Although it was a sunny winter afternoon, the horse farm area happened to be located on the outskirts of Nolan, one of the most foggy areas.

Jenkins planned to use the fog to approach the horse farm from above and try to understand what was going on. But he didn't expect that he was discovered by the falcon in the sky before he saw the edge of the horse farm.

This was probably some kind of warning method. Those flying creatures all had a certain amount of intelligence. After meeting Jenkins, some flew down to report the news, while the other part rushed directly to the target in the sky.

Those fragile creatures were certainly no match for the unicorn, but this meant that Jenkins had been discovered. He could only flee immediately, and then return to St. George Street and then directly back to the Shire while no one noticed.

A quick glance in the sky seemed to show that a demigod-level gifter had taken off directly to chase Jenkins. He was now very glad that the unicorn had a stronger flying ability, otherwise the New God believers would have to fight the Orthodox Church for the first time.

"Speaking of which, who have I fought with in the past six months?"

He thought about this question and walked back to the street from the inn with his cat.

It was 3:30 in the afternoon, and there was still some time before lunch. So I stopped a carriage by the mailbox at the corner and headed straight to the cemetery outside the Shire.

After leaving the city, I could feel a noticeable drop in temperature. After getting off the car at the stone entrance to the cemetery, I even felt that winter had come again.

PS: I mentioned the "lost butterfly" once before, but I made a mistake in numbering it (it is an alien species, not a strange creature, so it doesn't need to be numbered. I made a mistake before). I have revised Chapter 612. You can update the chapter in the upper right corner and then check it out.

Also: I have updated the data chapter (2). It was a big project (covering my face).

Chapter 865 Chapter 848 A visit to the cemetery

The area around the cemetery was very deserted. Except for the road that had been cleared, most of the area was covered with snow. Only some stubborn thorns were exposed above the snow, but they looked half dead.

The entrance to the cemetery was at the end of the road. Further ahead was a dead forest. In other words, it was a dead end road. There are two symmetrical monster statues on both sides of the entrance to the cemetery. Jenkins' knowledge cannot tell him what they are, but it is very likely a local custom in the Shire.

Above the stone arch is naturally the holy emblem of the great god [Death and the End], which means that this cemetery is blessed by this god, and the gravekeeper in charge here is also sent by the [Church of Death and the End].

Along both sides of the arch, elderflowers, mandrakes, poppies and local black human-faced flowers are deeply engraved on the stone, forming a string from top to bottom.

On the side of the right stone pillar, the deep engravings are painted with paint mixed with silver powder:

[This is our end point, their starting point. ]

When he came here in autumn, Jenkins did not go through the main gate, so of course he could not see these. This time, looking up at these contents, somehow his mood immediately became extremely heavy.

This is of course an illusion. He shook his head and then stepped onto the gravel road in front of the door.

This cemetery is mainly used to bury those poor people who died in a foreign land and could not be transported away, so few people come to worship. After entering the park, it was equally deserted. Blown by the biting cold wind, I saw graves all around the path, and square stone tombstones were embedded in the ground, telling the last information of the deceased.

It was really quiet here, only the evening breeze blowing through the treetops, the crows on the branches, and the sound of chocolate licking its paws echoed in my ears. After walking a few steps, I saw an old man carrying a shovel and walking out of the gravekeeper's hut. He was extremely thin, but it was effortless to carry the shovel. The upper body was a thick black coat with some dirt on the hem, and the lower body was wearing dark blue overalls with pockets hanging on it.

The knees on both sides were patched with leather to prevent excessive wear and tear here.

Judging from the ability color matching, this old man is a gravekeeper of the Orthodox Church. According to the intelligence of the female hunter in the autumn, he fell seriously ill, and another young man was guarding here at that time.

Jenkins was still in his black robe disguise, and on his shoulder was Coconut, a Maine Coon cat with red and tan stripes.

He didn't panic, but greeted generously:

"Hello, sir, I'm here to look for..."

"Go find it yourself."

The gravekeeper didn't even listen to Jenkins' name, the Silver Jasmine Opera's apprentice makeup artist, Prior Jones.

