The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 234: be honest and open

   "How is the situation of the wasteland shaman?" Vasqi asked with concern.

   Leo simply responded: "It's not clear that since we separated, we haven't seen him again, but from the leaves of the mother of plants, he should be in good condition."

  Vaskey sighed and said, "This is probably the best choice for him. After all, he has been blaming himself for so many years."

   Leo didn't ask for details, but even if he didn't ask, he could guess this matter about the elderly Rembrandt who had come back alive from the end of everything.

  Vaskey gathered her emotions and said, "I will inform Rembrandt that you have found the feathers. When we are ready, we will go to you."

   "I have no opinion." Leo nodded, then turned the topic back to his own affairs, and said: "I came to Miriam this time mainly to be commissioned to find the plague ring, do you know its whereabouts?"

Vaschi hesitated a little, and said truthfully: "In the hands of the medical school." Then, as if she had thought of something, she showed a sudden enlightened expression, pointing at Leo and said: "No wonder Yong Baili will make medicine The hospital immediately terminated all plans and withdrew from Miriam City. It was because of you!"

  Leo did not deny. After nodding, Shen Sheng asked: "What the **** are you going to do in Melia? The French Empire, the United Kingdom, the Liberation Front, the medical school and you, what are you going to do?"

  I heard Leo asked, Vaskey seemed to understand, and smiled: "I know who commissioned you, Sylvia Belmont, right?"

"Why aren't you guessing Rupert Fitz? Or someone else in the United Kingdom?" Leo also seemed to hear some clues, asked casually and replied to himself: "Unless you Rupert Fitz is cooperative relationship."

  Vasj didn't answer, but silently said, "Your tracing has made our original plan go wrong. If you continue to pursue it, I'm afraid it will do more damage to our plan."

   Leo said with a smile: "Why? Listen to what you mean is you going to leave me here?"

"Of course not." Vaschi shook his head and said, "Not to mention that you still have the feathers that are important to me and Rembrandt, even if you don't, your strength is not something I can intercept, and you It doesn’t do me any good to have a conflict, so persuasion is the most appropriate."

   "Persuasion?" Leo frowned.

"You shouldn't care about the situation in Miria City. You were just commissioned by Sylvia, so you are just an outsider." Vaschi stood up, walked to the desk, picked up the pen, and quickly on the paper Wrote something, then handed it to Leo, saying: "The commission you accept should be to find the ring of plague. The address above is where the medical school staff will stay in Port Leon. The ring of plague is in their hands. , You can get it yourself."

   Leo took the note, looked at the content above, and received it in his pocket. Although he had achieved his goal, he did not intend to get up and left. Instead, he looked at Vaschi and said, "You can never let me leave with a belly full of doubts? If you don't solve my doubts, even if you don't With the commission, my curiosity may also drive me to continue my investigation."

  Vasi thought for a moment, and said seriously: "Since you want to know, I will tell, but I hope only you know, and I don't want you to tell Sylvia Belmont about it."

   "I promise you." Leo nodded.

  Vasi also did not make Leo swear to swear or something. After hearing Leo’s answer, he told Leo what they did.

   Leo Mohe listened silently. Although he was very clear that Vasqi's content must have concealed a lot of things, but only this part that could be said already made him feel extraordinary.

In this world, who can want to get the old nobles of the French Empire, the power of the United Kingdom, the world-renowned university, the great detective known as the son of Miria, plus a battered medical school, Several forces and characters have united together, using the city of Miria to lay a terrifying trap, leading the people and forces to be dealt with into the game one by one.

Dissatisfaction with this emotion is the cause of everything. The old man Rembrandt dissatisfaction with the throne of Louis X is becoming more and more stable. The old nobles of the French Empire are dissatisfied with the power they have been taken by the military aristocracy. Rupert is dissatisfied with the United King. There are a lot of voices contrary to his thoughts in the country. Yongberg is dissatisfied with the city of Miria being held by a group of people who do not love it. The medical school is dissatisfied that he was forcibly placed on the carriage of the Continental Parliament, and its influence in the world is getting lower and lower. .

  All in all, all the dissatisfaction prompted those who could not have cooperated to gather together and devised such a plan to affect the entire Velon continent and even the situation in the Velon world.

After Louis X ascended the throne, with the support of the military, he tried to suppress the old nobles in the country. Many noble families that had been inherited for hundreds of years were deprived of their fiefs and titles for some inexplicable reasons, and handed them to the new military nobles. Carve up, which also makes the old nobles in the empire self-defeating.

   Therefore, when the old man of Rembrandt secretly sent them to deal with Louis X, they hardly spent much talk on the lobbyists, and they were persuaded to become one of the collaborators.

Although the throne of Louis X looks very stable, in fact, there are not many forces that can be completely controlled by him. Except for the direct legion he brought from the territory, most of the remaining forces are divided into two types. One type is the flange. The empire occupies the vast majority of military forces, and the other is the mysterious Black Forest. Or more directly, whether it is military forces or noble forces, it is because of the black forest

Concerns will fully support Louis X's throne, so the Black Forest is the foundation of the throne of Louis X.

Although Louis X can obtain the support of the mysterious existence in the Black Forest by virtue of his blood, there should be restrictions on this support. Otherwise, his war with the United Kingdom will not remain deadlocked on the eastern front of the Puerto Rico region. None of the tactics and weapons were able to repel the United Kingdom defenders, and eventually had to sign a truce for financial reasons.

  The truce agreement was also regarded as a disgrace by Louis X, which also damaged his prestige in the military, and many people began to doubt his ability.

