"about there."

On the big bluestone, Duan muttered to himself, and then stood up straight with the strength of his toes.

He glanced up at the sky above him.

In the sky, thick dark clouds came from nowhere, covering the sun and making the world dark.


In the dark clouds, there was also a rolling muffled thunder, accompanied by flashes of lightning, like silver snakes swimming in the clouds.

"what's the situation?"

"The weather changes at any time. Is it going to rain?"

On the battlefield, the 100,000 ninja allies all raised their heads and looked at the dark cloud-covered sky.

In their eyes, they only saw ordinary weather changes, thinking that a thunderstorm was coming.

But outside the battlefield, Jiraiya's expression in the woods changed drastically, because in his perception, violent natural energy was filling the space between heaven and earth.

The entire battlefield was like a barrel of explosives detonated by natural energy.

Jiraiya quickly stepped back a distance, sensing that something bad was about to happen.


Duan jumped, and after a few ups and downs, he reached the bottom of the mountain from the top.

Then, he kicked his foot on the ground, leaving a big crater on the spot, and his whole body was like a discharged cannonball due to the reaction force.

Rushed towards the 100,000 Ninja Alliance Army.


The four figures all looked at each other, their bodies tensed to the extreme, and they immediately ordered the army to prepare for battle.

"The enemy is coming? Is it the Uchiha clan?"

"Where is it? Why didn't I see anyone?"

"I sensed that a powerful chakra was approaching quickly..."

There was a lot of discussion within the coalition forces, and countless eyes turned to the battlefield, finally discovering traces of the enemy.

Their enemy is only one person.

Five kilometers, four kilometers, three kilometers.

The break is getting closer.

Danzo's eyes flashed, and he calmly stepped back, letting the three shadows stand in front.

However, Danzo's target was neither Danzo nor the Three Shadows.

When the enemy was only one kilometer away.

He focused his gaze and landed on the center of the 100,000-strong army, where the crowd was the densest.

The next moment, Tian Yuming activated.


Dan's figure disappeared from the place out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he had already descended into the crowd of the ninja alliance.

Chapter 237, Heavenly Thunder and Earthly Fire

"Where did the enemy go? Why did he suddenly disappear?"

In the coalition camp, many people saw Duan disappear out of thin air with their own eyes, and they all showed expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

The next second.

"He's here!" someone exclaimed, discovering that the enemy appeared strangely among them.

It was a man with a height of two meters and a majestic build. His eyes were a pair of scarlet kaleidoscopes, and his whole person exuded a suffocating and powerful pressure.

Seeing the broken Mangekyō Sharingan, everyone around them subconsciously felt fear and fear, and stepped back one after another. Some people thought that the man in front of them seemed familiar, but they didn't think of it for a while.

The sudden arrival caused a commotion in the crowd, but soon the coalition ninjas responded.

"What are you afraid of? The Mangekyō Sharingan is not invincible!"

"Yes, no matter how powerful he is, there is only one person. We have a hundred thousand people. Even if one person spits, he will be drowned."

"Everyone, come together and kill this guy!"

The numerous coalition ninjas shouted one after another like apes. Many of them had fierce looks in their eyes and picked up kunai and ninja swords.

Then, like a dense swarm of ants, they rushed towards Broken from all directions.


Duan just looked calm and put his hands together.

The speed at which he absorbed natural energy became even more violent, and finally reached the critical point at this moment.

Practicing immortality has side effects. If the practitioner absorbs too much natural energy and cannot maintain a balance with the chakra in the body, disastrous consequences will occur.

Like petrification, turning into a frog, or going insane.

And to break is to be struck by lightning.

Because he absorbed too much natural energy.

If others are thieves who only dare to quietly steal energy from nature, Duan is an arrogant robber who steals openly and brazenly.

Therefore, even heaven and earth naturally couldn't stand his bad behavior and wanted to punish him severely.


Accompanied by a burst of intense and dazzling white light, a zigzag-shaped thick lightning emerged from the dark clouds like a silver python.

It did not draw a winding trajectory in the air like ordinary lightning, but aimed at the break on the ground, like a sharp sword thrusting straight down!

In the horrified eyes of countless people.


