The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 219: Words and expressions are quiet and chaotic (3)

Before coming to see Xun Zhen, Cao Cao had already thought about what Xun Zhen would say to him after meeting Xun Zhen.

Taking it to himself, and adding his understanding of Xun Zhen, he estimated that he had reached three points.

First of all, as Xun Zhen has always been a person, he will definitely be very enthusiastic about him, and he will talk about the past, and tell some stories about the two of them interacting before; He avoided talking about this, and would use a frank attitude to express to him that the dispute between Yanzhou was not for selfish desires; again, Cao Cao guessed that Xun Zhen might use this as King of Diligence, and Cao Cao was also famous for his merits, and proposed to take Cao Cao. Stay in the court to test Cao Cao's intentions.

But he didn't expect that, just as he sat down, Xun Zhen said this, saying that he planned to represent him as the prefect of Bingzhou.

——The fact that Cao Cao is the prefect of Bingzhou is not beyond Cao Cao's expectations.

If it is said that Cao Cao is kept in the court, the target is Cao Cao personally, and he wants to be trapped in the court to kill his ambition, then to represent Cao Cao as the governor of Bingzhou, it is not only against Cao Cao, but also includes Yuan Shao. The purpose is to provoke a rift between the two of them, or in other words, between the small clique of Cao Cao and the big clique of Yuan Shao, so that the two sides are at odds.

If Cao Cao were replaced by Xun Zhen's current role and position, he would have made this move against Xun Zhen, but he probably wouldn't have revealed this plan directly when the two first met.

Cao Cao was caught off guard by Xun Zhen. He subconsciously wanted to serve hot soup to cover up the restlessness in his heart at this time. Only then did he reach out and react, but Xun Zhen couldn't see his current mental activity. ,, stroking the beard instead of taking advantage of the situation, and smiled calmly: "This time, King Qin, the merit is all in the public, and the reason is only because of people. Dare to be praised by the public's meritorious deeds?"

Xun Zhen stared at Cao Cao, with a gentle smile on his face, and said, "Brother Xian is too modest! This time King Qin, Brother Xian and Wang Gong are more than just waving the flag and shouting, but only with great power? Brother Xian and Wang Gong crossed the river from Pubanjin. After that, the army moved quickly, Lin Jin first surrendered, then captured Xia Ji, forcing Li Jue and Guo Si to send elite soldiers to help. In the battle of Hongmen Pavilion, I was lucky enough to defeat the thieves! To help me in the battle, Brother Xian and the prince rushed to the Wei River again. Although Yang Feng didn't know the general situation, he still hated the front and blocked it, so he couldn't cross it, but it also caused a commotion in the rear of Li Jue and Guo Si. His army was uneasy, and he helped me a lot in my future victory! Brother Xian and Wang Gong's contribution to this diligent king can be seen by all, and the word 'Jue Wei' is well deserved!"

Facts are facts, but the truth may be the same if spoken in different words.

After Cao Cao crossed the river from Puban, the speed of advancing his troops was indeed very fast, and it was indeed true that Xiagui had not been captured, so he marched to the north bank of the Wei River, but he did so in order to **** Liu Xie and King Qin's head with Xun Zhen. Gong, but definitely not to help Xun Zhen.

However, Xun Zhen said it now, but it seems that all Cao Cao did was really to actively help Xun Zhen.

Xi Zhicai and others all had smiles on their faces, but the smiles had different meanings and looked at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's dark face was not red at all. He shook his head and waved his hands, and said humbly: "The praise of the public is too much, too much! Although Cao and the prince have done their best, they have done their best, but in the end, the thieves are diligent in the king's success. It's all at the expense of the general! If Cao Cao is actually able to become the governor of the prefecture and the state because of this, then Cao Cao would not dare to do so; if Cao Cao's ability is short and his reputation is low, how can he dare to ask for the heavy responsibility of Fang Bo?"