A lot of rumors about the unfavorable Louis X appeared in the imperial folk. Although Louis X issued various bans, the rumors never disappeared. He was very clear that behind the rumors there was dissatisfaction with his forces in the empire, and the army Fang’s attitude also became ambiguous with his armistice agreement,

   So he needed an epic victory to restore the loss of prestige, and at this time a book with the story of the Knight King appeared in front of him. The surprise tactics across the Black Forest gave him hope.

Therefore, a great strategy for the city of Miria was gradually formed and implemented in the military department of the French Empire under the impetus of Louis X, an imperial emperor eager to make contributions and some eager people who were eager to see the decline of Louis X. .

However, Louis X and others who were eager to annex Milia City did not know that when their strategic plan was formulated, the details of the entire plan had been turned into a document that appeared in the United Kingdom’s In the hands of Prime Minister Rupert Fitz, all he has to do is to cooperate with this plan and obtain the kingdom authority he wants from it.

Rupert Fitz, a world-renowned betrayal, became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and did not obtain the power he wanted. When he established the United Kingdom’s Parliament and Government in Miria City, he was not in full control. When he was in Lanxi, he had set up a lot of obstacles for his power, and he regretted the decision in the next few years.

Therefore, Rupert has always had the idea of ​​moving the capital to Lanxi, but he never told anyone about this idea, because he was very clear that even if he said it, it could not be passed in the Parliament, so he needed A sharp blade from the outside helped him to force the opponents in Parliament to take the initiative to move the capital.

   Now this strategic plan from the Empire is the best edge. He can almost complete his clean-up and integration of the United Kingdom Parliament and government without doing anything, so he has naturally become a collaborator.

Yongberg thought that the United Kingdom’s parliamentary system would bring Miriam City back to life, but he was wrong. Even if he lost the imperial exploitation, the so-called parliamentarians in the parliament still looked like a greedy hyena from time to time. Weak Melia City took such a bite, but the people at the bottom of Melia City never cared about their own city, and they only cooperated with those who have rights to **** the blood of this city, but they deeply love Melia City. Yong Berry could only stand aside and watch this happen, which made him very dissatisfied.

When Vaschi found him and said the plan of the old man Rembrandt, Yongberg had almost no consideration and immediately agreed. In his view, Miria City should be in his loyal In hand. Even if there will be a lot of casualties before the final completion, it may even destroy everything in Miriam City now, which is worth to him.

   As for the admission of medical school, it was just an accident, and this accident happened to make up for a defect in Rembrandt's plan for the elderly.

  After listening to Vaschi's narrative, Shen Sheng asked: "You mean to prepare to spread the plague in the French garrison in Melia, not in the people of Melia?"

   "Yes." Vaskey nodded and admitted.

   Leo questioned: "The plague is contagious. How can you ensure that the plague will not be transmitted to other people in the city of Melia?"

"The hundreds of thousands of soldiers sent to the city of Miria are the direct legion of Louis X and the most trusted emperor group. These people have a characteristic. They are all descendants of the Beirut people, and they are also the purest blood in the empire. A group of Beirut people.” Vaschi explained: “Although I don’t know what the medical school guys did, the plague virus they created through the plague ring only works for the Beirut people. It’s not fatal, it will only make those people lose their fighting power, and it will be convenient for Yongberg’s Liberation Front to capture and capture.”

When Leo heard this, he couldn’t help but think of genetic viruses. At that time, the Earth Federation had used aliens similar to specific genes to deal with the aborigines of a planet. Even if Vaschi said that the plague virus had not yet reached At the genetic level, it is already connected to bloodlines and bloodlines. From this point of view, the plague ring that makes this virus can indeed be called an artifact.

   "After the plague of the Imperial Garrison in Miria City, will the Empire not change a group of people?" Leo Shensheng asked.

Vasque said with great confidence: "Of course not, these people infected with the plague will only be abandoned by the empire, and in order to avoid the spread of the plague, the empire will also actively close the passage of the Black Forest. By then Louis X will obtain it from the Black Forest. I am afraid that the authority of the government will be shaken."

Leo nodded slightly as if agreeing, and then asked: "Your plan does not let Sylvia know that I can understand. After all, she is a close friend of the King of the United Kingdom, but what about the blood wizard Lawrence Hillman? Why doesn't he know? Is he one of Rupert's most trusted people?"

  Vaskey did not answer positively, but said in words: "It takes a long time to build trust, but sometimes it takes only a wrong decision to lose trust."

   Leo Wenyan didn't ask turned to ask: "Now the medical school has left, then your plan..."

Vaschi said calmly: "Leaving the medical school will not affect our plan. After all, the virus has already been cultivated. In fact, your arrival is just a good excuse," said, her face was slightly disdainful. Said: "Yong Baili and I have long wanted those people to leave, and even directly experimented with the citizens of Miriam City, which completely violated our plan and had to say that they had been mad by the god-making plan. ."

   Leo asked curiously: "Do you know the details of the God-making plan?"

"I don't know." Vaschi shook his head, but then said again: "But I heard Rembrandt mentioned that the medical school's god-creation plan was not from their own ideas, but from the tower, which is said to be high Before the decline of the tower, there was a plan to create a god, and all the wizard members of the tower were gathered. In the end, I don’t say you should know."

   "How do you know these things? It stands to reason that if the tower is going to carry out the plan of creation, it should be very careful, without leaving any clues and information." Leo slightly questioned.

Vasqi explained in a deep voice, "Don't forget, the only apprentice of the last wizard of the tower, the wild wizard, was a good friend of Rembrandt. Rembrandt also got a lot of things about the tower from him. "

  At the reminder of Vaschi, Leo remembered the apprentice of the Wizard of the Tower who is now at the end of everything, and also thought that the old man of Rembrandt must know many of the secrets of the Tower.

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