The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 218: Remarks and ambiguity (2)

The next day, Zhong Yao did not come to meet Xun Zhen.

He sent an official to see Xun Zhen, and sent a handwritten letter to Xun Zhen. The letter said that Cao Cao would go to Chang'an to meet Liu Xie today. It can only be postponed later, it is recommended to change it to tomorrow.

Xun Zhen replied with a letter, expressing her agreement.

After dismissing the official sent by Zhong Yao, Xun Zhen called Chen Yi, the chief clerk, and said, "Tell the chef to prepare the food and drink. Is there any meat left over from the good deer that Yun Chang gave me the day before yesterday?"

Chen Yi replied, "There are many more words from Duke Ming."

Xun Zhen said: "Be a deer. In addition, take out two jars of good wine."

Chen Yi agreed and asked Xun Zhen with a smile, "Ming Gong, which distinguished guest are you going to entertain? Is it Zhong Shi Lang?"

"Yuanchang and I have changed the appointment for tomorrow. Meng De is going to Chang'an today to see the Holy Master. I have prepared this good wine and food for Meng De.... Go to Bofu Camp and take a look. Bofu will lead the army with him. If you have Peiguo specialties, bring some."

Chen Yi should be.

"Then you take two people and wait for Meng De outside Dong Cheng's camp. When he has seen the Son of Heaven, invite him to meet in our camp."

The post of chief clerk is equivalent to the secretary of later generations, and is one of the officials closest to the chief officials.

The fact that Chen Yi represented Xun Zhen to greet Cao Cao showed that in Xun Zhen's mind, he had a close relationship with Cao Cao, and he did not lose respect.

Chen Yi complied with his promise, and after he had finished instructing the cook, Chen Yi brought two attendants and rushed outside Dong Chengying to wait for Cao Cao.

Of course, Xun Zhen would not wait in the camp. He handled several military affairs, and discussed with Xi Zhicai and others about moving the capital to Yingchuan.

Just like those who hoped to get the veneration of records from the imperial court, Xun Zhen and Xi Zhicai thought it would be difficult to persuade Liu Xie and the court officials to move their capital to Yingchuan, but they were more certain to achieve it.

It was almost noon when Chen Yi came back to report to Xun Zhen, saying: "Dong Chengying, who arrived at Chen Shi, Cao Taiyuan, has just seen the Holy Master. Yi turned to him to report the invitation of Duke Ming, and he said that he would come to see Duke Ming with Wang Hedong in the afternoon. ."

Wang Hedong is also Wang Yi.

This time Cao Cao came to see Liu Xie together with Wang Yi.

In fact, part of the reason for Cao Cao's visit here was because of Wang Yi.

Knowing that there is no way to persuade Liu Xie to temporarily move the capital to Ye County, and that King Qin's head is out of hand, Cao Cao has been hesitating between leaving and staying these days. Whether to stay, see Liu Xie or not. Entering the DPRK and returning to Taiyuan?

He was a little unwilling to return to Taiyuan at this point, but if he did not return to Taiyuan and went to the Hajj, Liu Xiezhi would not agree with Yuan Shao. Suspicion? After all, nowadays, Cao Cao still relies on others, and he still needs to rely on Yuan Shao's protection and support.

Wang Yi had absolutely no concerns about this, and on the contrary, he had worked so hard for the king's trip, and the troops and horses were approaching Chang'an. How could he return to Hedong without seeing the Son of Heaven? Although the King of Diligence has lost their share of the merits, but he has the merit of King of Diligence, how can he return to Hedong without some rewards? No matter how you say it, it is unreasonable to run for nothing and return empty-handed.

Therefore, as soon as the edict that Liu Xie called him to enter the dynasty arrived, Wang Yi immediately prepared to set off and set off for the dynasty.

He has already obeyed the order. If Cao Cao did not obey the order and led his army back to Taiyuan alone, it would be too outrageous.

So Cao Cao and Wang Yi came to Chang'an for an audience.

