The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 6: How was it at the beginning? Qiang

Guan Jing, Yan Gang and others have different opinions.

Some people thought: Tian Yu said very much, should arrange elite troops to prevent Yanzhou from threatening the flank of his army.

Some people think that Liu Dai, Cao Cao, etc. are fighting against the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei, and they will not be able to free up enough troops to help Yuan Shao in the short term. Moreover, even if they free up their troops, Tian Kai's troops are currently stationed in the plains and Qinghe area. There are also a lot of soldiers and horses, and they are enough to resist the attack of Yanzhou without adding more troops. Now the focus should not be on preventing Yanzhou, but focusing on the main force to quickly fight with Yuan Shao. As long as Yuan Shao is defeated, Yuan's party As a result, the group of dragons has no leader, and Liu Dai's generation in Yanzhou is not a cause for concern.

Both views are valid.

In addition to this, another comment was made.

It is good that Yuan Shao has minions. Yuan Shao also has enemies. First of all, Yuan Shu is far away. Yuan Shu is at war with Liu Biao. Of course, he cannot count on his help. The reason for Sun Jian's attack on Chen and Liang is that Yuan Shao once represented Zhou Ang as the prefect of Yuzhou, in order to stabilize his internal rule. Sun Jian sent troops, either to contain Yanzhou, or to invade Hanoi to threaten Yuan Shao's rear.

And and, Xuzhou Xunzhen can also be used.

Xun Zhen had already entered Yanzhou earlier, and obviously had coveted intentions for Yanzhou, so he could write to the imperial court, indicating that Xunzhen's clan was the prefect of Yanzhou, and provoked Xunzhen to compete with Liu Dai. Eliminate hidden dangers in Yanzhou.

It was Fan Fang who put forward this opinion.

Fan Fang was an employee of Gongsun Zan's shogunate. Before, he led a thousand cavalry to Liu Dai's place to assist Liu Dai in fighting the Yellow Turbans in Yanzhou. Later, because Liu Dai chose Yuan Shao among Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao, Fan Fang returned with his troops. When they reached Youzhou, Gongsun Zan's troops and horses had already entered Jizhou, and they joined with Gongsun Zan in Jizhou. Fan Fangjiu was in Yanzhou and was more familiar with the deeds of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, so he had this argument.

Fan Fang's opinion is supposed to be good, but before he finished speaking, there was someone in the hall with a hesitant expression, it was Shan Jing.

Gongsun Zan's combat ability is there. He is brave and has good tactical literacy. As early as when he was the head of the Liaodong vassal state, he beat the Qiang people and Wuhuan people in the border around him. , and even the appearance of Gongsun Zan in the painting, galloping at the horse, and the one in the middle exclaiming long live. It can be seen how much the Qiang Hu people are afraid of him. Last year, he broke the yellow turban and shook the North. The political level is not very good.

The battle with Yuan Shao had just started, and he had already offended Qing and Yan.

He appointed Yan Gang as the prefect of Jizhou, Tian Kai as the prefect of Qingzhou, Shan Jing as the prefect of Yanzhou, and appointed the chief officials of the three prefectures and counties. Just as he often rides on white horses with dozens of good archers known as "white horse righteous followers", his arrogance can be seen from this.

Although Yuan Shao, Xun Zhen, etc. also appointed officials, at least they all "represented the court and the middle", which was considered to give the court a face. Gongsun Zan was better, and he ignored the court at all and directly appointed them himself. Appointment has to be done by oneself, that's fine, but it's fine to appoint a prefect of Jizhou, but to appoint the prefects of the three prefectures, and also to juxtapose the chief officials of the counties and counties, yes, Liu Dai is inclined to Yuan Shao, and can be regarded as an enemy, and the prefects of Qingzhou Jiaohe and Qing The county magistrates in the two states were not all on Yuan Shao's side, and they all appointed themselves together. Isn't this actively pushing them all to Yuan Shao's side? The second performance.

In fact, taking 10,000 steps back, even if the prefectures, prefectures, and county magistrates in Qingyan and Yanzhou favored Yuan Shao, they couldn't do it. absolutely. Gongsun Zan believed that he was strong and good at fighting, and he was so arrogant that he thought that with one person's strength, he could become an enemy of the world.