He seemed a little anxious, and walked right past Jenkins with a shovel:

"I still have some things to do, those damn rats are going to eat all my stuff! If you want to visit someone, just go directly. The area near the south is the new graves of the past two years. Oh, these poor people, they can't go back to their hometown..."

As he said that, he walked to the east side of the cemetery. From a distance, it seemed that there was a large area of ​​crops that could grow in winter.

"This is luck..."

It's better if no one disturbed him. Jenkins watched the gravekeeper really walk away before he continued to move forward. Of course, he knew where his target was, but he would definitely be suspected if he found it directly.

Wandering around the cemetery, he looked down at the words on the tombstone, and then approached the location of Prior Jones step by step. During this period, he actually saw a deceased person with the surname "Williamt". According to the information on the tombstone, the poor Oakland Williamt lost his life last winter because of a pine nut.

"Qiao, cough cough, Coconut, did you learn the lesson? Be more careful when eating in the future."


The cat's words were unclear.

Unlike when he came here in autumn, there were no weeds but snow next to Miss Jones's tombstone. Out of respect, Jenkins squatted down and took off his gloves, helped her clean the tombstone, and threw away dead leaves and branches, then took a breath and sat on the snowless ground, ready to find out.

"Chocolate, keep an eye on my body!"

He said to the cat, and then used the ability of [Soul Out of Body]. The soul flew out of his body and sank directly into the ground.

As Jenkins' level continued to rise, the time he could briefly leave his soul became longer and longer. So this time there is no need to rush like in autumn, but after the spirit entered the ground, it did not bring out new divinity like last time.

Going down little by little, it is very interesting to observe the world in this posture. When the consciousness touched the still brand new wooden coffin, Jenkins subconsciously felt something was wrong.



This is a sound that only Jenkins can hear. He never expected that with his current soul "quality", he could be bounced by the huge force.

The seemingly ordinary coffin underground, at the moment of being touched by Jenkins, exuded a luster that can only be observed in the spirit state. The sacred light appeared in front of Jenkins, but before he could continue to observe, the light pushed him out.

Only feeling a flash in front of his eyes, Jenkins returned to his body again, and there was no abnormality on the ground in front of him, as if it was just a dream.

"Chocolate, what happened just now?"


The cat walked in front of Jenkins obediently and scratched messy symbols on the snow with its claws. Jenkins stared for a while, then felt ashamed for being stupid enough to interpret the secret language of a cat.

The light just now did not hurt him, but just pushed him back to his body. Combined with the obvious iconic divine light, it seems that the false god had specially treated the coffin before leaving to stop "thieves" like Jenkins.

In this way of thinking, even if Jenkins dug out the coffin, he would most likely be counter-injured by unexpected divine defense.

Only gods can hurt gods, and Jenkins is quite clear about this.

"This is troublesome... What's going on..."

The main purpose of coming here is to confirm the corpse underground. From the end of the Nolan incident of the Six Gods, except for special possession, all the bodies used by gods followed the gods to unknown latitudes.

Therefore, the corpses left here are very suspicious. What's more suspicious is that Jenkins, who was ignorant at the time, actually obtained divinity from it.

PS: Guess how many times to explore?

Chapter 866 Chapter 849 Charles' "Williamette"

Jenkins thought about the saint's remains and couldn't figure it out. He was also worried that the gravekeeper would come over after finishing his own business. In the end, he could only bite the bullet and declare that this inspection was a complete failure.

When he walked out of the cemetery, he passed by the gravekeeper again. He strung a bunch of fat mice with a rope, with a look of revenge on his face.

"Do you need one, sir? Your cat may need a snack. It's really too thin."

The cat looked at the bunch of voles with mud on their bodies, and showed a proud expression of disgust.

"No, thank you very much. Little Coconut is losing weight recently and can't eat such meaty things."

This excuse is very good. It can not only shrug off the enthusiasm of the gravekeeper, but also warn the greedy cat not to eat too much.

"Okay, but your cat is really beautiful. I like cats, but I don't like black cats. For places like ours, black cats mean bad luck and disaster..."

(Chocolate is catching butterflies...)

I returned to Old Jack's herbal medicine shop smoothly. I didn't expect that there were still customers there when the sun was about to set.

Old Jack was busy entertaining guests in the front, but there were still potions to be prepared in the quiet room in the back. He didn't ask Jenkins to entertain the guests, but asked him to go to the back to prepare the potion.


