Chapter 6 006. Stars


Memories flashed through Chen Shibo's mind. When Chen Shibo didn't answer, the bodyguard asked again with some doubts.

"Nothing, just stand here and don't move."

Chen Shibo ignored the strange expressions of the four people and closed his eyes slightly.


The moment he closed his eyes, Chen Shibo actively sensed the imaginary number space in his mind.

Sure enough, while sensing the imaginary number space, he immediately saw four stars that were so dim that they were almost invisible twinkling in the foggy gray-white space.

These four stars are not so much stars as they are four dim dots that are as small as a fingernail, flickering like fireflies in summer.

But at this time, there were actually wisps of matter rising out of these four small dim light spots, like a wisp of gray-white smoke, or like slowly evaporating white phosphorus.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo was suddenly shocked. He tried to sense these substances, but found that the substances emitted were actually emotions.

Most of these light spots emitted emotions of doubt and surprise, but one of them also emitted a trace of disdain.

However, no matter how these emotions are dispersed, they all fall into the imaginary number space.

They are absorbed unreservedly into the imaginary space.

Chen Shibo was overjoyed, but suddenly thought that he must not unscrupulously extract other people's emotions, otherwise wouldn't the people who stay around him for a long time slowly become autistic?

If things continue like this, doesn't it mean telling the world that there is something wrong with me?

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo tried to adjust the power of imaginary space to absorb emotions, but he soon found that this was redundant.

I don't know why, when the imaginary number space extracts others, it can only extract the overflowing emotions, but cannot directly extract the emotions like extracting oneself.

In other words, these people and the imaginary number space are not a perfect match. They can only absorb the overflowing emotions, but cannot directly extract the emotions of the human body itself.

"Master? Master?"

The bodyguard's questioning voice came to his ears again, and Chen Zuoshan had no choice but to open his eyes and face the doubtful glances of everyone.

"It's okay, you can go out."

After hearing Chen Shibo's instructions, the four of them looked at each other and left the room.

Until the four people left the room and disappeared from his presence, Chen Shibo sensed it again, only to find that the four people's light spots were still lingering and flickering in the imaginary space, and the confusion they exuded was even stronger than before.

However, this confusion did not last long, and soon the four light spots returned to calmness again, leaving only traces of calm emotions overflowing.

"The light spot didn't disappear..."

Seeing this scene, Chen Frequency Flash couldn't help but look surprised. Although the four people had left his sight, the light spots representing them still existed.

Could it be...

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo simply stood up and walked out of the ward. He only saw two bodyguards sitting on the chairs in the corridor chatting. When Chen Shibo suddenly walked out, the two of them stood up hesitantly.

"Skin blast pill."

According to the memory in his mind, Chen Shibo called one of the bodyguards by name, "Help me buy a bowl of egg fried rice. I'm hungry."

"Egg, egg fried rice?"

The bodyguard named Pi Bao Dan was stunned and said hesitantly, "But we still have to protect your safety. How about I call and order a takeaway, or ask the hospital cafeteria to deliver one?"

"No, I want you to go."

Seeing this, Pi Bao Dan had no choice but to nod his head and turn around and walk towards the elevator.

After dismissing the bodyguard, Chen Shibo turned around and returned to the ward. He walked to the window and looked downstairs, observing and sensing the four light spots.

After a while, he saw the bodyguard named Pi Baodan walking out of the building and getting into a black hover car.

As the hover car slowly lifted into the air, it automatically connected to an aerial ring track and sped away into the distance.

At this time, the four light points were still shining brightly in the imaginary number space.

When the hover car was completely out of sight, one of the four light spots suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this, Chen Quan flashed an expression that was indeed true.

The diameter of the imaginary space is about one thousand meters, which means that if they are located at the center of the circle, the four people will be disconnected from the imaginary space as long as they leave the range of 500 meters.

Not only that, the disappearing point of light was the one with the emotion of impatience and even disdain.

Chen Zhongfeng couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He looked at the busy ring track outside the window and became thoughtful.

As the saying goes, you can know someone's face but not their heart, but for you, as long as you find the corresponding light spot, you can clearly understand the other person's emotions. Even if this space has no other function, it can be regarded as a useful tool in life...

Besides, is this imaginary number space really just like that?

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo suddenly looked dazed.

"It's time to sort out all this..."

He murmured in a low voice, then closed his eyes and used the special mental arithmetic skills he had trained during his hacker days to unfold a blank sheet of paper in his memory:

[First of all, I am not Chen Shibo, but Chen Xiao]

Chen Shibo murmured in a low voice that only he could hear, and wrote this paragraph at the same time. Although his voice was low, it was extremely firm.

Chen Xiao is his real name.

Yes, he is very sure who he is, because he has decades of experiences of his own. Experiences turn into memories, memories create habits, habits shape character, and character creates consciousness.

It is because of consciousness that each person is a unique being.

As for the memory of the body itself, although it was forcibly poured into his consciousness, it was just a pure memory.

It was like watching a long movie in the first person, in which he was just a viewer.

Although you can watch everything, you won't be touched by the experience yourself, and most of the film's images are still blurry.

No one becomes the person in the movie just because they watch it.

"Now that I have inherited his memory and body, it means that the original consciousness of this body has died."

Chen Shibo murmured in a low voice, but then frowned:

[Second, the reason why I appear here. 】

He continued to think, and with the gentle movement of the memory paper, he gradually recalled that around eight o'clock last night, he was wandering the dark web, looking for prey to hunt.

Before he knew it, he discovered a website he had never heard of.

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