The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 233: Relapse into the mist

   "How did you come back?" Vaschi could not wait to ask before Leo had spoken.

"I also want to know how I got back." Leo didn't care who first asked such a thing, and said truthfully: "As soon as I feel conscious, I have returned to Velon. The location is not at 9 Golden Oak Street, but rather than In a forest in the Dia Mountains, all previous memories are lost."

   Hearing Leo’s words, Vasque didn’t raise any questions, but instead accepted the answer and nodded slightly.

   Seeing Vasque's performance, Leo became more affirmed with the speculation in his mind, but he still asked directly: "Where have you been with Rembrandt?"

Vasque nodded and added: "In fact, it wasn't just me and Rembrandt that went to, the wilderness shaman trampled, Rembrandt's son Rembrandt II, the myth of the Royal Academy of Sciences Dr. James Rowling, the black robe of the night watchman, the last tower wizard, and also an apprentice of the wilderness wizard..." At this point, she paused for a while, and a complex expression appeared on her face. The same emotion, then sighed, said: "Everyone who contacts the overnight **** sighs this book has entered the ashes world, but only me, Rembrandt and the wilderness shaman finally stepped out. ."

   Leo was also surprised by this answer. Before today, he really did not expect that so many people in the world of Velon had entered the place where all the waste capital had ended, and some people came back alive.

   It was just that he suddenly thought of another thing mentioned in Vasque's words, and immediately confirmed: "You are in contact with the night God sigh this book?"

"It's a very long story, it's a waste of time to speak." Vaskey didn't seem to want to mention too much about the book related to the night **** sigh, so he said vaguely: "In simple terms, James Rowe When Lin found the night **** sigh, she invited us to study the book together, but there were some accidents in the middle. Night **** sigh the power contained in this book exploded and sent us all to that ashes world."

   Leo asked doubtfully: "Since you have been to that ashes world, you should know the horror there, why do you want to go in again?"

"I don't want to go there again. The people who want to go there are Rembrandt and the Wasteland Shaman. It's just that I can't eat Rembrandt's body, and because of my obstruction, I have no chance to go to No. 9 Golden Oak Street." Said extremely coldly.

  Leo said in a deep voice: "Is Rembrandt planning to go to 9 Golden Oak Street beforehand?"

"No, you're just an accident." Vaschi replied quickly: "Actually, the wilderness shaman's footsteps were the focus of the trip to No.9 Golden Oak Street, and they were prepared for it. It’s been a long time, even to make sure that No. 9 Golden Oak Street is able to reach that ashes world. They all... "Speaking, she paused for a while, and didn't continue, she retorted: "You just joined in halfway through Just accidentally."

Leo addressed the old man of Rembrandt and the wasteland shaman in order to confirm what the bottom line of No. 9 Golden Oak Street did. What he was interested in was not difficult to hear from Vasque's words. The No. 9 Golden Oak Street actually led In the wasteland.

  If Vaschi’s statement is true, then many of the judgments Leo made before are problematic, such as the family member who has been in and out of No. 9 Golden Oak Street many times, and the judgment about the dream world.

   He couldn't help but think that maybe the reason why he, horror and other people who walked with him would enter the world of dreams was because of him, because of the book of night that he was carrying with him.

Some of the original speculations about the dream world were also pushed back. His knowledge of the dream world, the end of everything and the Velon world became blurred again, as if he was caught in a mess. It's just that there is no vice-brain system to help him organize and analyze these clues and information.

   "What did you experience at No. 9 Golden Oak Street?" Although Vaschi was not interested in the Land of Ashes, he was curious about Leo's experience, so he asked.

Although Leo was a bit confused now, he didn't casually persuade Vasque to ask, but told Vasque some of his experiences after he entered 9 Golden Oak Street. Of course, some of them didn't matter to him. Things, such as Shirley, such as those gods, did not mention it, only talking about the town on the lake, the night watchman organization, and the wizarding association of Silvermoon City, etc.

   Hearing Leo’s narration, Vaschi was also surprised and dazed. When she asked, she obviously did not expect Leo’s experience to be so strange, and what made her even more surprised was time. According to Leo, he only stayed in that dream world for about a month, and the world of Velon has passed for five or six years. This is the first time she has heard such a thing.

   "Did your time in that ash land be the same as Velon's time?" Leo asked Vasqi after hearing Vaskey's question.

   "Of course it is the same." Vaskey also replied.

   At this time, Leo was more and more confused, feeling that the land of ashes that Vaske said was not the same place as the ruined king city he knew. So he asked Vaskey about the Ashes King City, but Vaskey's answer was a bit weird, because she forgot the specific appearance of the Ashes King City, only remembered that it was very majestic, and was covered by endless ash, as for other Kings buildings The specific image of is forgotten, just like waking up from a dream and remembering the things in the dream.

   "Did you find the feather?" Vaskey was not interested in the composition of the world and the mysteries hidden in the world. She was interested in Leo’s promise to the elderly Rembrandt

That thing.

  Leo’s spirit fell on the ray of light in the storage space and said, “I found it, I don’t know if it’s the same thing as the feather you said.”

   Hearing Leo’s uncertain tone, Vaschi not only did not show disappointment, but his eyes shone slightly, and asked quickly: "What is the feather you found?"

   Leo was silent for a while, and said, "It's not like a feather, but after getting it, it will..."

   "It feels like a feather." Before Leo finished, Vasque immediately took Leo's words, and accurately described Leo's feeling when he got the light group.

  As Vashj's words fell, Leo also determined that the light cluster in his storage space was the feather that Rembrandt wanted.

