So how could the Daimyo not panic?

at this time.

The daimyo suddenly noticed the calm-looking Uchiha Dan, so as if he was grasping at a life-saving straw, he quickly asked the latter:

"Uchiha Dan, you are the Hokage's assistant. Is there anything you can do? I heard that your strength is no worse than the fourth generation of Feng Shuimen. Can you defeat the ninja alliance like he did back then?"

The reason why Konoha was able to win the Third Ninja War was that Namikaze Minato, who rose as a civilian ninja, definitely took the greatest credit.

At first.

The Fourth Generation used the Flying Thunder God Technique and Rasengan across the battlefield, defeated Kumogakure's Abby team, instantly killed dozens of Iwagakure ninjas, blew up the Kannabi Bridge... and made countless contributions.

The name of Yellow Flash resounded across the battlefield, frightening the four great ninja villages and making countless enemies frightened and run away when they saw him.

It can be said that the fourth generation turned the tide on his own and became a hero of that era.

Back to the present.

The Daimyo also hopes that Uchiha Dan can be like Namikaze Minato, using his powerful strength to defeat all enemies that come to invade the Land of Fire.


Duan Wenyan touched his chin and seemed to be thinking seriously.

For a moment, not only the daimyo, but also all the Konoha ninjas in the conference room turned their attention to Danan.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, it is an indisputable fact that Duan's strength is unfathomable.

If it were him, he might really become the second Namikaze Minato.

"Broken, please."

The Sandaime's eyes flashed, and he followed the daimyo's statement and tried to put the frame up.

Xiaochun and Yan also agreed one after another.

Seeing that the daimyo was still hesitating, his eyes flashed and he said directly:

"As long as you can do what the Yondaime did back then, I will let Jiraiya step down and let you be the Hokage."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

But no one refuted it.

On the one hand, this is the opinion of the daimyo.

On the other hand, everyone realizes that at this time, the most important thing is to defeat the enemy.

Otherwise, when Konoha is over, what's the point of who is the Hokage?

After hearing what the daimyo said, Jiraiya took a deep breath and took the initiative to express his stance to Suan, saying sincerely:

"Jan, as long as you are willing to fight for Konoha and the Country of Fire, I will be the first to support you in becoming Hokage."

After saying that, everyone was waiting for Duan's answer.

Facing the expectations of a roomful of people.


Duan sighed, shook his head and said, "Sorry. I think we should surrender as soon as possible."


These two words from his mouth undoubtedly poured cold water on everyone present.

"What, you want to surrender again?"

The third generation even blurted out.

Why say it again?

Because the last time a war broke out between Konoha and Amegakure, Sudan advocated surrender at a high-level meeting. He was extremely afraid of Nagato, the leader of Akatsuki, and did not dare to go to the battlefield to fight.

Xiaochun and Yan came back to their senses, frowned, and criticized Duan one after another:

"Uchiha Dan, many villagers say that you are just a quarrel. It seems that you are not wronged at all."

"Being cruel at home and tolerant to others, is this what you, the Hokage's assistant, are capable of?"

The daimyo was also angry and roared again:

"I spent so much money to support you just to make you Konoha ninjas surrender to the enemy? Uchiha Dan, I will give you another chance to take back what you just said!"


However, he refuses to repent and continues to badmouth his own side:

"Everyone, don't you...haven't seen the situation clearly yet?

Konoha may not be able to deal with just the Hidden Rain Village. Did they forget so quickly that the three thousand troops sent by the Sandaime were slaughtered by the opponent overnight?

Not to mention, in addition to Amegakure, there are also the coalition forces of the four major ninja villages. Their combined number is several times that of Konoha.

They attacked from all directions at the same time, and it was impossible for Konoha to stop them.

Therefore, I think it is better to surrender as soon as possible and make peace with the compensation of ceding territory to avoid unnecessary casualties. Otherwise, it would be better to disband Konoha and run for their lives. "

"shut up!"

The daimyo shouted angrily, believing that Dan was deceiving the public and disturbing the morale of the army with his lies, and immediately ordered angrily, "Uchiha Dan, I want to remove you from your position as Hokage's assistant, get out of here immediately!"

did not expect.


Duan immediately agreed readily and said, "I really don't have the ability to serve as Hokage's assistant.

As the saying goes, the less ability, the less responsibility. Now that I have become a civilian, I am free from responsibilities. The important responsibility of protecting Konoha is left to everyone present.

