The result is.

The Police Department does not have much power, but its work is full of hardship, helplessness and sadness. The Hyuga clan, who had previously had a beautiful vision for the Police Department, increasingly feel disillusioned and deceived.

Now, Hinata Hizashi can finally understand why the Uchiha clan gave up on the police department.

He couldn't help but think of the pitiful look Uchiha Fugaku gave him at the handover ceremony of the police department.

The Uchiha clan threw a pair of heavy shackles that had been on them for decades to the Hyuga clan.

Hinata, on the other hand, happily put the shackles on herself, thinking she had found a treasure.

At first.

When the Sandaime handed over the police department to the Hyuga clan, the Hyuga clan was grateful, but now they realize that this was a complete trap.

He finally saw the Sandaime's true face.

Now, the Sandaime actually still fantasizes that the Hyuga clan will support his disciple Jiraiya to ascend to the position of Hokage.

What a dream.


The Hyūga Ninja headed by Hinata Hichizu also adopted the same approach as the Ino, Deer and Butterfly clan, and folded their hands, seemingly not intending to raise their hands at all.

"Old man, what's going on?"

Jiraiya also noticed something was wrong at this time and looked at the Sandaime in surprise.

If this continues, he will not be able to pass the jounin vote of confidence within Konoha and will miss the position of Hokage.


Duan couldn't help but laugh when he saw this scene.

It seems that the Sandaime's perverse behavior over the years has finally caused a backlash and completely exploded.

Konoha right now.

Already, the mountains are covered with trees, and various ethnic groups are fighting for their own interests. It has become a mess and can no longer be united.

This is a sign of destruction.

Time passes minute by minute.

On the rooftop, just when the atmosphere reached a deadlock and Jiraiya was about to miss the fifth generation position.


An ANBU suddenly appeared, knelt down on one knee to the Sandaime in a panic, and reported in a rapid tone:

"Lord Hokage, the Kingdom of Thunder suddenly declared war on the Kingdom of Fire. The Fourth Raikage led an army of 10,000 Kumogakure southward and has entered the Kingdom of Yu!"

What? !

Upon hearing the news, everyone present except Duan's expressions changed.

The Kingdom of Tang is a small country sandwiched between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder. It has always existed as a buffer zone between the two major countries.

During the Third Ninja War, the war between Konoha and Kumogakure started on the territory of Yunokuni.

Now, is history repeating itself?

The third generation's face became increasingly gloomy.

What he was most worried about finally happened.

Kumogakure suddenly declared war on Konoha, apparently taking advantage of Konoha's weakness and planning to take advantage of it.

Is Duan secretly instigating this?

The Sandaime's eyes narrowed and he cast an angry look at Dan.

There was a sarcastic look on his face, and he looked at the Sandaime calmly.

at this time.

"Lord Hokage, the Daming Mansion has sent a remote video call. Please go to the conference room immediately."

Another ANBU appeared and said this.

Although the Sandaime has announced his resignation as Hokage, these Anbu in Konoha have followed him for many years, and they are all loyal and only recognize him as Hokage.

"Let's go to the conference room."

The Sandaime didn't dare to neglect, so he took Koharu, En and Jiraiya with him and hurriedly got off the rooftop.

All the Jounin in Konoha looked at each other and followed.

One minute later.

Nearly a hundred people poured into the conference room.

On the TV screen on the wall.

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire was fanning himself and pacing back and forth, his face full of restlessness.

When he saw the Sandaime and others appearing, he immediately put away his folding fan, slapped it on the table, and then asked with all his face:

"What are you doing, are you still choosing Hokage here? The enemy's army has arrived at the door of the Fire Country!"

At this time, the daimyo looked angry and lost his noble demeanor, completely different from the elegant and calm look he had yesterday.

That's because he just had a conversation with the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder, asking the latter to explain the declaration of war, but was ridiculed by the other party, making him very angry.

Facing the daimyo's roar, everyone in Konoha looked at each other.


Seeing that no one responded to his words, the daimyo's angry eyes finally fell on Jiraiya:

"Jiraiya, you are the Fifth Hokage, tell me what you are going to do?"

He didn't know that there was internal strife in Konoha and that Jiraiya failed to pass the Jonin vote of confidence. He thought that the other party had officially succeeded to the throne.

This is an opportunity.

