"Keep your life to yourself."

Then he threw [Elf's Wind of Freedom] and [Crazy Heart of Elf Tree] on the table in front of him, stamped his foot, and crushed the black liquid that tried to wrap around his boots:

"Don't underestimate me. After all, I am also a World Tree seedling."

Jenkins said, scattering all the unused cards on the right side on the table. These cards all appeared in the game because of Jenkins, representing his experience and being a part of him:

"I am a sapling of the World Tree, and I am a descendant of the World Tree's priests. What other symbol can represent the elves better than myself?"

A layer of green light rippled above the cards that were sprinkled on the table, connecting with the lights on the other two symbol cards.


Chapter 2127 Ancient Military Power


Jenkins said, and the living statue stood up at this moment:

"Don't even think about it!"

Although the words were completely emotionless, they still shook the space.

"Don't even think about it!"

The white sword marks slashed at the living statue. It did not dodge, leaving a huge tear on the surface of its metal body:

"You were fooled! You took the initiative to attack me!"

The statue shouted, and the flow of black fluid around it suddenly accelerated:

"If you break the rules, you have to..."

The green light on the table finally reached its peak. As all the symbolic cards disappeared, emerald green light spots rushed into the dark sky.

Because the living statue said the game was not over, the sacrifice of the cards was treated as a complete sacrificial ritual. That power communicated outside the world, and then the skylight fell, and three phantoms appeared on the card table in front of them.

It was not that the entity entered the strange realm directly, but came here in a way similar to projection. They looked very familiar, the old elf, Sigrid and Professor Burns.

The three of them did not greet Jenkins after they appeared. Instead, they raised their hands and looked up at the sky. Suddenly, under the dark sky due to the rising ceiling, nine different levels of magical ritual arrays were instantly formed and embedded in each other. Set, the green leaf runes of the elves, the strange domination magic runes, and the modern general basic runes were built together, piercing the sky of the strange world like a golden tower.

Golden and green light instantly illuminated the land of the Card Kingdom, and the black fluid and the monsters in the fluid were forced to dodge behind the living statue, leaving most of the area behind Jenkins free.

The emblem of the [Uncrowned King] that has not yet disappeared also rises into the sky, and is built together with the complex three-dimensional ritual array of nine layers of runes. This is the full display of the [Uncrowned King]. This ability that Jenkins has not yet fully understood has finally lost its ability in the strange situation.

As a reward, in the golden brilliance, ten golden light points were arranged vertically in the ritual matrix, glowing rapidly and merging together, and then an entity was called by the exaggerated ritual matrix.

The flower girl fell from the air holding her little skirt, and Jenkins hurriedly caught her and held her in his arms. The last time they met, Jenkins used her own power to purify her monster powers, turning her from monster to supernatural.

The dress on her body is no longer in tatters, her face is white without any stains, and even the small basket has become brand new. She looked at Jenkins happily, then jumped out of his arms and stood with the shadows of the three people on the table:

"Sir, I'm here to help you!"

the flower girl said excitedly.

"But you don't seem to be enough..."

She may be strong, but it's not enough to face the beast of disaster.

"Don't worry, sir, everyone is here to help you."

"Yes, Jenkins, they're all here."

The old elf looked at the sky and towards the golden magical ritual array at a very high place:

"After so many years of trying to open this door, I finally succeeded."

Since coming to the material world, the old elf has tried to return to his hometown countless times, but no matter what he did, he never opened the door that allowed him to return to the Evergreen Forest (Chapter 2047). But this time it succeeded, just like he said, this time it must succeed, because this time it was not for himself.

Even though he thought he was not a sentimental person, tears still moistened the eyes of the old elf, because the wind had picked up, and he smelled the smell of his hometown again after a long absence.

"Jenkins, we have received a revelation from the Great One and have been preparing for a long time to help you."

Professor Burns smiled and said:

"After witnessing today's scene, I'm afraid I will also conduct research on ancient elf culture in the future."

"Who is here to help me?"

Jenkins still didn't understand and thought it was the Lord of Flowers who came in person.

"No, not Him."

Sigrid smiled softly at Jenkins. This lady, who also had the blood of a descendant of the World Tree priests and was Jenkins' distant cousin, guessed what Jenkins was thinking:

"It's them."

"who are they?"

"People who are protected by the World Tree, those who respect the World Tree from the bottom of their hearts, those ancient races that have long withdrawn from the material world. Jenkins, this is the oldest military force. Don't worry, you are the king, your army coming."

