But as if he had heard his thoughts, the man shot himself decisively.

The Eye of Truth quickly observed different colors, and an old soul actually floated out of the young body. That was not the soul of Howard Link, the midnight serial killer in Nolan City, at all. This soul belonged to the old custodian of Snow Mountain Villa!

"I knew that the attack on me that night was definitely not a coincidence! You are here for revenge!"

He wanted to reach out and grab the soul, but the gun that fell on the ground spun strangely and fired automatically. This time it was not a normal brass bullet, but the white human-faced bullet that killed Chocolate just now. The small bullet went straight through the flames and hit Jenkins. The moment he retreated, the old soul rolled up the gun and flew away.

"Don't go!"

Jenkins said angrily while lying on his back in the alley. He was too careless. The last bullet now entered his body like a living thing. The flames have concentrated all their efforts to enter the body to search for its trajectory, and Jenkins has temporarily lost the ability to move.

"I will definitely take revenge! I swear, no matter where you go, I will definitely take revenge!"

Jenkins shouted at the top of his lungs, trying to get up despite the pain, stumbling to chase the disappeared soul, but still accidentally fell to the ground.

He remembered the body of Chocolate behind him, and the time he spent with Chocolate. The white feather appeared in his hand, and tears flowed from his eyes again.


The kitten trotted to his side and patted the man's face twice with its little paws, trying to wipe away the tears.


Jenkins' expression froze.


It looked into the man's eyes facing the bright sunset, and the two remaining golden hairs behind its ears fluttered in the evening breeze.

The bullet that penetrated Jenkins' body was eventually wrapped in an immortal flame and burned to ashes. The curse carried by the terrible bullet itself is actually enough to kill most of the gifted. If it was not Jenkins who was hit but someone else, then he might not even have a chance to struggle.

If the cat hadn't just kindly blocked the first special bullet, Jenkins would have been in big trouble. Although Jenkins subconsciously ignored the news of Mr. Ink Club due to the characteristics of the gun, the gun was really not a strange thing, it was something more terrifying, at least it was difficult for him to match it with his current body.

Just now, Chocolate actually just wanted to help Jenkins and let him know how important he was. But seeing Jenkins crying was rare, the cat also regretted pretending to be dead, so he didn't covet the feather and took the initiative to run over to comfort him.

And Chocolate's "resurrection" really made Jenkins excited. He vaguely remembered that when he saw the cat appear again, his excited cheeks flushed and he almost fainted. It was obviously the golden hair behind the cat's ears that saved it, and Jenkins was very sure of this.

After he left the alley, he hugged his cat and couldn't calm down for a long time. At the moment when he was about to lose Chocolate, Jenkins realized how important this cat was to him, a lonely traveler. After coming to this world, countless lives have met him, and some have even entered his heart, but only Chocolate is different. Jenkins knows that Chocolate is different. Chocolate is the only one he can trust completely.

He held the cat tightly in his arms, ignoring the panicked crowd behind him because of the gunshots and the police blowing whistles. He went straight back to his home on St. George Street, then held the metal block wrapped in divinity in his hand and returned to the street again, with an extremely determined face. He now remembered the gun, and with his own ability, he might not be able to retaliate against the pistol. Although there is only one last drop of divinity left, Jenkins will not be stingy on this matter.

If he saw it right just now, the one who floated out of Link's body and took away the pistol was actually the old key keeper who should have died in Snow Mountain Villa. Jenkins swore that he was dead, and the bullet with insufficient accuracy went directly into the old man's head.

"Resurrection... Occupy the body?"

This is not impossible. Even ordinary people have a certain probability of being able to do such a thing if they get some special items or the corresponding ceremony is presided over by the gifter.

If this is true, then the reason why the serial killer attacked Jenkins is clear. He didn't want to become famous by killing Jenkins, but to seek revenge on Jenkins. That and the key keeper wanted to avenge the bullet in Snow Mountain Villa.

"I swear to kill you!"

He still hasn't recovered from the sadness of his cat's near death. The anger and fear in his heart are the main reasons that prompted him to take the current action.

Thinking carefully, the key keeper dared to come for revenge, and it seems that he didn't know that Jenkins was a gifter beforehand. He didn't reveal his identity in Snow Mountain Villa, and in Nolan City, from the night of the attack to when he just resisted the bullet, the murderer couldn't know Jenkins' identity as a scribe.

The key keeper of Snow Mountain Villa probably doesn't know much about Jenkins, and now that he knows that he is a transcendent, the probability of launching the next action immediately is not high.

"But he will definitely not be willing. Judging from the kind of revenge behavior that can't wait to take after getting the body, he will take other means."

It is not difficult to guess what the revengeful key keeper will do, but he will start from Jenkins' relatives and friends. But he cannot know the location of Privet Drive, so it is more likely that he will harm other people on the snowy mountain trip.

Of course, he cannot find Miss Rick and Garcia. Now, including Jenkins, no one can find them, which is also a kind of luck. And Jenkins showed a special relationship with Hathaway and Britney during the trip, and the whereabouts of these two girls did not seem to be kept secret. If someone wants to find them, a simple investigation will yield results.

