Chapter 167 166. Zerg

A great expedition once again ignited the fire of human civilization.

All the foreign races don't understand. They have fallen into the dust and are covered with mud. Why can the human race get up again?

Whenever they raised this question, they subconsciously looked at a man on Terra.

That man had no name, no birth information, and no one knew where he came from. But as soon as he appeared, he carried the technology and wisdom of mankind for tens of thousands of years, and possessed extremely powerful psychic talents. He was instantly unified. Terra was in great confusion.

Countless people respected him as a god, but he told everyone that there was no god in this world, only order and truth.

In short, while his image appeared on all the adjacent alien desks, he only had one code name - Emperor.

What followed was a thousand years of chaos.

For thousands of years, this man codenamed Emperor used his extremely powerful spiritual power and his hundreds of millions of loyal legions to destroy countless alien races. Most of these alien races had attacked humans during the five thousand years of isolation in human colonies. , and even though they were frightened and looked crazy, they could not escape the end of the planet being crushed into pieces by the emperor's terrifying spiritual pressure.

The power of psychic energy began to gradually become exaggerated, destroying heaven and earth at every turn. No one understood why this kind of power existed in this world. In short, when they had to accept the fact, the emperor's most terrifying record had already reached a new level. His eyes could flatten an alien planet into a piece of paper from a distance of thousands of light years.

Powerful, mysterious, ruthless.

This is the impression that the Emperor has brought to countless people. His prestige has even alarmed the surviving Eldar. These Eldar are all survivors who escaped and hid in the previous disaster, but even they had to Marveled at the Emperor's spiritual power, which in their opinion had surpassed the power of gods and could compete with the four beings of Chaos.

And the Emperor did not disappoint the melon-eating masses across the galaxy. In just one thousand years, the Emperor not only recovered all the colonies in the Golden Age, but also united all humans together to form a civilization that would succeed the Eldar. , the most powerful emerging force in the galaxy.

However, all this is not that simple, and the history of the Milky Way is not a fairy tale. When mankind took revenge on the alien races that turned against them in the past and recovered all the colonies, everyone thought that mankind would become the second generation overlord of the Milky Way. However, It was during this period that a coup occurred.

No one knew why the Emperor's sharpest blade turned around and pointed at himself. When half of the interstellar legions that stomped their feet made the entire galaxy tremble suddenly turned against them, everyone smiled excitedly, and no one expected it. , the one who betrayed the emperor turned out to be his favorite son.

The Emperor has twenty heirs. This is a well-known fact throughout the galaxy. No one knows where these twenty heirs come from. They only know that these twenty people are the Emperor's sharpest sword, and the sword's edge points to it. It is the glory of mankind, but when the sharp sword turned the gun head, everyone was shocked to discover that although this weapon is powerful, it is a double-edged sword.

Wounding the enemy also hurts oneself.

In this rebellion, all the traitors fled to death. Although the Emperor won, it was a tragic victory. The seriously injured Emperor was placed on the psychic creation of the Eldar, frozen Time was used to maintain the emperor's life.

Then, the once high-spirited emperor became a specimen, a living corpse.

With his support, human civilization finally gained a firm foothold and became a new empire, and the former Terra was renamed as Holy Terra.

The meaning is very simple. The reason why it is sacred is because of the existence of that man on Terra.

"It's so sad..."

Seeing this scene, even Chen Quanshan, who has seen everything in the world, couldn't help but his eyes dimmed. He looked at the clone who was holding on, and saw that he still wanted to protect human civilization even if he was seriously injured. He felt an inexplicable emotion. flooded my mind.

He took one step forward and appeared in front of the other party without anyone noticing.

"Are you still going to continue to support it?"

Chen Shibo's figure was suspended high in the sky, silently looking at the corpse in the static force field. His body was indeed dead. The reason why he was still alive was because the soul of this body did not want to leave.

"why not?"

In the static force field, the man who looked exactly like Chen Shibo said slowly, "I have nothing to lose. You gave me the meaning of existence. Naturally, I will continue this mission, even if I die. , I will not give up my pursuit."

"I believe you also understand that the reason why you are like this is because there are four people standing on the opposite side of you."

Chen Quanshan said calmly, "In this case, why not adapt and make yourself an equal being to them, so that you can have a chance to take revenge."


The soul attached to the figure sneered, "I said that there is no god in this world. If that's the case, how can I become a god?"

"Without God, do you mean that even I don't deserve to exist?"

Chen Shibo asked curiously.

"When you gave me life and ideals, you should have thought of today's answer."

The figure was unruly, "Remember, it's not the creatures in the galaxy who need you, but you who need the creatures in the galaxy."

"I see."

Chen Shibo was not surprised by the other party's words. Although this clone was separated from him, it was completely different from him in nature. Perhaps if he had not obtained the imaginary number space, then the man he is today would be his future self.

At this time, Chen Shibo's interest in this man increased instead of decreasing. He observed the other person's mind day by day. The other person's consciousness projection was far more dazzling than the stars. Every change in mentality could be detected from the consciousness projection. But in his opinion, this man's will was as strong as iron and he almost never wavered.

In this way, Chen Shibo often observed the other party, watching the other party's body gradually die from serious illness, and then gradually wither from death, but the other party's will became more and more pure, more and more tenacious and powerful.

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years...

Chen Shibo just stared at the other person, watching helplessly as the other person refused to die and gradually transformed into a special existence in the real universe. This man was never a god because he didn't bother to be a god, but he was also not a mortal. , because it is impossible for a mortal to support a corpse for ten thousand years, and as time goes by, his power becomes stronger and stronger, even surpassing the gods.

