Chapter 166 165. Rise

As the explosion-proof door, which was so old that it almost broke, slowly opened, Chen Shibo's eyes showed a trace of emotion.

Although what existed in his mind was not his own memory, he still had a feeling of a changed world.

Silently stroking the door, in the memory of the original body, this door was brand new and had extremely high anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion properties. Even thousands of degrees of electric fusion cutting could not leave a single trace on it, but Now the gate has long been rusty and is about to be corroded by mud and water.

The images in his memory and reality were intertwined, making him feel indescribably moved.

It turns out that the most ruthless thing in this world is always time.

With the arrival of Chen Shicun, Shi Cun, who was already extremely weak, used his maximum horsepower to run the already old nuclear generator at full power. Suddenly, the entire bottom floor lit up with long-lost lights. Make this place brightly lit.

"After so many years, the equipment here has been kept in such good condition?"

Seeing the scene on the bottom floor of the underground laboratory, Chen Shibo couldn't help but be a little surprised. According to his original thoughts, the underground experimental base left to him by his original body would have been completely abandoned long ago, and the reason why he came here was just Just to see if there is any waste that can be reused and to collect some information.

I just didn't expect that the intactness here is shocking, and the equipment tens of thousands of years ago can still operate.

"of course!"

The psychic intelligent being named Shi Cun jumped around Chen Shi Cun, smiling as if asking for credit, "Since you said you would leave for a while, I have been waiting for your return for the first thousand years. , I waited patiently and kept the entire laboratory spotless, after all, there are so many androids who can maintain work."

"In the next five thousand years, the geology began to change, and the underground garden outside the entire building collapsed. So I collected all the androids back and closed most of the facilities in the base, leaving only the core layer and where I was. The computer room."

"Then another five thousand years passed, and 80% of the facilities in the laboratory were destroyed. I stopped most of the androids and only allowed one android to maintain the operation of the computer room. I also abandoned the core layer. ”

"Then, I kept waiting and waiting and waiting. It was okay at first. I had a network cable connected to the outside. If I got bored, I would go and see what major events were happening in the human world. The time would pass..."

"But until the last ten thousand years, the network cables and signals connecting to the outside world have been cut off. I can only entertain myself when I have nothing to do. Moreover, most of the androids have lost their function, so I dismantled these androids. After a lot of troubleshooting and patchwork, I managed to keep the generator and the main engine running where I was, but the fuel couldn't hold on anymore, so I could only put the computer room into sleep mode to survive the last 10,000 years. I guess in a few thousand years, I won’t be able to hold on anymore..."

At the end of the sentence, Ishimura's voice lowered little by little.

Hearing this, Chen Shibo felt a pain in his heart for some reason. He couldn't help but ask, "Have you not become a psychic life? Why don't you break away from the host and live as a psychic life?"

"But in this case, won't you be able to find me when you come back?"

Ishimura asked doubtfully with his innocent eyes open.


Chen Shibo couldn't help but shake his head when he heard this, and scolded lightly, "You are such a jerk."


Ishimura didn't know why, but he still laughed.

"Don't worry, I will never leave again."

Chen Shibo couldn't help but comfort him, "You have worked hard these years, but it doesn't matter. Let us unite again and face the world together."


Ishimura's projection nodded immediately, his eyes full of trust.

With the help of Shi Cun, Chen Shi Cun understood why his original body had risen so quickly. Although Terra no longer had the environment of the past, and there was no human Internet that could directly connect to the solar system, the data stored inside Shi Cun The scientific data still shocks Chen Shibo.

Not only that, Chen Shibo was shocked when an android with four arms, six legs, and a corroded body that was almost reduced to a skeleton moved out twenty boxes.

"This is what you left behind back then, do you remember?"

Ishimura's projection appeared in front of the box, and he said somewhat asking for credit, "It contains twenty virus clones that had the same origin as you. I have kept them frozen for all these years without any damage."

"It's them?"

Chen Shibo quickly stepped forward and looked through the window on the box at the frozen baby inside, his expression extremely shocked.

"With them and the technology I have preserved, I believe you will be able to rise, right?"

Ishimura asked.


Chen Shi Cun suddenly became excited, "I was still worried about the manpower problem, but if we have these twenty clones, then the manpower problem can also be solved. Ishimura, you are really my lucky star!"

So in the next few decades, Chen Shibo began to concentrate on repairing the underground laboratory. He first let 20 clones thaw, and then went out alone to purchase various parts needed for the base. , relying on his own strength to restore the former base bit by bit.

And those twenty clones also became the first bodyguards to follow him, giving him a place to stand on this chaotic planet. This bodyguard was called the Thunder Legion by outsiders.

Thirty years later, Chen Shibo, who settled in Asia, rose from the humble beginnings and began to establish his own territory. He and his Thunder Team also entered the world's attention as powerful psychics.

After obtaining the first piece of territory, Chen Shifang worked hard to govern the refugees on the ground, striving to restore the fragmented human civilization. As he established a powerful army of genetically modified warriors, he officially took over the warlord power of Terra, but What really surprised everyone was that when he defeated the local warlords, he was also defeated by idolatry born of blind faith and fear, and was replaced by reason and order.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Chen Fengyun is just moving now, but once he takes action, it will immediately become a storm.

But for this scene, the four evil gods located in the imaginary space could not sit still.

"Lord God."

One day, when Chen Shibo was staring at the world outside the imaginary space in a daze, the incarnation of Tzeentch silently appeared behind him.

"What's up?"

Chen Fushi did not look back, but asked indifferently.

