The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 744: Blood and wine

Leo Shensheng asked: "Then I encountered the same situation, do I need to test the true and false according to your method?"

Sylvia didn't answer, just looked at him.

Leo shrugged and said nothing more.

The two continued to walk toward the mountainside, but this time they were no longer as far apart as before, and they also looked after each other, always keeping the other in their sight.

Not knowing how long he walked, Leo stopped, looked around, and said, "We should be in thick fog now."

Sylvia also looked around to understand why Leo said so, because all the plants around her had become strange plants that she did not know, and all the plants belonging to the world of Velon had disappeared, in addition to the rain falling from the sky It got a lot hotter, and there was a pungent smell of sulfur in the rain,

"How are we going now?" Sylvia asked.

Leo did not answer immediately, but remained silent for a moment, then pointed in the right direction and said, "Go here!"

After he finished speaking, he walked in the opposite direction of his fingers.

Sylvia saw a froze for a moment, then quickly caught up and said, "You are going in the wrong direction."

Leo shook his head and explained: "Don't believe your sense of direction. Here you have any sense of direction. Any common sense in the normal world that recognizes direction is wrong. The only thing you can rely on is intuition."

Sylvia frowned, seemingly a little difficult to accept this argument, but she didn't say much, and followed Leo in the wrong direction she thought.

After walking for about ten minutes, Sylvia felt that she should remind Leo again that it was not too late to turn back to find the right path.

But at this time, the trees in front of them suddenly began to thin out, and the weeds were gone. After a short distance, you could see that the trees became thinner, and the sulfurous rain also weakened.

After walking for another two minutes or so, a bright light appeared in the gap between the trees in front of them.

From darkness to light, Sylvia, who has not undergone training, took a moment to restore her eyes to normal, but after returning to normal, the scene reflected in her eyes made her take a breath.

It’s not that the scene in front of me is so bad, but the scenery here is so beautiful, she has been to so many places and there is absolutely no place that can compare with here, blue sky, bright flowers, green leaves, The fresh air and the breeze blowing from the top of the snowy mountains in the distance, so that even if the sun is shining, there is no hot feeling.

Then she turned her head to look at the woods behind her, and looked up to the sky to see what kind of rain clouds could be so hot and full of sulfurous rain, but she found that the woods she had walked through disappeared, Behind is just a field full of weird fruits, and there are no rain clouds in the sky, only a few thin white clouds, slowly fluttering.

Sylvia was at a loss about everything in front of her. She could not tell whether it was an illusion or a reality. When she turned to prepare for Leo's help, she found Leo looking surprised and puzzled at the moment. In the pastoral garden, the weird fruit supported by the shelf.

The reason why this kind of fruit is weird is that it is hung on a fragile vine and it needs a bracket to hold it. And each fruit is composed of many small fruits, hanging down a large string, it feels like The fish eggs are the same.

"Do you know this fruit?" Sylvia asked Leo when he saw the look.

"Yes." Leo nodded and said, "This fruit is called grapes."

"Grapes?" Sylvia froze for a moment, and the grape plantations in the Puerto region appeared in his mind. He said: "Grapes are not oval, with a skin on the outside, and all of them are juice fruits?"

"Yes, that's the grapes of the Velon world." Leo knew that there would be such a ball, and explained: "This is a grape of other worlds."

He added another sentence in his heart, saying: "This is the grape of my world."

Leo walked over to a vine full of fruits, then picked two fruits at random, one ate it by himself, and handed it to Sylvia.

"Is this edible?" Sylvia took the pearl-sized fruit and looked at it. Seeing Leo was okay to eat, she also stuffed it into her mouth and chewed twice, but soon vomited the fruit He came out and spit out several sips of water, rinsed his mouth with a small kettle that he carried with him, and shouted at Leo: "It's so unpalatable, sour and astringent, how can you eat it."

Leo smiled and said: "This is a grape for wine making, of course it is sour and astringent. I don't want to eat grapes as sweet, but the wine made from this grape should be very good."

At this time, at the end of this idyllic trail, a human dressed up like a farmer from the old lord era hundreds of years ago ran towards them and spoke to them aloud in a language he had never heard of. It looks like they are questioning them.

Hearing this person's words, Leo seemed to understand the language of this person, responded very quickly, asked a few more questions like he asked, and then took a gold shield from his pocket. Passed it to the man, after the man took it, the original angry look left to change, a smile on his face, every time Leo asked a question in that unknown language, he answered in great detail, and took a few fingers. Directions.

After asking seven or eight questions in this way, Leo signaled that he could leave, and then took Sylvia to the trail on the edge of the countryside and walked in one of the directions.

"What's going on? How do you understand that person's language?" Sylvia, who could bear the curiosity, asked eagerly.

"This language is not the language of the Velen world, it comes from another world." Leo did not know how to explain to Sylvia. The language he spoke and the language spoken by the people here are actually the old earth age of the Earth Federation. The language of a country.

Sylvia looked at Leo with a fool's look, because Leo's answer was completely nonsense, and now this environment and situation, no matter how dull people know that they have come to another world, this world uses The language of is naturally the language of another world.

Sylvia didn't worry about language any more, and instead asked, "Do you know where this is?"

"I think I should know where it is." Leo said with a serious expression.

"Should?" Sylvia heard Leo's unconfident tone and couldn't help looking at Leo with curiosity.