The green breath of life and the golden magical power completely swept away Jenkins's back. With the little flower girl as the core of the ceremony, the shadows of the three people called to the sky together.

The golden light fell down like raindrops, and the green life breath was so high that it almost broke through the obstacles of the strange environment.

The golden light and green light fell together to the cleared land behind Jenkins. As the human form was outlined, figures gradually appeared behind him.

The young elves carrying long bows bowed slightly to pay tribute to the young royal descendants; the elf chief, wearing mithril mail and holding a rapier, bowed his head slightly in respect; holding a wooden scepter, his beard was almost drooping. The knee-length sage elves paid the highest respect to the young World Tree; the mystics wore robes, and salutes came from under their hoods; and the knights riding pure white unicorns, the young The faces of the elven ladies were slightly red. Although they maintained their formation, they could not help but whisper about the half-elf young man in front of them.

In the distance, the silver light followed the roar, bringing dragons and other strange beasts that lived together with the elves. The Lord has not appeared, but the army in the flower forest has arrived.

One after another figures came from distant worlds. At the end of the eighteenth era of the material world, the ancient races came across space to help the young people who were favored by the Lord and the World Tree.

This is an ancient military force, a power that has never appeared since the alien species left the material world. Not only the elves, but also the people of all races who live in the flower forest and believe in nature, all appeared in the huge army that gradually became clear.

The master did not appear, but the light of divine magic illuminated them, preventing them from being eroded by the evil ichor of human form; the ancient world tree did not extend its branches to the fragile world here, but the power of life and nature Connecting everyone through faith so that they will not be noticed by the messengers of death.

Opposite the card table, the living statue has been swallowed by the black ichor behind it like a huge wave. The beast of disaster is about to appear. The turbulent black fluid is temporarily isolated with the card table as the boundary, but it is pregnant with The monster army is ready to charge.

On one side is the wave of black ichor, and on the other side is the huge army in the holy light.

Chapter 2128 Departure again

"Please leave first and leave the affairs here to us."

Among the descending ancient legion, a middle-aged elf wearing thick silver armor like a legion leader took off his helmet and whispered to Jenkins. The little flower girl, the old elf, Professor Burns and Sigrid also jumped down from the table. Sigrid also whispered to the little girl carrying the basket to be more ladylike:

"You can leave first and leave it to us to handle it."

Jenkins then looked at his companions, the elf Miss Siluf who had accompanied him through two strange situations. The latter nodded to Jenkins regretfully, but with a smile on her face:

"I'm afraid I won't be able to help you on the next road."

The treacherous environment is so dangerous that the elf is really not suitable to go on with Jenkins anymore. Now that the ancient army of elves has arrived, she is safer staying with her own people. Although Jenkins was helpful in the wax museum, once he started taking action, everyone else would be a burden, so Miss Elf did not ask to continue walking with Jenkins:

"Keep going, Jenkins."

She hugged Jenkins, who introduced Miss Sylph to the others. The elf picked up the only unused card [Star Demonic Sword] from the table, squeezed it gently, and the card exploded immediately, and the black long sword with a little starlight fell into her hands:

"Please take it with you and keep going."

This long sword was already a Category B extraordinary in the last treacherous realm. After being specially forged after incorporating meteorites in the game, its power became even more powerful. But because it is not a gift, Jenkins cannot receive it into the spirit and can only hold it in his hand temporarily.

This is a weapon produced in the strange world and can be taken away by him. However, the elven army that descended was illegal, so Jenkins could not get other items from them, otherwise the white light door would not welcome him. Entered.

"The space barrier of this tower has been weakened. I don't know what you did in the strange situation, but after the violent shaking just now, the price you need to pay to enter here has been reduced a lot. No matter what you want to do next from the outside world, I think it will be easier to ask for any kind of help.”

The old elf said, and Jenkins thought for a while. The strange realm itself shook violently just now, as if he wanted to get out some inappropriate knowledge.

"I see."

Jenkins said, and then he was hugged by Sigrid's shadow:

"I can't follow you any further, but I must come back as soon as possible. Everyone is waiting for you."

"Don't worry, it's already the fifth floor. I think I'll be able to enter the ninth floor and see the difference engine soon."

Jenkins also hugged Sigrid, who quickly pushed him away gently:

"Come on, leave the rest to us."

Sigrid wiped her eyes and kissed the side of Jenkins' face again, which was an eternal blessing for the person who was about to set off again.

Jenkins looked around, first nodded to Professor Burns who was smiling and looking at him, and then looked at the ancient legion behind him. The middle-aged elf said again:

"You don't have to worry about us. We can completely solve the problems here."

