The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1467: Sneak into the upper station

"Stop! Check!" On an outer street leading to the gate of the upper fortress, a member of the upper guard who was guarding here saw from a distance in the darkness at the end of the street, a lantern shaking very eye-catchingly, although I couldn't see the other parts of the carriage, but it was still possible to tell that a carriage was approaching, so he stepped forward to block the way in a routine way.

Hearing the command sound, the speed of the carriage gradually slowed down. Amid the crisp sound of horseshoes and the creak of the cowl crushing the ground, the entire body of the carriage was gradually revealed in the light of the torch guarded by the shoe upper.

The moment he saw the entire body of the carriage, the person who ordered the carriage to stop for inspection immediately changed his face, clutching his nose, and quickly letting go to the side of the road, cursing, "Damn it, I said it smelled like a smell." He rushed over, it turned out to be a dung car, bad luck, really **** bad!" He said, looking at the stopped dung car with disgust, waved quickly: "Let's go! Let's go! No need to check! Hurry up and move this **** thing away from my eyes!"

The driver on the dung cart heard the upper guard's words and didn't say much. He raised the rein in his hand and prepared to let the cart continue to move forward.

"Wait!" At this moment, the other leader of the upper with several stab scars on his face yelled out his command. Then he covered his nose and walked forward and looked at the two dung-diggers sitting on the dung truck. I asked, "The cripple, didn't you always come to transport this stuff early in the morning? Why is it so much earlier today?"

One of the seemingly insignificant old men crouched and said cautiously: "Captain Benuco, I mentioned to the gang some time ago that I will change the delivery time to night, and the gang also agreed, so I just…"

"Who is he? Why haven't I seen him?" Before the old man could finish explaining, the shoe upper leader pointed to another dung-digger who was sitting aside and asked.

The old man immediately explained: "He is my nephew, and he will work for me in the future. I will take him to get familiar with the work this time, so as not to be rushed and delay things when I work for me in the future." He took out a crumpled piece of paper, handed it to the leader, and said, "Look at the pass I applied for for him at this time."

"No need!" The boss of the shoe upper looked at the pass with disgust, did not reach out to pick it up, but stepped back several steps, waved his hand, and said: "Let's go! Don't go here when you come out later. All the way, go over Rattail Street, you know?"

"Yes, yes!" The old man quickly responded twice, and then motioned to his nephew to drive. Soon the carriage drove past this checkpoint and drove toward the next checkpoint.

I don’t know if it’s because the previous checkpoints have been checked and there is no need to check more carefully, or because the state of martial law inside and outside the upper fortress in the past few months has made these people in the upper a little mentally exhausted, or because This is an intimidating dung truck. All in all, the subsequent inspections are very random. After only a few inquiries, the dung truck passed.

Soon the dung truck drove from the patrol street outside the upper fortress all the way into the interior of the fort, and then walked along the fortress wall for half a circle, and stopped near a dung pond. The human and animal excrement in the castle would flow into the fortress through ditches. In this cesspool, this area also smelled so bad that no one approached.

After the carriage stopped, the two dung diggers did not rush to dig the dung, but jumped out of the carriage and quickly checked the surroundings. Their movements were very agile, and the old man nicknamed The Cripple could not see at all. The signs of lameness did not look like an old man.

After confirming that there was no one around, the two dung-diggers each stroked a pendant with complex runes on their necks, and then the muscles on their faces began to squirm extremely abnormally, as if there were ten A few bugs were burrowing under their skin, and there was a crackling sound from their bones dislocation, and their bodies gradually enlarged.

Soon the changes in the two of them stopped, and they also changed from two skinny scavengers to Joanne and Petunia.

"Damn it, it hurts. If I can, I really don't want to get in with this method." Qiao An, who returned to his normal form, gritted his teeth and slowly moved the slightly painful joints and muscles of his body.

