Jenkins stood there with his sword in a bit of embarrassment:

"Miss Fabry said I was hiding a secret..."

"It doesn't matter, young people always have their own secrets, as long as it's not a bad thing."

"Of course not. Everything I do helps me sleep peacefully at night."

He assured immediately.

"That's good, so you don't have to tell us, at least you don't have to tell us until you think about it."

Dad looked at him and said. .

"Won't you care?"

Jenkins asked tentatively.

"Of course I don't care."

Dad nodded firmly.

"You really don't care about my secrets?"

he asked again.

"Okay, Jenkins. Look, there are so many people here."

In addition to the people from the Sage Church, there were also other professionals from the Righteous God Church who were responsible for inspecting the sword:

"Jenkins, there are so many people here, I give you my guarantee, I will never care about the secrets you hide."

"That's what you said."

Jenkins was relieved this time.

The matter of the Holy Bone Sword is very important to the church, and the most important thing to Jenkins at the moment is his own will. Although this may not be helpful, it is necessary.

In order to ensure that his will could be executed even if the worst outcome unfortunately occurred, Jenkins followed the example of Mr. Augustus and found an executor for himself.

Of course it can't be the girls at home. If they know that he is writing a will, they can guess how troublesome things will be after just a little thought.

The executor of the will must first be reliable, and must have a strong relationship with Jenkins to convince people. Finally, the executor must not have too many responsibilities, and must have enough time to do things, and even if he knows that Jenkins is making a will, he must be able to Keep his secret.

This eliminated many people, and in the end only the only suitable candidate remained, Professor Burns.

PS: This time I really want to finish the book. To be honest, the author didn't expect that the last volume could be so long, but again, I don't mean it intentionally, there really is so much content.

At this point in the plot, Jenkins has truly become the only savior. After dealing with some foreshadowing that will be used in the final battle, the final story begins.

But it will take at least a month to complete, that's for sure. If it cannot be completed during the Spring Festival, then according to the convention of this book, there will be additional updates on the first day of the Lunar New Year. The specific number is unknown.

Please vote for everything at the end of the month.

Chapter 2075 Chapter 2044 Jenkins’ Will

Professor Burns is the secret keeper apprentice of the Church of the Sages. Last autumn, due to the "Knowledge is Gold" mystery under the castle, his father and Jenkins found out about his status as an unregistered benefactor, so the professor joined him. Opportunities for the church.

Not long ago, Jenkins learned that the real opportunity for the professor to become a gifter was actually receiving a revelation from the Lord in a dream. Professor Burns is an important chess piece arranged by the Master to ensure the awakening of the [World Tree Seedling]. Although due to the arrival of the stranger, the professor did not play a big role in this matter. He only guided Jenkins into the flowery treacherous world. The situation, but this does not affect the friendship between the old professor and Jenkins.

The professor once guided Jenkins to attend the gathering of the late Mr. Corpse, and helped Jenkins find ancient information many times. Today, Jenkins still believes he is a qualified executor.

After the two met in the empty room of the church, the professor originally wanted to congratulate Jenkins on obtaining the status of the savior, but after hearing his request, his expression immediately changed:

"Has it really come to this?"

The professor held the table with trembling hands, and then had to sit down because his whole body was shaking.

"After all, it's to be on the safe side. No one knows what will happen."

Jenkins pretended to talk about it lightly, and then gave the professor the prepared will for confirmation:

"That's it. In fact, it may not be used, but after all, we still have to consider this possibility, right?"

The professor did not lower his head to look at the document bag that Jenkins thrust into his hand. Instead, he opened his mouth to speak, but in the end no words came out.

He lowered his head and sighed, seeing Jenkins also sitting down at the table.

He opened the document tape and looked through the documents inside, including the text of the will and some of Jenkins' tickets (house and land ownership, mineral investment tickets, etc.). Finally, he carefully read the text of the will and saw that Jenkins even left half of the antique furniture and old books in his home to him (the other half to his father). The professor's eyes were a little red.