Hahaha! "

Amid a burst of hearty laughter, Duan turned around and strode out of the conference room.

Only everyone in Konoha was left, looking at each other again.

"Prepare for war immediately and mobilize all ninjas in Konoha! No matter men, women, old or young, send them to the frontline battlefield. We must resist the ninja coalition until the last one is dead!"

The daimyo roared angrily and gave Konoha a death order.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Jiraiya and others could respond, a burst of snowflakes appeared on the TV screen, and the picture was cut off.

There was silence for a long time in the conference room, and no one spoke.

The air pressure was extremely low, making people breathless.

at last.

It was Jiraiya, the quasi-Hokage, who spoke solemnly:

"Everyone has heard what the Daimyo-sama said. This will be a battle of life and death for Konoha. We have no choice but to fight the enemy to the end. Please be prepared."

Immediately afterwards, the Sandaime also spoke to boost morale:

"Don't forget, everyone, in every ninja war in the past, no matter how serious the situation was, it was Konoha who had the last laugh.

The major ninja villages actually think that Konoha will become vulnerable if it loses the Uchiha clan. We must let them know that this idea is completely wrong! "

Xiaochun and Yan also said:

"Although the battlefield is dangerous, it is also a good opportunity to make achievements. Think of the Konoha Sannin during World War II and Namikaze Minato during World War III. As long as you work hard to fight for the village, the next Konoha hero will be among you!"


This time, in the face of the mobilization of Konoha's top management, everyone's response was not enthusiastic at all, only flashing eyes and whispers.

It sounds nice, but isn't it actually just letting them be cannon fodder?

Everyone is not stupid.

After a while.

The clan leaders of the three clans of Pig, Deer and Die looked at each other and turned away first.

"let's go."

Hinata Hiashi said in a deep voice, and the Hyuga clan walked out of the conference room expressionlessly.

Other small and medium-sized ninja clans also left one after another with their own thoughts.

Only the Sandaime and other senior officials were left, looking stunned.

A Konoha that is centrifugal from top to bottom.

The ending is already determined.

When Sue walked out of the Hokage Building, he found that thousands of Konoha ninjas and civilians were still gathered nearby and did not disperse.

These people originally came to witness Jiraiya becoming the Fifth Hokage, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

At this time, the crowd had begun to talk.

"The Uchiha broke out."

Until someone shouted, countless eyes suddenly focused on Duan.


Duan cleared his throat, looked at the people in Konoha in front of him, smiled and said to them, "I have good news for you. I have been dismissed by the daimyo and no longer serve as the Hokage's assistant."


Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all looked happy.

"Uchiha Dan is used to being arrogant. He must have offended the daimyo to be dismissed. He deserves it."

"Your Majesty is so wise!"

"But why is Uchiha Dan still laughing and saying this is good news? Hasn't he been dismissed?"

Various voices came from the crowd.

"Oh, by the way, there's another bad news."

Suan made a gesture to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said, "The four major ninja villages, together with Amegakure, have declared war on Konoha. The army has already pressed on. Everyone, prepare early and go to the front line to die."


Then he strode away in silence.

A few seconds later, the crowd in front of the Hokage Building exploded with a buzz.

Then, with panic and fear on everyone's faces, the news quickly spread throughout the entire Konoha Village.

Uchiha clan land.

When Dan returned to the flesh modification department, he found that Tsunade had returned to the cage after sleeping and was practicing the Yin Escape Phantom Body Technique in the dojo.

"Why is there so much noise outside? What happened?"

When she saw Duan Hou, she stopped and walked over, asking with a surprised look on her face.

Never tell the truth.

"how so……"

Tsunade muttered to herself, also looking shocked.

She had thought that the civil strife in Konoha might attract the covetousness of other ninja villages.

But what she didn't expect was that the four major ninja villages and Amegakure would declare war on Konoha together, with the potential to carve up Konoha.

This time, Konoha is really in danger.

"Are you planning to join the war?" Duan suddenly asked.

Tsunade was stunned, not knowing how to answer.

Although she wanted to stay away from the dispute, when the ninja alliance arrived at Konoha's doorstep, she might not be able to stay out of it and would have to fight.

"how about you?"

She looked at Duan and asked, and immediately realized that her question was unnecessary.

After all, with Tsunade's understanding of Dan, asking him to throw his life and blood for Konoha would be a waste of time, unless he saw a ghost.

Not to mention, he has now been dismissed from his position as Hokage's assistant by the daimyo, and he no longer has the obligation to fight for Konoha.

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