"No need."

The old man shook his head, his voice unexpectedly hoarse:

"It's surprising that he can provide this information. Let's go. There should be some clues in the antique shop. I should have kept the gun in the box before. Maybe..."

They closed the door when they went out, and the middle-aged man inside the door didn't wake up until half an hour later. He groaned in pain because of a headache, and then saw Jenkins and the old man's teacup.

"Damn, I actually fell asleep. Just now it was... Dad, just now it was Dad and his apprentice."

He stood up to pack up the teacup, ready to go back and rest for a while before dawn, but immediately found another problem:

"Hey, Dad, what did you come to me for?"

So far, this matter has been cut off, and inspired by the previous inquiry, Dad is going to write a report to the church in another way, not mentioning the gun, but only mentioning the disappearance of an item that cannot be recorded.

After leaving Mr. Ink Club, it was already dawn. Jenkins did not go home but went to his father's antique shop to sleep for a while. When he woke up, it was ten o'clock in the morning. Chocolate was bored and lying on the table beside him, pushing the [Life Orb] that Jenkins left for him before going to bed.

Dad did not seem to sleep. He was reading the newspaper when Jenkins came down from the second floor. He had already written the report and asked Jenkins to send it to the church during the lunch break.

"Can I take a look?"

"Of course."

Dad handed the brown file bag to Jenkins.


It should be said that it was not unexpected, not at all unexpected, Dad's report did not mention any information heard at Mr. Ink Club at night. When Jenkins was stunned, Dad thought something was wrong, and took it over to check it again, but he did not realize that there was something wrong.

PS: The subscription has been a little weak recently. Is the recent story boring (covering face)? Do you have any opinions and suggestions on this book? Welcome to leave a message here. Although I will not change the outline, I also want to know your opinions.

One more update at 11:50 noon.

Chapter 804 Chapter 788 Two Murderers

"Is there a problem, Jenkins?"

Dad asked doubtfully while holding the report.


Jenkins thought that even if he explained himself, it would only be a waste of time.

Jenkins just regarded this matter as a thing of the past, and the probability that the gun could fall into Dad's hands again was almost zero. But he would remember this matter firmly and vowed to pass on these things exactly when the next person who could remember this information appeared.


Chocolate called on Jenkins' shoulder, reminding him not to go the wrong way and to turn left into the street over there to go to the church.

After handing in Dad's report, he wanted to stroll back to the antique shop. He had eaten breakfast too late and was not hungry at all. When leaving the church, he met Finnie again. Jenkins felt that she was growing taller recently. Even if the two met three or four times a week, Jenkins could still feel that her height was obviously increasing.

Because this Wednesday was Finnie's birthday, Jenkins, as one of her few close people, planned to give her a birthday present. He was not good at giving gifts, so he asked Finnie's opinion directly.

The girl was a little panicked and insisted on not accepting Jenkins' gift. But how could Jenkins not give a gift? Finally, after thinking about it, he went to the shop yesterday before returning to the old man's antique shop, hoping that the old craftsman could use the scraps of the raw stone to process a ruby ​​necklace before Wednesday.

"But it's Monday now."

The old man was a little embarrassed.

"Of course, but I can pay some expedited fees."

Most of the time, the gold pound can do everything.

The matter of the pistol came to an end for the time being. After Jenkins returned to the antique shop in the afternoon, the old man did not mention the report in the morning at all. Jenkins was very suspicious that the old man had completely forgotten about it.

But now the biggest problem Jenkins faced was not the gun but the undead. He explained the three suspicious weird things mentioned by the star spirit in a roundabout way this afternoon, and the old man gave a corresponding answer.

"A-06-2-8403 [Skull of Undead Lux]? No, no, the matter in Nolan City has nothing to do with this item. You have to know that the overseas volcano that seals this thing is in the east of the continent, and we are a city on the west coast of the mainland. Even if A-06-2-8403 escaped containment, it should not be the first to cause trouble in Nolan City."

"What about the copy of the [Book of the Dead]? Nothing that comes out of that thing is surprising."

Jenkins eliminated the suspicions one by one.

"This is indeed very likely."

The old man licked his fingers and then turned the next page of the ancient book in his hand:

"The church is also suspicious of this and is investigating. As for the A-12-1-0044 [Skull Sword of the Dead] you mentioned, this guess is a bit scary... but it is indeed possible."

As he said, he raised his head from behind the book and looked into Jenkins' eyes:

"If it is really that sword, then Nolan City is really in big trouble. Yes, big trouble. This is really terrible."