"Your alter ego is carrying on your legacy on Terra."

Tzeentch's voice sounded like the sound of sandpaper scratching glass. He said in a high voice, "Although it's just the beginning, everyone knows that he will definitely sweep Terra, the entire solar system, and even the entire galaxy." , but as his territory expands, one day, he will also shake the foundation of our imaginary number space."


Hearing this, Chen Shibo slowly turned around and revealed a cryptic smile, "T, you should understand that he is me, and his will is my will."

"Of course I understand."

Tzeentch sighed, "As the only Lord of the Imaginary Space, the four of us know you. If you were not the Lord of the Imaginary Space, I am afraid that you would have followed his path long ago. Not only will you follow his path, but you will also Your glory fills the entire galaxy, but you must never forget your true identity..."

"When the light of reason and order spreads across the galaxy, he is destined to stand on your opposite side. After all, he is you, but you are not him."

"A good 'he is me, but I am not him'."

Chen Shibo applauded lightly when he heard this, "You are right, his path is completely opposite to mine, but what are you afraid of?"

As he spoke, Chen Shibo pointed at the void, but saw a throne rising faintly at the end of the void. The moment he saw the throne, even Tzeentch, one of the four evil gods, couldn't help but His color changed after hearing it.

"You actually..."

Tzeentch showed a shocked expression and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look. "I understand, I understand your good intentions."

"As long as you know."

Chen Shibo said no more. With a wave of one hand, the throne sank into the void again. At the same time, he sighed, "Your vision is still too narrow. Do you know what I saw?"


Tzeentch followed Chen's flashing gaze into the void and asked with some confusion.

"I saw beyond the galaxy."

Chen Quanxian stood up slowly, his eyes blazing, "There is something else outside the Milky Way. That thing is heading towards the Milky Way. It is a horror I have never seen before. Even if it is hidden in the imaginary space, It’s also difficult to protect yourself.”


Hearing this sentence, Tzeentch suddenly raised his head. He wanted to see if this sentence was Chen Shibo's nonsense. Although the other party was the main god, the message conveyed by this sentence still made him unbelievable. "Can threaten The existence of the imaginary number space? Is there such an existence in this world?"

"The space of imaginary numbers is not omnipotent."

Chen Quanxian sighed slightly. He looked into the distance, with a hint of complexity flashing in his eyes. "Compared to the entire universe, the Milky Way is as small as a grain of sand in the deep sea. This world is far from as peaceful as we imagine. If Just looking at this world, sooner or later we will be eliminated by time like the Ada gods."

"I see."

Tzeentch was silent for a long time, and finally just answered lightly, and then disappeared completely.

After returning, Tzeentch conveyed the conversation between himself and Chen Shibo to the other three gods.

"The Lord God has prepared the fifth throne, and that position is for himself."

Tzeentch's expression was a little complicated, but also a little relieved, "But his meaning is very obvious, that is, we are allowed to take action against that person. As long as it does not interfere with his plan, there are many things we can do, many..."

"If that's the case, everything will be easy to say."

The green phantom on the side said with a satisfied voice, "T, you have the most clever ideas. How are you going to take action when we can't do our best?"

"Don't worry, the other side still has a long way to go, we just need to dig a few holes."

Tzeentch smiled softly, and then his smile suddenly faded, "But I learned another news from the mouth of the Lord God, that is, there is an existence outside the galaxy that can threaten us, and the other party is slowly approaching us."

"Did the Lord God himself tell you this?"

Next to him, a pink figure was playing with the soul of an Ada person, and asked in surprise, "Is this news reliable?"

“I dare not disbelieve the words spoken by the Lord God Himself.”

Tzeentch nodded, "But at present, it seems that the threat is still too far away from us. There is no need to worry for the time being. Our goal is to get rid of that man first."

"no problem."

The cold and stern red figure dissipated without saying anything.

"K is still so impatient."

Seeing this, Tzeentch didn't take it seriously. As he murmured in a low voice, the other two figures also dispersed one after another, leaving him alone and sitting silently.

As a god, one thought lasts for hundreds of years. While he was still watching the trends in the real world, Chen Shibo on Terra had completely destroyed the Pacific Rim Empire and pointed his sword at the Ursh Empire.

Chen Shibo's legions appeared one after another like dumplings. No one knew where the genes and high-tech weapons of these legions came from. The original best human genes had long been lost due to the pollution of chaos and countless years of war. After all, those technologies have also been extinct for thousands of years with the decline of civilization, but all of this seemed to appear miraculously in the hands of this man, as if this man's existence itself was a miracle.

Like a chariot at full power, as the chariot continued to accelerate, the enemies who resisted and screamed were all crushed like fireflies. There was no force in the whole of Terra that could resist this chariot. It was just the chariot. The wheels of war rolled by, and the people under all the factions surrendered upon hearing the news, and it took less than a hundred years to unify the entire Terra.

After the entire Terra was unified, Chen Shibo still did not stop his march. A legion that had disappeared thousands of years ago reappeared in front of the world. With the power of the entire planet, Chen Shibo once again The first battleship army was created, a main force that could fly into space and allow humans to enter the interstellar space.

Then, Luna surrendered, Mars surrendered, Europa surrendered, and countless space station forces stranded in outer space also lowered their proud heads and completely recognized this super force that had reorganized ancient Terra.

By this time, everyone fully understood that the opportunity for mankind to rise again had arrived. Human civilization, which had been in chaos for thousands of years, would eventually usher in a new master and a new force ready to regroup...

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