"Also, as long as you promise to help me restore the country, I can triple Konoha's military spending and never interfere in Konoha's internal affairs, such as the appointment of the Hokage..."

He said a lot in one breath, and the main thing he wanted to express was that he hoped that the Uchiha clan could cooperate with the Damingfu to jointly govern the Fire Country and achieve a win-win situation.

In front of the section, the daimyo kept his posture very low, even humble.

After hearing the conditions he offered, at least Fugaku and others were moved.


Governing a huge country is not an easy task.

The Uchiha clan is good at fighting. Generally speaking, the minds of the clan members are not very bright. It would be good if they could manage a Konoha village well.

If he helps the Daming restore his country, with his influence, he can quickly recruit a large team of civil servants to rebuild the Daming Mansion.

With thousands of years of experience as a ruler and a deeply rooted image of a monarch in the hearts of the people, the Daimyo promised that within a year he could restore peace and stability to the Fire Country and make it prosperous again.

By then, Konoha will be able to receive much more military spending and supplies from the Land of Fire than before.

Moreover, the daimyo also took the initiative to weaken his own power and was willing to succumb to the Hokage.

To a certain extent, he became a puppet of the Uchiha clan and a tool used by Uchiha to control the Fire Country.

Faced with the daimyo's compromise, will Duan... agree?

For a while.

The square was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the Hokage to respond.

Juan's next decision will affect the fate of Konoha and the Country of Fire.

After a moment of thinking, Suan still looked at the daimyo with a calm face and gave the answer:

"The Country of Fire has been destroyed, and the so-called one-country-one-village system naturally no longer exists. From now on, Konoha will be independent of the ninja world as a village, not attached to any country, nor will it interact with other forces. Form alliances.

As for guys like you, they are just parasites that lie on the people and suck blood. It’s time to withdraw from the stage of history. "

When Duan finished his last sentence, his indifferent eyes revealed a trace of murderous intent.


The daimyo's face suddenly turned pale, and a cold air rushed from the soles of his feet to the sky, making his whole body cold.

Under constant death threats, the extreme fear in the daimyo's heart gradually turned into extreme anger.

"Uchiha Dan!"

He was fierce, pointed with trembling fingers, and roared, "Are you really going to cross that line? The most important thing for a person is to find his own position and never overstep it. You are a humble ninja, and I am a noble one. Daimyo, how dare you kill me? Watch out if you die and go to hell!"

Duan laughed:

"Really? If I kill you and you go to hell, I really want to visit that place. I wonder if my fist can make the King of Hell be obedient?"

Extremely arrogant and arrogant, this is Uchiha Dan.

The words just fell.


An extremely huge amount of chakra erupted from Dan's body like a hurricane, turned into substantial black energy, and transformed into Susanoo outside his body.

It's still the familiar muscular Susanoo, wearing armor and with knotted muscles.

The difference is that this time it has grown a lower body and legs based on the third form.

In the daimyo's extremely horrified gaze.

The muscles in front of Susanoo continued to rise, from ten meters, to twenty meters, to fifty or sixty meters, and soon exceeded the height of the castle tower, and it still did not stop.

Finally, the height of this Susanoo reached a full one hundred meters.

It was like a huge mountain, standing proudly in the square, exuding terrifying pressure. All living beings in Konoha are like ants in front of it.

And the break appeared on Susanoo's head, looking down at the world like a god indifferently.

"This form is close to the legendary complete Susanoo..."

Fugaku murmured, looking up at Muscular Susan with a look of shock on his face.

According to the records in the clan’s classics.

Only Uchiha ninjas who have maximized the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan and possess huge chakra themselves can unlock the full body of Susanoo.

After Madara Uchiha, Suan was the second person to do this.

What is Hokage-sama trying to do?

Facing the 100-meter-tall Susanoo, many ninjas and villagers in Konoha, like the daimyo, were filled with fear and fear.

Many people panicked and backed away, instinctively wanting to stay away from this behemoth.

Broken eyes looked outside Konoha Village.

There is a big mountain in the distance.


As his gaze flickered, Susanoo, the muscle under his feet, slowly raised an arm, spread his fingers, and huge energy gathered in his palm.

A black magatama was formed.

call out.

Under the gaze of countless people, the magatama flew out from the palm of Muscular Susana, like a black meteor across the sky.

Finally, it landed on the top of a mountain in the distance.


A deafening loud noise, accompanied by the bright light produced by the magatama explosion, forced everyone to close their eyes, leaving only a vast expanse of white between the sky and the earth.

