Chapter 53 053. Preparation completed

In the following time, Chen Strobe will go to the villa area in the city center every day.

Not only did he hire bionic assistants to serve the five scientists comfortably, but he also strived for perfection in his diet and daily life.

As the saying goes, you can never hit someone with a smiling face. Due to his sincerity, the attitude of the five arrogant Umbrella scientists towards him became much better.

Soon, ten cloned fertilized eggs were implanted with the Ouroboros virus, and then seven of them died suddenly on the spot, and the remaining three also died one after another in the remaining half an hour to three hours. One survives.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo couldn't help but feel speechless. Even omnipotent stem cells like fertilized eggs couldn't withstand such a highly toxic virus, let alone himself.

He has read the product information provided by Wang Hydrohelium. Even if it is a T virus, the success rate of implantation in the fertilized egg stage can reach 90%.

Fortunately, I was only experimenting with my own cloned fertilized eggs, not myself.

However, the five scientists were not discouraged. Instead, they continued to cultivate new cloned fertilized eggs, and then implanted the virus again. If they failed once, they would do it twice, and if they failed twice, they would do it three times...

After a week of perseverance in the experiment, finally, a fertilized egg successfully survived the virus attack and gradually became one with the Ouroboros.

This is naturally not enough.

So the next five scientists continued to repeat this process, and finally filled all ten life incubators.

The scientists then began adding yolk sac stem cells to the cloned fertilized eggs, allowing the fertilized eggs to rapidly develop into embryonic tissue and then into seven-day-old fetuses.

These fetuses will then be destroyed, leaving only their DNA, from which the Ouroboros gene fragments chimeric with the cloned genes will be extracted.

To put it simply, viruses are actually like natural robots created by nature. They are composed of nucleic acids. When attacking humans, they will embed themselves into the nucleotide chains of human cells like parasites, and then secretly insert the nucleic acids of the cells into the virus. Take it apart and make it look like yourself and replicate yourself.

However, when replicating, they can easily leave part of their nucleotides on the human DNA chain to achieve symbiosis with humans.

This virus is called an endogenous retrovirus.

As a mild virus, Ouroboros is also a type of endogenous retrovirus. Therefore, as long as Chen Strobe's cloned fertilized eggs can withstand the attack of this virus and successfully coexist, the virus itself can be changed. Let the virus be forced into the shape of Chen's strobe.

Just like a workman whose edges have been smoothed, it becomes more and more compatible with Chen Shibo's genes. When it is extracted and injected into Chen Shibo's body, the toxicity will naturally be greatly reduced, and symbiosis will be achieved from the beginning. the goal of.

Instead of letting humans adapt to the virus, let the virus actively adapt to humans.

Seven days later, ten new ouroboros viruses were extracted.

"The reason why it is called Ouroboros is because the teacher thinks it has unlimited possibilities."

At this time, Wang Heli held ten tubes of special reagents in front of him and sighed, "Mr. Chen, have you heard of a myth in Yinzhou District? It tells that a snake bit its own tail and became a snake. A round story?”

"I heard it."

Chen Shibo nodded, looking at Wang Hydroi with a hint of worry.

Although he has actually never heard of this myth, he is afraid that if he says he has never heard of it, the other party will shake his hand and drop the virus he worked so hard to create on the ground...

"Haha, it's amazing. Ouroboros represents infinity and cycle, which coincides with the principles of heaven and earth. That's why my teacher named this virus with infinite possibilities ouroboros."

Director Wang continued to murmur, with an intoxicated look on his face, "I hope it can also bring us unlimited possibilities..."

"Sorry, technically it's my limitless possibilities."

Chen Shibo twitched his lips. During this time, he discovered that Director Wang was really a bit of a scientific madman.

But he could understand that Wang Hydrolium also mentioned his past in casual chat.

He was originally an unnatural person who climbed out of the life incubator. After twelve years of compulsory education, he finally obtained federal citizenship because of his excellent grades.

Subsequently, he applied for the welfare system, moved into the Citizen Welfare Building, ate nutrition bars every day and continued his studies, and finally obtained a doctoral certificate in biological sciences, and at the same time completely knocked on the door of Umbrella Company.

In the company, he was still diligent and studious. He was gradually promoted from an experimental assistant to a core researcher, and he also successfully met his current mentor, Professor Blake B.

But later, Professor B was suppressed by the board of directors because of an academic rivalry with other factions, and he ultimately failed and was suppressed by the board of directors. He had to sadly leave the research department and transferred to the commerce department. He was assigned to the Wujiang City office and became a marginal figure.

However, Chen Shibo's research at this time once again allowed him to regain his original fun.

"Ten viruses are almost enough."

At this time, several scientists on the side came over and looked at Chen Shibo with some envy. I am afraid that for this extremely toxic virus, the number of genetic adapters is less than one in ten million. If it were not for violent means such as throwing money, , no adapter can be found at all.

But once adapted, the young man in front of him will become a perfect virus fusion person.

For them, having great power is secondary. The real benefit is having an extremely long lifespan.

"very good."

Chen Shibo carefully took ten virus samples from Wang Hydroli's hand, "What should we do next?"

"The next step is to continue cloning."

Wang Hydro Heli replied without hesitation, "In fact, according to the company's regulations, it is enough to use quantum supercomputer for simulation at this stage. The risk and success rate can be simulated through supercomputer, but after all, there are always errors in the machine." When the time comes, and if you give me enough funding, it’s better to continue the experiment.”

"At the same time, although these ten samples are all viruses that adapt to your genes, their effects are different, so repeated experiments are needed. However, this experiment cannot continue to use cloned embryos, but must be real human clones. In this way Only then can we see the most intuitive answer.”

"Then go ahead."

Chen Shibo nodded and looked at the ten life incubators standing in the refuge room. "Are these incubators enough? Do you want to buy a few more?"

"Need not."

A scientist replied, “Before, only one embryo was allowed to be hatched in a life incubator because we were afraid of virus infection between samples, but now we don’t have to worry about it, so more than two clones can be cultivated in one incubator. "

"After all, we don't need the clone to reach adulthood, we just need it to become a fetus."

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