Seeing this, the Sandaime immediately glanced at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya gritted his teeth, his expression became firm, and he made a firm promise to the daimyo on the spot:

"Daimyo-sama, please rest assured. I will personally lead the Konoha troops to the Country of Yu. I will stop the Kumokage army at all costs and prevent the enemy from entering the border of the Country of Fire!"

After hearing Jiraiya's words, the daimyo's expression softened slightly.

"Okay, I hope you won't disappoint me, Godaime. In terms of logistics, the Fire Nation will provide Konoha with all necessary support."

The daimyo calmed down and said this.

The Country of Fire and the Leaf Village have a close relationship.

He just finished speaking.

"It's not good, Lord Daimyo!"

A minister of the Fire Nation suddenly appeared on the TV screen. After a fall, he ran to the daimyo and reported something to the latter.


Upon hearing this, the daimyo's face suddenly turned pale. His whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and the folding fan in his hand fell to the ground.

Chapter 171, The smaller the ability, the smaller the responsibility

What did the daimyo hear, and why did he suddenly become frightened?

"What happened, Lord Daimyo?" Jiraiya felt something was wrong and asked quickly.


The daimyo sat back on his chair and answered Jiraiya in a trembling voice:

"The four kingdoms of wind, earth, water, and rain all followed the Kingdom of Thunder and declared war on the Kingdom of Fire..."

What? !

After hearing the news, everyone in Konoha, like the daimyo, looked extremely horrified.

If the only enemy was Cloud Shadow Village, Konoha might still be able to deal with it, but if the entire ninja world came together...


How come all of a sudden, all the countries in the ninja world declare war on the Land of Fire and Konoha at the same time?

Is it because of this civil strife in Konoha?

But speaking of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Konoha also happened once six years ago, which also resulted in the death of both the Fourth Hokage and the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Under such circumstances, Konoha relied on its strong strength and foundation to still frighten the major ninja villages and prevent them from invading.

This time civil unrest.

The difference from last time was that it caused the Uchiha clan to run away from Konoha.

However, just because there was one missing Uchiha clan, the major ninja villages felt that Konoha was in trouble, so they actually attacked Konoha?

Uchiha, is it that important?

When everyone was shocked and speechless, the conference room fell silent.

"It seems that the neighbors around the Fire Country have a tacit understanding." Duan muttered to himself.

The Land of Fire is not only vast in territory, but also has a superior geographical environment. It occupies the most fertile plain land in the entire shinobi world, as well as vast forests and numerous rivers.

The surrounding countries are either deserts or Gobis, mountains or islands. Compared with the Country of Fire, they are not even a bit inferior.

All major countries understand that there is nothing to compete for in each other's territory, so it is better to attack the Country of Fire together.

The huge Fire Country is enough for everyone to divide and feed everyone.


This time, Konoha will be besieged by the major ninja villages again, oh, and this time there is another Amegakure.

After a while.

The daimyo finally regained some composure. He asked Jiraiya through the TV screen:

"Is Konoha confident of winning this war? Konoha has won every previous ninja war, right? Konoha is the strongest ninja village, right?"

As the name says.

Every time a ninja war breaks out, Konoha almost always faces a one-to-many situation.

Especially during the Third Ninja War, Konoha fought on four fronts and fought against the four major ninja villages at the same time, and finally won.

The title of the strongest ninja village in the ninja world is well deserved.

But now, facing the daimyo's expectations, Jiraiya looked troubled.

The once prosperous Konoha might have had the confidence to speak out about one against four.

Today's Konoha, why?

Even leaving aside the four major ninja villages.

Even Amegakure tore up the peace agreement signed not long ago and started a war with Konoha. In Jiraiya's opinion, the strength of Nagato and Akatsuki is not inferior to that of any great ninja village.

That is to say.

This time, Konoha was actually facing a siege from the five major ninja villages, and the situation could be said to be unprecedentedly severe.

Under such circumstances, he really didn't have the confidence to lead Konoha to win this war.

Therefore, as a quasi-Fifth Hokage, Jiraiya thought about it again and again, and finally could only say to the daimyo:

"Konoha will make every effort to fight this war, and I will fight until the last moment with the consciousness of sacrificing my life."


The daimyo was obviously not satisfied with Jiraiya's answer.

"What does it mean to try your best? As Hokage, is this the answer you give me?"

He became a little anxious and raised his voice to roar at Jiraiya.

In this ninja world war, once Konoha loses, the Fire Country will also lose. When the time comes, the compensation for ceding territory will be light, and the destruction of the country and the extinction of the species is not impossible.

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