"I mean, I've seen your face in his pictures...Sorry, he died last fall."

When talking about the deceased, the woman finally put away her stern expression. Instead of letting Jenkins leave immediately, she took off the door chain and opened the door.

"Old Auckland has no relatives, and I have never thrown away his belongings. If you are a 'relative of Nolan' as he mentioned at the end of last year, then take that box of things away. It's not worth anything anyway... .”

PS: Patch: Chapter 710, the [Building Stage] ability has been changed from white base to yellow spell. You can view it after refreshing the chapter. Yesterday's information chapter (2), you can only see the new content after refreshing the chapter in the upper right corner.

Another: Someone asked me for a chapter recommendation again.

Book title "As an NPC, I just want to continue the family", author: Bo Hui

An ordinary hunter NPC comes to a world where monsters and monsters run rampant. While ensuring the continuation of the family, an ordinary hunter NPC abides by the family's promise to protect the world. Along the way, he battles wits and courage with the player, fights evil gods and monsters, and writes a hymn of courage and legend with a mortal body.

Elements involved: Cthulhu elements, dnd elements, Victorian style, steampunk world

Chapter 867 Chapter 850: Visiting the Cemetery Again

Although the landlord's attitude was extremely bad, she did pack and stack Oakland Willamette's things neatly, and even had a list of goods for checking.

All of Oakland's property was donated to the "Church of All Things and Nature" upon his death. Only some personal belongings remained here, which were kept in the basement by the landlord.

This includes a shabby photo album, with the name and relationship of the person in the photo written behind each photo. According to the landlady, Old Oakland's memory got worse as he got older. Living alone, he had to use this method to ensure that he could still remember his relatives and friends in distant memories.

"Look, this is the person I was talking about who looks just like you."

The landlord pointed to the black and white photo at the front. Time had erased most of the original content of the photo, but the faces of the three middle-aged men holding their arms in the photo were unexpectedly clear. The three look very similar, and also very similar to Jenkins.

"This is......"

He turned to the back of the photo and looked at the notes:

"This is my grandfather and his brother...my father looks just like them..."

He didn't expect to see the original owner's grandparents' relatives again under such circumstances. When he stared at the photo, the three men in the photo actually seemed to be looking at him. The longer the time passed, the more intense the creepy feeling became, but Jenkins didn't understand why he felt this way at the moment.

In addition to the photo album, the relics also include a lot of miscellaneous items, but they are all packed in boxes that are easy to carry.

When he was about to say goodbye, the landlord seemed to suddenly think of something and asked Jenkins to wait. Then he turned back upstairs and took out a necklace made of broken copper blocks and handed it to him.

"Old Oakland was still thinking about this before he died. I almost forgot."

"What's this?"

There is no aura, and it is even a little rusty, but the heavy feeling rich in history and stories cannot be concealed no matter what. This is the texture that only old things can have, and Jenkins, an apprentice in the antique shop, knows it very well.

"When he moved here, he took it with him. I heard it was passed down from his elders, a token of the Williamte family. Before he died, Old Oakland begged me to send this thing to Nolan, but he didn't tell me the address and the address at all. The recipient of the letter...I don't consider myself a soft-hearted person, but every time I recall that scene, I can't help but want to cry. After all, he has lived here with me for 13 years... "

Jenkins looked at the pendant speechlessly, and for a moment he thought of the complex and helpless story of the deceased old man.

He put Oakland William's relics back to Old Jack's herbal shop, then said hello to the old man who was discussing business, and then set off again to the cemetery in the suburbs.

This time, I went as normal as an ordinary person, Jenkins Willamt, to pay a visit to the old man who, although not related by blood, was indeed Williamt.

I got off the car at the same location as yesterday and came to the somewhat gloomy cemetery again. The morning sun was just right, and the light shone through the trees on both sides of the cemetery and hit the ground, leaving speckled traces. The holly tree planted here is evergreen, but it seems to be a subspecies. The one planted in the Jenkins' yard does not have the lush foliage here.

Letting Chocolate squat on his shoulders, Jenkins gave the driver the fare and walked in with a large bouquet of flowers.

He got this from Old Jack. Many herbs or potions require fresh flowers and leaves as materials, so Old Jack's warehouse with a constant-temperature ritual circle is filled with fresh flowers.

He didn't know what kind of flowers it was the local custom to bring, so he could only pick some beautiful white ones that were not interested in chocolate, otherwise there might be cat teeth marks on the petals on the way here.

After entering the cemetery, I didn't see the old tombkeeper. As a "first" visitor here, Jenkins naturally couldn't find the corresponding tombstone at once.

He walked along the gravel road that had been cleared of snow to the front of the cabin. He carefully looked at the brass steam pipes and black gas pipes that protruded from the ground and penetrated into the house. Worried about the fire safety of the wooden house, he stretched out his hand. He knocked on the door lightly.

Soon, the tombkeeper lazily opened the door, holding a wet spoon in his hand.


Jenkins pretended to look at his clothes, but in fact he had seen this clothes before.

