The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 5: Two handsome men of Ji Dong Youtian

The current situation of the battle between You and Ji is not good for Yuan Shao, but it is very good for Gongsun Zan.

If Yuan Shao expected, Gongsun Zan would not obey Zhao Qi's persuasion.

After receiving the letter from Zhao Qi, Gongsun Zan showed it to Guan Jing, the chief minister, Yan Gang and others, and said with a sneer, "Is Duke Zhao confused? Now that six points of the land in Jizhou belongs to me, how could I He stopped the army because of his letter and made peace with Yuan Benchu?" After speaking, he became angry and said, "Yuan Benchu ​​coaxed me to send troops, so I won! This is a great shame, and I will repay it!"

Gongsun Zan's family has the right surname, and his family has two thousand stone for generations. He is a famous clothing and name tycoon in Youzhou, but his position in the family was originally not high, because his mother was not his father's wife, just a servant. This point is quite similar to Yuan Shao, but unlike Yuan Shao, although Yuan Shao was also a concubine, he adopted it to his uncle Yuan Cheng, who died young and had no children, and inherited Yuan Cheng's connections and prestige. Political heritage, and won the love of his biological father Yuan Feng and his follower-father Yuan Wei. With these, he was worshipped as a man at a young age. At the age of 20, he became the county magistrate of Puyang, and his career was smooth. Gongsun Zan's early career experience difficult.

Unlike Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan did not get much honor from his family. When he first started his official career, he only served as a secretary of the county government. Because he was admired by the prefect of the county at that time, he got a wife and daughter, and studied from Lu Zhi. In the mountain of the Jin family, and then the later Liu Taishou violated the law and was sent to him by the imperial court, and then his reputation became more and more famous. From this, he made a fortune. He was honored by the county as a filial piety and honest, and the court worshipped him as the Lang. Moved to Zhuo county magistrate, Guanghezhong, and moved to the capital of the cavalry due to the merits of the war, and moved to the general of Zhonglang, and named Duting Marquis. It can be said that Gongsun Zan only got what he is today because of his own abilities.

Family and growing up environment often affect the formation of a person's character. It is probably because of this that Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao, two people with similar backgrounds, have completely different personalities and ways of dealing with the world. , rescued the party members, and actively participated in the struggle of the eunuchs and gained a high reputation. Gongsun Zan was far away in the frontier, but he established the world by virtue of his strength and military merit.

Yan Gang frowned and said, "As the general said, I already have six points in Jizhou, so of course I can't withdraw troops at this time. However, Zhao Pinqing and Yuan Benchu ​​are both relatives of the Ma family, and both of them have been honored by false names. Now that Zhao Pingqing is on a festive trip to help Guandong, first to Ji, if the general does not comply with his request and refuses to dismiss the army, I am afraid that he will use the king's order to suppress the general, and by then, I am afraid it will be difficult to handle."

Yuan Shao's concubine Yuan Hui's wife was Ma Rong's daughter, and Yuan Hui and Zhao Qi were both sons-in-law of the Ma family. Although Zhao Qi and Ma Rong did not communicate with each other, he still communicated with the rest of the Ma family. Because he and Yuan Wei had known each other for a long time, so after he left Luoyang, he did not go to Yuzhou to find his former friend. His colleague Sun Jian, instead, came to Jizhou across Hanoi to meet Yuan Shao. Yan Gang is saying that Yuan Shao and Zhao Qi belong to the first-class "celebrities", and they can be called the same kind, but they are not the same as Gongsun Zan.

Guan Jing said fervently: "Li Jue and Guo Si rebelled, captured Chang'an, killed Prince Situ, and threatened the imperial court. Ma Riju and Zhao Qishi received Han's favor. Now their name is to follow the decree and go to the east of Guandong, but please ask them: the two of them Whose decree is it on, and whose festival is it uphold? Two chaotic officials and thieves! If Zhao Qi doesn't use the king's order to talk about things, then he won't mention it.

At this moment, it is extremely impolite to call others by their first names, especially Ma Riju and Zhao Qi are dignitaries, and they are very old. Even if it is right or wrong, it is very insulting for Guan Jing to call them that. There was meaning in his words, but he had to say that what he said was not bad, and it really captured the truth. The emperor was young and under the control of Li Jue and Guo Si, so who was the order of Ma Riju and Zhao Qi's military mission? These two princes were sent by "thieves" because of Han's grace, and scolded "chaotic ministers and thieves", and no one could say anything.