Xun Zhen said sternly: "Brother Xian's words are too modest! Zhen and Brother Xian have known each other for more than ten years. How could Zhen not know about his brother's ability? The intention has been decided. In these two days, I will submit a letter to the emperor to raise my brother."

Xun Zhen's tone was firm, Cao Cao heard that he was not joking, but seemed to be really planning to do this.

He tried his best to keep his tone steady and said: "It's not self-humility, it's self-knowledge. General! There are many Hu people in the north of Bingzhou, and Zhang Feiyan is entrenched in the east of the state. The situation is complicated. Gao Yuancai, who has both civil and military skills, has far-reaching plans, is loyal to the imperial court, and is deeply loved by the people of the state.

Xun Zhen disagreed, first said: "Brother Xian is too humble to himself and too honorable to others! It is true that the style of being a wise man is wise, but in today's troubled world, it is of no use! Brother wise, it is best not to do this in the future! "

The sincere and sincere teachings were average, and after finishing a few sentences, Xun Zhen continued, "Although I am not familiar with Gao Yuancai, I am familiar with his abilities. With the heavy responsibility of leading the army, he then called more people from Chenliu in his hometown, and entrusted them to their confidants. This appointment is cronyism, and the employment of people is only for the township party. The four-character comment of Xianxiong's "far-reaching", I think this Gao Yuancai is the right one. It's amazing! If you have to compare him with Brother Xian, Penghao is compared with Yushu. As Brother Xian said, there are Hu Hu in the north of Bingzhou, Zhang Feiyan in the south, and although Baibo and Yellow Turban were ordered by Xianxiong, in the prefecture There are many thieves in Judea. The most important thing is that this place is located between Liang and Ji. The north has covered the Hu Hu, and the south has a view of the two capitals. Don't be humbler anymore!"

Yuan Shao knelt down firmly on the seat, stroked his beard slowly, and said in a hurry, "Let me think again." The image came unexpectedly and came to Cao Cao's mind.

"In the beginning, if you were willing to follow my words and join forces with me to fight the thieves, why would I stop troops in Xiagui, and why would I not be able to cross the Wei? I'm afraid that at this time, the sage and the court will have been welcomed by you and me long ago. Yecheng has gone! How can you still say that Zhenzhi is here, pretending that I am the prefect of Bingzhou? You are short-sighted, Primordial, you are short-sighted, Primordial!" Cao Cao sighed angrily.

——On the premise of having the corresponding strength, whoever controls the court can take the initiative in politics.

King Qin has succeeded in eliminating thieves, and the court is not yet in control. Xun Zhen has not yet officially assumed office, but his power has already come out. You don't need to pay anything, you don't need to do anything, you only need an imperial decree, an appointment, and you can mess up the other princes, arousing suspicion and contradictions within them or with each other.

Take Cao Cao as the prefect of Bingzhou. If this imperial decree and this appointment really came down, even if Cao Cao refused to accept it, would Yuan Shao and high officials not be suspicious? One suspects whether Cao Cao secretly voted for Xun Zhen and the imperial court? The two suspect that the scholars, tyrants, and county magistrates in Bingzhou would support Cao Cao because of this edict? Just like the infighting between Li Jue and Guo Si, suspicion is very difficult to eliminate for a lifetime. Not only is it difficult to eliminate, but with the passage of time, the suspicion will become deeper and deeper, and it will develop to the end. A **** storm.

Not only Cao Cao and Yuan Shao can make a fuss here, but Nanyang can also make a fuss about what position to hold for Lu Bu. Lu Bu and Yuan Shu are both clueless, so will the fragile alliance between the two break down? Jingzhou can also make a fuss and give Zhang Xian the prefect of Changsha. Will he think that he has the support of the court and Xun Zhen, and he has the courage to raise troops to fight Liu Biao? Yangzhou can also make a fuss, and re-present his own person as Yangzhou's prefect, is it possible to crusade and disobey, and justifiably take Yangzhou into the pocket?

