Money matters are easy to handle. The problem is that Leo doesn’t know why he came here.

Originally according to the description of St. Francis, after they entered the dense fog, even if they would see some hallucinations and encounter some strange things, but such things as space traversal will never occur, they should reach the town outside the wizard tower That's right, and that's where the night **** sighs and the power generated by this book is concentrated.

But the situation is completely different now. Whether it is an encounter in the town of Lobe or the road to the mountainside of Lobe Mountain, it shows that as the world changes, the power of the sigh of the night **** on Lobe Mountain has also changed. Whether he came to Javier's world by chance or for another reason, how to leave here, return to the Velon world and other questions need to find answers slowly.

At least now Leo feels that his coming to Javier’s world is not necessarily accidental, because before he entered this world, when walking in that forest, he could feel that the tattoo on his back was unusually dynamic and nightmare. The force also seemed to fluctuate. At that time, he just thought that he sensed the power of the night **** sighing pages, and the resonance was generated, but now it seems that it may not be as simple as he thought.

Leo also talked to Sylvia about the current problem, but Sylvia is obviously more optimistic than him, thinking that if it is not accidental, then sooner or later they can get a clue, don’t need to care too much, what should I do Live as you live.

Seeing that Sylvia regarded it as an exotic trip now, Leo didn't know what to say and could only let it go.

Afterwards, Sylvia asked Leo to teach him the language of the Taosent. Apparently she saw Leo talking to people, but she couldn't understand a sentence, and felt a little uncomfortable.

In this regard, Leo also agrees that Sylvia can master the language here, and saves him the energy of explaining again, and after mastering the language, Sylvia may also be able to discover the details he overlooked.

In this way, the two people who were preparing to start the next day decided to push back a few days to make Sylvia familiar with the language here. At the same time, they can also wait for a team of wandering knights passing by. This team of wandering knights specializes in the past two years. Patrol this border, responsible for killing robbers and monsters here.

Sylvia has a very gifted language, and the language here has some commonalities with French and English, so that she quickly mastered some conversational words. In order to be able to exercise her language skills, these two Leo had given her all the foreign exchanges. Although there were a lot of jokes in the middle, it was very helpful for Sylvia's language learning.

At the same time, Leo also bought some books from the owner of the tavern and a merchant living in the town. Although Leo can speak this language of the old earth age, it is the product of instilling knowledge. There is very little understanding of the language of this language, only that when the Federal language was created, this language was not conducive to communication with alien civilizations and was abandoned.

Although these words were difficult to read at the beginning, Leo had a wealth of language learning and research experience, and soon found the pattern. In the past two days, he had been able to recognize most of the words except for a few rare words. Reading general books is not a problem.

In the past two days, Leo and they also heard a lot about the world from the people in the town. They found that although this world has all kinds of extraordinary powers and strange creatures like the Velon world, these things are all It is something that everyone knows. It is not hidden like the Velon world, and ordinary people have no contact at all.

For example, there are several special non-human creatures in this world, dwarves, elves, tree spirits, etc. This world also has gods, gods and churches. There are also a lot of monsters in this world, such as evil spirits, ogres, demons, Cyclops and so on, and these monsters have no hidden whereabouts, ordinary people also know that these monsters exist in this world.

There are also many people with extraordinary powers in this world, such as a powerful extraordinary person called a warlock. Some of these warlocks will serve as king’s advisers in the world’s national courts, and some will be with Velon. The wizards of the world are hiding like they are, studying the mysteries of the power of this world.

As it happens, there is such a sorceress in the court of the Duchy of Tausent. This sorceress is named Flingila Vige, an extremely powerful master of illusion. Her illusion is almost the same as the real It even produces real destructive power.

After receiving this news, Leo and Sylvia both felt that they should see the sorceress, because the final effect of the illusion created by the sorceress was somewhat similar to the effect of the night **** sigh book page to create illusion, although the two are not It may not be possible to put an equal sign on it, but it may be possible to get some useful clues from this woman warlock.

There is another thing that has caused Leo and Sylvia’s attention. When they asked about the wandering knight, they knew that the wandering knight needed to make an oath before joining Taucent. This oath involved a man named knight. The Five-Virtue Knight Code, which was created and taught to the knight by the lake fairy.

After hearing this, Leo and Sylvia both thought of Ms. Lake in the world of Velon, because the two are too similar. Ms. Lake is also the guardian of the knight, and the fairy in the lake is also, The lady in the lake is the creator of the law of knights, and the fairy in the lake created the five virtues of the knights, how to see that both should exist in the same one, so the fairy in the lake has become the list of clues they made The topmost name.

On the third day of Leo and Sylvia’s temporary residence in the town, a group of knights in gorgeous armor came to the town. Behind this group of knights, a large group of entourages, including the knight’s servants and As a vassal, there are also hopeful merchants who are doing business in Taoscent through the protection of knights, but more of them are ordinary people who need to go to other towns but are worried about dangers on the road.

The Duchy of Tausent is a very strange country. Although this country has a large number of knights, it has no real military power. The law and order of the entire Principality was handed over to a knighthood composed of several wandering knights. These wandering knights were not regular soldiers of the Principality. They were just hirers. The Congress paid quite good remuneration to hire these knights to patrol the border and the main business. The robbers and monsters should be cleared regularly to protect the caravans and the people from passing through Taocente.

The only quasi-armed army in the Principality of Taosent is the Duke Guard of the capital Buckland, but this guard can only be regarded as the private force of the Duchess, not the army of the Principality.