After figuring this out, Jenkins did not even have dinner and went to look for his friends. Seeing that it was dark, he summoned the black robe and the unicorn in the deserted alley, and then flew into the night sky.

PS: I know that many readers who don’t pay attention to the details are confused (covering their faces), so I’ll repeat:

Howard Link: The main serial killer in Nolan City, living in Room 2 on the second floor of the apartment where the strange world appeared. One night, he broke into Jenkins’ house and attacked him but was captured. Later, he escaped and was found to have correspondence with the old key keeper of Snow Mountain Villa.

Ko O’Drey: The key keeper of Snow Mountain Villa, the serial killer half a world ago, was shot dead by Jenkins during his travels, and was later found to have correspondence with the young killer in Nolan City.

Special pistol: It has the property of being unrecordable, and even partially affects Jenkins (Jenkins didn’t realize it, not because he was stupid, but because he was affected). It is not a strange object and is more terrifying. It was purchased by Dad in an unknown year, and then accidentally sold, and finally fell into Link’s (flesh) hands.

Section 807 Chapter 791 Chain Puzzle

A man and a cat moved quickly in the sky. Jenkins held the chocolate in one hand, and the cat’s little paws were picking a cherry. Although Jenkins didn't eat, he always had to get something for Chocolate. Jenkins now cherished this "lost and found" cat very much.

The unicorn flying in the sky quickly passed through the city and came to the vicinity of Earl Hesha's mansion. After landing, Jenkins returned to his original appearance, tidied up his clothes that were wrinkled by the evening breeze, and then rang the bell at the door like a visiting guest.

Today's luck is very good. Hathaway is actually at home. She met Jenkins in the reception room of the mansion. Jenkins briefly recounted what happened just now, omitting some inconvenient processes in the middle, and focusing on the appearance of the soul.

"Key keeper, Ko O'Drey?"

Hathaway was also surprised by this result, but she was more curious about Jenkins's actions at the moment. He was holding Chocolate tightly now, and Hathaway was worried that the cat would suffocate because of it.

"Yes, now that he has discovered that I am a gifter, the possibility of revenge on me is less. You must be careful recently, that madman may do anything."

As he stood up and was about to leave, Jenkins still had to make sure Britney was safe. But Hathaway also wanted to go with him, not because she was worried about Jenkins' ability, but because she was also worried about the safety of her "friend".

Before Jenkins left, Mrs. Hesha tried her best to invite him to stay for dinner, until Hathaway said that the two of them were going out on a date together, the slightly plump middle-aged lady showed a somewhat unfathomable smile. But it must be said that Hathaway's excuse was really great, so that no matter how late she came back today, she could explain that she went somewhere with Jenkins.

After saying goodbye to Mrs. Hesha, Jenkins and Hathaway pretended to get in a carriage and go to a restaurant a few blocks away, but actually left directly from the back door of the restaurant.

"Do we need to tell Britney about the Gift? It's too dangerous. That soul left with a dangerous and strange thing."

Jenkins in the alley was worried. He followed Hathaway with his cat in his arms, not knowing how to explain to the other blonde girl later.

"No, I will never tell Britney about those dangerous things in my life."

Hathaway shook her head. She had already changed her high heels and annoying clothes. Just now in the restaurant, the boss politely provided a private box for the two of them.


"She should have a peaceful and happy life. I will shield her from all the wind and rain."

There is a saying that once mortals know about the extraordinary, they will have the characteristics of attracting the extraordinary. Maybe the first half of mortals' lives have never been related to those mysterious and terrible things, but once they know the truth of the world, they will continue to encounter these things in the second half of their lives.

Hathaway didn't want Britney to know about the Gift, and Jenkins understood her approach. It's just that it's hard to judge whether it's right or wrong. As long as Hathaway doesn't leave Britney forever, she will find out the truth one day.

But Jenkins is not in a position to comment on this. After all, he is just a friend of the two... But the man swears that he will do his best to protect his friends. He swears that he will.

Britney was still in the club with Hathaway during the day. In the evening, she said she was going to meet friends outside the city, and Hathaway had to go home to discuss her aunt's birthday with her mother, so they separated.

For safety reasons, even though it was a little late, Jenkins and Hathaway set off directly outside the city. As the carriage took them away from the city center, Jenkins noticed the unusual fog again.

Even up close, Jenkins couldn't see the aura in it. But these gases are definitely not normal. Now the Orthodox Church has noticed this, but they cannot figure out the source of these fogs.

A thick layer of fog gradually enveloped the city from the outside. If you look down from the sky, you can see that Nolan is like a small stage limited by the fog. However, no one can predict what will happen on such a stage.

Being bored in the carriage, Jenkins recounted the additional information about the [Player] that he had learned from Miss Bevanna a few days ago. As expected, Hathaway didn't know most of these things, but she knew a number of chain abilities related to [Player].

Among them, she thinks the most worthwhile thing to learn is [Stage], which is one of the few puzzles that can be opened without preparation and without special terrain.

