"No, fine, I just wanted to say..."

Miss Michael finally made up her mind to raise her head and bravely looked into Hathaway's eyes:

"I just want to say that this trip will be a good opportunity to make friends with Jenkins..."

"what are you saying?"

Very rarely, Hathaway took the initiative to interrupt Miss Michael. She had never done so before.

"Jenkins is already our friend, and I think even his cat knows that. Bryony, what do you want to say?"

Realizing that her tone was a bit harsh, she reached out her hand to move the hair aside from the forehead of the embarrassed blonde girl as she spoke.

Miss Michael's body twitched, and she stretched out her hands weakly and put them on the red-haired girl's shoulders:

"No, I just want to say... it's important for our future to have the support of a friend in a high position. Yes, that's what I mean."

Hathaway did not respond and leaned forward slightly. Miss Michael immediately held her in her arms knowingly.

The two hugged each other quietly until there was a strange sound coming from downstairs.

"Hedwig, maybe I'm a little sensitive, and yes, I shouldn't have weird opinions about Jenkins."

She apologized softly.

"No need to apologize, you are doing this for our future too."

Hathaway responded softly, seeing that her lover's smile was forced.

She knew very well that Jenkins could not take the initiative to do anything to Bryony, and the meaning she revealed just now was weird no matter how you thought about it, like a test.

"What exactly happened here?"

There was no need to tell Jenkins about this brief conversation, and she decided to investigate on her own:

"Yes, since this statement was not from the original intention, and it could not have been any action taken by Jenkins, then the result may only be - Marquis Michael!"

In the evening, I met the middleman clown in the black market. He regretfully told Jenkins that there was no news about the Millennium Tree Heart that was entrusted to find last time. Jenkins still needed to wait patiently. But he is not in a hurry, because it is not necessary for that potion at the moment, he is simply maintaining great curiosity.

When she saw the huntress, she looked a little tired. Jenkins hoped that this had nothing to do with his commission, otherwise the woman would ask for a price increase again in a roundabout way.

"I hope your investigation is worth the five-figure commission fee."

He reached for the folder on the table, which was much thinner than Jenkins expected.

"You can rest assured that because of your unlucky commission, I haven't taken on any other business this week. I have to say that I misjudged the trouble of this matter from the beginning. I seem to have been unlucky recently, that's damn it Miss Fabry has left me twelve shillings short!"

Jenkins would have absolutely no say in this matter.

"Don't tell me that you were discovered by those horrible alien species during your investigation."

"No, I don't think so. It's just that during the investigation, we encountered difficult things one after another, as if someone knew about your commission and obstructed it in a targeted manner, but fortunately everything went smoothly in the end."

Jenkins was not surprised by what the huntress pointed out. Vampires hold the almost omniscient mirror in their hands, so they can naturally foresee danger in advance by asking. But unfortunately, the Huntress' investigation came from Jenkins' commission. After possessing the priesthood of [Lie], the mirror's "omniscience" became even more insensitive to matters involving Jenkins.

Therefore, they know that someone is investigating, but they don't know who it is and what methods they use.

"Apartment 13, Hammerhead Street, Chengdong District."

He skipped the investigation process and looked directly at the final conclusion.

"Yes, it is certain that the source of the flu is here. I don't know if they are the alien species you are looking for, but this unusual flu in winter did flow out of this family first."

Chapter 653 Chapter 641 Divination before the start

The Huntress' investigative report contained information about that home. It was said that at least four men lived in the house for a long time but rarely showed up. There are only two strangers who often come in and out there, and most of the time they only appear at night and early in the morning.

Since Jenkins' commission did not include investigating that home, most of the information there was to support the fact that "the source of the flu was here."

Based on this information, Jenkins was able to roughly deduce that his target was there. The next step is to make a detailed plan, at least before going on that week-long trip, be sure to sort out things here.

It is obviously too arrogant to act alone. Although there are recent battle records of killing demigods, it is almost an irreproducible miracle.

So Jenkins found another wise friend to help. That was of course Alexia, who readily accepted Jenkins' request and showed great enthusiasm.

"Although using [Mechanical Light] almost means that you will lose your combat effectiveness in the short term, I hope that you can demonstrate it to me at the last moment. If that ability really has the function you said, then it will be useful for Your meaning is as important as [mathematical principles] to me.”

