"It's very simple. The four major ninja villages and the countries behind you each pay a tribute of 250 million taels to Konoha every year in exchange for Konoha's absolute neutrality."

As he spoke, Duan spread out a scroll in front of the four of them, "If there's no problem, just sign it."

The four figures looked at each other in confusion.

Later, Mei Terumi was the first to pick up the pen, write her name on the scroll, and said in a cold voice:

"I believe that the Sixth Hokage is a man who promises nothing."

Upon seeing this, Onoki, Raikage, and Chiyo no longer hesitated and signed their names on the scroll.

after all.

There is absolutely no need to deliberately trick them.

With the current strength of Dan and the Uchiha clan, if they want to destroy the four major ninja villages and unify the five major countries, it is only a matter of time.

The Four Shadows all knew this.


Jun seems to have no interest in unifying the ninja world, and even the Fire Nation is too lazy to take it back. As for the reason——

Maybe he really doesn't want to spend too much energy and time managing a huge country.

Two hundred and fifty million taels per year.

In exchange, they received a large amount of fertile territory from the Fire Country and the Uchiha clan's promise of neutrality.

It's a good deal.

Thinking that they could go back and report to the daimyo smoothly, the four shadows all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is there anything else?"

After asking a question, the implication was that an order was issued to expel the guests.

After Ohnoki thought for a while, he took the initiative to say:

"I hope that the two villages of Iwagakure and Konoha can maintain economic and cultural exchanges in the future."

In Ohnoki's understanding, the assertion that Konoha will remain neutral does not mean that Konoha will be isolated from the world and will no longer interact with the outside world.

It is very necessary to keep in touch with Konoha, preferably to maintain a relatively friendly relationship.


Sue agreed to Onoki's proposal and said calmly, "Konoha's door is always open and welcomes guests who come with good intentions."

"Then let's say goodbye." After the matter was settled, the four figures left one after another and hurried back home.

However, after a few minutes.

With a creak, a slender and white hand pushed open the conference room door.

Mizukage Terumi Mei is back again.


As soon as she came back, she knelt in front of Dan. Unknown to her, her eyes had turned into the pattern of Sharingan.

Chapter 252, Permanent Neutral Village

In the conference room.

Sue and Terumi Mei, one standing and the other kneeling, looked at each other.

Obito used the Sharingan to control the Fourth Mizukage and wreak havoc in the blood mist. Finally, he was noticed by the Kirigakure ninja and used his Byakugan to remove the genjutsu on the Mizukage.

In contrast, Suan's manipulation of Terumi Mei is very subtle, and he hardly interferes with her daily behavior, so that she rarely makes abnormal or outrageous actions, and naturally does not reveal any flaws.

If he is willing, he can always use Terumi Mei as a puppet to control all future trends and internal situations of Kirigakure Village.

But at this time.


The broken Mangekyou Sharingan suddenly released a pupil force impact and entered Terumi Mei's body.


The next second, the scarlet Sharingan in Terumi Mei's eyes suddenly disappeared, and her original pair of beautiful green eyes returned.

There was a brief moment of sluggishness and confusion on Terumi Mei's face.

When she came back to her senses, she found that she was kneeling in front of Duan. She couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry for a moment. She stood up and yelled at Duan angrily:

"So you've been using your Sharingan to control me this whole time!"

"So." Duan asked in a calm tone, which immediately made Terumi Mei dumbfounded.

I just manipulated you, so what can you do?

Facing the absolute strength gap, Terumi Mei had no temper at all, and her momentum quickly weakened.

"Then...why do you want to dispel my illusion again just to embarrass me and humiliate me in person?"

She gritted her teeth and continued to question Duan.

Suan's answer was beyond Terumi Mei's expectation.

"You are no longer of use to me." He looked down at Terumi Mei indifferently, as if he were looking at a piece of useless garbage.


Terumi Mei couldn't help but be speechless.

She gave him a complicated look, then turned around and left the conference room without looking back.

Half an hour later.

As the news spread from the castle tower, hundreds of thousands of villagers in Konoha learned about the agreement reached between the Sixth Generation and the Four Shadows.

Konoha will remain neutral forever.

This decision that was made suddenly caused everyone to talk about it, and everyone had their own understanding and opinions.

Afterwards, Fugaku summoned the village committee and the Uchiha clan members.

"What does that guy mean?"

Tsunade asked with a frown as soon as she entered the conference room.

She originally thought that after becoming Hokage, he would not only regain the lost land of the Fire Country, but also unify all the major countries and become the master of the ninja world.

This is in line with Duan's arrogant and domineering character.

Unexpectedly, Duan made such a move, completely out of common sense.