When Li Jue was defeated, the Liangzhou soldiers on the north bank of the Weishui River had either fled and went to other separatist regimes, or they had submitted a letter of surrender to the imperial court; Yang Feng and Xu Huang on the south bank of the Weishui River had also led their troops to leave the Weinan Ferry and surrendered to Xun. Under the tent of Zhen, the roads on both sides of the Weishui River have been opened, and Cao Cao and Wang Yizhi came to Chang'an, all the way through without hindrance.


In the afternoon, Cao Cao Guo and Wang Yi came to visit Xun Zhen together.

Speaking of this "see you", when Cao Cao and Chen Yi said "see you Xun Zhen", it is really not that Cao Cao is polite.

Not to mention that Xun Zhen has been honored by officials such as "Fake Festival Yue, Lu Shang Shu Shi, and General of Chariots". Although Xun Zhen has written a letter to resign, but it is only a matter of time before he takes office, he will only say that Xun Zhen is now in town. The official position of General Dong is already higher than that of Cao Cao, and the word "see you" is well deserved by Xun Zhen.

To report that Cao Cao and Wang Yi were approaching, Xun Zhen personally went to the camp to meet him.

In the distance, among the rows of green trees, there are several horses and two cars coming from the empty official road in the west.

When he got close, Xun Zhen could see clearly. There were four cavalry, and the first cavalry was the first. The person sitting above was about 40 years old, with an ordinary appearance, with a beard, a dark complexion, and a low figure. A scarf, black civilian clothes, and a sword, but it is Cao Cao.

The next three riders, one in his twenties, had a similar appearance to Cao Cao, and he was not tall. Xun Zhen knew that this person was Cao Cao's eldest son Cao Ang; the riders on the other two horses were one. They were in their thirties, one in their early twenties, and the two of them, Xun Zhen, did not know each other. There were two cars, one was a passenger car, with the curtains hanging down, no one could see who was sitting in the car, but Xun Zhen could guess that it was undoubtedly Wang Yi; In front of the car, there was a 30-year-old scribe with a sword standing on the car. Xun Zhen didn't know this person, but he could probably guess who it was.

There was still quite a distance from the carriage gate. Cao Cao dismounted after a few rides, and both cars stopped. The scribe in the carriage got off and put his pedals under the carriage door. A man in his thirties who got out of the carriage was also wearing civilian clothes. A scholar with a long sword.

There are six people in total, which can be called a light car.

Cao Cao and the scholar were at the front, and the other four were at the back, heading towards the Yuanmen.

Xun Zhen led Xi Zhicai to wait for the soldiers, greeted them with a smile, and said, "Meng De, Meng De! Ren Cheng farewell, how long have you and I not seen each other? The fate in this world is so wonderful, I really did not expect, you When I meet again, it will actually be in Chang'an! Meng De, Meng Dexian brother! If you want to kill me!" In his voice, he was close to Cao Cao and the others.

Cao Cao and others are bowing to Xun Zhen with a long bow.

Xun Zhen grabbed Cao Cao's arm, pulled him up, looked up and down, and said, "Meng De, why don't you see old?"

Cao Cao was lower than Xun Zhen, and when the two were too close, he saw that Xun Zhen raised his face, because he stepped back a little, and said with a smile: "Cao can't see the old man, but the old man is still very handsome. . . . , it should be said that the spirit is better than the past!"

Xun Zhen waved her hand and said, "I'm old, I'm not as good as I used to be. Brother Xian, just yesterday, I was only competing with the soldiers in my battalion. Guess what? How could it be possible in the past?"

Cao Cao said, "If I remember correctly, the Duke will be thirty-five or six this year, the spring and autumn are flourishing, and he is at the prime of his life. How can he speak of old age?"

Xun Zhen said: "A person may not be old, but his heart is already old." He sighed, "Brother Meng Dexian, 'standing at thirty' is what the Master said. I passed the age of standing early this year. Looking back, I can't accomplish anything. It can be said that I wasted. Years are wasted time. Every time I think about it, my heart is melancholy."