Miss Stuart was certainly eager to try this, but no one was against her getting involved in such a dangerous thing. Without Jenkins' support, she could not go to Nolan City, so she could only help these two friends by providing backup support.

"I have never done such a dangerous and exciting thing."

Miss Stuart secretly told Jenkins and Alexia when Julia left the room to get black tea.

"This is not something you should be excited about. It is right to stay away from danger."

He had to warn his friend in front of him to prevent her from treating this as an interesting adventure.

This was probably the first time Jenkins planned to hunt a group. Although he always believed that the more complicated the plan, the more likely it was to fail, he still came up with a complicated plan that covered all possibilities.

Alexia comforted him not to be so nervous, but Jenkins couldn't help thinking about how to make up for "if something unexpected happened".

There was one last thing to deal with before the plan started, which was Miss Audrey's divination course. Around the end of the year, she left Nolan City and returned to the [Church of Fate and Order] to report, which delayed Jenkins' course for nearly two weeks.

On Saturday evening, when I saw this lady again, she had not changed much from before. It seemed that the journey to and from Nolan went smoothly. When Jenkins knocked on the door, she personally helped to open the door, so she stood there just in time to see the backs of Miss Michael and Hathaway's carriage leaving.

"Your friend?"

She asked, while making way for Jenkins to enter.



"... Is this the result of divination?"

"No, I smell the perfume on you."

She is not a father, so she will not express any opinion on Jenkins' emotional issues. But as Jenkins' guide on the road of divination, she warned Jenkins that the choice of a spouse for a gifter is a very serious matter, which will seriously affect his own destiny.

Generally, at this time, you should take the opportunity to ask her what kind of spouse is suitable. But Jenkins had no interest in such things, which made Miss Audrey, who had recently received a letter from Alexia, quite bored.

Jenkins's "peek into fate" not long ago moved her very much, but also made her more certain that Jenkins was a rare divination wizard. In view of this, she planned to speed up the progress of the course and complete the entire content of inspiration divination at least before the arrival of spring.

This time, those magical special items were not used again, but some stones with runes written on them were placed in ordinary paper boxes, and Jenkins was asked to guess the content of the runes in the paper box.

He succeeded once in three hours of study, but unfortunately that success should be attributed purely to luck.

"Don't be discouraged, this is at least the first step to success."

Miss Audrey was very satisfied with the results of this course and believed that this was fate hinting at the upcoming success.

Jenkins also made a request in the middle of the course:

"Sorry, Miss Audrey. I have to do something that may fail recently, which makes me a little troubled. Can you help me with fortune-telling? I want to get guidance from fate."

"Can you tell me what it is? Maybe I can help."

This made Jenkins hesitate for a while, but finally decided not to let anyone living in Nolan know his secrets.

Because he could not get effective information from Jenkins, he could only use simple card divination to seek guidance from fate. Of course, [Observer] and [Future of Fate] will also have an impact on divination, so whether to believe the result of divination depends on Jenkins himself.

There are three chances to flip the card. The first one is the upright sword, which represents disputes and wars, but the final outcome is mostly positive; the second one is the reversed shadow, which means that the shadow will protect him; the third one, there is no pattern.

"Sorry, is this a mistake?"

He asked nervously.

Since a whole set of divination cards contains many pieces, this greatly increases the risk of loss. Therefore, there will be a varying number of blank cards in the normal card sets sold, which are used as temporary substitutes after a card is lost.

But this is something that only appears in the divination cards used by ordinary people. Jenkins never knew that fortune tellers would do this. Moreover, he did not believe that Miss Audrey would use a set of missing cards for divination.

"What do you think this means?"

Miss Audrey was obviously absent-minded. She should not say such things at this time.

"Maybe it means that the gods will appear. Things about the great ones are always blank."

Jenkins said nonsense.

"Oh, God... This should be impossible. This card, maybe I made a mistake."

Miss Audrey took the result handed over by Jenkins and explained vaguely. But that expression looked like excessive surprise.

"Don't worry, although it can't be explained, it is not a sign of bad luck. Your actions will be very smooth. Yes, although there will be some setbacks along the way, you will definitely be able to achieve your goals. Please believe this."

Chapter 654 Chapter 642 Disguise

After explaining the blank cards, Miss Audrey wanted to get up and see the guests off. But it was not yet nine o'clock, and their classes usually lasted until late at night.