"I'm looking for someone."

"I am the only living person here."

"No... I mean, I'm looking for someone to die... Well, I'm here to visit a distant relative who has passed away. His name was Oakland Willamette."

This is really a new thing for the tomb keeper. Most of the people buried here died in foreign lands or poor people without relatives. People came to visit them for two days in a row. It was not uncommon after he took on the responsibility of the tomb keeper.

The old gravekeeper often cleans up the park, so he naturally remembers where William's grave is. He turned around, took the key and shovel, and led Jenkins deeper into the cemetery. Ten minutes later, he found Old Oakland's tomb.

"I still remember the day his coffin arrived. Only a woman and two men came to see him off, which seemed to be his landlord and neighbors."

The old man whispered, and then began to use a shovel to trim the dirt and snow next to the tombstone.

Jenkins put the cat aside, bent down and put down the flowers in his hand, looking at the tombstone in front of him without saying a word for a long time.

"Is this your grandfather?"

the gravekeeper asked as he worked.

"No, he is a distant relative. Our family has not been in contact with him for many years. This time I came to Shire on a business trip, and my father asked me to come and take a look. Unexpectedly..."

He sighed. Seeing this, the tombkeeper didn't know what to say, so he lowered his head and continued shoveling the snow.

In fact, there is no point in coming here. Old Oakland is dead, so even sending flowers is useless. As for Oakland's adoptive father, the real Williamte, even the grave could not be found. It seems that he died before the three Jenkins brothers were born. At that time, it happened that Robert left his hometown and fled to Nolan, so he gradually lost contact with this place.

Thinking about these things in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. After taking another look at the surrounding environment, Jenkins asked:

"If you want to move the coffin to another place, do you need to go through any procedures? It is really pitiful to let him lie here alone. I want to move the coffin to Nolan."

"You need documents proving your relationship with the city hall, a permit to move the tomb from the [Church of Death and the End of the World], hire a professional gravedigger at the church, and prepare a large sum of gold pounds. This last thing is the most important. I miss you. Understand what I mean."

The gravekeeper reminded him with a wink.

"Yes, I understand."

Jenkins nodded, squatted down again, and rubbed the tombstone with the dates of birth and death engraved with his palms.

There is a small line of text at the bottom:

[Here is buried Oakland Willamette, a generous and friendly neighbor. 】

"I think it might be a little troublesome to prove the documents. After all, we haven't been in contact for many years..."

Having said this, he finally remembered that he was considered a noble and had privileges in this era:

"I think I am a baron...I will be a viscount in half a month. Documents and the like should not be a problem."


The gravekeeper looked at Jenkins' face:

"That's really young."

Nolan is currently having an undead crisis, so of course Jenkins can't move the tomb there right now. We still need to discuss this matter with Robert. I think Robert would not disagree with this idea.

Jenkins sighed and prepared to leave, then squinted at the cemetery not far away that was also unusually clean.

"Has anyone been visiting there recently? I noticed that there is no snow in that area either."

Such questions are normal, and at least Jenkins' tone is normal, so the old gravekeeper has no suspicion. He looked around for a moment, and then easily remembered the name of the tomb owner:

"Well, there's the grave of poor Prior Jones, who died of a bad cold."

As he spoke, he shook his head slightly:

"What a poor person. Someone came to see her yesterday afternoon. But the visitor didn't bring flowers like you. The gentleman came empty-handed and left without saying anything... .However, I don’t want to lie, I have to admit that his Maine Coon cat is very beautiful, even more beautiful than yours.”

Chocolate immediately wanted to be angry, but after thinking that it seemed to be him, he stopped being angry. Instead, he looked triumphant. Jenkins didn't know what he was proud of.

"It's better to have someone come and visit than just lying there by yourself."

The two continued chatting as they walked back. Perhaps because there were few strangers here, the old gravekeeper was very willing to talk to Jenkins.

"But that poor thing, wouldn't there be only three people coming to see her off?"

"Yes, the same three people came, three women in black robes. Those three women were really weird, but their voices were very nice."

The old man nodded and said, and then added:

"I heard that those people are from the Silver Jasmine Opera Company. Do you know this opera company?"

"Of course, they play shows in Nolan all winter long and I think everyone in Nolan knows the name..."

Jenkins' heart sank, something was wrong with the situation just now. According to what he learned, the only people who came to see the deceased female trainee makeup artist off were local pallbearers.

At that time, the opera troupe was anxious to leave the local area, and the director who died last winter could only spend a lot of money to hire someone to bury Miss Jones here. The gravekeeper who guards the cemetery will definitely not describe the coffin bearer as a "weird woman".

And as far as Jenkins knows, there are no women who bear the coffin. The customs of the continental human society at this time believe that letting women bear the coffin will bring bad luck to the relatives and friends of the deceased.

"I'm asking this question presumptuously, just out of curiosity. What is Miss Jones's belief?"

