But he was caught by his father almost as soon as he came out of the building where his family was:

"Where have you been?"

"Mary and Robert have something to talk to me about."

"Is it over?"

"It's over."

"Then follow me."

As he spoke, he took Jenkins to the khaki tower on the left side of the courtyard, and returned to the main building complex of the church through the side door on the second floor of the tower, and finally came to the large conference room on the fourth floor.

This is usually the conference room for high-level clergy of the Holy See to hold meetings when they come from Beldiran. Two long and two curved tables are put together to form a circular conference table in the center. The walls are full of chairs, and they are all full of people at this moment.

There are about forty or fifty people present. Except for the old man, the weakest one is also a level seven gifter, and most of them are demigods.

The old man sat next to Miss Befanna at the table, and next to him was "Miss Fabry", which was not in Jenkins' script.

The chair left for Jenkins was the one with its back to the door. No one sat in the main seat facing the door, because no one was qualified to sit there. The sage saint, Miss Streis, who presided over the meeting, sat on the left side of the main seat.

"What is this for?"

Jenkins asked very impolitely.

"Of course, make a plan."

"What plan?"

"Aren't you going to that tower?"

"Oh. Yes... but do you need a plan?"

In the eyes of the church, of course a plan is needed. Although they cannot affect what happens after Jenkins enters the metal tower, they can prepare for Jenkins to enter the metal tower.

This will affect the future battle. Although everyone can only watch Jenkins go to the battlefield they cannot reach, they can provide the savior with the last help.

"If this is the case... Actually, there is no need to be so troublesome and come to the meeting. There is no need to explain too much to me about the strange world. After all, I have experienced double-digit strange worlds this year..."

He had never told the church about this matter before, but now that he mentioned it, neither his father nor Miss Befanna had a strange look, obviously thinking that these were no longer important now.

"But the use of abilities is restricted in the strange realm, so I need power beyond abilities, that is, numbered items, alchemical items, potions, and various spells. Forget about the A-type weird objects, and the B-type extraordinary can be carried appropriately, but what I need most is the gift, the more the better. Since the ninth-floor tower will rise in the early morning tonight, in order to prevent the differential machine from sublimating first, I will set off before 2 a.m. Before that, please ask the churches to find as many C-type gifts as possible."

Because entering the strange realm is actually a special way of space transfer, space-related items and abilities will be affected, so it is impossible to use storage items such as silver dragon scales to carry thousands of tons of spells and ritual materials into the strange realm.

Gifts are the most suitable weapons, especially for Jenkins, who does not need to be carried in a container and has a very high priority for effect. It is really the most suitable.

The church quickly took action and searched for weapons and props according to Jenkins' requirements. In order to deal with the end of the era, the churches had originally transported some important weapons and props to the center of the storm, so this matter does not take a long time, and he can choose around dinner time.

Although Jenkins thought that there was no need to hold another meeting after this, and that it might be better for him to calm down before entering the tower, his father still requested a simple meeting around 11 o'clock tonight.

After all, it was the last minute. The church needed a plan and a response plan for various possibilities. The savior needed to understand that everything was for the sake of saving the world and to ensure that the savior could come back alive. It was necessary to hold a meeting before midnight.

It seemed that everyone in the church was anxious and busy for the savior to enter the nine-story tower, but only Jenkins, the person involved, looked unconcerned.

"Jenkins, why don't you look worried at all?"

The father asked after the meeting.

"Why should you worry?"

"This is the final decisive battle. From the time the purple star appeared in the sky last year to now, for a whole year, we have been preparing for the arrival of the end of the world. What you are going to do now will affect the direction of civilization. Don't you need to worry about this?"

What the father said made sense, but since he knew that he would enter the tower in the early morning of tonight, Jenkins' mood relaxed for the first time in a long time, as if nothing mattered. He thought it was a psychological state under heavy pressure, but it was also possible that it was just a relaxation after knowing the final date and not having to worry.

"The final battle, Dad, I read in the book that before the final battle, people will hold a banquet for the warriors to practice. Don't forget to notify the kitchen and let them prepare a sumptuous dinner for me... and chocolate."


A sad expression suddenly appeared on Dad's face. He quickly turned his face away, patted Jenkins on the shoulder, and then hurried away.

"It's rare to see Dad like this."

Miss Bevanna walked to Jenkins holding her big book and said:

"But I am different from Dad. I believe in you very much. You will succeed. Since you let Dad be responsible for your practice dinner, then I will be responsible for welcoming your banquet."

She smiled and patted Jenkins, then left. Jenkins looked at Miss Befanna's back. In fact, he knew that he was not as confident as he appeared.

