After Staf left, Leo and Sylvia glanced at each other and then laughed.

They didn’t expect things to go so smoothly, everything was proceeding according to the script they expected, but after thinking about it, they felt that it was a logical matter. After all, they had prepared in advance and designed several corresponding plans. Taf and Clem never thought that they were calculated before they came.

After laughing, Sylvia asked in a puzzled manner: "What is the thing you mentioned? Why did that Clem behave so gaffe?"

Upon hearing this, Leo explained a little bit what the device was used for.

After listening to Sylvia, she was stunned, and asked: "Listening to what you mean, this thing is the same as Sara's use, which means that I can also use that device to learn the knowledge there?"

"There is still a gap between the two. The device used by Sarah, the king, is more advanced, more advanced, and knowledge is more advanced." Leo explained: "The learning materials for this device are all basic knowledge, and from that Judging from Clem’s performance, the basic learning modules he has on hand should be incomplete, otherwise he would not behave as gaffe after hearing the complete module numbers I said.” As he said, he looked at Hill. Via, said: "Why do you want that learning device?"

Sylvia shook her head, and said with a look of disgust: "If it's a high-end product like Sarah, I would be interested. For this basic product, let's forget it. What are you going to do next?"

Leo leaned back on the sofa lazily and said, "The next step is to wait for the Clem to deliver the learning device to the door. We don't need to do anything at all."

Sylvia wondered again: "The method of using Clem is really wrong?"

"It must be wrong!" Leo said very confidently: "Even if I saw that ancient device, it might not be able to use it, let alone him."

"Are you interested in that device?" Sylvia asked in confusion: "You shouldn't need that thing, right?"

"I really don't need that set of things," Leo nodded, and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter to me whether that Clem sent the thing or not. The things I want to know have already been tested. ."

Afterwards, Leo briefly recounted the information he had tempted. For example, Clem’s learning device was found by him and was not distributed by a secret organization. Judging from Staff’s performance, it’s obvious that The secret organization didn't understand this set of devices, nor did they master the basic knowledge of it. The internal structure of this secret organization was obviously not as tight as they expected, and so on.

After Leo finished the narrative, he asked: "Is there any news from you? Judging from Staf's performance just now, those places should be related to the secret organization behind him, and it looks like something is going on. Kind of experiment."

"My people can't get close there. Several temptations have attracted the attention of the people there, and I have been withdrawn." Sylvia shook her head and said, "What about you? Your spiritual network still can't Did you find out what's going on there?"

Leo also shook his head and said, "No, the interference there is very serious, and my spiritual net will be interfered if it approaches. This interference effect is similar to that of Velen World's interference device, but the effect is much greater. "

"Will it..." Sylvia had a hint of association upon hearing this.

Leo didn't need Sylvia to finish speaking to understand the meaning, and nodded: "It is possible that this secret organization must have some connection with Velen World."

"Why don't we do it ourselves?" Sylvia said happily, "Just go in and see what else is going on there, anyway, the guards there can't hinder us anyway."

Leo didn't adopt Sylvia's proposal, and smiled: "There is no need, we have more suitable candidates."

Sylvia also immediately thought of who Leo's candidate was, and nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Leo directly sent an instruction to Joan and Petunia, who were disguised as detectives, directly through the spirit net.

Joanne and Petunia’s detective office is located on the second floor of an apartment building in the port business district, five blocks from Leo’s apartment.

This apartment building is a very ordinary three-story building. The first floor was transformed by the owner into a facade along the street and rented to a pastry chef. The two rooms on the second floor were rented to two people to open an office. One is Qiao An’s detective agency, and the other is a firm that specializes in customs declaration and tax processing for the Ocean Chamber of Commerce.

Detectives are new things that have spread over the New World. Since the Port of Western Cape Yangjiao is a cargo hub between the two mainlands, they have been exposed to the profession of detectives very early.

It’s just that the detective’s initial reputation in West Point Ocean Point was not very good, because the earliest detectives were mainly responsible for assisting the police station and the army controlled by the port’s powerful to hunt down those members of the anti-power organizations. Although their reputation is a little better now, But it's not much better. Many people still use hounds to refer to people who are engaged in the profession of detectives.

The reason why Leo asked Joanne and Petunia to choose this profession as their hidden identities is mainly because the threshold for being a detective profession is very low. As long as you put up a sign, it depends on whether the detective office can be maintained. Personal abilities, and Joan and Petunia’s abilities are both suitable for this business. This can be seen from the fact that their detective agency is already well-known in this neighborhood.

The other is that with the identity of a detective, they can use investigations as an excuse to appear in various places in the city to facilitate them to perform some actions, such as this order that Leo suddenly passed to them.

When Qiao'an and Petunia received the instructions, they were sorting out the investigation results files of several commissioned items in the office.

Although the detectives are just their disguised identities, they have done a very good job. The cooperation between the two people has gone from being unfamiliar to being proficient. In a short time, they have become two famous detectives. Among them, Petunia has made the most progress. , Or that Petunia, who used to be a hunter, is very suitable to be a detective.

During this time, Petunia not only applied the psionic skills Leo taught him to the detective commission, but also created some of her own psionic skills very innovatively. In this process, she was silent. Breathlessly stepped into the level of the second-level psionicist, this incident also surprised Leo.

As for Qiao Ann, although he is not better than Petunia, with Leo’s assistance, he gradually began to grasp the power of implants in his body instead of being passively affected by the implants. Now he is able to turn on spiritual vision just like Leo. Actively unlock the power of the real eye in the implant.

