Chapter 7 007. Consciousness Projection

It was a strange website, hidden in the depths of the Internet, with unknown meaning.

There is no site name or text on the website interface. After clicking on it, there is only a dark, counterclockwise spiral.

No, calling it a spiral is a bit forced. It is something that seems darker than the night, like a bottomless abyss or a deep starry sky. It is a vortex that can absorb people's sight and soul together. …

This black vortex slowly rotated on the website interface, but Chen Xiao was keenly aware that this black vortex had a strange feeling, perfect, weird, and full of three-dimensionality.

It seems to transcend the pure computer screen, as if it is emerging from the screen and slowly rotating in front of your eyes.

This thing is not simple...

He didn't know what it was, but by some strange combination of circumstances, Chen Xiao began to use his hacking skills to invade the website.

But who would have expected that as soon as he took action, he would be counterattacked by the opponent, and all contact with his broilers would be completely lost after just one confrontation.

Not only that, it was as if his firewall did not exist, and was reversely invaded by countless computer languages ​​that were extremely weird and had never been seen before.

Chen Xiao's last memory was that his computer screen suddenly exploded, his vision went black, and he lost consciousness completely.

"In other words, I was already dead at that time, died of a computer explosion or a subsequent fire?"

Chen Shibo's face looked a little ugly, "But how is this possible? What level of hacker can detonate a computer? Doesn't it mean that the most powerful hacker in the world can only burn the motherboard of his opponent?"

Although he was still unwilling to accept his own death, it was obvious that now was not the time to think about it.

He continued to write on the memory paper: [Soul travels through time, seizes body and is reborn? 】

At this moment, Chen Shibo thought of those light spots in the imaginary number space, so he drew a circle on the word "soul".

He couldn't answer this question yet. Maybe the soul really existed, but he didn't know the reason why he traveled through time.

[Then thirdly, is my current experience the so-called soul time travel? 】

Chen Zhongxian took a deep breath and looked out the window of the ward. The city outside the window was like a dream, so gorgeous that he could not even imagine it. Perhaps it could only be glimpsed in science fiction movies and games.

However, he happened to travel through time in such a dramatic way, into this world where the level of technology is infinitely exaggerated.

Not only are holographic projection and bionic technologies completely mature, but even optical quantum computers have developed to tens of thousands of bits, such as the optical brain I am currently using.

Facing such a developed technological world, the facts told me that it was possible that my soul had traveled through time?

What is this, stupid materialism-1?

"Materialism and idealism..."

At this moment, the core of the problem turned around again, causing Chen Shibo's thoughts to return to this theme.

[Fourth, the origin of imaginary number space]

Chen Shibo thought for a while and tried hard to search for the memories of this body from childhood to adulthood. Unfortunately, no one in the Chen family ever mentioned the origin of the imaginary number space in his mind.

In other words, the Chen family does not know the existence of imaginary number space at all.

The only clue related to the imaginary number space is that a family genetic disease like autism had already appeared more than ten generations ago in the Chen family.

"In other words, the origin of imaginary number space is likely to go back hundreds of years, or even further."

Chen Shibo thought for a while and planned to see if the Chen family had a genealogy or anything like that when he went back. Maybe he could find clues about the imaginary number space in it.

So, he drew a question mark after the fourth item.

[Fifth, the ability of imaginary number space]

Chen Shibo tried to sum it up, "In short, the imaginary number space has not been controlled by anyone since it entangled the Chen family. Otherwise, I would not have seen the accumulation star when I first entered the imaginary number space. It’s been a ball of emotions for hundreds of years, but… why is it me?”

Chen Quanxian held his chin, looking thoughtful, and then seemed to think of something. Between the fifth question and [Soul travel, rebirth? 】A connecting line is drawn between the words.

"I seem to understand..."

Chen Zhongshan showed a thoughtful expression, "The imaginary number space may not be difficult to control. The only flaw is that it can only parasitize the brains of newborns and absorb the host's emotions every once in a while."

"But unfortunately, newborns cannot bear this kind of extraction at all, which leads to intellectual disability and autism-like conditions."

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo found that he had solved the problem of genetic diseases that had plagued the Chen family for hundreds of years.

"So even if you do a prenatal check-up, you can't find any problems, because there are no problems with the newborn itself."

"Not only that, the side effects of the imaginary number space will also affect the baby's intelligence, making it impossible to discover the existence of the imaginary number space, let alone enter the imaginary number space. Only after I have traveled through, can I discover the imaginary numbers with a normal human mind. Space exists and can be used smoothly for one’s own use.”

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now that he has reset the emotion extraction mechanism of the imaginary number space, the previous situation will no longer occur.

So one last question.

[Does this light point in the imaginary number space represent people’s spiritual thoughts, or... consciousness projection? 】

Although this is a very idealistic question, the test just now almost certainly confirms the answer to this question.

Because only consciousness can emit emotions. Although he doesn't quite understand why the imaginary number space can project other people's consciousness, it is the fact.

Even if you are a little bolder, could those light spots be related to the legendary souls?

Chen Shibo doesn't know, but since he can travel through time, then maybe there really is a soul in this world...

Moreover, when the distance just measured exceeds 500 meters, the consciousness projection will disappear, which may mean that the imaginary number space and the real world are actually in a state of overlap.

If this is the case, then since I can sense the light spots of these four people regardless of the wall, there is no reason why I can't sense the light spots of other patients in this hospital...

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo suddenly felt something in his heart, and he stood silently in front of the window.

The next second, the "fire control radar" in the imaginary number space opened instantly, one, two, fifty, one hundred, one thousand...

As if the barrier of knowledge had been lifted, after Chen Shibo suddenly realized the power of the imaginary space, thousands of light points appeared out of thin air in the gray-white void, like a bright sea of ​​stars!

Some of these light spots are dim in color and seem to be extinguished in the next second;

Some are quiet and stable, like the stars in the sky!

Others are beating slowly, like a strange-colored flame...

And the colors of these light spots are different, most of them are the most common pure white, then they are white with blue, white with green, and even rarer, they are purple and red light!

As these light points emerge in the imaginary space, they immediately emit wisps of emotions, like smoke and dreams, filling the empty world of the imaginary space.

Although they are rare, they are endless!

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