"Are you kidding..."

He never expected that Duan would cause lightning to strike him by excessively absorbing natural energy, and at the same time use this power of nature to attack the enemy.

All I can say is...this is really a bold move by a skilled artist.

What surprised Jiraiya even more was what was behind him.

Perhaps it was because Duan had absorbed too much natural energy that God felt that just striking him with lightning was not enough.


As the earth shook, large areas of the surface bulged and cracked, as if something was gushing out from beneath the ground.

It's earth fire.


Dark red magma erupted from the ground one after another, mixed with billowing smoke and hot breath, accompanied by the suffocating sound of burning air.

In an instant, the battlefield turned into a sea of ​​fire.


Many coalition ninjas managed to escape the attack of thunder, but in the blink of an eye they were devoured by earthly fire and perished in the sea of ​​fire.

No bones remain.

The entire battlefield seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth at this moment.

And Uchiha Dan is in the center of hell.


The thunder in the sky struck him one after another, trying to break him into pieces;


The ground fire under his feet was everywhere, spreading along his broken legs to his whole body, trying to burn him to ashes.

When he practices immortality, he is like an immortal going through a tribulation. Thunder and fire from heaven and earth will come to destroy him.

However, it was too lonely to be alone, so he chose to let the 100,000-strong army of the ninja world accompany him through the tribulation and help him share some of the pressure.


The wanton laughter resounded over the battlefield, like the maniacal laughter of a devil.

With every step he took, he covered a distance of hundreds of meters and descended to the place where the crowd was the densest, bringing thunder and fire to the coalition ninjas.

At this moment, Duan was like a walking god of death.

Human lives were like weeds on the roadside. He, the god of death, passed by and harvested them at will with the sickle intertwined with thunder, lightning and flames.

"Don't come over here!"

Countless coalition ninjas looked frightened and fled in panic, praying that they would not be targeted.

The dimensionality-reducing strikes carried out by constantly using the power of nature are beyond the capabilities of manpower. It can be said to be an almost unsolvable ninjutsu.

The only weakness of this technique is that it is definitely possible to play with fire and burn yourself. After all, compared to the enemy, the power of thunder, earth and fire that he has endured is the most terrifying.

So, will the break be over?


Thunder and lightning enveloped Suan's body, tearing his muscles wildly and causing severe pain.

Tsk tsk tsk.

His body was burned by the fire, causing his skin to turn red and his body temperature to rise rapidly, as if he was about to transform into a "man on fire" at any moment.

However, Duan was still laughing loudly, as if he was crazy, as if all the pain did not exist.

After the muscles in his body were destroyed, they healed quickly as he continuously absorbed natural energy. Through super recovery, he was reborn in Nirvana.

Heavenly thunder and earthly fire temper my body.

This is the true purpose of breaking up.


After a lot of turmoil and the entire battlefield was turned into a mess, the disaster that affected everyone finally subsided.

In the sky, there was no longer lightning in the dark clouds, and the thunder also died down. Finally, the clouds dispersed, and the skylight fell on the earth again.

On the ground, the originally raging fire retreated unwillingly into the ground, leaving only the charred ground and some remaining sparks, telling that it had been there.

From front to back, it took less than ten minutes.

The number of casualties among the coalition ninjas exceeded 10,000 due to the raging fire and thunder.

This is an astonishing number.

You know, the Third Raikage, who is said to be the strongest in history, fought against ten thousand Iwagakure ninjas for three days and three nights, and finally died of exhaustion.

In three whole days, the Third Raikage killed only two to three thousand Iwagakure ninjas.

Now, it only took a few minutes for Duan to finish killing ten thousand people with the help of the terrifying power of heaven and earth.

The 100,000 ninja coalition lost one-tenth of its strength as soon as it came up, and the morale of the army was even more severely affected.

Those coalition ninjas who were lucky enough to escape and were still in shock looked towards the center of the battlefield with lingering fear.

I saw.

Duan stood there motionless, his clothes had long been burned to ashes, his entire body was covered with a layer of burnt black dead skin, and a burst of white smoke was coming out.