In the afternoon, someone brought a letter from the church to Jenkins. The content of the letter was about the midnight serial killer he caught. Because of the strange world, his identity was changed from an ordinary criminal to an insider of supernatural power, so this person was temporarily detained in the basement of the church.

New clues emerged in the investigation. People found that he had frequent correspondence with Tobie Town.

"Tobie Town? This place name is very familiar!"

He fell into deep thought.


Dad flicked his finger on Jenkins' forehead: "That's the town you passed by when you traveled to the snowy mountains!"

"Oh, yes! That's right!"

The correspondent of the murderer Howard Link, after investigation, turned out to be the old key keeper in the Snow Mountain Villa. By checking the communication records and more clues found from the ruins of the Snow Mountain Villa, it can be found that the communication between the two serial killers who are half a century apart in age began at a more distant time point.

"In other words, Howard Link became a midnight killer not simply because of the strange world, he had been prepared for this a long time ago."

Jenkins concluded.

"You can think so, but I don't know the situation at that time. You have to judge for yourself."

The problem now is not about Link's connection with the key keeper, but why Link lives in the room where the strange world appears, but is not affected like his unfortunate neighbors.

Jenkins even saw Link through the single-layer glass in the church in the evening. But his performance in all aspects is no different from that of a normal person.

Today is Monday, which should be the time for Miss Befanna's fighting course to start, but Miss Befanna temporarily left Nolan because of some things. She sent a letter to ask Jenkins to wait until ten o'clock before leaving.

The writer, who had nothing to do in the evening, asked about the specific situation of the murderer, and then unexpectedly found that it might not be accidental that he chose himself as the target of murder.

But the church also did not find any extraordinary elements in Link, and after a specific examination, it was not found that he had abnormal power. In view of these two points, Link was transferred from the church's underground prison to a special prison on the outskirts of the city on Tuesday morning. This was to make room for more troublesome prisoners. But unfortunately, he escaped halfway.

When Jenkins heard about this, he was discussing with his father about the whereabouts of Miss Bevana in his antique shop. She missed Jenkins' class last night.

"Is this true?"

Jenkins couldn't believe that the church would make such a big mistake. Even if the scribes didn't need to be involved in escorting an ordinary person, it would be almost impossible to escape from a team of well-trained church security personnel.

Dad thought this was an extremely shameful thing. Although it was not as shameful as the believers of Death and the End who had not yet found out the truth about the resurrection of the dead, this extremely shameful thing would definitely be circulated among the pagans for many years.

Because this matter involved the prisoners of Snow Mountain Villa, Jenkins asked the church again about the follow-up progress of the villa incident for the sake of caution. The doctor's matter was not investigated clearly, and the Charles side was still looking for clues about the former owner of the apartment building, and the investigation of the key keeper encountered many troubles.

The biggest trouble was that there was no progress in the spiritual communication with the corpse, as if the old man's soul no longer existed.

This is very strange, especially for an ordinary corpse.

Chapter 805 Chapter 789 Jenkins's Anger

Things are far from simple as imagined. After finishing work in the evening, Jenkins thought about the party in Rune tonight, so he walked home in a hurry.

Chocolate was rarely on Jenkins' shoulders or clothes. It probably wanted to walk by itself, so it followed the man's feet.

There is more than one way to get back to St. George Street from Dad's Antique Shop. Because it took some time to sort out the goods today, it was almost half past six when he got off work, so Jenkins chose an alley as a shortcut.

He had walked through this alley more than once on weekdays and had never had any problems. But this time, just after entering the alley and taking two steps, he saw a man walking towards him, wrapped tightly in a windbreaker.

He was startled and wanted to move sideways to make way, but suddenly felt the pocket watch chain in his pocket vibrate. Subconsciously lowering his head, a loud bang sounded, and the bullet flew past Jenkins' scalp.


He thought he had no enemies, because they were all dead. Before seeing the face under the hat, he didn't realize who he had offended, but he also knew that he had to fight back now.

"Ordinary people, pistols are weird things."

The eyes told Jenkins this information, but he didn't realize the problem even though the "pistol-shaped weird things" were very sensitive.

"Who are you?"

He shouted and hid behind the pile of wooden boxes on the side, and took out his pistol to prepare for the attack. Suddenly, he saw the cat still standing in the middle of the alley, stupidly not knowing how to hide, so he took the risk and ran out from behind the box, but this time he was unfortunately hit in the leg by the second flying bullet.

He thought it was just a scratch, so he hid behind the cover and reached out for treatment, but he didn't expect a huge pain to come from his leg, almost making Jenkins faint.