Leo was silent for a while and said, "I just heard about a place from a friend, but I don't know about that place. Just now I asked the farmer what the name is here, and he answered my name that my friend mentioned The name of that place, I just don’t know if the two are the same place."

"What's the name here?" Sylvia asked again.

"Taucent, the land of blood and wine." Leo explained.

While in the town on the lake, Leo met a woman who was also from a different world. That woman was called Javier. He got along well with this woman and learned the alchemy and magic seal of the demon hunter from this woman. , These two knowledges later helped him a lot, especially the Demon Hunter Fayin, so that he gradually sorted out his own offensive and defensive psionic skills. Until now, he still often uses the power of nightmares to imitate. The demon hunter spell seal comes out to complement other psionic skills.

At the time, Javier would mention some places in her hometown when she was chatting, such as Sintra, Willen, Novigri, Skellig, Sinide Island, etc., and Taocent was also her focus. The place mentioned, in her words, this place is almost like a fairyland, all seasons like spring, blooming flowers, lush plants, countless grape wine, and countless knights fighting for glory and many more.

Of course, she also mentioned the history of Tao Sent, and the history of blood slaughter against the elves, so she later said a nickname her world gave Tao Sent, the land of blood and wine.

On the way to the nearby town, Leo briefed Sylvia about the world and things about Taocente.

Sylvia listened very carefully, very carefully, and published articles from time to time, especially interested in the Cavaliers of Tausent.

To know that Sylvia is a native of the Franks, the Frank Knights have occupied the first position in the world for a long time. If it is not the infantry weapon like the steam engine crossbow, it may be that the Frank Knights are still on the world military stage. gem.

When Sylvia pretended to be Baron Maupassant, she was once a knight and had received very formal knight training. The kind of knight feeling is not understandable by people in other countries, so when she heard that Taoist was prevalent in knights At the time, there was an idea in my heart.

"How do you understand things here?" After hearing Leo's narrative, Sylvia couldn't help but ask: "Did you get so much information in the conversation just now?"

"Of course not." Leo shook his head and said, "When I was in the town on the lake, I met a friend from a different world. She came from Tausent."

"She?" Sylvia replied intentionally.

Leo didn’t realize the problem in Sylvia’s tone, and said to herself, "She is Javier. In this case, it is a bird called a swallow. If you meet her, you will Like her, she is very similar to your character."

The two walked for a distance and happened to meet a carriage carrying new wine barrels. Then they took the carriage and came to a nearby town.

The town is not big, and it can only be regarded as a village. A dozen houses are scattered around the center of the fountain in the middle of the town. The houses are very simple, and they are small houses made of wood and mud bricks.

Most of the people living in the town are workers and farmers working in the nearby vineyards. This town and the surrounding vineyards belong to an Earl of Temolia. The earl was extremely obsessed with winemaking, so he sold him in The property of Temoglia moved to Taucente and bought a suitable plot to grow grapes and make great wine.

However, Taocent’s best land was divided up by the local nobility, and the rest was exclusive to the Taocent’s royal family. It was impossible to sell, so that he could only buy a piece of land in a relatively remote place to realize his Winemaking dream.

Because of its remote location, there is no entertainment here. The only thing that can provide entertainment is the only pub in town. There is no hotel. If you want to stay overnight, you can only vacate a utility room in the backyard of the pub.

Neither Leo nor Sylvia are particularly particular people. Even if there is no room, it is enough to be able to pay attention to a house overnight in the wild.

While Sylvia was cleaning up the house, Leo, who knew the language, went to the tavern and chatted with the local grape farmers and winemakers for a while.

Seeing that Leo was obviously different from the local style of clothing, these Taosens regarded Leo as a stranger who came to the Cavaliers Conference but encountered local robbers, so they comforted Leo. On the one hand, he told a lot of Tausent local stories.

After finishing talking from these people, Leo returned to the utility room. Sylvia had already packed it up. Although it wouldn’t be very comfortable to sleep here, at least one could avoid the wind and shelter from the rain. The place.

"Did you ask anything useful?" Sylvia asked eagerly after Leo returned.

Leo said everything he asked about, such as the Cavaliers Conference being held, for example, the annual wine festival is about to be held again, and there is a horseback riding from the royal city of Taocente. It is at least one day if you go, and the road is very dangerous. It is better to be able to walk with the patrol composed of wandering knights and it will be safer.

After hearing the news heard by Leo, Sylvia was very interested in the Cavaliers Conference and the Wandering Knight. After asking some related things, she decided to dress up as a Wandering Knight and join the knight. The conference to make up for the regret that she was not able to participate in the real knight competition in Flanders.

Leo did not object to Sylvia’s enthusiasm and wanted to realize his dream. He also felt that it was a good idea to become a wandering knight, but he now cares more about other things. One of the things is money.

They don’t know how long they will stay here, so life needs money, and now he can only use the Savill’s gold shield, because gold is still a hard currency, even if it is not a national currency, as long as it is gold .

The problem is that he does not have many gold shields on hand. If he wants to pretend to be a wandering knight, then the knight armor and horse must be prepared at least. Even if the armor does not buy ready-made, you need to draw a lot of money, the remaining money is Rarely, I don’t know when it will run out.

So before running out, he had to find other ways to make money, but now he thought of a temporary method, that is, to learn wandering knights to fight against the robbers of Taocentre, and to take on some local noble employment tasks, so that they can wander The knight's disguise is more similar, and he can understand the surrounding environment better.

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