"Fini, I'm sorry~"

Mrs. Strese hugged the monster from behind like a madman and shook its body. The woman's voice could be heard coming from the water, further proving that the black liquid was not ordinary water.

"Phini, live well, you must live!"

She bravely opened her mouth and bit the monster, and Jenkins' flames happened to have the upper hand at this time. It's hard to say which point played a role. In short, the girl was successfully pulled out of the door by Jenkins.

The two watched as the woman in the black water reached out and waved at Feini before she died, and her torn body was stained with black liquid.


The door was kicked shut by Jenkins, and a strange rattling sound came from inside the door. After a few seconds, everything was calm again.

Half an hour later, Miss Bevanna opened the door again amidst everyone's nervous vigilance, and what was exposed to the sage's followers was an empty house.

The time in the room seemed to be different from the outside world. According to the records, when Jenkins and Feeney entered the room and then came out, not even three minutes passed.

The blizzard still didn't stop, and at nine o'clock in the morning there was not a single ray of sunshine outside. Feeney held Jenkins' hand tightly, and she never said a word after they escaped.

"This should be A-05-1-4490, Good Luck."

Miss Bevanna was the first to enter the house, holding a kerosene lamp and peering into the empty interior. Most of the walls were yellow and peeling off, and the floor was littered with household garbage. There was no furniture, no inhabitants, and no trace of the Strese family. The warm yellow light reflected the shadows of the group on the mottled wall, and the flames of the wicks caused the shadows to sway.

This place seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, and there was no memory of dirt or water damage.

Feeney timidly hid behind Jenkins. For a few seconds, she seemed to find that the shadows of Jenkins and Chocolate were so different.

"I think I can fully understand the meaning of this naming."

He handed the diary in his hand to Miss Bevanna. It was the only thing that was brought out.

The woman did not look through it immediately. She sighed and looked at the girl held by Jenkins:

"Judging from the records, this kind of bad luck, which is rooted in family blood and is almost a curse, is almost impossible to break. It will continue to spread outward through the blood of traders and their spouses, and will not completely disappear until all family members die. Although You've completed your bet with the thing, but that doesn't mean that Fanny Faithful is no longer plagued by the curse."

When she heard someone mention her name, the girl raised her head timidly.

"But it should be easy to verify."

Jenkins said.


The woman understood what Jenkins meant: "So, it's best for Feeney not to leave the church for even half a step recently. This will not only make it easier for us to observe whether there are any abnormalities in her body, but the power of the church itself can also suppress some weird abilities."


The girl responded.

"There is no need to thank you. After all, you are also a follower of the sage."

The Stress family's house has no value anymore. Just as the cyan-skinned monster said, everything belongs to it, and it also took away everything, including a gift from Jenkins. His luck seemed to be very bad recently, and it did not get better as the candy giver said. He lost two precious items in just one week.

"Don't let me touch it again."

This refers to the cyan-skinned monster.

Chapter 651 Chapter 639: Gold Pounds and Faith

Miss Bevanna was taking Feeney back to the church for a checkup, and Jenkins asked him what he needed to do now.

"What were you planning to do?"

Miss Bevanna asked.

Only then did he realize that he was late.

When we hurriedly rushed to the club despite the snow, it was already close to ten o'clock in the morning. The waiter wearing white gloves and black formal clothes at the door bowed slightly and opened the club door for him. When the girls standing in the front hall heard the footsteps, they all turned to greet Jenkins.

He stepped vigorously on the mat in front of the door to get the snow off the bottom of his boots, and at the same time responded enthusiastically to the girls one by one. He strode towards the room where Miss Michael often went, and the young maid from the club followed him with a towel to help him remove the falling snow from his shoulders.

"Sorry, I'm late."

He said this as soon as he opened the door, but he didn't expect that there were three people sitting in the room.

In addition to Miss Michael and Hathaway, there was also an unknown young girl. Jenkins had been frequenting the club recently, but had never seen the woman there.

"Good morning, Jenkins. This is Miss Scrimgeour from County Andalus, my childhood companion. Glena, this is the Mr. Willamette I often tell you about."

Miss Scrimgeour is a tall girl with curly brown hair. She was taller than Miss Michael and Hathaway. She was wearing a simple printed skirt. Her hands were folded together and placed elegantly on her legs. When she saw Jenkins appear, she immediately stood up.

