **** and buttocks of the ladies. If it wasn't for the duchess, he would be afraid. "It's already stolen." Earl Britta took a sip of the wine and said, "We are now helping him create opportunities and present a great beauty. How could he bear it."

Another young nobleman came over and said without regret: "It's a pity that the Baroness was implicated this time. I'm afraid it will not be possible to stay in Tausent in the future."

"How? Are you related to the Baroness Nikki?" Count Britta asked with a smile.

The young aristocracy did not deny it, and said frankly: "She had a very good lover after thinking of it for some time last year."

The big noble next to him smiled and said: "Then you don't have to worry about your lover, we paid a big price to let the Baroness Nikki get out of the horse, and now she may already be going to the new Niftgarde Empire The manor is on the way." After that, he told the other party an address and said, "If you still want to have another relationship with the baroness, it is better to go there as soon as possible. Now the baroness is because of the angry duchess. And panic, you need to rely on your young and strong chest."

When he had finished speaking, he dismissed Count Britta, and the young nobleman who had been ridiculed didn't care. He quickly took out a small book from his pocket and wrote down the address.

At this time, the guests had come almost, Count Britta indicated to the guard knight that all the guards and attendants had left the garden and closed the door.

Earl Britta walked to the strip leader in the middle of the garden and knocked the bell on the table with his hand to remind everyone.

The nobles attending the banquet in the garden successively walked to the table and sat on their seats in accordance with their identities.

It wasn’t until everyone sat down that the Earl of Britta said, "You solved the poet, but it was only a small victory for us, but we are still far away from the final victory. We still need to solve a person. The woman who can really solve the Knight of Light."

"Who needs to be resolved?" someone asked.

"Flynn Gila Vigo, who has become a close friend of the Knight of Light," said Count Britta.

"You're crazy!" Many people present frowned, and one of the nobles, who was as good as the Earl of Britta, said mercilessly: "Miss Vige is not a poet who has nothing She is a close relative of the Duchess, a court adviser, and has a lot of influence on the Nilfgarde Empire. You actually want to deal with her. I really doubt if you are dazed by a momentary victory. "

Earl Britta knew that the great noble was competing with him for the dominance of the current alliance, so he would refute whatever he said, showing his sense of existence, so although he hated the great noble in his heart, he did He didn’t show any hostile expression, but instead seemed to be okay, smiling and said: "I think Earl Bain misunderstood what I meant, of course I wouldn’t want to deal with Miss Vigee, I just hope Miss Vigee Before we solve the trouble of the Knight of Light, we will leave Tausent for a while."

"Leave Taocent?" Someone asked in a puzzled way: "How to make her leave?"

"Of course this requires the help of Baron Leonard." Earl Britta looked at another liaison officer stationed here in the Nilfgarde Empire and said.

For the Nilfgarde Empire, Tao Center is in his back garden, and he will never allow anything in the Principality of Tao Center to threaten his power.

In the past, it was okay for the Principality of Tausent to have the wandering knights. After all, the wandering knights were not good to say, and they were only a little stronger than the ordinary bandits. They were simply not enough to control the Nilfgarde Empire over the surrounding areas The impact but the Knights of Light is different. From the battle of Belenhaven, it can be seen that the Knights of Light are very strong, and they have a firm belief because of the Knights of Light, although they are not willing Admit it, but after seeing the Knights of Light with his own eyes, Baron Leonard thinks that the most powerful Knights of the Nivegarde Empire are inferior to them.

So when he learned that Taosent's aristocracy was dissatisfied with the new noble knight and wanted to deal with her, he took the initiative to contact him and provide the necessary help to solve the knight of light through the hands of these nobles.

After hearing the introduction of Count Brittany, Baron Reinard stood up, saluted everyone, and then briefly explained the attitude of the Nilfgarde Empire to what the Knight of Light did in Taosent After a moment, and said that the behavior of the Knight of Light will bring unstable factors to Tao Center, your additional empire is also unwilling to see what is happening in the Principality of Tao Center, especially when the emperor is preparing for a new round of Northern Expedition In this matter, he said he would assist the Knights of Reflecting against the Knights of Light.

Later, he mentioned the method of transferring Flinjella Vigo. In fact, this method is very simple, that is, directly using the emperor of the Northern Expedition to call the entourage mage, as an excuse, to transfer Flingila Vige to Nivelgaard. The empire stands by.

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