Hathaway whispered again, folded the letter and put it in the pocket of her dress. She somehow remembered that she was the one sitting next to Jenkins when they took a family photo yesterday, and her mood suddenly improved a lot. .

He turned away from the window and sat down at the table with Miss Bernreit and Princess Sophia.

The princess is still reading "The Legend of the Detective Knight", but this time it is the fifth volume. The title page of the book still has the author's signature. This was a gift she received when she visited the writer from Chesland a few hours ago.

Miss Bernreit was also reading a book, which was a sheet of music. Normally, Hathaway would be willing to express her own opinions on that book, but now she was not in the mood.

"Speaking of which, what is that train used for? I have never heard of a ceremony that uses a complete train as a ritual material. Is this a modern ceremony?"

Princess Sophia asked again. Miss Burnett was also curious, but Hathaway didn't know either. She put her arm on the table to support her beautiful chin:

"Our friend Miss Magic is very powerful. Although her level of benefactor is not particularly high, that lady has extraordinary abilities in mysticism, rituals and alchemy. I think that train is always There will be a way to work..."

She sighed and reached up to touch the cat above her head. Chocolate didn't stop her immediately this time, but waited for her to touch her twice before pushing the hand away with her soft little paws.

Chapter 2129 Four Seasons Fruit Plate

"When I saw Miss Magic in Sister St. George just now, she looked very excited. Mr. Hood told me that Miss Magic found the fragment of the mysterious stone tablet that Jenkins did not find. After taking a look at it and bleeding from all her orifices, she made the decision Some kind of breakthrough research results, and now the believers of the God of Ceremony, along with Mr. Hood, Miss Silver Flute, Mr. Black Cat, and Mr. White Cat, are all busy on St. George Street. To be honest, even if they let that happen in the end. "I'm not surprised at all when a train flies."

Hathaway talked about sending the train to St. George Street.

"If the train flies, you must call us to watch it together."

Miss Bernreit joked.

Because Princess Sophia was there, the conversation between Hathaway and Miss Bernreit did not involve what happened when Jenkins came back a few hours ago. Hathaway seemed to have guessed something about the gods she believed in, but she wanted to I had to ask Jenkins for confirmation, so I didn’t ask for help from my order.

It is now ten o'clock in the morning on Sunday, and because it is as dark as late at night outside, the time can only be determined by the clock. Hathaway still remembered that before Jenkins left, he had repeated the chocolate eating time many times, so he calculated when lunch would start, and planned to invite Miss Bernreit and the princess to have lunch together.

Everyone else in the family has things to do now, so Hathaway thinks that what she is doing is the most useless.

Just as she was thinking about it, someone knocked on the door, and then she saw the little fairy Winette flying in, carrying a fruit plate that was even bigger than her.

This B-01-5-9293 [Mr. Hunter's Fruit Plate] was known to Hathaway. It once appeared at Mr. Hood's party, and was later purchased by Mr. Candle, also known as Jenkins. Although this was also a numbered item, it was of no use and was too big, so Jenkins did not take the fruit plate into the enchantment, but left it in the church.

Vinette greeted the ladies in the room politely, and then put the fruit plate on the table.

"Why did you bring this over?"

Hathaway was puzzled, but she heard the cat above her head meow, and the somewhat panicked little goblin immediately explained:

"It asked me to get it."

Wynette pointed to the chocolate with some fear, and the chocolate said "meow~" to express her gratitude, then jumped down from Hathaway's head, surrounded the fruit plate, and kept tapping the edge of the fruit plate with its little paws.

But the cat definitely didn’t want to eat the fruit, because it only lost interest in the photo for less than half a minute and jumped back to lie on top of Hathaway’s head.

"What's the meaning?"

Hathaway picked up the fruit plate, but found nothing unusual, and Chocolat offered no explanation for her actions.

"This fruit plate looks familiar."

Princess Sophia on the side suddenly said, she took the fruit plate from Hathaway's hand and looked at it:

"How do you name this thing in this day and age?"

"B-01-5-9293 [Mr. Hunter's fruit plate]."

Hathaway replied.

Princess Sophia nodded:

"This naming method is correct, but in the era I lived in, it was usually called [Fruit Plate of Four Seasons]. This is a creation of the elves. Although the type of fruit can be determined based on the astrology, it is not actually a star. It’s the seasons, but the astrology is related to the seasons, so it’s correct to say it’s related to the astrology.”

"Then what do the elves do? Is this for entertaining distinguished guests?"

