Immediately, Nurse Kurokawa thought of something and said.

"Now that everything is done, let's go"

Nurse Tachibana didn't bother to reply to her shirk of responsibility.

The most important thing now is to see if we can find out from these three people the person who did all this.

Nurse Tachibana did not reply directly to Nurse Kurokawa's words, which made her feel unhappy. The moment she turned around, the gloomy look appeared on Nurse Kurokawa's face again.

Nurse Tachibana only remembered something when she passed Hayato's bed.

"I'm going to take the seal off your mouth now, but you can't yell or I'll put it back on again, okay?"

She walked to Hayato and said calmly.

Hayato didn't know what he was thinking, so he nodded dully.

See this.

Nurse Tachibana removed the thing from his mouth.

Sure enough, Hayato didn't make any noise.

Nurse Tachibana left the room relieved.

Out of the ward.

She couldn't wait to walk to the duty station.

Control the mouse with your hand.

Zoom in on the ward where the three of them are, cancel the mute, and wait for something.

Nurse Kurokawa raised her eyelids and took a quick look and felt bored.

She yawned and took out her mobile phone from her clothes.

Clicked on a software called Share.

I read it with interest.

"Hahaha~ This artist is so funny! Definitely pay attention!"

"Hey~ A crazy guy on the subway, a disgusting bastard, a disgusting stinky man! My family, who knows!"


Nurse Tachibana, who was staring at the computer screen without blinking, was attracted by the cheerful laughter of Nurse Kurokawa next to her from time to time.

She tilted her head slightly.

I saw Nurse Kurokawa flipping the screen with her thumb.

Skipping video after video on my phone.

There are scenery, food, music, and even variety show clips.

Gaze at the different images above.

Nurse Tachibana was quite amused.

His attention was diverted for a moment.

He cast his gaze on Nurse Kurokawa's cell phone.

"Nurse Tachibana, what are you doing?"

It wasn't until Nurse Kurokawa noticed her gaze and asked a question that Nurse Tachibana came back to her senses.

"Nurse Kurokawa, what are you watching now? Why are there so many types of videos?"

Nurse Tachibana seemed a little embarrassed to be discovered like this. Her fair cheeks slowly turned red, and she calmed down a little and asked.

Nurse Kurokawa looked at Nurse Tachibana with rosy cheeks with wide eyes, a look of disbelief on her face.

The eternal iceberg actually melted.

Oh my god! It's a miracle.

"Haha, this is a software just developed by Shenghua Group. It is very popular among young people..."

Nurse Kurokawa elaborated.

"Nurse Tachibana, don't you know?~"

He immediately added, with a proud look on his face, mixed with a bit of sarcasm.

It seems to be mocking Nurse Tachibana as being outdated and out of touch with the age of young people.

"Oh, I really don't know. After all, I don't have that much free time at work."

Nurse Tachibana noticed that there was something in Nurse Kurokawa's words, the redness on her face instantly faded, and she said coldly.

Her words made Nurse Kurokawa speechless. Her cheeks turned green and red for a while.

After a long time, he lowered his head and continued to watch videos as if nothing had happened.

But the fingers that kept sliding without rhythm betrayed her true mood at the moment.

Small sample~

Nurse Tachibana calmly withdrew her gaze.

Look at the monitor again.

But this time I have an extra mobile phone in my hand.

Downloading is displayed above.

She discovered a very relaxing way to entertain herself.

If you feel tired of working in the hospital, it is also a good choice to go home and watch videos to reduce fatigue.

the other side.

Hayato has completely accepted the fact that he doesn't have a cow.

He was confused about the future.

Especially when he thought that the girls he had worked so hard to train would no longer be able to enjoy it.

Hayato felt extreme pain.

And for him whose mind is full of Se Se, if he can no longer be Se Se, it would be better to kill him directly!

"Who is it? You are so vicious that even a fisherman knows how to knock him unconscious. Even if I offend you, there is no need to do this!"

Hayato muttered to himself.

"Death! Die! Die! Wait until I come out

Once you get to the hospital, I must find out who you are! I want you to die badly! Shattered bones and ashes! Cut into pieces by a thousand cuts! Eaten alive! "

Then there was another heart-piercing hysterical roar.