Neither the flowers nor the World Tree appear here, but their power is undoubtedly shining here, and the human pus is definitely no opponent.

"Be careful not to leave any drop of human pus behind."

Jenkins did not forget to remind him.

"Follow your instructions, Yggdrasil."

The latter put his left hand on his right shoulder and bowed slightly.

Jenkins looked at the people around him again, and finally saw the little flower girl, who still had a bright smile on her face:

"Sir, I finally helped you. I said I would definitely come to help you!"

"Yes, it really helped me a lot this time."

Only the old elf, Professor Burns and Sigrid are not enough to bring down the elf army. Only existences like the little flower girl have enough power to resonate with the flower forest and open the door to enter this strange place. aisle:

"When everything is over, welcome to my home."

He whispered, and the latter nodded happily with a small basket in his hands:

"I will definitely go, but you must watch your big cat, it is very fierce."

Jenkins laughed, then whistled, summoning his unicorn. Generally speaking, this ability is difficult to use in a treacherous environment. After all, the space wall in the treacherous environment is extremely special and it is difficult for a unicorn to break through. But now that the elves can come in, the unicorn can naturally appear through the elves’ passage:

"Then, I'll set off."

He picked up his backpack again, then wrapped the Star Demon Sword with one of the two remaining pieces of metal cocoon, and carried it on his back. The backpack and the other piece were carried in his hands. The unicorn crouched down in front of Jenkins, allowing him to easily step on.

"Please keep walking, let us solve the matter here."

People said together, and the unicorn stood up and picked up Jenkins. Jenkins patted it gently on the back, and the shining silver armor appeared on the unicorn. The power unique to the God of Lies had once allowed the unicorn to undergo a special evolution. Now only such a mount can carry Jenkins across the black liquid ocean on the opposite side, looking for the submerged door.

Before setting off, Jenkins' unicorn did not forget to spin around in a circle and show off to the other unicorns in the army behind him. The female elf knights had to work hard to control their mounts so that they would not get angry at the childish behavior of their younger kin.

"Then I'll set off."

Jenkins said one last word and flew high into the sky. Behind him, thousands of emerald arrows shot towards the turbulent black liquid sea across the table. The beams formed by the elves' spells and divine spells passed over Jenkins and helped him suppress the flying human pus monsters. Knights and flying elf dragons cannot follow Jenkins' flying speed, but they can help him drag enemies behind him who want to wait for an opportunity to sneak attack.

In this way, he crossed half of the card kingdom, saw the walls of the wax museum, and saw the unstable door of the mystery that emitted white light.

"You probably won't be able to go through that door with me. You go find them after I leave."

Jenkins pointed back, and the little beast under him whined with regret, but still carried Jenkins to the top of the door:

"Don't be like this. After this matter is dealt with, you can live with me without having to wait until I need you."

He patted his loyal mount, and the little beast rubbed Jenkins' hand with its furry side, and then watched Jenkins jump down and fall into the door leading to the next layer of treachery.

(Chocolate Run...)

The red-haired girl with chocolate on her head stood in front of the window and read the letter. The cat above her head also quietly poked her head out to read with her. This was a letter delivered by Sigrid. The letter explained what she was going to do and told Hathaway in the church not to worry.

"Really, we originally agreed to wait for Jenkins to come back together, but in the end they all ran to help Jenkins, leaving me here unable to do anything."

Hathaway complained in a low voice, but that was not the case. It was just that Hathaway found that Sigrid and Alexia were very capable, but she could only temporarily act as a "cat climbing frame", so she felt a little unhappy.

"But I think maybe Willamette would think that you would be doing him the greatest favor by helping to take care of his cats."

It was still the same room as when Jenkins came back, so Miss Burnett was still there. It's just that Miss Harms is gone, and the ongoing meeting needs someone to attend, but the three ladies here obviously already don't trust Miss Stillwell.

Besides Miss Bernreit, there was also Princess Sophia in the room. Silver Dragon went to help Jenkins. She originally planned to have a meeting with Dolores, but after thinking about it, she decided to stay with Hathaway so that she could wait for Anastasia to come back:

"In Jenkins' eyes, chocolate is probably more important than helping him."

Princess Sophia also echoed.

"And it's not like you did nothing. You received Mr. Pisco and helped get a train to St. George Street. Aren't these all the help you provided to him?"

Miss Bernreit is very comforting, singing along with Princess Sophia to help Hathaway adjust her mood.

"But these are small things that others can do. But Sigrid and Alexia do things that only they can do."

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