There are too many places to write articles. Of course, these articles are not just to be done. When to do them, we have to wait for the right time. Not much to say for now.

When it came back to the current account, Cao Cao was already a few words, Xun Zhen insisted, and Wang Yi was not a fool. Of course, he detected the abnormality from it, and after a little thought, he also guessed the source of the abnormality.

But looking at Xun Zhen's gentle gaze on Cao Cao, Wang Yi vaguely felt that there was a fierce murderous aura in it.

This murderous intent may not be Wang Yi's delusion.

Xun Zhen has been in charge of soldiers for more than ten years. In the past ten years, he has fought dozens of battles, both large and small, and has led three states. He has lived in the people for a long time. With a little bit of unconcealed, not angry and arrogant, he can make the cowardly legs go weak. Bye, it's more than just a little murderous!

Wang Yi was about to find something to talk about, to ease the atmosphere in the tent, and sighed in his ears.

Look at it, it was issued by Cao Cao.

Man Chong, who came with Cao Cao and was sitting in the tent, asked in response, "Why did you sigh like this?"

Cao Cao took something from the leather belt around his waist, held it in his hand, and showed it to Xun Zhen and the others.

Everyone's eyes fell, it was an old sack.

Cao Cao asked Xun Zhen, and said, "Is your lord familiar with this bag?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Why don't you remember? I gave this bag to Brother Xian with my own hands. I didn't expect Brother Xian to be wearing it now."

"Cao is not only worn today, but every day! Whenever I want to look at my husband, I will take a look at it, rub it often, and ask him to watch it, so that its color has gradually faded."

Xun Zhen's face unconsciously showed gentleness, his eyes left the sack, and he fell back on Cao Cao's face. He also sighed and said, "Brother Xian is a man of great affection, and Zhenzhi is also."

"Before I came to see the public today, the dog asked Ang, what kind of gifts should I prepare for the public, and why? Ang, what did my father tell you at that time?"

Cao Ang replied: "Father said at that time that although there are many heroes in the world, and there are many heroes in the world, if you can call yourself the most confidant of your father, only Zhendong is the one. Today, there is a distinction between honor and inferiority, but there is no need to pay respects. , a piece of gold cake is enough to express your heart."

Cao Cao ordered: "Take out the golden cake I gave to Zhendong and serve it."

Cao Ang took out a golden cake from his bosom, got up and left the table, bent over, walked respectfully to the tent, bowed down, and held up the golden cake to serve.

The chief clerk, Chen Yi, stepped forward to catch it and forwarded it to Xun Zhen.

Cao Cao said that with Xun Zhen, he did not need to give him a heavy gift. Everyone thought he would give Xun Zhen something like a sack as a gift. It was unusual for him to meet him, but he didn't expect that he would give Xun Zhen a golden cake.

After all, things like gold and silver would inevitably feel tacky in the eyes of Gao Shi, and no matter how you look at it, it should have nothing to do with the word "confidant".

Xun Zhen took this golden cake and looked at it, but she guessed the intention of Cao Cao to give him this thing, put it on the case, and said, "Brother Xian, this gift is exactly in line with the meaning of chastity! Zhen Yiwang Brother Xian's love is stronger than Jin Jian!"

Wang Yi and others suddenly realized that this was what Cao Cao meant.

Xun Zhen didn't pause, and continued: "Zhen heard it again, 'The two of them are of one mind, they will cut gold, and if they are of the same mind, they will smell like an orchid'. Although the two thieves Li Jue and Guo Si have been defeated, the sea is still turbulent. Ning, when the hero is fighting, when the martyrs are serving the country, only Zhen is the only one who may not be able to achieve this success. My brother regards Zhen as a confidant. Zhen is willing to work together with Xianxiong to help the emperor, negotiate with the court, re-establish the Han Dynasty, and merge the prefect of the state. If Xianxiong insists on not doing it, then I will write to the court, please keep your brother in the court, your brother will How's it going?"


There is something wrong today, and it's too late, so this is the only update.

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