Miss Bernreit was not sure what the "Miss Fabry" in front of her meant by "my era", but Hathaway had already explained that no additional questions could be asked, and "Miss Fabry" could not be "Miss" told anyone, so Miss Bernreit didn't delve into it, she was just curious.

"No, this is not for entertaining guests. No guest is qualified to use this. This is a tray in the temple for offerings to the gods. The ancient elves would offer some special plants and the best crops of the year to the gods.

The ancient elves had extremely advanced alchemy technology, and the elves were also very rich...extremely rich, so they would use such things as offering trays in the temple."

Princess Sophia paused, not knowing what past events she thought of:

"But in short, although I don't know why there is such a thing in this era, maybe it will really be useful. After all, Jenkins also has elf blood...Sorry, I don't really know what this is for, but Anastasia must know, and I can ask her when she comes back. Speaking of which, in the name of the great man who is no longer a true god..."

(Finny is praying...)

Jenkins lay on the ground, quietly listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

The weird place in the last wax museum, although it was also very dangerous, but the environment of the wax museum was still comfortable compared to other weird places. The temperature and humidity were suitable, and the smell in the air was barely normal. But after crossing the light gate and coming here, the temperature suddenly dropped to nearly zero degrees.

Not only that, there was a special damp and moldy smell in the air, which was somewhat similar to the Shadow Castle not long ago.

Generally speaking, similar smells can only be smelled in those old and abandoned buildings.

But at this moment, it was obviously not indoors. Jenkins could feel the flow of the increasingly biting wind and could sense that the surrounding space was by no means as narrow as a wax museum or a puppet theater.

"Could it be that, like the Shadow Castle, this time there is another large-scale strange place?"

He thought in his heart, and waited until he recovered before getting up and found that the location he was in was the starting point of an old town street.

"Huh? Why do I think this is a town?"

He thought puzzledly.

The street below was paved with uneven stone slabs, with low houses on both sides, and the highest was no more than three floors. The styles of the houses were mostly the same, all gray stone houses, crooked and looked like they would fall down at a touch. But there were exceptions to the buildings, but although the styles were different, the decayed appearance was exactly the same.

The straw eaves of the building closest to Jenkins were still dripping with water, but it didn't look like rain.

There were patches of dirty red dust like moss on the ground of the dilapidated street, and there were also stains of suspicious colors on the walls of the building.

The reason why Jenkins thought this was the starting point of the street was that when he looked behind him, it happened to be a five-way intersection. Standing at the intersection was the tallest building in the area, a clock tower that looked older than the dilapidated streets and graystone houses. The clock tower was low, with only three floors and a towering cross spire.

Because he was now standing under the tower, Jenkins could clearly see the style of the tower and the figure waiting for him under the tower.

Chapter 2130 Ancient Town and Dice

There was no light source around, but the moss and stains in the dead corners of the ground and walls were glowing. The light was not very bright, and large chunks of shadows and darkness enveloped the streets of this small town, making the already dilapidated and weird town streets look even more terrifying.

Jenkins got up and checked his luggage to make sure that the sword and his backpack were there. He tied the sword back to his back, then reached into his pocket and found the fifth round coin as expected.

This round coin was made of yellow sapphire and was the same size as the sin coin. The front side, which Jenkins thought was the emblem of the [Uncrowned King], was as expected. The back side of the gem round coin was a green leaf, which probably represented the elves.

"What is this for?"

He put the coin back into his spirit.

Although he was playing cards the whole time in the last strange realm, he still used the three abilities of [Uncrowned King], [Reading] and [Sacred Unicorn Summoning]. Including the abilities used in the first four strange realms, Jenkins has actually used almost half of all his abilities. He couldn't help but worry about what to do if he reaches the ninth level and has no abilities left.

This feeling is a bit like being in a card game, worrying in advance that there will be no cards available in the tenth year.

"Forget it, don't think too much, let's see what's going on this time."

Grabbing the luggage, he turned around and walked a few steps through the five-way intersection, and then he came to the real tower.

At this position, Jenkins can better observe the nearby area. He thought that this strange place only included the street where he appeared, and the rest of the area was shrouded in darkness as the background. But when he crossed the intersection, he found that the other four streets could actually be seen roughly, which means that these areas can be explored, and the size of this sixth strange place has expanded five times.

Such a size is almost the size of a small country town in the material world.

Standing under the tower, although the five streets look similar, there are still great differences in details, so it can be inferred that this is not a copied mirror image. After looking for a while and finding no new clues, he walked to the wooden door under the tower with his backpack. A middle-aged man wearing a gray-blue hat and a blue overalls full of pockets was waiting for Jenkins.