This is already a pry into the privacy of the deceased. The gravekeeper, who was originally very talkative, shook his head and stopped talking. Jenkins also knew that he had said too much, so he patted the cat on his shoulder, said goodbye to the gravekeeper and left the park.

This visit was considered to have some gains. At least Jenkins knew that the burial process of Prior Jones was unusual. Now he is really curious about what is in the coffin, but on the one hand, his weak moral concept restricts him and he doesn't want to dig other people's graves easily; on the other hand, he firmly believes that after digging up the soil, there must be terrible mechanisms and rituals waiting for him.

After returning to the city, he projected back to Nolan and took a peek at the current situation in the city. As the news of the coming plague intensified, the whole city could feel that it was in a state of panic.

People first thought of last year's "Silver Vertigo", and then thought of the major epidemics in the past decade. But no one dared to talk about the great plague thirty years ago in public. Everyone was worried and avoiding that thing.

The location of the circus was still blocked, and the Evergreen Forest and most of the local cemeteries were inaccessible. Jenkins had nowhere to go in Nolan for a while, so he could only go to the abandoned cemetery he owned again.

In fact, think about it, the cemetery of the Augustus family can suppress the resurrection of the undead because of the power of the dominating [Ancient Death God]. If a decisive battle can be fought there with the Skeleton Sword, at least the interference of the undead army can be effectively suppressed.

But Jenkins did not want to disturb Mr. Augustus, who helped him a lot, and he could not explain to the church the source of the special ability of that area.

Although the church would not doubt it with excuses such as "I dreamed..." and "I had a hunch..." But such excuses cannot be used all the time. Jenkins still needs to rely on it to clear himself of his relationship with the believers of the "God of Lies".

The abandoned cemetery is located in the far suburbs of Nolan, so it is not affected by the city fog. It is still the same there. Except for some more animal footprints and feces, there seems to be no other traces.

Jenkins has given up any hope of finding C-12-1-3011 [Shrouded Nun Clothes]. Past lessons have told him that every attempt to find it will cause trouble, but this time seems to be a little different.

First, I tried it with [Unknown Road Ahead], but nothing happened. Then I held Chocolate and let it sniff around. But Chocolate was very uncooperative and struggled in Jenkins' hands, so this attempt could only be abandoned.

"Then let's try divination..."

Even he himself knew how unreliable this proposal was.

He took out the amethyst pendant, the gift given by Miss Broniones for joining the school, and placed it on his forehead. After waiting for three seconds, he stood in the center of the cemetery and closed his eyes.

After losing his vision, his other senses gradually became more sensitive. His ears heard the whistling wind and the rustling of branches, his nose smelled the spices that Chocolate had added to his bath water when he was forced to take a bath last night, and his mouth still had the aftertaste of lunch.

In mysticism, the sixth sense beyond the five senses is recognized, which is what Jenkins usually calls "perception". This sense that transcends the mundane can not only discover information beyond the five senses, but sometimes even travel through time and space to perceive things that are more out of reach.

But doing so is very dangerous, and humans will never know what kind of weirdness exists outside the "island" of the material world.

Of course, it is difficult for people to distinguish the difference between the sixth sense and illusion, just like Jenkins sometimes looks at the chocolate in the shadows and occasionally has an inexplicable sense of fear, which is one of the serious illusions of the sixth sense.

At this time, closing his eyes, the young writer tried to capture the feeling of "a flash of inspiration". But he may really not have any talent for divination, and no matter how he perceives, he does not have that strange feeling.

The cat standing at Jenkins' feet is a little impatient, and it always hates waiting. Of course the cat knew where the "rag" Jenkins was looking for was.

Although it was well hidden, Chocolate's nose could easily smell the stench of the corpse.


It wanted to do something to guide Jenkins, but Jenkins moved at this time.

He opened his eyes and took a few quick steps to the location opposite the entrance to the cemetery crypt, which was the back wall of the gravekeeper's hut that had collapsed for the most part.

With a flick of his hand, the flame melted all the snow on the ground. Looking at the dry land, Jenkins fell into deep thought.


He suddenly held his head and shouted, "It's not here! It's an illusion!"


It was indeed not there, but Jenkins was actually just a little bit away from success.

When they returned to the Shire, it was already dark. When Jenkins and the cat returned to Old Jack's herbal shop, it was just in time for dinner.

He told him about his visit to Oakland William today, and Old Jack also had great sympathy for the poor man who died in a foreign land.

"If you want to move the coffin to Nolan City for burial, you don't have to do it yourself. Talk to Bishop Palod of Nolan, and he will help you do everything... But you still need to choose a new burial site, which is very important."

"It doesn't matter. My grandparents also need to move their burials, and my father will choose the address."

Hearing Jenkins say this, Old Jack nodded and stopped talking. But Jenkins still has something to say, and he spent an afternoon thinking about it before organizing the words.

"I noticed a strange thing when I went to the cemetery this morning. Yes, it was very strange... Not far from the grave of my distant relative..."

"Go to the church to apply for a cemetery survey permit. Since it is guarded by the [Church of Death and the End], it may take time to apply."

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