It's just that he would not activate this power most of the time, because once this power was activated, he would see the real side of the world, and see that magnificent temple surrounded by indescribable monsters. He is surrounded by countless monsters, and his mind will instantly be drawn into the state of the Paladin of False Heart, so unless he uses the power of the Paladin of False Heart, he will never activate this power.

Successfully becoming a Paladin of the False Heart may be the greatest advantage of his ability to control the power of the implant, because his state just meets the special standards of the Paladin of False Heart to recognize the truth, control the truth, and deviate from the truth, so there is no obstacle. He was promoted to a Paladin, but he, the Paladin, didn't get any magical skills from the False Heart, and could only be regarded as an inferior Paladin.

However, this does not mean that his strength is much worse than that of the real Paladin of False Heart, because he did not get the magical skills of the Paladin from False Heart, but he obtained Leo from Leo for him. Specially designed paladin magic skills, with Joan’s current strength, as long as it is not surrounded by high-level clergy of the various churches here, there should be no danger. This is also Leo’s belief that Joan and Petunia are capable of this task. The main reason.

"Which one to choose?" After receiving the instruction from, Qiao An asked about the difficulty of this task without even thinking about the difficulty of this task, so she asked Petunia across the desk.

At this moment, Qiao An’s appearance was transformed into a red-haired young man in his twenties by Leo’s witchcraft, which is very different from his previous appearance. This transformation is not a disguise of illusion, but directly through The power of magical wonders changed the position of his facial muscles, fat and movable bones, and reshaped his appearance from the bottom. So even if he encounters some extraordinary power to break the illusion, his appearance will not change, and he will only have to do it again. Only by using magical wonders can the appearance be changed back.

"The resident of the shoe upper." Petunia, who also changed her appearance and looked ten years older, quickly made a choice.

"It's a good choice." Qiao Ann nodded, then got up and opened the cabinet, took out the weapons stored in it, and equipped them with Petunia.

Afterwards, instead of going through the front entrance, they jumped out from the rear window, avoided the main street patrolled by the police, walked into a small alley, and moved towards the shanty town where the shoe upper was located.

Just like the slums of all cities, the shanty towns of Yangjiao Port are also mixed with snakes and gangs. Most of the people living in shanty towns are refugees from other places to escape the war, and some belong to nobles in certain places. Fugitive slaves and so on. They basically have no status here, and they do all the hardest and most tiring tasks, which can be said to be the lowest level of the Port of Western Cape.

In order to survive in this area, these people at the bottom have to hug each other and take care of each other. So all kinds of gangs appear in this gray area, which is classified outside the city. It is also officially because of these. The gangs and the government’s laissez-faire attitude towards this area have made it an extra-legal place in Cape Western Cape. With the continuous participation of foreign refugees, the area of ​​this gray area has also increased day by day. Almost a third of the port city is the size of the city, and the number of poor people living here is equal to the number of people living in the city.

According to statistics from a major newspaper in West Point Ocean Point, there are hundreds of gangs in shanty towns, large and small, and new gangs are created every day, and old gangs will die out. Few gangs can last for a long time. Standing in this area, but this kind of thing is not absolute. The shoe upper is one of the few gangsters that can survive for a long time.

The shoe upper was originally made up of a group of barefooted men. The barefooted men were another name for the noble serfs. The noble serfs were barefoot all their lives. The better ones would use straw ropes to weave straw shoes, but the real shoes are for them. It is a luxury.

The shoe upper was not called by this name when it was first created. After several battles with other gangs, they were not in a hurry to search for the loot. Instead, they took off the shoes of the corpses on the ground and put them on by themselves, so they had a shoe upper. The first name, and gradually replaced the original name.

The current shoe upper has long had nothing to do with the original barefoot man. There are rumors that the upper senior has already taken refuge in a big power in the city, and has received the secret support of the big power, which makes the shoe upper not only have better Equipment, and even built a luxury resident in a shanty town.

The resident of the shoe upper is located in the southwest corner of the shantytown, close to the sea, and connected to the cliff. The overall construction is like a fortress. It is reasonable to say that the officials of the West Point Yangjiao Port will never allow such fortresses to appear in shantytowns, but The resident of the shoe upper started from the site selection to the final completion and settled in, and no one was sent to stop it from the urban area. This also further confirmed the rumor that the shoe upper was relied on the rich and powerful.

There is also a rumor about shoe uppers. The reason why shoe uppers chose to build a port on the edge of the cliff is because there is a secret path leading directly to the bottom of the cliff. There is a hidden smuggling dock through which the shoe uppers are smuggled. The wharf obtained a lot of financial resources to recruit soldiers and horses in the shanty towns and became one of the largest shanty town gangs. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Recently, people in the shanty towns have begun to stay away from the upper station, because for unknown reasons, the people on the upper have become a little unreasonable. Anyone close to their station, even if they just pass under the outer wall of the fortress, will be caught by them. Caught a severe beating, and the beating was considered light, and some people were even killed directly.

However, even if the people in the shantytowns are hiding in the upper station, many people still find that late at night, some carriages with completely enclosed carriages will enter and leave the upper station, feeling like the upper is doing something shameful.

Although some people in the shantytowns reported this kind of incident to the city, it did not attract the attention of the officials in the city, or that the officials there are basically the umbrellas of the shoe uppers, so the investigation of the shoe uppers did not appear, but it was reported. The victim's body appeared in a smelly ditch in a shantytown.

At the same time, other gangs in shanty towns that tried to spy on the secrets of the shoe gangs were also warned by mysterious forces. Those gangs who did not listen to the warning were either annexed by other gangs or were wiped out by military and police forces dispatched from the city.

For this reason, until now, shoe uppers are still a taboo topic in shanty towns.

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