"It seems that your friend is really well-informed. As far as I know, this rare chain ability has been completely lost. I originally thought that no one other than my sect would know anything related to this. "


"Yes, and even if it is not lost, I think no one will be able to obtain all the abilities."

As she spoke, she took a deep breath and read out a small poem as if singing:

[The player sings in a low voice]

【Welcome the vicissitudes of storyteller】

[The curtain rises in the hands of the string operator]

[The performer steps forward]

[Lighting builds the stage]

[Fate weaving ending]

"What's this?"

Although Hathaway's singing voice is very charming, Jenkins hates this kind of mindless poetry, especially after he encountered too many doomsday tablets.

"This is a clue, how the [Stage] Mystery Chain is formed. [Player (White Basics)] + [Storyteller (Golden Magic)] + [Thread Operator (Blue Variant)] + [Performer (Red Martial Arts) )] + [Build the stage (yellow spell)] = [Stage] Mystery Lock.”

Hathaway explained patiently.

"Hmm...what does [line operator] mean?"

"Referring to the stage staff, that's easy to understand, isn't it?"

Hathaway raised her eyebrows and concluded:

"These five abilities are extremely rare. Among them, [Storyteller] belongs to the high-level magical arts of the Sage Church, [Performer] and [Performer] are rare but cannot be found, and [Thread Operator] seems to be related to alien species. [Constructing the Stage] has never appeared in this era. I think we can only find some information on the stone tablets in some ruins.”

"So basically, it's impossible for anyone to control this mystery."

Jenkins nodded and said, but he knew two of the five abilities, among which the ceremony to obtain [Constructing the Stage] was in the hands of Miss Magic.

"Yes, that's it."

Hathaway nodded affirmatively: "If you want to build a chain with the player as the core, then you can consider other abilities. I can help. The sect has a large number of chain rituals with the player as the core, and... ....”

Her voice suddenly dropped, indicating that she was unsure of the information that followed.

Chapter 808 If

To explain the doubts many people have about Hathaway's level promotion too quickly.

It's like this. Jenkin's arrival in this world was actually an accident. No world would expect outsiders from outside the world to appear. And if Jenkin had not come to this world, then the ownership of the savior's emblem would become——

[World Tree Seedling]——Jenkins Willamt (after becoming a gifter, a natural savior)

[Unknown road ahead]——Little Leviathan (after becoming a gifter, a natural savior)

[Twin Demons]——The Coward Brothers (105, 106. Before the Twin Demons incident, if Jenkins had not scared Nolan away from him, he would have accidentally killed the Twin Demons)

[Immortal] - The Son of the Evil God (It also doesn’t know the ritual methods of the immortal, but if no time traveler takes the lead, it will accidentally obtain the immortal when seeking???)

[Real Phantom] - Mr. White Birch (Although he died because of the flower girl, his death was definitely not because the Lord of Flowers was eliminating competitors for Jenkins. It was just a coincidence.)

【Stage of Destiny】——Hathaway Hersha

【? ? ? 】——Mr. Hood (the only partygoer who Jenkins does not know his true identity, he appears near the end of the story)

【? ? ? 】——Sister Natasha (Chapter 49, a world line without outsiders, she will become a gifter, a born savior two months ago)

【? ? ? 】——Jessica Windsor (a world line without outsiders, she will soon become a gifter, a born savior)

Don't complain about why Jenkins knows all these people. It's just because of a slight deviation that everyone passes by.

This chapter was originally planned to appear as a future talk after the end of the book. But after thinking about it, I realized that there are no spoilers now, so I posted it.

Hathaway's level rose too quickly, in fact, because of fate.

Chapter 809 Chapter 792 Hathaway’s View of the Stage

"There is a very strange rumor about the [Stage] Mystery Lock. When fate meets the stage, this ability will undergo strange and interesting changes. At the same time, all the abilities that make up the Mystery Lock will lose their effect, and [Stage] It will evolve into a unique and special chain..."

Jenkins is not interested in this chain ability. After all, he has not fully explored the potential of his many abilities. Not to mention, he only has two ability bubbles free now, so he can't learn this mysterious key with many requirements. The cat, who was hugged tightly by Jenkins, looked up at the red-haired girl, and then yawned.

"What do you think of the stage, Hathaway?"

Jenkins asked smoothly, Alexia and Britney both had interesting opinions on this, and even connected with fate.

"Stage? Well-written script, directing actors who can't resist."

Hathaway thought for a while before answering. She pointed to Jenkins' cat. It looked uncomfortable being held, but for unknown reasons, it did not resist:

"Just like chocolate, although you have a certain degree of freedom, in fact the actions on the left and right have been planned by you. The stage is almost the same thing. Although it looks interesting, there is only one ending."

Chocolate struggled dissatisfiedly, so that it would not be restricted by Jenkins... except for the current situation.

"What if you rebel against the script?"

Jenkins asked.

"Throwing away your job, I don't think anyone would do that."

The red-haired girl said softly, "Could it be that our opera made you think about more questions? Since you are also a playwright, you should also understand that although the stories on the stage are wonderful, they are not freedom."

"What is freedom?"

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