Chapter 54 054.Scarlet Eye

Next, the ten extracted ouroboros viruses were evenly divided into three parts.

One of them is a quantum supercomputer simulation, and the simulation is used to test which gene is most suitable for Chen Strobe and which one has the best efficacy.

The other was to use human experiments to cultivate 20 cloned embryos of Chen Strobe and allow the embryos to develop into real babies. Then each of the 20 embryos was injected with 10 virus reagents for testing.

The last one was kept, and after the experiment was over to see which one was the strongest, Chen Strobe was injected.

If it were Chen Shibo's original world, this kind of experiment might have lasted for years or even decades, but in this technologically advanced world, it only took a month to complete.

The most time-consuming one is naturally the clone of Chen Shibo. Although this kind of clone is readily available to the five scientists present, the growth of the embryo takes time.

Fortunately, these scientists from Umbrella brought a hormone drug called "Super Growth Regulatory Factor".

According to the other party, this drug is formulated from the growth hormones needed by the human body, including a variety of growth hormones, thyroxine, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, sex hormones, etc.

By cooperating with the injection of nutrients, the purpose of rapid growth of clones can be achieved. The embryo can go through the three-month growth cycle in just one day.

Although it has strong side effects, such as hormone control, aging and other diseases, it is harmless as long as it does not affect the genetic level.

At the same time, they also brought something called "targeted inhibition of serotonin," which is also a drug prepared for human cloning.

The biggest effect of this drug is that it can inhibit brain growth. While the body increases, it will inhibit brain growth and will not allow clones to develop true consciousness, thus avoiding one of the most important ethical issues.

Chen Quanshan couldn't help but be secretly alarmed by these various methods of dealing with cloning technology, because this at least meant that Umbrella's private cloning technology was extremely mature and had even spawned a complete production chain.

At this time another 10 days have passed.

Chen Shibo looked at the babies suspended in artificial amniotic fluid in the life incubator. These babies all had faces that were very similar to Chen Shibo's when he was a child. They were curled up in a huge glass jar in a fetal position. , has grown to the size that ordinary people would recognize as one year old.

But the strange thing is that their navels are still connected to the umbilical cord, as if they had never been born in this world.

The end of these umbilical cords is connected to a similarly suspended placenta, and the placenta is connected to a large number of pipes that extend from the inside of the life incubator to various equipment in the laboratory.

And because of the targeted inhibition of serotonin, these cloned babies have no brains. If the skulls are cut open at this time, you will find that there are only cerebellum brainstems and some neural networks in the skulls of these babies, and the rest are all cerebrospinal fluid.

"That's almost it."

Wang Heli calculated the time and looked at Chen Shibo, who had just arrived. "There is not much difference between injecting the Ouroboros virus at one year old and injecting it at 20 years old. The fusion experiment can already be carried out."

"Then let's get started."

Chen Shibo nodded solemnly.

Seeing this, Wang Heli handed ten kinds of viruses to a scientist named Li Yu. The scientist excitedly injected the viruses into the equipment and instruments on the side, and then transferred the viruses to the pipes from the instruments, completely injecting these viruses. inside the baby's body.

Chen Shibo also stared at all this.

He has spent a month on this experiment and invested hundreds of millions of dollars at the same time. After all, the equipment Umbrella sold to him alone is worth hundreds of millions, not to mention the money to hire these scientists.

Of course, the big one among them is the Ouroboros virus strain.

Originally, this kind of internal virus was difficult to obtain. It was only Wang Hydroli's relationship with his mentor, coupled with some special internal factors within the company, that allowed him to obtain the Ouroboros strain that was still in the laboratory.

Now, success or failure depends on this.

As ten viruses were injected into the bodies of twenty cloned babies, the clones did not respond at first, but as time passed, all the clones began to tremble slightly.

This tremor is an instinctive tremor, a conditioned reflex of life. At the same time, all the scientists did not look at these clones, but at the various data projected by the equipment on the side.

"The heartbeat is accelerating. The current heartbeat rate of clone No. 1 has increased from 78 times per minute to 99 times per minute, and it is still rising..."

"Subject No. 2 also began to have an accelerated heartbeat, which has increased to 110 beats per minute. At the same time, both body temperature and blood pressure are increasing."

Everyone looked at the life detection device with solemn expressions.

"Excessive nutritional consumption occurred from the 1st to the 20th."

One of the leading scientists said calmly, "This is a sign that the virus has begun to attack immunity. Immediately inject nutrients to maintain supply."

As time passed, the cloning reaction caused by the virus continued, even arousing the alarm of several scientists.

"The body temperature of all clones has risen to 41 degrees, and the heart rate has reached 180 beats per minute. This level is very dangerous..."

A scientist whispered, "Is cooling and hormonal intervention necessary?"


Wang Hydrolix shook his head and said decisively, "The Ouroboros virus has undergone the most complete safety improvement and completely matches Mr. Chen's genes. If the clone cannot resist this level of virus, it will only prove the failure of our experiment." , or the failure of the Ouroboros virus."

Seeing this, everyone also became silent.

Chen Shibo didn't look at the data. He just walked to the life incubators and looked at the clones silently.

These clones all have faces similar to his, just like mirrors, giving him the illusion that he is looking at himself.

But gradually, he felt more and more something was wrong.

Because he discovered that there seemed to be some weird things slowly crawling under the skin of these clones.

It was neither the peristalsis of muscle conditioned reflexes nor the peristalsis of internal organs, but a peristalsis as if there were some kind of bugs in the body.

Chen Shibo subconsciously moved his face closer to her.

But as he approached, the clone in the incubator seemed to sense something and opened its eyes instantly!

In an instant, the two eyes quickly met at this moment.

Chen Shibo was immediately shocked because the eyes of this clone that looked very similar to himself were scarlet!

Yes, it was an indescribable red.

Just like the charcoal fire in the furnace, and like the embers that are about to be extinguished, with an indescribable evil nature, scarlet light bursts out in the dark incubator.

"That's a virus..."

At some point, Wang Heli came behind Chen Shibo and explained in a low voice.

"This situation is not uncommon. In the battle between the virus and the human immune system, the virus will first occupy a part of the body. After the virus mutates, these body tissues will form this tentacle structure."

Following his words, there was a popping sound, and a shallow crack suddenly opened in the arm of Experiment No. 1, and a tentacle that was mixed with black and red colors and was constantly twisting slowly emerged from the skin.

Like a strange snake covered with red patterns, it gently poked out its skin and meandered in the amniotic fluid soaking the clone, as if it wanted to explore this unknown world.

However, the glass blocked its exploration.

After meandering on the glass surface, the tentacle finally lost interest and slowly retracted after seeing that Chen Shibo was still unable to touch the outside world.

"Something is not going well."

At this moment, a scientist suddenly said, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, "No. 1, No. 3, No. 9 and No. 18, these four clones are signs of being gradually eroded by the virus. The experiment seems to be failing." !”

Thanks for the confusion. . . . . . . Rewards from three big guys: , astronomy ztw, and book friend 20231006215309844!

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