Even Chen Shibo had to admire this will and potential.

However, while he was observing, the great terror that had been predicted in the Milky Way completely crossed the Milky Way and appeared in the border areas of the Milky Way.

It was a species that had never been seen before. It was different from the Gestalt-type civilization of the ancient Aida people, but a more centralized and cruel hive-type civilization.

Every individual on the other side has no intelligence, and only has the instinct to devour everything. It can be said that this civilization has only one will, one is the whole, and the whole is one.

Low IQ brings an unspeakable terror. It is not easy for the opponent to fight alone. Even if they lose their weapons or even their limbs, the opponent will pounce on them regardless of their own lives and exert their last strength. value.

The opponent's troops are also born to devour and fight. They always like to devour everything on a planet and turn a perfectly populated planet into a desolate and uninhabited hell.

Once this race appeared, it shocked mankind, and also shocked the imaginary space. The four evil gods kept trying to meet Chen Shibo, but this time, Chen Shibo had no interest in meeting them.

This civilization named Tyran by humans has the power of all the people. It is not so much a civilization as an individual creature with countless clones, and each clone can confirm and talk to each other.


And this year, the man codenamed Emperor still has not returned to the throne prepared for him by Chen Shibo. The throne is still vacant.

"Lord God..."

Just when Chen Shibo was deep in thought, the blue and sinister figure of Tzeentch appeared again. He kept looking around for Chen Shibo, but he did not know that if Chen Shibo was not willing, there would be no People can find him in the imaginary number space and even defeat him.

Chen Shibo is the entire imaginary space, and the imaginary space is Chen Shibo's will.

Seeing his prediction from ten thousand years ago come true, Chen Shibo did not have any lucky thoughts. He understood that when he obtained the entire imaginary number space, it would be difficult to distinguish the true from the false, because the imaginary number space is inherently chaotic, and Chaos represents infinite possibilities.

The Tyranids' raging was an unbearable price for everyone, so the human expeditionary force resurrected and launched a plan to drive the opponent away from the galaxy.

Only this time, humanity, which was originally invincible and everyone united in the name of the Emperor, failed.

The horror of the Tyranids is beyond everyone's understanding. No one understands why a nation that relies solely on the body can easily surpass the upper limits of humans and major alien civilizations. Not only does the other party have a clear division of labor among various individuals, but they even have The ability of space navigation and the huge number are beyond human cognition.

At the same time that the Tyranids appeared in the Milky Way, a consciousness projection that was as silent as the god of death also appeared in the imaginary number space.

That's right, it's a group, not a group. There are billions of Tyranid swarms with only one consciousness.

And this consciousness is not red, nor green, blue, or purple.

This is a white projection of consciousness.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the four evil gods moved slightly. At this moment, the four evil gods suddenly had the illusion that they were about to be destroyed. The other party's will was strong enough to tear the entire imaginary space and destroy everything in the world.

As a result, the four evil gods took the initiative to appear, and each mobilized apocalyptic spiritual energy. These spiritual energies gathered violently, transformed into various unknown entities, and slammed into each other's consciousness projection!

Yes, the four evil gods can feel that their own strength and will are far inferior to the other's, but this is their home field. Before he died, the other's will was white with the same nature as the main god, but no matter how strong it was, , should not be an opponent of authority!

However, when the two suddenly clashed, everyone's expressions changed.

The opponent's will has become so tenacious that it is about to leave the imaginary space. The entire imaginary space cannot contain the opponent's will. It is like a thin plastic bag trying to contain an iron ball weighing a hundred kilograms. There is only one outcome. , that is, the plastic bag will be completely torn, and the iron ball will fall out of the gap.

Fortunately, the opponent's will is not strong enough to tear the imaginary space apart, and the authority of the four evil gods is not a decoration.

With one blow, the Hive Mind suffered a huge impact, and the four evil gods were sweating on their foreheads, looking like they had seen ghosts.

Between the two parties, it seems that no one can do anything to the other.

"What the hell are you..."

Khorne stared at the projection of the insect swarm in the consciousness space. This projection changed in thousands of ways. Sometimes it took the shape of an insect, and sometimes it spread out and turned into a thick white fog, which was even more disturbing. What shocked Khorne was that the other party seemed not to know the existence of the imaginary number space at all, nor did he know who had just attacked him.

Obviously he can't even sense the existence of imaginary number space, but his will is so strong that even he can't shake it at all.

The other three evil gods were even more horrified.

"Give up, it's useless."

The next second, Chen Shifang suddenly appeared next to the four evil gods of red, blue, green, and purple, staring solemnly at the white phantom in front of him, "I can probably sense that the other party seems to be an unrealistic person." The abstract existence of an individual is a collection of super-information concepts with extremely powerful energy condensed by countless lives.”

"This kind of existence is even more special than our conceptual existences. It has no emotions, no emotions, and can't even communicate. But it has the power to break the rules. Even I can't do anything to it."

"is that so?"

The four evil gods' faces darkened, silently staring at the white phantom. The other party's consciousness projection was white, which meant that the other party was also an existence of destruction and end. This kind of existence was more terrifying and more powerful than pure killing and war. Desperate.

"Moreover, the power of the other party and mine are from the same source, which is a bit reminiscent."

Chen Shibo's expression moved slightly, and he stared at the other person with a strange look, as if he wanted to see what kind of secrets were buried under this strange projection of consciousness, but no matter how he guessed, he couldn't justify it.

The consciousness projection of the Hive Mind continues to move towards the center of the galaxy...

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