Not only her, but the rest of the village committee members were also surprised. Almost no one could guess what the Sixth Generation was thinking.

Fugaku signaled everyone to calm down and explained in a deep voice:

"The Sixth Generation said to me that his plan is to build Konoha Village into a neutral, safe, and open international metropolis, attracting talents and money from all the ninja world to flow here.

In this way, Konoha will become the most prosperous place in the entire ninja world, and our Uchiha clan, as the rulers of Konoha, will also receive huge benefits, and our family will have no worries for generations to come. "

"Then... why not just unify the ninja world, solve all problems at once, and establish a unified country."

Tiehuo hesitated for a moment, then expressed his doubts.

His thoughts are also the thoughts of many clan members. After all, the Uchiha clan has the strength to do this.

To unify the ninja world in the name of Uchiha and then go down in history, with such a great achievement in front of him, who would not be tempted.

Facing Tie Huo's doubts.

Fugaku did not answer immediately, but looked at everyone and asked: "Why do you think it is?"

After a moment of silence.

Itachi stood up from his seat and was the first to speak:

"Unifying the ninja world may seem simple, but in fact it is destined to be a long process, ranging from three to five years to more than ten years.

During this period, the Uchiha clan will have to fight everywhere, and no one can guarantee how many clan members will die.

We have finally ended the war and have a prosperous and happy life. Are you ready to go to the battlefield again? Are you ready to see your relatives, companions and lovers die in front of you? "

Itachi said as his eyes swept over everyone present.

Whether it was his former companion Tianma or his later best friend Shisui, their deaths made Itachi hate all disputes and long for peace from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, he supported his uncle's decision.

After hearing this, everyone fell silent again.

Yes, the idea of ​​unifying the ninja world is certainly beautiful, but in order to complete this great cause, there will always be people who are forced to become sacrifices.

At that time, who will be responsible for this?


Kakashi also stood up and agreed with Itachi's view. Then, he added a new angle:

"Looking back at history, the cause of every ninja war is that the ninja world has experienced a period of peace, and the number of ninjas in each village has gradually become excessive.

In order for most people to have food, they can only wage wars with foreign countries and rob the resources of other countries and Ninja Villages.

I believe that with the abilities of the Sixth Hokage and the Uchiha clan, as long as they have the will, they will be able to unify the ninja world sooner or later, but what about after that?

After the war is over, there will be a new baby boom, which means that the number of ninjas in the ninja world will reach a new peak in more than ten years.

By then, a ninja world with no external enemies but filled with idle ninjas would be like a huge powder keg, destined to explode. "

Kakashi’s point of view is actually very simple:

The resources of the ninja world are limited and not enough to support too many ninjas.

Seeing that everyone was thoughtful, he continued:

"So, let the four major ninja villages remain in opposition rather than unified, and let them spontaneously consume the excess ninjas and population in the ninja world through war every once in a while, and then redistribute resources to achieve temporary peace, and then repeat the process .

I think this is the real reason why Hokage did not choose to unify the ninja world.

When the entire ninja world is in chaos all year round, Konoha, which maintains a permanent neutral attitude, can stay out of the matter and become a pure land, and is the only winner in this game. "

So...is that so?

After listening to Kakashi's lofty remarks, everyone present showed expressions of sudden realization, and at the same time they also looked at Kakashi with increasing admiration.


Fugaku couldn't help but applaud, and looked at Kakashi with eyes full of approval:

"As expected of you Kakashi. It seems that you are qualified to be Hokage. It seems to be true at all."

From Fugaku's point of view, it has always been difficult to guess what Dan is thinking. At least as Duan's brother-in-law, he didn't know enough about his brother-in-law.


He always has a bad taste, that is, he likes to be the Riddler, always letting others rack their brains to guess his thoughts.

"You're flattered. The Sixth Hokage has great foresight. No one else is qualified to lead Konoha except him."

Kakashi is very humble.

Tsunade on the side was lost in thought.

Her grandfather, Senju Hashirama, founded Konoha and reached a one-country-one-village system with the daimyo, which was a template that was followed by the entire ninja world for decades.

But now, Uchiha Dan is obviously planning to open up another path.


Hashirama and Dan have something in common. They both possess invincible power, but neither of them chose to unify the ninja world.

The difference is.

Hashirama balanced the strength of the major ninja villages by dividing the tailed beasts equally, hoping to use this method to achieve long-term peace in the ninja world.

Looking back now, the first Hokage's ideas were somewhat naive because he ignored all the real and complex problems that existed in the real world.

So once he died, no one could suppress the major ninja villages, and the first ninja war broke out.

And the first thing Dan did was to take all the tailed beasts back to Konoha.

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