The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1278: Actions of the Baptist Church

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"The Federal Ministry of Defense hopes to deploy a force to replace the current guards of the smelter." Sylvia picked up a document that had just been handed over from the city government on the table and looked at it, and said.

"Why?" Leo put down his newspaper and asked.

Sylvia handed the document to Leo and said: “They feel that the security of the smelter is too weak and can only be targeted at ordinary people. Once a dangerous element attacks the smelter with dangerous weapons, the guards of the smelter are It is impossible to resist. If there is a problem in the smelter, it will greatly affect the federal army's replacement plan."

Leo glanced at it casually, smiled and said, "Since they are willing to provide better security personnel for free, we don't have to refuse, so let's hand over the security work outside the smelter to them!"

Sylvia took the documents and quickly wrote down the content of her instructions. While putting the documents in another pile of processed documents, she said: "I think they are probably not just to defend the smelting. They should be more interested in the formula for the safety of the factory."

Leo said disdainfully: "The key to specialty metals is my catalyst. There is nothing they want in the smelter." He said, he handed a newspaper in his hand to Sylvia and pointed to it. The above piece of news said: "The Baptist Church is moving."

Sylvia took a look and saw that the news above said that the Baptist Church was preparing to hold a grand evangelistic meeting on Emerald Island on Lake Beluk and baptized believers who would like to join the Baptist Church. , Wrote under the news that they have agreed to participate in this evangelistic meeting and are willing to be baptized and join the Baptist Church. Many of these celebrities are celebrities in Beiruk, including academic scholars and social activists. There are also some well-known writers who seem to give people a feeling that the Baptist Church is very active and popular in Beluk.

However, in fact, anyone who knows the upper-class society of Beluk well will know that all the people on this list are so-called celebrities, and those who have truly mastered wealth and power have not appeared. Obviously, even though the city of Beluk has agreed to the Baptist church's public preaching, the dignitaries in Beluk still maintain a considerable degree of caution in matters such as religion.

Sylvia said in a puzzled way: "It seems that there is nothing unusual about it, it's just an evangelistic event to promote her beliefs."

Leo explained: "I have found some information about Lake Beluk these days, especially geographical information. This emerald island was named Taev Mountain before the formation of Lake Beluk. This mountain can survive the huge destruction that formed Lake Beluk, but that mountain seems to have destroyed a lot of mountains by the destruction, the whole is much shorter, and it has become the current island in the lake."

"Tayev Mountain?" Sylvia seemed to think of some confirmation, "Is that the recorded Tayev battle?"

"Yeah." Leo nodded.

Leo was collecting information on Lake Beluk at the same time as he was collecting information related to the religious war. It's just that the Haute federal government consciously covered up and concealed that period of history. There are very few relevant information that can be found on the market. In particular, information about the details of the war is rare, and the Taev War Record can be said to be the only war record that is fairly detailed.

The reason why this record is passed down is mainly because several of the founders of the Otter Federation participated in the war. In order to beautify these leaders, the Otter Federation officially edited and modified the war. The founding father of the country was extremely brave in that war, and there were even many dramas related to it.

So even if the information about the Tayev battle is collected, these data are all manually modified data, but Leo and Sylvia can still easily remove the artificially modified content and keep the most authentic one. A small part, and that small part also revealed a message that there is a dangerous item at the foot of Tayev Mountain that can turn the tide of war.

The cause of the Tayev war was simple. A church that participated in the war inadvertently obtained a dangerous item that could turn the tide of the battle. It was prepared to be secretly transported to the front line of the battlefield for use. As a result, it was discovered by secret agents of the enemy church. As a result, the other party immediately sent elite troops to intercept, and this church's move of sending elite troops was noticed by other participating churches. Eventually, the church's army encountered in Tayev Mountain, and a great battle began.