"Okay, thank you for your help."

Jenkins nodded, stood up and picked up the sleeping cat. Chocolate opened one eye and looked at the man, then closed his eyes and squirmed.

"Then we'll see you next week."

His eyes were still looking at the cards tightly held in the woman's hand.

"See you next week."

Miss Audrey responded.

She stood in the hallway, watching the maid open the door for Jenkins and send him to the fence at the gate of the yard. Then she walked to the window and watched the man walk towards the carriage with a kerosene lamp at the corner of the street.


She moaned, holding the card in her hands against her chest, with tears in her eyes.

"Finally I see hope... writing my destiny."

She closed her eyes, leaned her forehead against the cold glass, and did not speak for a long time.

Even though Miss Audrey's final performance was very puzzling, the result of the divination greatly inspired Jenkins.

After being busy moving all day on Sunday, St. George Street, which was unblocked, finally welcomed back the residents here. Jenkins' neighbors, the Goodman family, also came back. While chatting with neighbors, Jenkins found that people knew that he bought Lady Margaret's house and thought it was an act of generosity and kindness.

"After all, the poor woman who died of murder had no savings and no relatives. If you hadn't bought that house, she might not even have a decent cemetery."

There was an indescribable excitement when he returned to his house. The broken window that night had been repaired by the church, so the house looked as clean and warm as before.

Even Chocolate showed excitement. When Jenkins was worried about how to deal with the watermelon in the fruit bowl, he kept jumping on two metal blocks.

The kitten's appearance when playing made Miss Michael and Hathaway, who came to visit, laugh softly. No one could imagine what the real purpose of this cat was.

On Sunday night, after seeing off his friends, Jenkins stood in front of the living room window holding a pocket watch and looked outside. Although there was still some snow on the ground, the sky was completely clear. He just didn't know why the fog hadn't dissipated for a week. He was really worried about the health of the people living here.

The bell of the clock tower sounded in the distance, and at the same time, there was a slight sound behind him. He didn't look back, letting the light of the gas lamp cast his shadow on the opposite wall.

"I think everything will go well."

Alexia whispered in his ear.

"I hope so."

From the name [Hammerhead Street], you can know what kind of people are active here. During the day, the street is usually very lively, with all kinds of pedestrians and guests flowing in an endless stream. But at night, except for the lights in the apartment that occasionally penetrate the curtains, there is no longer any light here.

Hammerhead Street is not a main road in the city and is not currently eligible to install street lights. The street is paved with gravel. Although it is difficult to walk, it is better than the worse dirt road.

The moon tonight still couldn't penetrate the fog, so the small figure that appeared at the street corner was very difficult to spot. It was a mature-looking but extremely thin man. If you look at him from a distance, you would think he was a child, but in fact people usually call him a "dwarf".

He had only a few sparse brown hair on his head, and occasionally when he opened his mouth, he would reveal two huge front teeth. While walking along the street wall, he looked around furtively. If the police saw him like this, he would be carefully questioned.

He held a hemp rope in his hand, and a small sled was hung behind the rope. The sound of the sled sliding on the snow was inaudible, and only when it occasionally hit a protruding stone would it suddenly change its direction. Whenever this happened, the dwarf who was leading it would whisper dirty words.

The sled was piled with packages like a small mountain, firmly fixed with cables. The dwarf certainly knew what these deadly things were. Once discovered, it would probably be directly executed on the spot by the Orthodox Church, but fortunately this block was safe for the time being.

Number 13 Hammerhead Street was not far away, and the spire of the building was easily recognizable among the nearby flat-roofed houses. He was once again happy about the success of the mission and planned which bar he should go to for a drink later.


The sudden sound from the street startled him, and he noticed that he had not noticed a tall man standing in the shadow because of his distracted mind.

The oil lamp under the man's feet suddenly lit up, reflecting the ordinary face. He was holding a blood-red rose in his right hand, and the smell of blood could be faintly smelled in the flower.

"Hi, good evening."

The man took the initiative to greet the dwarf.

The dwarf snorted, glanced at his feet and saw that there was no shadow, and then looked at the flower in the man's hand with a slightly greedy look. Although he didn't know what it was, he thought it was definitely made of extremely high-quality blood.

"It's also an infected person."

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