The lightning containing destructive energy fell from the sky and submerged the broken figure on the ground.

Also shrouded in lightning with him were hundreds of coalition ninjas around him.

The bright light made it impossible to open one's eyes for a while, and one could only hear the loud noise of lightning hitting the ground, and the faint screams.

Wait until everything calms down.

A piece of charred ground appeared in the center of the battlefield, with sparks remaining and white smoke rising.

Hundreds of coalition ninjas were lying on the ground in various shapes. Almost all of them were bruised and blackened. Some of them could still cry out, while some of them had stopped moving.

Only broken, still standing motionless.

That terrifying lightning was clearly aimed at him, but it failed to leave any scars on his body.

This scene frightened the onlookers.

"I remembered, he is... Uchiha Dan! It's the Uchiha Dan who should have died long ago!"

Finally, someone recognized Duan's identity and shouted in terror.

"What? Uchiha Dan is not dead. How is this possible?!"

A commotion suddenly broke out in the crowd.

Some of them had witnessed the earth-shattering battle between Uchiha Dan and Pain's Six Paths when the four major ninja villages besieged Konoha.

Duan and Payne are both super strong men who can defeat thousands of people with their own strength.

At this moment, many people finally recalled Duan's illustrious reputation and his terrifying power.


In an instant, the crowd receded like a tide.

Looking down from mid-air, with Duan as the center, a huge circular vacuum area soon appeared. No one dared to come within a hundred meters of him.

However, when the coalition forces began to want to retreat, it was already too late.

For Duan, his offense has just begun.


He stopped moving and rushed towards the crowd again at lightning speed.

Click! Click!

Lightning after lightning, accompanied by rolling thunder, fell one after another from the clouds and bombarded the battlefield.

Duan is like a humanoid lightning summoner. Wherever he appears, lightning strikes, causing dozens to hundreds of casualties every time.

During this process.

Duan's leisurely and calm attitude seemed to have completely angered the will of heaven and earth, causing the world to inflict even more terrifying punishment on him in its rage.


At one moment, hundreds of lightning bolts rushed out of the clouds at the same time, like thunder snakes with fangs and claws, and rushed towards the battlefield.

The entire sky and earth were illuminated by electric light, and everyone's eyes were filled with pure white.


Under the bombardment of hundreds of thunder and lightning, the earth shook violently, as if it was about to be split in half.


"What the hell is going on, ugh!"


Countless coalition ninjas wailed in fear and ran away with their heads in their hands, but they still could not escape the fate of being torn apart and swallowed by the power of thunder and lightning.

Facing the mighty power of nature, how can a mortal human possibly contend?

Even Danzo, Onoki and the Fourth Raikage looked horrified and had to try their best to avoid the minefield and use ninjutsu to protect themselves.

far away.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this? What a terrifying power..."

Naruto looked at the battlefield shrouded in thunder and lightning and murmured, his eyes full of disbelief.

Beside him, Xiaonan looked solemn.

Although she was full of confidence in Naruto's future and believed that sooner or later he would surpass Nagato and remove all obstacles for Akatsuki, she still took a breath of air after seeing the power displayed by Uchiha Dan.

Duan is definitely the biggest enemy of the Akatsuki organization.

Kakuzu's eyes flickered as he stared at the broken figure on the battlefield, silently sighing in his heart:

As expected of Uchiha Dan, he actually fought against the ninja alliance on his own.

No wonder both Pain and Obito died at his hands.

And he, Kakuzu, was the one who could calmly retreat and survive after fighting with Duan.

Thinking of this, Kakuzu couldn't help but show a bit of pride on his face.

On the hilltop on the other side of the battlefield.

"If this continues, the 100,000-strong ninja alliance will really be unable to defeat Uchiha Dan alone, right?"

Kisame Kisame was stunned, but his pair of dead fish eyes were still as wide as soybeans when they were widened to the limit.

Orochimaru also sighed:

"It seems that perhaps the only way to deal with Uchiha Madara is to resurrect him."

"Don't worry."

Hei Jue's eyes flashed and he signaled to wait. After all, this battle had just begun.

In contrast.

The most shocked spectator was Jiraiya.

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