The final result of this war is mentioned in almost all relevant dramas. The founding fathers of the Otter Federation were sensitively aware of the danger of the war going on during the war, so they led their men and horses to quickly evacuate the battlefield. Soon after they evacuated, something happened on the battlefield. There is no description of what these things are. The only thing that can be known is that all the people still on the battlefield died, and then they went to investigate the world, condense the corpses, and search for the spoils. The people at, also had no regrets, and this mystery continued until the foot of the Tayev Mountain to the mountainside was flooded by the last devastation that formed Lake Beluk.

Although there is no record in all the information about what happened at the end of the war, many people guessed that it was the church armed that transported dangerous goods. When they saw that they could not resist, they opened the container for storing dangerous goods and released the dangerous goods. He came out and killed everyone, and from then on, the people who went to Tayev Mountain have also gone to see that the dangerous item has not moved, and it has been exerting its deadly effect on Tayev Mountain.

The rumor that a very powerful dangerous item was hidden under the Tayev Mountain caused some commotion in the early days of the founding of the Ottoman Federation, and both the government and the people sent people to dive to the bottom of the lake under the Emerald Island to look for danger. The existence of the item does not know whether the waters around the Emerald Island are too deep or the area is too large. In short, these treasure hunting teams eventually returned without success.

In addition, the teams that went to the nearby waters to hunt for treasure were not in danger. Over time, there was a guess that the devastation that ended the religious war eventually destroyed the dangerous items at the foot of Tayev Mountain, so now the waters of Emerald Island Can't find anything in it.

This kind of speculation quickly became a consensus, and things like treasure hunting in the waters around Emerald Island gradually decreased and eventually disappeared. By now, except for a few boring people, most people will not sneak into Emerald again. Treasure hunting in the waters around the island.

The choice of Emerald Island by the Baptist Church as the venue for the evangelistic meeting seems to be a reasonable choice. For example, the island is large enough to accommodate many participants, and the cost of renting here is small enough to be borne by the Baptist Church alone. It is very close to the city of Beluk, and it can be reached in less than half an hour by boat, which sounds like a good reason.

It’s just that if you carefully consider, the reasons for choosing Emerald Island are all untenable, because almost all the people attending the evangelistic meeting are people from Beluk. There are many in Beluk and the surrounding suburbs. Large enough and cheap enough venues are left to the choice of the Baptist Church. Compared with the danger and time spent on boarding a boat, it is obviously easier and easier to hold a sermon in the urban area and surrounding suburbs.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the Baptist Church chose Emerald Island as the venue for this evangelistic event. There must be other reasons why Leo didn’t want to be known. The only thing Leo could think of was the one in the waters of Emerald Island. I don't know if there are still dangerous goods.

"Are you planning to participate?" Sylvia asked, seeing Leo's thoughts.

"You just got out of your mind when you recovered from a serious illness, what do you think?" Leo asked with a smile.

Sylvia smiled, did not say anything, picked up the bell on the table and shook it. When the butler walked over, he handed the newspaper over, pointed to the news and gave an order.

After hearing this, the butler left immediately, and returned to the garden not long after, indicating that he had booked the boats needed for that day.

Just when Leo and Sylvia were going to Emerald Island when they were holding a sermon at the Baptist Church, other people had the same idea as them. These people were members of the Ministry of Education transferred from the federal capital. And people from the city police station.

Originally, the Ministry of Education only sent a few people to Beluk City. The purpose of these people here was to monitor Leo and Sylvia to prevent them from discovering the hidden secrets of Monte Manor. The more important thing was to monitor the Baptist Church.

Although the Otter Federation has agreed to the Baptist Church’s public preaching in the country, not everyone agrees with this. In fact, many people are wary of the Baptist Church, even if the Baptist Church is very kind, Friendly, harmless, and many of these people are senior officials of the Ministry of Education.

Because the decision that the Baptist church can publicly preach is a resolution passed by the Congress, even if the people of the Ministry of Education are opposed to it, it is impossible to change the case. Therefore, the Ministry of Education can only monitor it secretly and look for evidence of the bad faith of the Baptist church.