Chapter 2077 Chapter 2046 Herbicide

After temporarily getting rid of the troublesome meeting, Jenkins finally found the right opportunity to slip outside. It was already eleven o'clock in the morning, but the sky was still as dark as late at night. The city issued a relatively loose martial law order, so there were almost no people on the foggy streets.

But this did not mean that the city was dead silent. The mining area in the east was still burning, and the huge black shadow of the Son of Mist in the distance was fighting with the combat team on the ground. The black aura was everywhere, and it seemed that every point in the thick fog was breeding those terrifying monsters crawling in the fog.

The hot ashes fell from the sky, and a layer of white ash had accumulated on the ground. Stepping on it and leaving footprints, when looking back, there was no leisure and elegance when leaving marks on the snow, but it felt that the end of the world was really approaching step by step.

Everything seemed to have changed this weekend, the only thing that remained unchanged was the smell in the air. From the time Jenkins came to this world to the time when the disaster struck, the air was always filled with the stench of burning. It did not change because of the arrival of strangers, nor because of the arrival of disasters. It seemed that only this smell was constant.

The first stop after leaving the church was the apartment rented by the old elf. After all, his apartment was in the city center, very close to the Sage Church.

When Jenkins knocked on the door downstairs, no one answered the door for a long time. Later, the old elf went downstairs and opened the door himself:

"Now the whole city is under martial law, and it's a ghost outside. The landlord didn't want to open the door."

He explained.

Following the elf upstairs, I found that the living room was full of various books. The piles of books were like a small mountain, and there was almost no place for people to stay. The gas lamp in the living room was on at full power. Three candles were still lit on the rusty candlestick on the table. There were other white candles between the books piled in the living room, making the curtained living room still bright, but the shadows of the books on the wall looked a little scary:

"What are you doing?"

After finally sitting on the sofa with the cat in his arms, Jenkins asked:

"I encountered some troublesome problems, but it's not a big deal, it's okay. Jenkins, are you here to say goodbye to me this time?"

The old elf asked, and Jenkins raised his eyebrows in surprise:

"How did you know?"

"Although I haven't experienced the end of the era in the material world, I have read a lot of books in the past. Obviously, it's the end now, right?"

The elf sat opposite Jenkins, slightly bent over and folded his hands and asked.

"Yes, it's the end. The underground machine said that it will make the ninth floor of the tower rise in the early morning of tonight. At that time, it will go to the top of the tower and integrate the gift [Mechanical Heart] and the original steam engine as a means to completely sublimate itself into a beast of disaster."

"Is this forcing you to enter the tower?"

"Yes, there are nine nested strange realms in the tower, which are used to weaken my ability. To be honest, I'm not sure if I can succeed...so I want to say goodbye to you."

The old elf did not encourage Jenkins or tell him that he would definitely succeed, but sighed deeply:

"I knew there would be such a day, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. Jenkins, you must come to see me again."

"Don't worry, I will. There is one more thing. I want to invite you to live in the church this time. You also know the current situation. It is not safe anywhere now."

"Thank you for your kindness, but for me, it doesn't matter where I live. Jenkins, I am very happy to meet you. It is my luck and my honor to meet you in the last period of my life."

He stood up as he spoke, but he didn't mean to see him off, but went into the bedroom alone. Soon he came out again and placed a delicate crystal bottle as thick as a thumb on the pile of books in front of Jenkins:

"I don't have anything to help you with, take this."

"Is this a potion?"

"Yes, when I accidentally came to the material world, I didn't carry many items with me. This is from the Flower Forest, and it is the most valuable thing I have ever owned in my life."

Considering that he also had two B-01-1-8381 [Elf's Destruction Arrow], the value of this potion is really extraordinary.

"This was given to him by a friend of my grandfather's grandfather. Don't worry, it probably hasn't expired yet."

From the aura, it does have extraordinary properties. The extremely strong green aura is something Jenkins has never seen before, but it is unknown whether it is the original performance of the potion.

"Maybe... not expired?"

"Don't worry, this is not for you to drink. This is a bottle of poison. Let's put it this way. If this bottle is broken now, the area with a diameter of 300 miles (about 482.8 kilometers) centered on our location will be covered by highly toxic fog for the next three hundred years, and no grass will grow. And if the influence of the fog is to be completely eliminated, it will take at least a thousand years.

Don't underestimate the poisonous mist produced by this bottle of potion. For any creature, unless it is of a special bloodline like yours, even metal creations will theoretically be corroded by the poisonous mist. And once it is broken, the consequences will be completely irreversible unless a divine power takes action. "

Jenkins looked at the small bottle flashing under the light in surprise, and pulled the chocolate that was about to be eaten into his lap to prevent it from moving:

"How many more dangerous things do you hide...well, it doesn't matter. But what do the elves do with such dangerous things?"