In addition, from another level, Gongsun Zan's actions indirectly offended Xu and Yu.

Are Xun Zhen and Sun Jian helping him or not? If you don’t help him, I won’t say it. If you help him, the purpose must be for profit. But after all the chief officials of Qing and Yan Prefectures, Gongsun Zan, have been appointed, what profit do Xun Zhen and Sun Jian have? Even, not only is it unprofitable, if Yuan Shao fails and Gongsun Zan invades Yanzhou, Xun Zhen might have to fight him because of Dongping and Rencheng who are already in control. Changing to someone in Yu and Xu who lacked long-term vision like Gongsun Zan would definitely not help him.

Shan Jing was the governor of Yanzhou appointed by Gongsun Zan. At this time, he heard from Fan Fang that he invited Sun Jian and Xun Zhen to join forces in Yanzhou, and if he robbed him of the established territory, he would of course be unhappy, his expression suddenly appeared, and he frowned and said: " Xun Zhenzhi, Sun Wentai, Hulang Ye, since they knew that Zhenzhi was coveting Yanzhou, they invited him to come? I'm just afraid that it is easy to invite and difficult to send, but it's really asking for trouble!"

Tian Yu agreed with Fan Fang's comments.

When Gongsun Zan appointed the governor of the three prefectures and the county magistrate, Tian Yu did not agree, but others were soft-spoken and could not stop him. Hearing Shan Jing's words at this time, he raised his eyes to look at Gongsun Zan, and saw that Gongsun Zan seemed to be in a brooding state, so he attended the worship again, and said, "The fourth generation of the Yuan family, the three princes, the disciples and the old officials are all over the sea, Yuan Benchu ​​raised troops to attack Dong~ The state and county heroes traveled thousands of miles and fluttered to the meeting. Xun Zhenzhi, Liu Gongshan, Zhang Mengzhuo, and Han Wenjie were all handsome for a while, and Suanzao was allied with Yuan Benchu. Although they borrowed the power of General Ming However, Yuan Benchu ​​took the soldiers of a county and took in the people of Jizhou, Tian Feng, Jushou, Shenpei, and Gengbao, all of whom were Ying from Jifang, all of whom belonged to his heart. Qu Yi, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Zhang He were all famous generals in Hebei. Following his orders, there are also Chunyu Qiong, Feng Ji, Xu You, Guo Tu, Xin Ping, Xin Pi, Chen Lin, Dong Zhao, etc. as partisans. Although the Duke of Ming is approaching Wei with a large army, he sees that he will not dare to win or lose. Assert. Qing and Yan are not owned by me, so if I give some to Xun Xuzhou and Sun Yuzhou, it will be harmless to Duke Ming, but it will be a great harm to Yuan Benchu, why not do it?”

Yuan Shao relies on his family wealth and strong political background. In Tian Yu's opinion, his current military defeat is only temporary. As long as he has not been completely defeated, he cannot be taken lightly. Therefore, let some green and Yan counties The county gave Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, and thus received the assistance of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian in sending troops, combining the strength of the three states, and not giving him the slightest chance to attack and destroy it, this is completely possible.

Shan Jing disapproved and scolded: "The princes are discussing matters, why are you talking so much!"

Although Tian Yu was young, he was no longer a child. Just by saying this, it was contempt for him.

Tian Yu fell to the ground and bowed again, begging Gongsun Zan for his sins.

Gongsun Zan said, "You can speak frankly and honestly, you are innocent, you can get up and return to the table." After a pause, after Tian Yu returned to the table, he said again, "The country's words seem to be reasonable, but in my opinion, it is timid. "Laughing at Tian Yu, he said, "You are young, and you are full of vigor. When I was young, I only knew how to advance bravely! The same is true now! Adversaries, not to mention Jizhou, the world can decide! Why do we need to use Xu and Yu? Within ten months, I will conquer Wei County, capture Yuan Benchu ​​alive under the tent, and show it to all the lords!"

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