Nurse Tachibana behind the screen frowned slightly upon hearing this, thinking about whether to seal his mouth.

I thought about it for a while.

Still no action.

Anyway, at this time, all the patients downstairs are strolling outside.

Although Hayato was yelling and cursing, luckily he didn't shake the bed. It wasn't impossible to make a big noise and let him vent.

Otherwise, if such a huge amount of resentment accumulates too much and is not released, it will probably anger people to death. If someone dies, it will be troublesome.

Hayato's cursing voice still echoed in the ward.

"Hmm... it happened... it was so noisy."

At this time, a vague voice that had just woken up sounded.

"Eh!? What happened to me? Where is mine? Why am I tied up?"

Xiong Lusheng slowly opened his confused eyes, and subconsciously wanted to rub his hands, but found that his hands could not move at all. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked carefully, only to find that his whole body was tied up with ropes. His sleepiness immediately disappeared, replaced by panic.

Chapter 251 Brothers in distress

"Hiss~Ah! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"

Xiong Lusheng began to twist his body instinctively to struggle, but because the rope was tied too tightly, he just struggled a little more, and obvious marks appeared on his body. He screamed in pain, and he looked like a fat pig about to be slaughtered.

Xiong Lusheng was wailing for mercy, and Hayato was also cursing and threatening.

"Shut up, open your dog eyes and see where this is!"

Hayato was venting his resentment, but the nonsensical voice of Xiong Lusheng came to his ears, which made him upset, so he roared angrily.

There is actually another reason why he did this, that is, why do you, Xiong Lusheng, act more painful than me? I am disabled and can't find anyone to avenge me. What are you shouting for? Are you disabled too! ?

"Where is this? The bed... and the smell of disinfectant... Hospital? I am in the hospital!?"

Hayato's resentful rebuke made Xiong Lusheng, whose brain was in panic, sober up a lot. He heard Hayato's words and looked around in confusion. Soon, through some iconic things, he understood where he was.

"Wuhu~ It's good that he was not kidnapped"

Xiong Lusheng didn't know why he was in the hospital for a while, but it was good to know that he was not kidnapped.

He was also half a gangster and knew that being kidnapped was a very dangerous thing.

It's okay to make money, but it's terrible to kill people.

Mainly thinking that my second brother has not yet made a big splash in high school and brought happiness to thousands of girls, but he died like this, which would be a big loss!

But then again.

Why am I in the hospital?

Xiong Lusheng shook his dizzy head and tried to think about the reason.

Although he had lost the impression of that morning like Hayato, the memory of being beaten up by Hanamito remained in his mind.

Soon, in less than two and a half minutes.

Xiong Lusheng recalled everything.

"My brother! Please don't be in trouble!"

He had originally looked relaxed, but when he remembered what happened not long ago, Xiong Lusheng's face was sullen again, and even worse. He wanted to see if his brother was in trouble, but his body was limited, so Xiong Lusheng could only pray out loud.

In the ward.

The two reached a delicate balance.

One had already understood, and the other was still hoping for the best.

"Hmm! You bastards! Why are you making so much noise? Can't you let me sleep well!"

A rough and mature voice sounded at the window opposite the two.

The loud voice easily drowned out the voices of Hayato and Xiong Lusheng.

Attracting the two to turn their eyes and look.

Coach Dong Gang's initial reaction was similar to Xiong Lusheng's.

But Coach Dong Gang, who was already an adult, was not as panicked as Xiong Lusheng and Hayato.

He easily figured out where he was by the furnishings in the ward and the smell of disinfectant.

After all, playing baseball is a very dangerous thing. If you are not careful, you may be hit by the ball, and going to the hospital for bandaging is commonplace.

So Coach Dong Gang is very familiar with the smell of disinfectant.

Moreover, he had just recovered from the hospital not long ago, and now he was revisiting the old place.

But why was he here...

Coach Dong Gang suddenly thought of something.

His face changed drastically.

He quickly moved his hand to touch his crotch.

I don’t know if Nurse Tachibana was kind or for some other reason, but she didn’t tie it very tightly.

Coach Dong Gang took a while.

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