Think about the reason why the Duchy of Tausent has such a weird military system, and it should be related to its sovereign country, the Nilfgarde Empire.

In a book he bought, Leo read some things about the Nivegarde Empire, and knew that this empire was extremely powerful, very similar to the early French Empire of the Velon continent, and what the Principality of Tausent did It is also similar to the Hannosa Alliance in Velun mainland. In the face of the strong French Empire, they have actively disarmed all their armed forces and bowed their heads.

The treatment received after bowing was also very similar. The Principality of Taosent also gained considerable autonomy. The Nivegarde Empire did not send troops and officials to stay like the other vassals. The treatment is similar, which may be the common way for weak countries to face strong countries.

Among these knights, a gorgeous knight in golden armor and a red feather in the helmet walked into the tavern. While taking off the helmet, he showed a face that was about to step into the old age, and was very natural towards the tavern owner. Say hello, then take a glass of wine that the pub owner has prepared and drink it all in one bite, then wipe the stain on the mouth and say, "Old babu, fill up the food and water quickly, we Immediately set off for the next town."

"Master Capello, don't you take a rest here?" the pub owner questioned.

The old knight said seriously: "No! The knight meeting is about to begin. I will go back as soon as possible to participate in the meeting to prepare for it, and I can't delay on the road.

"Are you going to the Cavaliers Conference?" the pub owner questioned.

"Why? Can't I participate? Or do you think I'm too old to attend the Cavaliers Conference?" The old knight widened his eyes immediately after hearing the pub owner's question, shouting: "Don't say I'm not old enough to mention I can’t afford a sword. Even if I’m too old to lift a sword, I can still ride a horse and throw the little guys far behind in the riding competition.”

Knowing that he was wrong, the hotel owner quickly compensated for it, and loudly ordered to prepare what the old knight wanted.

"Are you going to greet me now?" Leo asked Sylvia when he saw the old knight sitting alone in the tavern.

"No." Sylvia shook her head and said, "We don't need to take the initiative to contact these wandering knights now, and contact with them will only make people suspicious. We can follow the team and find opportunities on the road to meet them again. Close relationship."

Leo agreed with Sylvia’s proposal, and then the two prepared some dry food and other items needed on the road. Originally, Sylvia wanted to buy two local knight swords for easy disguise, but their town Although there are blacksmiths, they can only build some farm tools. The blacksmiths who build knight swords can only be found in the larger towns and Buckland.

Soon the team of four knights, six servants and a dozen vassal cavaliers had already replenished the supplies, and they did not greet the caravans and ordinary people who followed them, they jumped on the horses directly and continued On the road.

Seeing that the Cavaliers had already left, the caravans and ordinary people also packed up their luggage and followed.

Compared with the team when entering the town, the team leaving has become a lot bloated. In addition to some local farmers who are going to buy things in the big town, the caravan also bought some brewed wine from the town so that Two carriages for wine barrels were added.

Leo and Sylvia originally wanted to buy two horses, but there were no extra horses for sale in the town, so that they could only discuss with the caravan leader, and they got on the caravan to transport wine.

The whole team did not go fast, and the road was smooth. After walking through a path built by the vineyard owner himself, it was the main road of the Principality. Because this main road and the vineyards around the Principality, so here to transport wine There are also many horse-drawn carriages. The Principality specially repaired this road so that the carriage can pass through more smoothly. The people walking on this road are more like outings.

"Flange? Is there this country?" The driver on the road saw Leo and Sylvia's clothes different from any clothes he saw, and asked the origins of the two curiously like ordinary people. Leo will speak up with Sylvia after discussing it, saying that they are the knights of the Français, and have heard of the reputation of the Taoist Knight Knight Competition, so he came here to participate in the Knight Competition.

"Yes, on the east side, across the Farre Mountains, and further east." Leo said an unverifiable address.

Although this address could not be confirmed, the driver chose to believe that the clothing of Leo and Sylvia was too far away from the clothing of Tausent and the clothing of the northern countries, except for the remote country. In addition to the guest's explanation, no other suitable explanation can be found.

Afterwards, the coachman asked a few more things about the country of Flange. Leo also answered very naturally. Then he didn't ask any more and found an excuse to go to the front and exchange a carriage for driving.

Leo and Sylvia glanced at each other and exchanged views. Undoubtedly, the driver must have an official I don’t know if it is the official Taoscent or other official, otherwise it is just a curious driver It is impossible to ask those questions, and the two of them had expected it for a long time, and did not feel too surprised. The only thing that surprised them was that they encountered it so early.

However, if you think about it carefully, it should be a coincidence that the official represented by the coachman is probably just to monitor these wandering knights. When they saw the appearance of these two foreigners in strange costumes, they only asked about it routinely.

"Maybe you can get a proof of the knight." Leo said to Sylvia in French.

Sylvia shook his head and said: "It should be impossible. From all the signs, the knighthood is regarded as a noble here, even if it is a wandering knight, this special identity proof cannot be easily promulgated by any country. To strangers. If you want to obtain a knighthood, you can only solve it through merit."

Leo asked: "Do you want me to investigate the bandit forces in Tausent, do you want to use them as a springboard?"

"They are just one of them, and it's not enough to just say gangsters, otherwise these wandering knights have already become the official knights of Tao Sent," Sylvia shook his head, then silenced a little, and asked: "You Do you know how to make wine?"

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