The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1279: Trouble object

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"Why am I not the person who went to the island? I am also one of the police officers, and I too..." During the assignment, Solander heard that only he was not included in the list of security officers in charge of Emerald Island. Questioned the special personnel of the Ministry of Education who formulated the plan.

"This is an order, you don't need to give you any reason, you just need to execute it." The member of the Education Department who was in charge of assigning the task unceremoniously interrupted the other party's questioning, and then said as if it was an official business. You have had several contacts with the owner of Belmont Manor before, and you are more familiar with those two than we are. You won’t arouse too much disgust from those two wherever you go. Now the safety of those two is related to a series of federal government In the follow-up plan, they will not be able to cause any problems, so not only will you be sent to protect, but we will also send a few people to assist you in your work. This matter is more important than the Baptist Church. There is no room for loss, and it is left to you. It values ​​your ability."

Of course, Solander knew that the so-called reasons mentioned by the other party were all nonsense, but she couldn't refute it, and she knew that even if she refuted, she couldn't change the ending, so she could only turn around and leave and proceed to Belmont Manor as instructed.

After Solander left, a member of the Ministry of Education who had just been transferred from the office approached him and asked curiously: "Head, what is the origin of Solander? You actually assigned this to her. A security task, doesn’t this look like you are?"

"Her surname is Lebek, and she is from Quenan Province." The head of the enlightenment department sent a staff member to look at his overly curious subordinate, and said flatly.

"Oh!" The staff of the Ministry of Education immediately showed a stunned look, and did not continue to ask more, but still couldn't help muttering in my heart, and said: "Are these young masters and ladies too idle? Come to our turf, and compete with us little people."

For those who intend to do something in the federal government, it is more or less necessary to know that there are those people and forces within the federal government that cannot be offended, because some people and forces offend not only the loss of civil servants. Jobs are more likely to lose their lives, and among these people and forces that cannot be offended, the Rebek family in the province of Quinan is definitely one of the top ones.

The Rebek family is not the founding father of the Ottoman Federation. Their family and the Khunan province joined after the founding of the Ottoman Federation. Because of the timing of joining and the strength of the Khunan province itself, the family at that time The Haute Confederation can only become the governor of Quinan Province in name, and its actual controller is the Lebek family. For this reason, the Quinan Province is the only special autonomous province in the Haute Confederation, and it is also The only local government that has a governor's position. This governor's position is always in the hands of the Rebek family. In every respect, the entire province of Quinan is regarded as the private property of the Rebek family.

The ruling power, military power, and civilian power of such a powerful family controller in the province of Quinan are almost the same as the king. After the Haute federal government has eased from the chaos in the early days of the founding of the country, it wants to intervene in Quinan. It is too late for the various rights of the province, and the Leibek family will not reveal the slightest flaw to the other party.

Although the Ottoman Federation has done several things overtly and secretly against the province of Quinan, the final result is still not satisfactory, and they cannot clearly send a large number of troops into the Ottoman Federation, and finally they can only fight with Rebek. The family conducted a series of secret negotiations. As for the content of these negotiations, no one else knows except the parties.

However, after reaching an agreement, the Rebek family and other major forces and families in the province of Quinan will send some family children to serve in the Daout federal government every year, and it has continued to this day. Obviously Solander is the Rebek family. Descendants, although the people in the Ministry of Education did not know why Solander had to leave home thousands of miles, and went to Beluk City, a place completely unconnected with Khunan Province, to be a police detective, but they knew very well if so. Something happened to Solander under them, even if Solander's status in the Rebeck family is not high, they will still be held accountable.

Therefore, the leader of the education department decided to put Soland in a safe place, so that he would not encounter any danger when the opponent walked around, and he could not explain it to them.

Solander was actually very aware of the Ministry of Education's thinking. She was not surprised by this. From the time she went to the capital to use her surname to obtain special information, she had already thought of the problems that would arise after her identity was exposed. Unexpectedly, things came so quickly that she was monitored before even handling a case. This really made her feel a little helpless and annoyed.

It’s just that no matter how helpless and angry, it’s useless, but she is not ready to give up like this. On the face of it, she will follow the instructions to go to Belmont Manor to take care of security work, secretly look for opportunities to investigate the Baptist Church privately, and wait for the investigation. After the results came out, she was thinking of ways to use the things she found to obtain some conditions for herself.

In fact, in the office just now, she almost revealed some useful information she had investigated in the capital. Those information related to the Baptist Church, the missing Monte family, and Rudolf Hans. To be honest, she was also right. She was surprised by what she had investigated. She didn't expect the three to be connected. At this moment, she was also thankful that she had resisted and didn't tell the information. Otherwise, she might have a hard time finding a chance to make a comeback.

According to the information she found, the Monte family had actually known Rudolf Hans before the Monte Manor was built, and the relationship seemed to be good. The head of the Monte family at that time had a certain artistic ability and was dedicated to Rudolf Hans. Si drew a portrait. The portrait has been kept in Rudolf Hans’ private estate. After the estate was searched, things were sent to the reserve of a special federal department. Where is she? I saw the painting face to face.

As for why the two met, this involves the Baptist church, because the two met at a preaching meeting of the Baptist church, and it is detailed from the notes left by Rudolf Hans that they were unable to attend the meeting. The content of the post-conversation is just a pity that the text used to record the content is all covered by some incomprehensible mysterious symbols.

In addition, she also checked the evangelistic meetings where Rudolf Hans met with the patriarch of the Mont family. They were all preached by the same evangelistic bishop. What is even more strange is that this name is not in all the materials. The name of the preacher.