Cao Cao was speechless for a moment.

If Xun Zhen is wasting years, wasting time and accomplishing nothing so far, what is Cao Cao?

When he had nothing to say, Xun Zhen turned his eyes to Wang Yi beside him and asked him, "Brother Xian, this duke must be the Prince of Hedong?"

Cao Cao replied, "Exactly."

Wang Yi bowed down and said, "I take the liberty to meet with him, and if it is disrespectful, I still dare to ask the prince not to sin."

In terms of official position, Xun Zhen was a high-ranking person, and Wang Yi wanted to meet him, he had to stab him in advance to ask to see him.

In terms of the status of scholars, if two scholars who do not know each other want to meet, there must be an introducer who knows both of them, and this introducer also needs to have the guest, and the host should make an appointment for the guest to visit the door in advance. time. Although Cao Cao knew both Xun Zhen and Wang Yi, he could be an introducer for the two of them, but Wang Yi's audience with Xun Zhen today was because Cao Cao did not come to Xun Zhen to make an appointment with Wang Yi in advance. Wang Yi came with Cao Cao.

Two aspects, no matter which aspect, Wang Yi is indeed disrespectful.

Xun Zhen returned the ceremony and said with a smile: "My husband, how can I restrain him from being vulgar? The famous teacher and apprentice in the old years were Li Shichang, and the people loved him. When I arrived in Luoyang, I heard the good name of the Duke again, and the Duke was in Hedong. Over the years, he dealt with Baibo and Yellow Turbans, trying to protect the people from being infringed. Today, I have to meet the public here, and I am very happy."

Wang Yi did not expect Xun Zhen to be so aware of his past and experience. Xun Zhen is now diligent in Wang Gong's success, and his reputation has grown. If he can get Xun Zhen's admiration and forgive his strong nature, he can't help but be happy and humble himself.

After a few words, Cao Cao asked his son Cao Ang to come up to see Xun Zhen.

Cao Ang performed the ceremony of the younger generation, and Xun Zhen asked him to stand up.

Then, Cao Cao introduced Xun Zhen to the remaining three people that Xun Zhen did not know.

One of the three was Man Chong, a literate official under Cao Cao's account, and the other was Jia Kui, a high-ranking official in Wangyi County's prefecture.

Xun Zhen was relatively unfamiliar with Jia Kui. Hearing Man Chong's name, Xun Zhen looked at him a few times.

The name of Man Chong was not only known to Xunzhen in his previous life, but after he moved the military mansion to Changyi, he also heard the mention of Man Chong several times by local scholars in Changyi. Man Chong's home is in Changyi. Among the members of his clan, there are several others who are now serving in Xun You's prefecture and Lejin's prefecture.

Man Chong and the others just met Xun Zhen, and Xi Zhicai and the others who came out to greet Xun Zhen also met with Cao Cao and others.

Outside the camp is not a place for long-term Xun Zhen invited Cao Cao, Wang Yi and others to enter the camp.

Cao Cao and others followed Xun Zhen through the Yuanmen and entered the camp.

On the way to the big tent, Xun Zhen noticed that Cao Cao was looking around from time to time, knowing that he was observing the layout of his fortress. Building a camp is one of the basic skills of a general school. Although it cannot be said that a general who is good at building a camp will definitely be able to fight, but a general who can fight is definitely not bad at building a camp. It's just that since Cao Cao was invited to meet in the camp, Xun Zhen was not afraid that he would see his ability to build the camp, so he just pretended not to see him.

When they got to the billboard, the guests and the host took their seats, and Xi Zhicai waited to sit with them.

But it was the servant who served the tea soup, and just after he retired, Xun Zhen looked at Cao Cao and said something that made Cao Cao's heart skip a beat.

Xun Zhen said: "Brother Meng Dexian, in the battle of Yanzhou two years ago, I had no choice but to make you lose Yanzhou and Dongjun. I have been thinking about repaying you for a long time. This time, I have made great contributions to the emperor. In the letter, what is your brother’s intention?”


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