Think of this.


Nurse Kurokawa couldn't help but laugh, holding her belly with both hands and laughing.

The unbridled laughter activated the voice-activated lights, illuminating the somewhat dim corridor.

Nurse Tachibana glanced thoughtfully at Nurse Kurokawa, who was laughing, and then turned back to observe the monitor.

Nurse Kurokawa's laughter only lasted for a moment.

‘What a cold and boring person’

She felt bored when no one responded to her emotions.

‘It’s better to go on duty with Hiramatsu! At least you can tease her while she sleeps'

Nurse Kurokawa gave Nurse Tachibana a hard look at her from an angle that prevented Nurse Tachibana from seeing her expression.

"By the way, Nurse Tachibana, shouldn't Nurse Hiramatsu be on duty with me today?"

Nurse Kurokawa asked Nurse Tachibana whatever she thought of. She forced a smile and asked Nurse Tachibana.

But I don't know why, but her smile looked sinister, like a criminal who had committed many crimes.

"Owe her a favor"

Nurse Tachibana answered briefly and concisely.


Nurse Kurokawa felt incredible.

Just that lazy guy! ?

A guy who can fall asleep while standing on duty can make Nurse Tachibana owe her a favor?

"Hehe, Nurse Hiramatsu also owes me a favor. You owe her, and she owes me. How about you help me pay for the rest of my remaining nurses, Tachibana today~"

Nurse Kurokawa tried to say while rubbing her hands.

Unfortunately, Nurse Tachibana ignored her.

"If Nurse Tachibana doesn't say anything, then it will be acquiescence~"

Nurse Kurokawa's face froze, but she immediately said again.

Nurse Tachibana still didn't reply to her.

"Then I'll leave first. Thank you for your hard work, Nurse Tachibana."

Say it.

Nurse Kurokawa was about to run away.

She felt uncomfortable every time she was on duty with Nurse Tachibana.

Just when Nurse Kurokawa had already stepped into the elevator with one foot.

"Don't blame me when the money is deducted for absence from work."

Nurse Tachibana's cold, emotionless words sounded.

Nurse Kurokawa paused as she was about to leave.

With the elevator door opening and closing twice.

In the end, Nurse Kurokawa chose to continue on duty.

In the presence of money and annoying people.

She finally succumbed to the power of money.

The atmosphere between the two became somewhat silent.

"Follow me to the warehouse to get the rope."

Suddenly, Nurse Tachibana's calm voice broke the silence.

Perhaps for Nurse Tachibana, she didn't feel anything was wrong at all.


Nurse Kurokawa asked confused.

"I'm afraid that when they wake up, they will make a lot of noise. If they make too much noise, other patients will complain."

Nurse Tachibana explained.


It was about money, so Nurse Kurokawa agreed without even thinking about it.

There is nothing in this world that cannot be dealt with with money.

The two went to the warehouse together to get two nylon ropes.

Nylon ropes made of strong material are most suitable for binding some patients suffering from epilepsy.

When Nurse Kurokawa entered the ward.

She looked curiously at Hayato, who was wrapped tightly.

A mocking smile appeared on his lips.

Because Hayato looks so funny now.

Like an Egyptian mummy.

But when Nurse Kurokawa met those bloodshot eyes.

She started suddenly.

tremble with fear.

Because those eyes clearly showed the overwhelming hatred, but they also seemed too calm, which really made people feel unclear.

Nurse Kurokawa swallowed.

He immediately looked away.

"Hey, these patients are so pitiful. I don't know how cruel people would do such a thing!"

At the same time, he expressed regret and pity.

The look she showed now was completely different from the mocking and sarcastic look she had before.

They don't seem to be the same person, but more like a pair of twin sisters with completely different personalities.

Nurse Tachibana, who was walking in front of Nurse Kurokawa, heard this.

The cold expression is even worse.

There was still a hint of disdain in those clear eyes.

"Nurse Kurokawa, you tie up that person, and I'll tie up this person."

Nurse Tachibana pointed to Nurse Kurokawa, Coach Togo, who had a bandage wrapped around his head.

"How about we exchange..."

Nurse Kurokawa first glanced at the bulky coach Togo, and then at the thin Shiga Masaru. She recalled Hayato's strange look in his mind and said quickly.


Nurse Tachibana asked calmly.

"Because...because I am not strong enough, I am afraid that the binding will not be strong. Unlike Nurse Yamaguchi, who can bind it as well as I can"

Nurse Kurokawa hesitated for a while before speaking.

From what she said, it can be inferred that Hayato was tied up by Nurse Yamaguchi.


Tachibana nurse Furui Muha's eyes finally changed, filled with disgust and contempt.

She immediately walked to Coach Dong Gang's bedside.

He tied it up expertly.

Nurse Kurokawa also walked to Shikasheng's side.

When she lowered her head and looked down at Buck Sheng who was sleeping like a dead pig.

The look of fear that was there at first disappeared immediately.

replaced by contempt and disgust.

She used strong nylon rope to tie up the body of Buck Sheng.

In order to make it more solid and reliable.

She even put her legs on the hospital bed for support.

This caused visible strangling marks where the rope came into contact with the buck's body.

"Nurse Kurokawa, there's no need to be so tight."

After finishing her work, Nurse Tachibana saw Nurse Kurokawa's exaggerated movements and quickly stepped forward, looking at the scene and frowning.

Is this tying up a patient or an animal?

"Is it tight? It should be fine! I'm just afraid that it will be too loose and he will accidentally break free."

Nurse Kurokawa lowered her voice and spoke aggrievedly in a voice that only two people could hear.

Chapter 250: Everyone is evil

Nurse Tachibana looked at Nurse Kurokawa who looked aggrieved and felt helpless.

Through several years of working together.

Nurse Tachibana already knew the bad character of Nurse Kurokawa next to her.

She is truly a bully who does one thing in front of others and another behind their backs.

It's possible that she was talking and laughing with you a second ago, acting very considerate and normal.

But the next second.

Or if you look away from her for a moment, she might show her mean side.

And he is the kind of person who, even if he makes a mistake, will always believe that he is right from the bottom of his heart.

Among the nurses, her personality is also ranked among the worst.


I will become what I am now.

They also have to take certain responsibilities, right?

Unreasonable bosses... and juniors who can't stand alone...


"What's wrong? Nurse Tachibana?"

Nurse Kurokawa saw Li

Nurse Hua furrowed her brows and said nothing, her cold and handsome face still showing a deep chill. She suddenly felt panicked in her heart, so she asked cautiously.

After all, Nurse Tachibana is considered her senior and has a certain weight in front of her boss. If she really makes her unhappy and she tells her immediate boss something, it will be bad if her performance is deducted or something.

"It's nothing, just be careful not to go too far next time."

Nurse Tachibana replied expressionlessly.

She didn't know why, but she hated the three people in this ward from the bottom of her heart.

Even Nurse Kurokawa's practice of tying up patients regardless of their severity has faded away a lot.


Nurse Kurokawa saw that Nurse Tachibana had a straight face again, and she felt much relieved, because this meant that there was no problem.

"If Nurse Tachibana thinks I'm not doing well, then I can do it myself next time, or she can guide me next time."

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