He suppressed the sadness in his heart, and confirmed all the provisions in the will with Jenkins one by one. Regarding the ownership of chocolate, he discussed with Jenkins who was the most suitable person.

The content of the will is actually not much. After all, although Jenkins is rich, he only has a few properties. He has only been in this world for a year and has not left many traces. The most troublesome thing was to take over the responsibility of executing Mr. Augustus's will from Jenkins. Fortunately, this task could be left to Bishop Parrod to help complete it.

As for the throne of the Kingdom of Fidictry, there is no need to worry about it at all. Jenkins will go to Jessica later and explain that if he is no longer available, Jessica is the only suitable candidate.

The two completed the final confirmation of the will before lunch, and Professor Burns also promised that if the will really needs to be effective, he will use all the remaining energy in his life to supervise the execution of the will.

The professor left without saying more to Jenkins, never expecting that one day he would be helping the young man deal with his will.

Holding the document bag in his arms, he walked forward with his head lowered along the corridor, wanting to go to the bathroom to wash his face and regain his mood. But as soon as he turned the corner, he saw someone waiting for him:

"Miss Miller?"

Of course Alexia.

"Sorry to interrupt, Professor, what did Jenkins just say to you?"

The short lady asked, speaking in a casual tone, but the professor was not at all relaxed:


He had just promised that no one would know about the existence of the will until Jenkins' death was confirmed.

"Is that a will?"

Alexia asked.


The professor did not give an answer, but the expression on his face confirmed her guess. Alexia looked at the room where Jenkins was and couldn't help but sigh:

"He's always like that."

After saying that, he apologized again for disturbing the professor. When the professor asked if she would ask Jenkins about this and if she wanted to know the contents of the will, Alexia shook her head:

"I have no interest in it at all, because this thing is completely useless. Just put it away, maybe I will want to look at it in a few days, as a joke for the next few decades to laugh at Jenkins."

She turned and left without even saying goodbye politely to the professor. The professor stood there and watched Alexia leave. He couldn't help but sigh again, lamenting that times have changed and today's young people are not honest at all.

He continued walking towards the public restroom, but stopped after taking a few steps. He raised his head very slowly and looked up into the sky, and couldn't help but squint his eyes when facing the gas lamp above his head.

There was a confused look on his face, but it soon turned to understanding. He raised his right hand to cover his ears, and then moved his head slightly to the right:


He said to the ceiling, waited for a moment, and then nodded:

"OK, I see."

After saying that, he returned to his normal state and strode forward along the corridor.

After dealing with the issue of the will, the next step was to take family photos with the girls. There was originally another thing to do, which was to bring Robert, Mary, Newman and John to the church, but the bishop had already brought the Williamt family.

So Jenkins found the girls at home, and finally the family sat on the sofa, as if they were back to the situation before the dinner at home that night:

"We don't need to wear clothes that are too exaggerated, but they should also be very formal. The photographer hired by the church will come to notify us to take photos around three o'clock. I have reserved time for everyone to put on makeup."

Jenkins and Chocolate didn't need to wear makeup, but this was the first time the family had taken a family photo, so the girls definitely had to wear makeup.

Dolores was also very excited to discuss with Britney where this family photo, which was full of significance, should be hung in the future. Jessica and Hathaway were still thinking about the ongoing negotiations, and Alexia knew what Jenkins was thinking so she said nothing.

Only Julia and Sigrid, who were very thoughtful, could see that something was wrong with Jenkins at the moment without any information at all. But because it was just a guess, they didn't ask anything, but believed the smile on Jenkins' face at the moment, not knowing how he viewed tomorrow and the future.

After making arrangements to take photos, the next step is to visit my friends before three o'clock, which can be regarded as the last farewell before the decisive battle.

But when he was still thinking of a way to leave the church, his brother John called him away. When they arrived at the room where the family was staying temporarily, they found that the whole family was there. Mary immediately hugged Jenkins and forced the chocolate to jump onto the cabinet nearby.