"It's a very simple potion. I posted the formula on the wall."

Jenkins immediately suspected that this was premeditated.

The name of the potion is [Smart//Ming Potion], a very straightforward and simple name, even a little vulgar. The formula uses a lot of fruit juice to make the taste sweeter, and the really useful part is less than a drop of capacity.

Drinking this potion will not make you smarter permanently, but it will temporarily make your body full of energy, your mind more active, and full of positive and optimistic spirit.

A bottle of [Cong//Ming Yao], which is as thick as your thumb and as long as your thumb, is valid for about half an hour, depending on each person’s constitution. Within a day after taking the medicine, the body will appear extremely tired and extremely sleepy. Very rarely, this agent can cause permanent brain damage, but the cause is currently unknown.

"So what's the use of this thing?"

Jenkins, wearing a white apron and leather gloves, shook the reagent bottle and muttered quietly.

The biggest difficulty in configuring these potions is not the production process, but preventing the chocolate from getting close to the spare fruits. The cat has no interest in the large amount of herbs accumulated in the room. From this point of view, at least its taste is normal.

At the end of the day, Old Jack and Jenkins had dinner together in the back of the store. He also commented on the potion made by Jenkins and everyone praised his technique.

"Maybe you should really come to my apprenticeship."


A flat refusal.

"Then would you mind learning how to prepare some common potions?"


Jenkins had no reason to say no.

He spent the rest of the night in Old Jack's quiet room. The two of them not only prepared the more common [Brad's Potion] (red potion, speeds up wound healing) and [Spider's Potion] (blue potion, restores tiredness), but also tried the extremely complicated process [ Ao Shui]. Because some mulberries are added for flavoring, the overall color of the potion appears purple, and its ability covers all the functions of [Brad's Potion] and [Spider's Potion]. Of course, its side effects are also greater.

In this way, Saturday arrived safely. Before breakfast, Jenkins went to the door to get newspapers, milk and letters. Surprisingly, one of the letters was sent to Jenkins, and the sender was actually Robert.

"Does your father have something to do with you? You are already in your twenties now. He can't still be worried about you going out on your own, right?"

Old Jack asked, holding the newspaper.

"No, of course not."

Jenkins shook his head violently. After opening the letter, he seemed to have seen something incredible.

"My father told me that there are distant relatives of our family in the Shire... I have never heard of this in all these years... Well, in my distant childhood, it seems I heard my elder brother talk about it once.”

The memory of this incident is hidden deep in the mind of the original owner of Jenkins. If Robert hadn't sent the letter, he might never have remembered it.

"Want to visit them?"

Old Jack asked, holding the tea cup again.

"Yes, my father said that we have not been in contact for many years, and our family does not usually come to Shire. Since I am here on a business trip, it is natural for me to visit... Please tell me, I What should I call my grandfather’s cousin’s adopted son?”

Old Jack thought for a while:

"There's no blood relationship... Then just call us by their names, and remember to be polite."

"That makes sense."

Jenkins suddenly understood.

This visit was destined to be useless, because Jenkins knew very well that the Oakland Willamette mentioned by Robert on the letter was already buried in a suburban cemetery, and he had seen it yesterday. But he couldn't bring it up because he had "never been to that cemetery."

There is a possibility of a name overlap, but Jenkins doesn't think even birth years would coincide.

According to Robert's letters, William of Shire lived in a rented apartment on the outskirts of the city. When Jenkins knocked on the door, the thin landlady looked impatient. She was holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, and behind her woolen socks stood a white cat looking curiously at the visitor.

It was supposed to be a female cat with a bell and a small bow hanging around her neck, and she seemed very interested in chocolate.


The white cat makes a friendly sound.


Chocolate made a sound of disgust.

"Who are you looking for?"

The middle-aged woman didn't even use honorifics.

"I'm looking for Oakland Willamette."


The woman looked surprised as Jenkins expected, and then looked at Jenkins' face.

"Oh, he's a relative, right? I do think your face looks familiar."


This time it was Jenkins who was surprised. Oakland Williams was the son adopted by a distant relative of the Williams family, and there was absolutely no way his face would resemble his.

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