"The prototype of this potion was a very effective herbicide. Later, a potion master tried to modify it to make it more effective."

"He succeeded?"

"What do you think?"

The elf raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, this is really amazing. So what happened to the Potion Master?"

"After some samples of the potion were taken away by thieves and accidentally used, the Potions Master was taken away by the Elven Guards. He was never seen again."

This is quite reasonable, and the reason why the old elf and his ancestors did not hand over this bottle of potion was because they intended to treat it as a simple antique. Now the elf gave it to Jenkins, and repeatedly warned Jenkins that it was okay to use it in the strange world, but absolutely not to use it in the real world, otherwise Nolan and even the entire West Coast would really be gone.

After the brief visit, Jenkins realized that he didn't have much to say, so he got up and left. The old elf didn't say much. Apart from the gift, he also read a small poem for him in Elvish language, which was about bidding farewell to the heroes of the expedition.

The old elf wanted to send Jenkins to the door downstairs, so the two walked up the stairs while talking. At this moment, the door downstairs was knocked from the outside again.

Chapter 2078 Chapter 2047 Farewell of Friends

An unexpected knock on the door made the old elf stop in alarm. Jenkins blinked at the door:

"It's Mr. Hood...oh, I mean, it's young Kamel."

Old Kamel is a friend of the old elf and the biological father of Mr. Hood. He was sacrificed by Jenkins to the first [Elf's Arrow of Destruction] a few months ago, which was used to defeat the four fallen angels.

In this regard, Jenkins can be regarded as Mr. Hood's father-killing enemy. Therefore, he has never mentioned this matter in front of Mr. Hood, and the old elf has never told Mr. Hood the truth about old Kamel's death and the lifting of the family curse.

"Do you want to leave through the window?"

the elf asked Jenkins.

"No need, it just so happens that I also want to say goodbye to him."

He was now using Jenkins' face, no disguise.

He took two quick steps down the stairs, took a breath to adjust his mood, and then opened the door directly.

The person standing outside the door was naturally Mr. Hood, but he didn't expect that the person who came to see the door was a stranger, but he immediately recognized who the person in front of him was:

"Your Majesty William?"

He knew exactly what Jenkins looked like during Hathaway's dice game.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hood, please don't be surprised next..."

Jenkins said, touching the black and white kitten on his shoulder. The cat stood up from Jenkins' left shoulder, jumped suddenly, and ran from the back of his head to his right shoulder.

It was originally black and white, but after reappearing from the back of the head, it had turned into a pure white color.


The white cat Vanilla lay down again.

"Mr. Hood, this is probably the first time I've met you in my true form, right?"

The middle-aged man outside the door thought he had forgotten how to speak.

Finally, the elf on the stairs told Mr. Hood to come in quickly and not leave the door open waiting for the monster to appear. The elf pulled Mr. Hood, and the three of them went upstairs again, and each found a seat in the living room filled with books.

Mr. Hood still didn't dare to believe that Mr. Candle's true identity was Jenkins Willamt. After all, he had already received the news. He knew that most of the believers of the God of Lies were killed and injured yesterday, and that King Jenkins Willamt was actually the Son of the Sage. , and has been recognized by the Twelve Churches as the savior of this century.

Yesterday, I was sad for a while because I heard about Mr. Candle's death, but I quickly thought that a cunning guy like Mr. Candle would not die so easily. Although this idea has now been proven correct, and I am sure that I still have a chance to repay this gentleman, a more impactful fact has emerged.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Mr. Candle is Jenkins Willamette. There seem to be clues already, such as Miss Lark's dice game, the cat, and the detailed information he provided at the party in the past year.

It’s just that Mr. Hood still can’t believe it. Some corner of his heart thinks that this is another ingenious plan of Mr. Candle. After all, as a member of the believers of lies, the plans of people like Mr. Candle must not only be able to see part of the truth. I can guess it myself. That plan must be as complicated as a spider web, and what I can see is at most just a thread.

But the old elf would not joke about this kind of thing. He helped Jenkins confirm this: the sage son and the new king were the elusive Mr. Candle.

For Mr. Hood, in other words, the mysterious man who broke into his party last fall is really the savior of this century.

"Should I congratulate you on your wedding to Miss Lark?"

With so many things on his mind, Mr. Hood didn't expect that the first sentence that came out of his mouth would be this.

"We plan to get married in Beldiran next summer. You can give us your blessing then."

Jenkins smiled and made the cat that continued to pretend to be well-behaved on his shoulder turn back into a chocolate. The quiet white cat immediately became lively, and only stopped moving when Jenkins pulled it to lie on his lap:

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