The magical wonders made by Leo were originally used to change the appearance. Most of the time, you only need to squirm the position of the muscles or expand or contract the muscles in certain parts to completely change the appearance of a person. It is rarely necessary to change the position of the bones, only when fixing a certain appearance, the position of the bones needs to be changed.

However, when things arrived in the hands of Joanne and Petunia, they both figured out some new usages, such as changing their body shapes. It's just that the number of bones and muscles that need to be moved is a lot more when changing the body shape compared to the appearance, and every change will bring some physical pain, which is also the disadvantage of this method.

Faced with Qiao'an’s complaint, Petunia did not respond. Instead, she took out a bottle of Leo’s healing potion and took a sip. As a cooling sensation spread from her stomach to her body, her discomfort quickly eased. disappear.

"Good-hearted Miss Petunia, give me a sip too! Make me more comfortable." Seeing Petunia taking out the potion, Qiao Ann immediately leaned forward and said flatly.

However, in response to Qiao'an's request, Petunia just gave the other party a blank look and put the medicine bottle in her arms.

It's no wonder that Petunia is like this. In fact, when Leo asked them to open a detective office, they gave them ten bottles of potions with different effects to help them solve some difficult problems.

It’s just that the two of them have very good abilities. They have not encountered any trouble that embarrassed them after so many days. In the past few days, Petunia’s potions are all well preserved, but there are a few bottles of Joan’s potions for a short time. He secretly drank the medicines to improve his physical fitness and heal physical injuries, and the reason for drinking these medicines secretly was only because he discovered that these medicines can quickly sober up.

This incident also made Petunia feel unhappy, thinking that Qiao Ann would suffer from this kind of nonsense behavior sooner or later, so now seeing Qiao Ann's face in pain, she was too happy in her heart, so naturally she would not take herself. The medicine gives Qiao An alleviate the pain.

Seeing Petunia's appearance, Qiao An couldn't help but smiled bitterly. He didn't ask for the medicine any more, and instead ordered: "Move out those two people and let them regain their normal sanity."

Petunia wondered: "Do we not need this identity when we leave?"

Qiao An shook his head and said: "No need! Let's leave by another way."

In these days of cooperation, Qiao Ann has always been the plan maker, and Penny is the executor. Although there were some minor issues in the process of cooperation between the two, the overall situation was not bad, and both of them have adapted to their defaults. After hearing Qiao'an’s suggestion, Petunia didn’t ask much, and moved out the two real dung-diggers who were **** under their seats. They sat on the carriage and used psychic energy to stimulate them. Their nerves awakened them from a coma.

Before the two regained consciousness, Joan and Petunia had already hid in the dark, observing their behavior after they were sober, if they noticed something was wrong and called the guards, they would be able to stop them in time.

However, they were obviously more cautious. Although the two dung-diggers were a little at a loss after waking up, why they appeared next to the dung-pit of the upper fortress, but they did not doubt the others, because the two were on the road. They all drank alcohol, so they thought they might have drunk fragments, so after a period of confusion, they returned to the state of dung diggers, took out their tools, and started to work.

Seeing that there was no abnormality between the two, Joan and Petunia did not continue to stay, but according to the plan, they began to move to a group of buildings near the cliff of the fortress.

Although Leo's mental network would be disturbed and unable to feed back useful information when he approached here, it did not mean that he knew nothing about the situation inside the upper station.

Because the entire shantytown is in the low-lying area of ​​the port city of Yangjiao, Western Wangyangjiao, even if the building of the upper resident is a lot higher than the simple houses in the shantytown, and is surrounded by high walls, as long as you stand at the Western Wangyangjiao Looking down on the bell tower near the shanty town in the port, you can easily see the situation of the upper resident.

In the absence of a mental network, Leo can easily get a rough idea of ​​the situation in the upper station based on visual observation and structural analysis of the building, and it has been handed over to Joe before this mission instruction. Ann and Petunia.