  Leo said: "If there is no mistake, I have found the feather, but it is not suitable for taking out here..."

   "I know." Vasci interrupted Leo's explanation, and then said with a little excitement: "Rembrandt will be very happy when he knows the news."

   Leo looked at Vasci quite meaningfully and asked tentatively, "Do you know what the feather does?"

   "Don't you know?" Vasque looked at Leo somewhat puzzled and asked rhetorically.

   Leo explained briefly, and said: "The memory of how I got the feathers has been lost. After returning to Velon, the feathers are in my hands, so..."

   "I don't know much about feathers." Vaskey seemed to have no worries. He didn't answer Leo's question, but just responded perfunctoryly.

   Leo was able to feel that Vasj should know what the feathers are. Although he was a little dissatisfied with Vasj’s failure to answer this question, he did not follow up, and instead asked, "Do you want to give the feathers to you now?"

"Don't!" Vaschi stood up from the seat in shock, shook his head quickly, as if the feather was a flood beast, and then felt that his movements seemed too exaggerated. Leo misunderstood, and immediately explained: "The opportunity for feather use Only once, the moment you hand it to Rembrandt, if you hand it to me in advance, it will only make the feathers useless."

  Leo did not believe whether he believed Vaschi's explanation, but looked at Vasqi indifferently, and said, "I think there are some things I should know, what do you think?"

Vasque could feel that dissatisfaction had already appeared in Leo’s heart, and if it continued to cover up like this, it might make things worse, so after thinking a little, she decided to say something she should not tell When Leo listened to the incident, she saw her ask, "Do you know God's Prayers?"

   "I have seen it from the book." Leo frowned and replied: "According to the content of the book, this kind of prayer is more like a god's prank."

   Leo first saw the records of prayers in the old Rembrandt's study, but the content of the book is more about other gods' divine arts, and there is very little about prayers. However, in the dream world, he also obtained a book that introduces the divine magic, and in that book he detailedly introduced the absurd, but intriguing divine magic of prayer.

  In Leo's opinion, politeness is a qualification for praying to the gods for fulfillment of wishes. Almost all of the prayers can be answered by the gods, and they can be truly realized. However, the results achieved are often contrary to the results expected by those who use prayers.

For example, if someone uses prayers to pray to a **** for a wish to be fulfilled, this desire is to obtain endless wealth, then the power of prayer is likely to send this person directly to the treasury of a kingdom, and those The money stayed together, and ultimately either starved to death in the treasury, or was found by the treasury's guard soldiers and sent to the guillotine.

All in all, almost all users of prayers can realize their wishes, but when they realize their wishes, they will be accompanied by endless disasters. Many times they die immediately, which may be the best result. Living is often only pain, so in In many people's eyes, prayer is also equivalent to disaster.

  Vaskey continued to say in a guided way: "General prayer is indeed impossible to have a good result, but if something can offset the side effects of prayer?"

   "Are you talking about feathers?" Leo said in a deep voice.

  Vasiqi nodded and said, "The feather itself is a god's wish, and it is a god's wish without any side effects."

Hearing this, Leo couldn’t help but be surprised, but he felt a little skeptical, because if the feather is the perfect wish, as Vaski said, then this thing is too contrary to the world. Basic laws, such as the law of conservation of energy.

  He was thinking that if he took out his feathers at this time and prayed that he would evolve into an omega-class advanced creature, then where did the energy that supported him to become an omega-class advanced creature come from, would it be extracted from this world? What kind of damage will this world cause to this world?

Thinking of this, Leo couldn’t help thinking that when he first discovered that the light group was in the storage space and was going to take a closer look, there was a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart. Perhaps the uneasiness at that time was related to this perfect prayer. A defensive reaction of Gaia's will in the Velon world, because when this perfect wish is displayed, it may cause unpredictable results in this world.

While Leo was thinking, Vaschi was looking at Leo’s expression. Although Leo wasn’t a man who forgot his benefits from the experience of getting along with him, the perfect prayer was too tempting. Few people are not distracted, so she wants to see if Leo will be greedy.


In case Leo really understands greed and is not ready to keep the promise, it is okay to hand the feathers to the Rembrandt old man, because the use of feathers requires a special method, if there is no such method, directly take out the feathers to use ~www will only make prayers a deadly disaster.

"It's okay!" With a scrutiny, Vaskey carefully observed every change in Leo's look. It was just that Leo's look changed, there were both doubts and worries, and it was more dignified, but there was nothing. Greedy, this also makes Vasqi relieved.

"This perfect prayer should not be unlimited, there must be a specific method, and even strict restrictions on the wishes, right?" Just when Vaskey was relieved a little, Leo said something. Her heart was raised again, because Leo said everything was right.

   "How do you know?" Vaskey asked in surprise.

"It is conceivable that if there is no limit to this perfect prayer, then the person who obtains the feather directly asks to become a god, and then the world order will be chaotic." Leo explained briefly, but then said tentatively. : "And you should have used feathers before, but you haven't changed much, so you can see that there are limits to the wishes that can be achieved by perfect prayer."

"Alive." After listening to Leo's analysis, Vaschi sighed and said in a deep voice: "When we got the feathers, we only had one wish, that is to be alive." Then, she smiled bitterly and said: " It's just that even the perfect wish, the price to pay for fulfilling a wish is huge."

   Leo did not ask what the price would be, but he guessed that it should be related to the old man of Rembrandt and the wasteland shaman who would tirelessly return to the city of Ashes to find new feathers.

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