This symptom is the same as the large number of coalition ninja corpses on the ground. They look like they were killed by lightning or burned to death.

"Is that guy dead?"

Seeing this scene, many people looked happy and felt lucky.

But soon, the joyful expressions on their faces solidified.


A piece of burnt black dead skin on his broken face split open and fell off his cheek, exposing the skin underneath.

Crystal clear as jade.

Trees, after being struck by lightning or burned by fire, will revive in the next spring and sprout new green shoots again.

And Broken is like a big tree that has just gone through a similar process.


He opened his eyes suddenly, and his pair of Mangekyō Sharingan looked even more monstrous and scarlet.

Then, Duan casually shook his body, and the dead skin covering his body fell to the ground, revealing an almost flawless body.

Golden proportions, huge and plump muscles, and fair and shiny skin.

Regardless of men or women, anyone who sees such a perfect body can't help but feel ashamed and feels that their own body is nothing compared to it.

Boom, boom.

The sound of his broken heartbeat was like a big drum, pumping his blood throughout his body, flowing through his blood vessels, and making a sound like a rushing river in his body.

at the same time.

There was black eyeshadow next to the broken eyes, which looked like a light smoky eye.

This is the sign of turning on the fairy mode - fairy facial makeup.

Compared with Jiraiya's gaudy immortal facial makeup that even looks like a frog, the broken facial makeup looks very simple, even crude.

However, the simpler the facial makeup lines are, the more perfect the immortal form is.

The break at this time gives people a different feeling than before.

If we say that he was a demon from the abyss before.

Now he is like the scorching sun at twelve o'clock at noon, hanging high in the sky, emitting endless light and heat, which makes people dare not look directly.

Like the sun.


Suan slowly clenched his fists, veins popped out on his arms, and he quietly felt the flow of Senjutsu chakra in his body.

He finally succeeded.

When he turned on the immortal mode, he felt an unprecedented power. His body was filled with surging and violent energy, which made him want to vent wildly.

But, right now.


A breeze blew across the battlefield, making the whole body feel a little cool.

Only then did he remember that he was being stared at by nearly a hundred thousand pairs of eyes.

By running naked in front of more than 90,000 people, Dan is considered the first person in the history of the ninja world.


So he stretched out his hand, took out an Uchiha blue robe from the Kamui space, and put it on his body.

So next.

The warm-up activities are over and it’s time for the main show.

Chapter 238, 1VS100,000

A gentle breeze blew across the battlefield, blowing away the smoke.

Under the witness of the ninja alliance, Duan experienced the tempering of thunder and earth fire and completed a transformation.

The ten thousand enemy ninjas who died under the thunder and fire of heaven and earth were sacrifices offered to the nature of heaven and earth.

In the end, he got his wish and obtained the immortal magic.


Sue stepped forward and walked towards the ninja alliance.

His figure is tall and slender, his steps are light and graceful, and he exudes an otherworldly aura when walking, making him look like an immortal descending into the world.

But in the eyes of the ninja alliance, the Uchiha Dan in front of them was clearly a demon in the skin of an immortal.

Although we have a large number of people, many people are still frightened by Duan's approach and subconsciously retreat.



Duan jumped up, descended from the sky into the crowd, raised a huge fist, and hit the ground hard.

There was a rumble and the ground shook.

The surging magic chakra was continuously transmitted to the ground through the broken fist, like an earthquake wave, radiating in all directions.

The next second.

Click! Click!

Centered on the broken fist, four cracks appeared on the ground at the same time, each heading in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and spreading to a hundred meters away at an extremely fast speed.


Where the crack extended, huge energy surged out of the ground like a volcanic eruption, blasting hundreds of coalition ninjas into the sky and killing them tragically on the spot.

Some ninjas had no time to get out of the way, and while screaming, they lost their feet and fell into the cracks, and were swallowed by the earth.

Is this really... human power?

Seeing this scene, many people in the coalition forces were frightened and retreated in panic, having lost the courage to fight.

This is the power of immortality.

But Duan seemed dissatisfied. He frowned and disliked the low efficiency.

After all, there are still 90,000 enemies. If we keep punching like this, how long will it take to kill them all?

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