In fact, even if he didn’t talk to Staf, Leo intends to let Qiao Ann go to the shoe upper or several other places where his spiritual net cannot penetrate in the past few days. It’s just that he won’t sneak in secretly as it is now. I want Qiao An to break in directly as he is, and it is better to make the noise a little louder, so that all the people and forces lurking under the water can come out.

Although the plan has changed now, Qiao An still clearly remembered the internal building distribution maps of several special locations including the shoe uppers, and also remembered the patrol routes, open guards, secret guards, etc. marked on the distribution map.

Therefore, now he and Petunia's infiltration is very smooth, easily avoiding the checkpoints, and came to the destination of their trip, which is located outside a somewhat eye-catching stone house in the cliff edge building complex.

Although Leo’s spiritual network was severely disturbed when he was close to this area, he could not return any useful scanning information, but he was still able to judge the interference source covering this area by the strength of the interference force. Stone houses.

Moreover, by observing from a distance, Leo also found that the items carried from the mysterious vehicles that entered and exited the upper and the people transported would enter the stone house, so he guessed that there must be a secret experiment in the stone house. Room, even he could speculate that this laboratory was conducting some kind of human body modification experiment.

Because a large part of the items transported in the fully enclosed compartments are biological organs with high energy response, these organs are either just cut from the living body or preserve their activity through a container filled with nutrient solution.

In addition, these carriages also sent some people who should be used as experimental subjects to the stone house. These people were not caught in shanty towns or West Wangyangjiao Port, but sent from other cities, which looked like criminals. Prisoners, and after these people entered the stone house, they never came out again.

It is precisely because the stone house is very important that there are the most people who patrol and defend the shoe upper here. Roughly speaking, there are more than 50 people standing on the bright side, and there are also those hiding in the dark. More than twenty, and one sturdy figure, fully armed, at first glance is the elite of the shoe upper.

If only these upper men guarded here, it would not make Joan and Petunia feel a little trouble. They have at least a dozen ways to keep these people from entering the stone house, but they are observing it. Later, it was soon discovered that not only humans are responsible for guarding the stone house. On the outer wall of the stone house, there are also several Queens Hounds that are larger than adults.

The reason why they are hanging upside down is because these Queens Hounds are indeed hung on the eaves of the top of the stone house with the barbs at the end of their tails, which look like bats.

It is not difficult to see from the unusual tail that these hounds have undergone some transformations. The size and the barbs of the tail are only part of the transformation. Their skin is also transformed like a chameleon and can easily become the same skin color as the surrounding environment. , Perfectly hidden in the surrounding environment.

However, the transformation of these hounds has both gains and losses. Although they have gained huge body shape and powerful power through transformation, at the same time their sensitive sense of smell is obviously lost in the transformation. If they still retain the sense of smell that a hunting dog should have, Then before Joanne and Petunia found them, they should have smelled the scent of them.

"I'll deal with these hounds!" After Penny determined the location and general situation of the hounds, UU reading whispered.

Although these Queens Hounds have been modified and are very different from normal Queens Hounds, Petunia discovered through observation that these Queens Hounds still retain some of the hound habits. As a hunter, she knows how to use them. The habits of these hounds induce hounds to do what they want.

However, after hearing Petunia's proposal, Joan shook his head and said, "Leave it to me!"

"You?" Petunia looked at JoAnn and said, "Can you do it? Don't mess it up!"

Qiao An did not respond to Petunia’s questioning, but saw that he activated his own implant in accordance with Professor Leo’s method, and the whole person entered that peculiar state. At this moment, those upper guards and the hanging on the wall were in his eyes. The Queens Hounds have all turned into some inhuman monsters, and his thinking has fallen into a state of crazy chaos.

However, Leo’s training for him during this time allowed him to stay awake and calm in this chaotic state, and he also used this awakeness to begin to use Leo’s special illusion of heart. Knight magic.

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