It's just that the Ministry of Education is only a department of the federal government after all. In addition, it is a special department. There are not many members and there are many places that need to be monitored. Therefore, the city of Beluk can only send a few people here. , This is because the city of Beiruk occupies an important position in the Federation.

But this situation changed with that Sylvia destroyed a barren mountain. The Ministry of Education did not know that it was an excuse, but really believed that the accident was related to the Baptist Church. In short, the Ministry of Education once Sex sent more than a dozen people to Beluk City, and also signed a document through Congress, the Federal Government, and the Supreme Court. The content of this document is very simple. It is to let Beluk City cooperate with the Ministry of Education. .

As a result, a joint department composed of members of the Ministry of Education, city police detectives, and a combat squad of the Standing Army of Beluk City appeared in a secret office under the city government of Beluk City.

The main task of this department is to investigate and handle any bizarre cases that appeared in Beluk City. Just a few days after it was established, this department was quite effective. It cracked three murder cases caused by cult activities in a short period of time. A dozen cultists without any extraordinary power were arrested.

But now their focus is on the Baptist Church, and they have gathered all members for a meeting. It is not difficult to see from the atmosphere that they attach great importance to this matter.

"I think we should send more people. After all, we don't know much about the situation there. We also need to bring weapons to protect ourselves when things happen." Solander's voice echoed in the conference room. Many people nodded in agreement.

Because I was in charge of receiving members of the Ministry of Education, and the cooperation with the people of the Ministry of Education is not bad, and the listed police station also intends to get rid of her burden, so after the establishment of this special department, the municipal police station gave a transfer Solander was ranked first on the list, and she was also appointed as the captain of the police team. It can be said that she was promoted two police ranks at once.

However, her captain is a bit misrepresented. Almost all the people transferred from the city police station are unwilling to work under a woman. This is a great insult to them, so these people are directly under the command of the deputy captain Rick. , The female captain is just a polished commander.

However, at this time of fighting for their own interests, even if they look down on the female captain, they will not cause trouble to themselves. They hardly need instructions from the deputy captain. People in the city police department all agree with Solan. De's proposal.

The team sent by the Standing Army on the other side didn't say anything, because unless it was an emergency, they couldn't be sent out to perform the task, so they were just bystanders this time.

Regarding Solander’s request, the people on the Ministry of Education were a bit displeased. Although they knew that Solander’s proposal was not a problem, they did not approve of it, and they did not like the people from the city police station. Rebelled against their decision and made demands without authorization.

"If you go to Emerald Island with weapons, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the Baptist church. In that case, our intentions will be completely exposed, and the plans made by the headquarters will also be affected. Who will bear the responsibility." The middle-aged leader of the team asked blankly.

"Is UU reading putting us in danger just because I am unwilling to take responsibility?" The person from the city police station immediately yelled dissatisfiedly.

The meeting room immediately became noisy. The people from the city police station were disgusted by these high-spirited enlightenment commissioners. In the previous missions, the people from the city police station were not only sent to dangerous places, but also Afterwards, the credit was also robbed by the other party, which made them extremely dissatisfied, and now it is a suitable occasion to vent.

"Actually, the solution to this matter is very simple. Aren’t there many people participating in the evangelistic activity this time?" An old police officer did not appear too excited. After the noise reached the extreme, he said unhurriedly: The government came forward and sent people from the city police station to help the church maintain law and order in the name of ensuring the safety of participants. In that case, weapons can be brought to the island in a fair way. What do you think?"

Hearing the words of the old police officer, the meeting room immediately became quiet. Everyone stopped arguing and looked at each other. Then, as if they had forgotten the previous scene, they continued to discuss the specific method of implementation. This scene made Solander This newcomer has the illusion that the quarrel scene he just saw is just an illusion.

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