At first, Solander thought it was only because of the incomplete collection of government information, so she used her network to obtain the evangelistic records of the Baptist Church, and found that even the records of the Baptist Church did not include the sermons. Who is the bishop, just left a blank.

As a result, she couldn't help but suspect that there might be some deeper secrets in it, and the investigation might have returned to the Monte family disappearance case she originally chose.

After Solander left the underground office of the city hall, she went directly to Belmont Manor. She planned to meet Leo and Sylvia without any preparation, and indicated her decision to take over the security of the manor.

In her opinion, as long as she is a normal person, she will think that the decision she made is rude and crazy, at least let her leave, but at the worst, she will be thrown out directly. In either case, she wants it, because she Just use this as an excuse to give herself enough time to investigate, and when the city government comes forward to get Leo and Sylvia's consent to take over the security work, she will go back and do things according to her normal work.

However, what she never expected was that after she came to Belmont Manor, she saw Leo and Sylvia who had recovered from a serious illness, explained her intentions, and waited for the two to ring the bell and let the manor security staff throw her out. At the time, I heard an unexpected and most unwilling answer.

Sylvia nodded and said, "Okay! You can be our personal security guard, always follow our couple and protect our safety."

"Huh?" Soland was stunned, not knowing what to say.

Sylvia then picked up the bell on the table, shook it, and when the butler arrived, he ordered: "Give Detective Solander a suitable outfit. I don’t want to board the bell in Beiruk tomorrow. The headline, getting the privileges of wealthy people from other towns, the city police has become a headline like private security."

"Wait, wait! How did you agree? This..." Soland raised his hand to stop the butler, and some quotations repetitively said: "This is unreasonable! How can you agree?"

"Why unreasonable?" Sylvia smiled and said: "Since the city government is willing to spend manpower and material resources to protect the safety of our couple, why should we refuse? What you said is unreasonable, it is nothing more than that we will be treated by the city government. People are under surveillance, no one wants to live under surveillance, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Soland nodded.

Sylvia smiled and said, "But you seem to have overlooked a question, that is, can you really monitor our couple?"

"Uh..." Solander didn't know how to answer for a while.

Although the external rumors about Leo and Sylvia are that they are real noble ladies and gentlemen, and their attention is all focused on their wealth and personal charm, they have ignored that the couple are two people. I came to the Otter Federation from other countries, and then set up a business in a short time, and even began to affect the political direction of the Otter Federation. How could such a magical two people not have all the other abilities, such as self-protection, Or against the enemy and so on.

So when Sylvia said this, Solander didn’t think it was ridiculous, but felt that it might be a fact. As for how Sylvia and Leo did it, they couldn’t It is not clear to be monitored.

Without waiting for Solander to think about how to deal with it, Sylvia continued: "You should change your clothes first and adapt to your identity. After two days, you may have to accompany Leo and me to Emerald Island. "

"In two days? Go to Emerald Island?" Soland suddenly realized something when he heard the words. He looked at the couple in surprise and asked: "Are the two planning to participate in the evangelistic activities of the Baptist church?"

Sylvia nodded and said, "We are a little curious about the Baptist Church. After all, its doctrine is different from the religions I know, so I want to go to the sermon to see what they are saying."

After listening to Sylvia’s explanation, Solander didn’t think too much, because it was exactly what she wanted. She just missed the task of Emerald Island, but she didn’t expect to meet Emerald Island again here. Contacted her mission, and there should be no reason to exclude her from the mission this time.

Thinking of this, Solander no longer resisted becoming a security officer for Leo and Sylvia. Under the leadership of the housekeeper, he went to the changing room of the villa and changed his clothes.

After Solander left, Leo looked at Sylvia a little puzzled and asked: "What do you want her to do as personal security? She will get us in the way."

"Although it's a bit in the way, it won't cause too much trouble," Sylvia smiled and said: "Even if we reject him, the city government will definitely send others over. After all, our important new partner to Europe It goes without saying for the Special Federation that they will not allow us to be in any danger, at least until their equipment is replaced. In that case, instead of letting some unpleasant people dangle in front of us, it is better to let Soland It’s better for someone who has met several times to hold this position.” She said, she paused again, and added: “In addition, she has a smell in her body.”

"Taste?" Leo looked at Sylvia with a puzzled look, then recalled, and said: "Are you talking about her ability? Judging from the energy fluctuations in her body, her ability should not be very strong, and it seems It’s an auxiliary ability. UU Reading"

"No." Sylvia shook her head and said, "It's the smell, the scent of the abyss I smell on her."

Leo didn’t think that it was Sylvia’s illusion, nor did he think that Sylvia was wrong. It’s just that Leo did not see anything stranger in Solander, so the only thing that can explain it is random. With the completion of Sylvia's bloodline promotion, her sensitivity to things in the abyss has far exceeded Leo's spiritual net and other abilities.

"Is she the same as you?" Leo asked again.

"Perhaps!" Sylvia smiled suddenly and said: "Perhaps my guess is right to hold the world up high."

Leo retorted: "This is just an example, maybe this world has been invaded by the abyss before."

Sylvia suddenly responded with a certain degree of certainty: "Impossible! This world has never been invaded by the abyss, I can be sure."

Seeing Sylvia’s affirmative expression, Leo did not question any more, because he guessed that the reason why Sylvia gave such a positive answer may be related to her current ability, and if this kind of thing happened to Sylvia If Ya didn't take the initiative to raise it, he didn't plan to ask for details.

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