When the light dissipated and the Konoha villagers gradually recovered from their trance, they looked into the distance again, and many people's expressions suddenly froze.

The mountain that stood outside the village for decades disappeared. It was as if a powerful god had moved the mountain away from its place.

In fact.

It was the destructive power of the black magatama that completely destroyed it and razed it to the ground.

Is this... really the power of human ninjas?

Seeing this scene, the daimyo collapsed on the ground again, even his pants got wet.

But the hundreds of thousands of villagers in Konoha were only left with deep shock and awe for Lord Hokage.

Most of them have never been on the battlefield, nor have they witnessed the power of breaking, until now.

Uchiha Dan is a god!

Only God can possess such power to move mountains and seas.

Compared with such great power, a human monarch like a daimyo suddenly seems to be worth mentioning.


Susanoo moved again, slowly raising one foot.

"No, don't... Uchiha Dan, you can't do this!"

The daimyo let out a shrill wail and wanted to escape, but he and the guardian ninja beside him were unable to move due to extreme fear at this moment, and their bodies were out of control.

Several people could only watch in endless despair as Susanoo's big foot fell from above their heads.


As the big foot stepped on the ground, the daimyo's plea for mercy stopped abruptly.

After a few seconds.

Susana raised his foot again, and the daimyo and others had disappeared, leaving only a pile of broken meat, bones and thick blood.

"Uchiha Dan, trampled the daimyo to death..."

Onoki swallowed, his old face full of shock.

As a living fossil in the ninja world, he has lived for so many years and has seen countless storms, but the scene that happened in front of him still deeply shocked him.

Trampling a daimyo to death in public is like trampling an ant to death.

Even Uchiha Madara, who was so arrogant back then, probably wouldn't be able to do such a thing. Only by breaking can one be so unscrupulous and break all rules and restraints.

The first to come to their senses was the Uchiha clan.

"Long live Hokage-sama!"

Fugaku raised his arms and shouted, and the rest of the tribe also echoed, excited.

Then, the villagers and ninjas of Konoha also cheered like a mountain roar and a tsunami, with enthusiastic expressions.

Sarutobi Hiruzen miscalculated.

Duan did indeed kill the daimyo in public as he expected, and he also chose a very cruel method.

However, Duan's "atrocities" did not cause fear and worry in the villagers. Instead, it was because he was too powerful that everyone completely surrendered.

The strong is righteous.

The hundred-meter tall Susanoo slowly shrank until it disappeared.

Suan glanced at the remains of the daimyo's body on the ground, waved his sleeves, turned around and walked into the castle tower.

When passing by Fugaku, he gave a few instructions and the latter nodded.

"The induction ceremony of the Sixth Hokage is now over. Everyone please leave and go do what you should do."

Fugaku raised his voice and ordered the villagers gathered around the square to disperse.

Then, he walked up to Si Kage and said to Ohnoki and others:

"The Sixth Generation is waiting for you all in the conference room. If you have anything to do, you can talk to him now."


The four figures responded, all feeling uneasy in their hearts and experiencing varying degrees of tension.

After all, they had just witnessed the daimyo being trampled to death by the latter after the negotiation with Duan broke down.

This made the four of them worry that the same fate might soon befall them.

ten minutes later.

Siying came to the conference room.

Broken's back was facing them, and he was looking at a huge map of the ninja world hanging on the wall.

The four of them looked at each other and did not dare to say anything, so they had to stay quietly, like students waiting for the teacher to lecture.


After looking at the map for a while, Duan slowly turned around and scanned the four figures. He knew their intentions for coming this time.

So he said straight to the point:

"I know why you came.

As I said to the daimyo before, from today on, Konoha Village will remain permanently neutral and will not participate in any disputes in the ninja world.

Moreover, Konoha only retains the territory within a hundred kilometers in diameter centered on the village and will no longer expand externally.

Uchiha promises that he will not use military force to invade other ninja villages, nor will he participate in your civil war in any form.

Do you all understand? "

Duan's words made all the four figures stunned for a moment, and then felt ecstatic inside.

Is there such a good thing?

According to Duan, it means that the territory of the Fire Country that was divided up by the major powers does not need to be returned.

Moreover, the Uchiha clan no longer competes for hegemony in the ninja world. Just like the group of samurai from the Kingdom of Iron, they voluntarily withdrew from the stage of the ninja world.


Uchiha Dan is obviously not a big philanthropist. There must be conditions behind his generosity.

"Excuse me, what can we do for you and Konoha? Lord Sixth Hokage."

Ohnoki was very aware of current affairs, took the initiative to speak, and respectfully asked for advice.

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