Gongsun Zan suddenly realized that what Guan Jing said was right to his heart, he laughed, and said, "What the long history has said is very true." He smiled at Yan Gang, "You think too much."

Yan Gang also felt that what Guan Jing said was reasonable, so he said, "Yes."

Gongsun Zan pondered for a while, then turned his eyes to the map hanging on the tent wall, raised the sword on the table, pointed it from a distance, and said with a little regret: "The monarchs of Sun Yan were killed by Dong Zhao, Dong Gongren, this monarch, I am resourceful, decisive, and know a little bit about soldiers. At the time of the confrontation with Yuan Benchu, I can’t divide my troops to attack, and if I have too few soldiers, I can’t overcome them. Unfortunately, Julu can’t have everything for me for the time being. Otherwise, our army will connect to the Bohai Sea in the east. , Pingyuan, the west and Montenegro merge, and then instigate Zhang Jianyi in Hanoi, attack from three sides, and destroy Yuan Benchu's true command!"

Zhang Jianyi refers to General Zhang Yang, who is now the prefect of Hanoi.

Dong Zhao succeeded Li Shao, and after he took office in Julu, he used Yuan Shao's name and falsely passed on the letter, and beheaded dozens of people, including Sun Wei, a strong man in the county who was inclined to Gongsun Zan. Afterwards, he toured the county again, comforting and controlling one by one. The big name clan of the counties in the district, so that the situation of Julu was quickly stabilized, which also prevented Gongsun Zan from planning to occupy the entire territory of this county in a short period of time.

A person under the seat in the tent responded and said: "In the opinion of a small person, although the whole territory of Julu cannot be fully covered for the time being, it is harmless in the overall situation. Heishan soldiers, Dong Gongren or can only protect themselves at most, and they can't help Yuan Benchu ​​too much. The villain's humble opinion: Pingyuan and Qinghe are what generals should worry about at present. ."

Gongsun Zan looked up and saw that the person who was speaking was young, but only in his early twenties, with an ordinary appearance, but his eyes were full of vigor, but it was Yuyang Tianyu. The Tian clan was a big clan in Youzhou, and Tian Kai and others under Gongsun Zan's account were all from this clan.

Gongsun Zan knew that Tian Yu was talented, but firstly because Tian Yu was young, and secondly, the main reason was that Tian Yu had a good relationship with Liu Yu's prefecture, Xianyu Fu, etc. Therefore, although he used Tian Yu as an official, he did not. Not taking his place. Hearing what Tian Yu said at this time, Gongsun Zan asked, "Guo Rang, what do you mean by this?"

Tian Yu left the table, went down to worship in the hall, and said, "Dare to ask General Ming to draw a picture of the situation."

Gongsun Zan said, "Yes."

Tian Yu stood up, came to the front of the map, pointed to the location of Qinghe and Pingyuan, turned to Gongsun Zan and the others sideways, and said, "These two counties are really important for our army, and they rely on them to attack Wei. If these two counties are lost, then Not only will we lose the base to attack Wei, but the general will not be able to gain a foothold in Ji."

Gongsun Zan nodded and said, "Not bad."

Tian Yu rowed to the northeast along the Qinghe River, stopped at the position of Yanzhou Dongjun, and then said: "Liu Gongshan has refused the order of General Ming, not to send Yuan Benchu's family, because he does not want to ally with the general, Yuan Boye, Yuan Benchu's elder brother , Cao Mengde, Yuan Benchu's minion for a long time, although Zhang Mengzhuo and Yuan Benchu ​​had a rift, but as Yan Jun said, Zhang Mengzhuo and Yuan Benchu ​​are also of the same kind, I expect that he will not want to see the Ming general gain Ji, because Yu is not talented, In my humble opinion, I thought that Shanyang, Dongjun, Chenliu and Liuyanzhou might join forces to attack in the near future, attacking Qinghe and Pingyuan, thinking that Yuan Benchu ​​would echo the flank. Be prepared."

Gongsun Zan took care of the officials and asked, "What do you think?"

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