There was a dirty little cloth bag at his feet, tied with a red rope. There was no mechanical trace on the man's appearance, which made Jenkins subconsciously think that this strange place had not been invaded by the differential machine. But he soon discovered that the buttons on the man's clothes, the oil lamp in his hand and the shovel standing beside him were all very familiar in terms of metal composition. It was the unique metal forged by the differential machine.

Maybe the differential machine left little power to this strange place, but it definitely existed.

"How do I leave?"

He asked directly without any nonsense, and the man immediately answered with a rough voice and a strong tone:

"Take this clock tower as the starting point, as long as you leave this town, you can see the door."

"This town?"

He looked at the five streets around:

"You don't mean to say that these five streets are just part of the town, do you?"

"Yes, there is an intersection at the end of the street. This place is much larger than you think."

Jenkins took a deep breath, and things seemed to become more troublesome. Although the area of ​​the strange place is not necessarily proportional to the difficulty, all the large-scale strange places he has come into contact with so far are difficult without exception.

"You have to follow the rules when moving in the town."

The man said.

"What rules?"

"I am the bell ringer of this town and I have the obligation to tell you the rules. The most important point is that you have to move through this."

He picked up the dirty small cloth bag under his feet, untied the rope, and took out a dice from it to show Jenkins. It was a twenty-sided dice, blood red, and the size was no different from a normal dice:

"Look carefully at the floor tiles under our feet. Before each action, you need to throw a dice and then move along the stone slabs on the ground according to the number. When you encounter an intersection, you can choose the direction at will. Note that you must act according to the number on the dice, and you must not cheat, and you must not walk at will. Move. It's more dangerous here than you think. Only by following the instructions of the dice can those dangers avoid you. "

"What dangers are there here?"

Jenkins looked back at the street behind him:

"The people living here?"

"You don't need to know this."

He motioned Jenkins to pick up the dice and check it, and then said:

"Every time you roll the dice, if you stop after acting according to the numbers, there is a door on the side of the stone slab, then you can choose to knock on the door and ask the person inside if he needs your help."

"What if there is no door?"

Jenkins can indeed see that some dilapidated houses have no doors at all.

"Then just walk in. "

"Why should I knock on the door? Isn't it better to walk forward?"

"Knocking on the door will give you a chance to get new dice. If the dice are exhausted and you don't leave the town, I think you can guess the consequences."

The bell ringer said in a cold tone, and Jenkins nodded to show that he understood. He lowered his head to check the dice in his hand. It was not metal, stone, or even bone, but rather like coagulated blood.

"A dice can only be thrown once, I can give you 10."

He also stuffed the bag with the other nine dice to Jenkins:

"If you can't leave the town after throwing all the dice, then stay and find a house to live in. The town welcomes you."

"After knocking on the door, how can I get extra dice? I can't just go robbing, right? I'm a gentleman with dignity."

"After knocking on the door, the residents of the town may give you some tasks. You can ignore them and move on, or you can help them. They will give you what you want."

"It's a bit like Monopoly."

Jenkins thought to himself, touched his pocket, and took out a blasphemous seed:

"So do you sell dice?"

According to the length of the street he estimated, if he was unlucky, 10 dice could probably only walk out of a street, but the scope of the town was obviously not just one street.

"One of these for 10 dice."

But Jenkins didn't use the sin coin. He put away the seed of blasphemy and pointed to the sword behind him:

"Then is barter okay?"

"That sword, 30, and the cocoon that wraps the sword, 7 (note)."

Of course, Jenkins didn't exchange the new weapon. Instead, he used the extra cocoon and other odds and ends in his backpack to exchange a total of 10 dice from the bell ringer, so he had 20.

Of course, he didn't exchange more because he was stingy, but because this strange place had just begun. He wanted to know more details before making plans. After all, the residents in the town also had dice in their hands.

"Speaking of it...?"

Jenkins spoke while looking at the tower door behind him. The door was leaning against the door, as if it had been removed from the door frame and leaned against the wall of the bell tower. It looked like a cough would cause the door to fall to the ground.

"Since you are the town's bell ringer, do you have more information about the town? Can you sell me some?"

The bell ringer looked at Jenkins and shook his head slowly:

"I don't care what hostile relationship you have with the machine that invaded here, but no matter who it is, don't try to spy on the truth of this town. This place is much more terrible than you think, Savior, you shouldn't waste your energy here. This place... should be dormant forever."

"You know I'm the Savior? Huh? Have you seen the Difference Machine? You are not its subordinate or prisoner?"

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