He sat on the ground and pulled up his trouser legs, only to see a yellow-brown bulge centered on the wound, extending across the entire leg like a spider web.

"What is this?"

He immediately put his hand on the wound, but the healing breath only healed the gunshot wound, but had no effect on those weird bulges. Fortunately, the flame of the gift candle had been protecting Jenkins, and the sourceless fire suddenly seeped out of his pores, burning the dirty yellow marks completely.

"What a powerful gun~"

He still hadn't thought carefully about the gun.

"Don't move the chocolate."

He warned his cat, then suddenly rushed out with a box in his hand. When the gunfire rang out again, the phantom that stayed in place turned into a real person. After using [Real Phantom] to return to the box, Jenkins widened his eyes and saw that the box he had just lifted was penetrated by bullets. Although his good dynamic vision could not capture the trajectory of the bullet, at least the real eye had just seen it. Full details of the attackers.

Although this is not a downtown area, the sound of gunfire should have attracted the attention of people outside the alley. There is not much time left for the gunman. Once the police are attracted, it will be very difficult for him to escape.

"Hold on a little longer, he only has a pistol!"

Jenkins said to himself, but he did not intend to use "Twin Demons" here. This ability is too dynamic. But suddenly another gunshot was heard, and at the same time a strange sound came from the pile of boxes in front of him.


He didn't understand what was happening for a moment. He only felt that the pocket watch chain began to vibrate at an even more alarming frequency, and the chocolate at his feet also showed an alertness that he had never seen before.

The rustling sounds were getting closer and closer in the direction in front of me, but in that direction was a pile of cardboard boxes that were difficult to move. Jenkins looked there with vigilance, and suddenly a sense of imminent danger came to his heart. Before he could react, a white bullet with a human face embedded in it had already drilled out of the gap in the box.


Chocolate suddenly jumped up and collided face to face with the bullet. The little cat was hit by a bullet in the air. Due to the momentum, it flew back a certain distance and was caught by Jenkins.

Chocolate raised his head in the man's arms, red blood flowing from his abdomen.


It looked at Jenkins and yelled one last time, then closed its eyes.

"Chocolate is dead?"

The extreme sense of absurdity left Jenkins breathless. He thought he was a strong person, but tears instantly covered his eyes. The cat in his arms still had warmth, but the man could no longer feel the breath of life.

He raised his hand tremblingly, only to see blood stains on his hand.


He thought of everything since he came to this world, every moment he spent with chocolate, and the joy he felt when he saw this little thing at the corner of Privet Drive that boring night.

The kitten at that time was so cute, just in the cardboard box, so innocent, so young, so fragile...

He drew a small blanket with his words, placed the chocolate on the ground, and then sniffed, remembering the way his cat walked around in front of him and wagged its tail.


He muttered quietly, raised his hand and wiped his eyes, hoping to see the dead kitten stand up and rub his trousers immediately.

Throwing away the pistol and wiping away tears, Jenkins stepped out from behind the box. The bullet whizzed over and hit his body, but the man just grunted and did not retreat.

He suppressed his grief and took a step forward, the flames under his feet leaving deep dents in the ground. Some strange phenomena that even Jenkins couldn't notice appeared around him. The space seemed to have changed due to the man's huge emotional fluctuations. The howling wind and dark clouds came from nowhere, as if the only light in the world was shrouded in On Jenkins.

The attacker continued to pull the trigger, but Jenkins allowed bullets to hit his body and even his head without retreating. It would be too merciful to kill him with abilities such as mechanical light. Jenkins would catch him with his own hands, break his hands and feet, and then cut off his flesh piece by piece.

In order to fight against the weird curse on the bullet, when Jenkins took the third step, he had already transformed into a form like the fire element. This time, the gift of the fusion of [Endless Fire] and [Purification Candle] exerted its strongest power for the first time. The fire element replaced the physical body, turning Jenkins into almost the spirit of fire in ancient legends.

"I want you to die!"

He screamed in agony and stretched out his hands towards the attacker. The attacker's hat was burned off by the remnants of the flames, revealing the horrified face of Midnight Murderer Link. Jenkins saw in his pupils the terrifying image of himself at this time, and also saw a sad man who had lost his pet cat.

Chapter 806 Chapter 790 Revenge

The moment Jenkins touched the man, the ultimate black light flickered on the gun in his hand. The bullet was fired again, but before it touched Jenkins, it was burned out by the flames around him.

Jenkins' hand finally touched the dastardly attacker, and flames instantly spread along his clothes. Jenkins originally didn't want to kill him at this time. He wanted to torture the man in front of him and make him regret living in this world.

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