Chapter 2076 Chapter 2045 Good News for the Family

Jenkins heard Mary crying as she held him:

"What's going on here?"

He asked his father, Robert, who also seemed to be in a bad mood:

"The church has told us about you."

"You know now that I am the savior? Oh, this is a great honor. Compared with becoming a king, the savior is the real..."

"Bishop Parrod told us about the dangers you will face, and he believes we have the right to know."

Said Newman Williams, the eldest brother of the three Williams brothers who has always said very little. He sat huddled on the arm of the sofa, his hands clasped together on his knees. He looked up at his younger brother:

"The bishop said it was dangerous."

Jenkins did not speak immediately. Instead, he hugged Mary and patted her back. After separating from his mother, he said:

"Actually, this..."

"Tell us the truth, how dangerous is it?"

Mary looked at Jenkins with red eyes and asked. He knew that even if he was lying, his family would probably not be able to tell, but this time he did not plan to lie:

"Very dangerous...probably, nothing in the world is more dangerous than this."

Despite his confidence in himself, Jenkins also knows what reality is.

"You have to go, right?"

"Yes, for the world."

Mary turned around and hugged her husband again, finally sobbing softly. Jenkins forced a smile and looked at his elder brother:

"It's really okay. Although it's dangerous, someone has to take responsibility for it."

"Jenkins, we will be proud of you."

Newman said.

"Jenkins, you will always be my brother."

Little John also said.

Jenkins smiled again, this time sincerely. He wanted to comfort his mother Mary again, but Newman said a good news:

"Tell me some good news. Our family will have the next generation."

"What do you mean?"

"My eldest brother's fiancee is pregnant."

Newman looked embarrassed, so this was the news from John.

"Oh, congratulations, that's great, Robert and Mary are going to be grandfathers and grandmothers, which is faster than I thought."

My eldest brother Newman's wedding was originally planned to be held within half a year, especially after Jenkins officially announced his succession to the crown a week ago, my eldest brother's fiancee's family urged him to move up the date of the wedding many times. So, even if it's a pregnancy marriage, it doesn't matter, but it's better to move it up to three months so that the bride's belly is not too obvious when she wears a wedding dress. After all, everyone wants to save face.

Calculating the time, Jenkins met his niece in the second future he experienced in the Nolan Gallery. The date at that time was 3:25 p.m. on the first weekend of the year 1880 of the Universal Calendar [The Moon of the Artisan and the Rain], which is about 14 years from now. Therefore, it can be assumed that the unborn baby now is the girl who met Jenkins in the future and called him "Uncle Jenkins".

"Have you thought of a name?"

He didn't want to talk about his responsibility as a savior, so he wanted to use this topic to make his family not so sad. Although the eldest brother Newman looked dull, he was actually very thoughtful. He cooperated with Jenkins to change the subject:

"If it's a boy, we plan to call him Spencer Robert William, and if it's a girl, it's Chrissie Mary William."

"Very good names, I noticed that the middle names are related to our family, doesn't your fiancée have any objections?"

The middle name can be grandparents, but the two names are related to the William family, and the other family will inevitably have opinions.

"In fact, they originally wanted to use the current king's name as a middle name."

Newman shrugged at Jenkins:

"You know, after our family became a royal family, all the criticisms they had about me disappeared. After you became king, they wanted to... Never mind, I don't like to say bad things about people behind their backs."

If Alexia were here, she would be sure that the baby born a year later must be the future niece. When in the North, Jenkins and Alexia boarded the [Dawn Steam Train] together. Jenkins was looking for chocolates running around on the train, and Alexia had a conversation with the niece. Not only did she get the box that could give Jenkins a second chance, but she also knew the girl's name.

But now this niece will not be involved with Jenkins in any way. Her story will not happen until decades later.

After finishing the conversation with his family, seeing that there was still some time before lunch, Jenkins wanted to leave the church and visit his friends outside the church first, namely the old elf, Mr. Hood, Mr. Black Cat and Mr. White Cat. If there is enough time, I would also like to say hello to my neighbor Mr. Goodman and his family.

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