Miss Michael was taking Miss Scrimgeour to meet other friends, so she asked Hathaway and Jenkins to chat for a while. They would be back before lunch.

This is the first time this year that Jenkins has had a chance to be alone with the red-haired girl.

After the maid behind Miss Michael closed the door, Jenkins stood quietly at the door with his eyes closed and listened for a while. After confirming that no one was eavesdropping, he nodded slightly.

"I thought Miss Michael would leave at least one maid, but I didn't expect that she took them all away this time."

He said lightly, leaving his hat and cane in the clothing room behind the door, where the two girls' coats were still hanging.

Hathaway shook his head slightly, saying that he didn't know what was going on. But it didn't matter, she had something important to ask.

"What happened on the last day last year..."

"I heard that the son of the evil god... a divine creature actually appeared in our city. And I really didn't expect that the god of music you believe in would come directly to earth. This is really surprising."

His original intention was to bring the topic to the mysterious "cousin," but Hathaway's words were obviously better:

"I also heard that the blockade of St. George Street has a lot to do with the son of the evil god."

The new [God of Lies] was involved in the matter of the Son of God, so it is impossible for his followers to know nothing about this matter, and Jenkins has a good relationship with that group of people. Hathaway therefore concluded that his statement that he knew nothing about St. George Street a few days ago was a complete lie.

"St. George Street is indeed related to the Son of God..."

He sat down holding the handle of the seat, put the chocolate on his knees, and slowly stroked its back:

"And...in fact, the Son of God was born on that street."


The woman frowned.

"And...right next door to me."


She had stood up in surprise.

"And...I happened to be at home when that happened."

Hathaway stopped using exclamations and jumped right in to hold down Jenkins' shoulders.

"That's not what you said last time."

She would definitely be taller when she stood than when Jenkins sat down, so when she looked at Jenkins, her head was lowered, and the ends of her hair inevitably drooped and scratched Jenkins' cheek.

"But this matter has nothing to do with me. I was just afraid that you would worry, so I didn't tell the truth."

"But then I won't worry?"

The anger was audible in his tone, which Jenkins believed was born out of concern, knowing that lying was wrong.

The distance between the two was so close that even Jenkins could feel that it was strange to do so.

He shrank back in his chair to avoid meeting Hathaway's face. The woman obviously noticed this. She snorted and then took the initiative to retreat.

"I know it's wrong to lie...but I really don't want you to worry too much."

He repeated again.

"It's good to know that someone is worried about you."

Hathaway said somewhat melancholy, and Jenkins couldn't read her flickering eyes.

Sure enough, the benefactors of Nolan City already knew what happened on the last night of the year, and Hathaway could even accurately tell that the incident took place in an abandoned church outside the city.

But she did not confess the identity of the cousin to Jenkins, and when Jenkins "accidentally" mentioned the woman, he was vague and confused. In fact, what Jenkins is most curious about is how the four false gods were able to prepare the saint's body so accurately in advance and come to Nolan, but it seems that no one will be able to answer this question.

Hathaway thanked Jenkins for the end-of-year gift, but as always, warned him not to get too close to followers of the God of Lies. She believes that since Jenkins has almost confirmed that he can succeed Bishop Paro, then pursuing development in the church is the right path.

"Perhaps you think that the bishop of the Orthodox Church is just a mortal position and is not worthy of the bestower. But in fact, having such an identity almost means that he will not be missed by any illegal bestower. They do not have such courage."

Hathaway is right. If the temptation of becoming a god is not in front of him, becoming the bishop of the archdiocese is indeed the brightest future that Jenkins faces.

Recently, Jenkins has heard people talking about the Fabry scam on different occasions, and the Sage Church has also realized the brilliance of this method. Miss Fabry could not be found to give an in-depth analysis of the scam, so they had to consult William Te, who exposed the scam.

The girls in the club were equally interested in it, in fact almost all of them were now keen to talk about it. After all, Miss Fabry, whom no one could find a trace of, had truly deceived tens of thousands of people just by relying on her "word skills". Some people believe that Miss Fabry really exists, while others believe that it is just a real phantom.

And all of this is determined by Jenkins' statement. What people are more concerned about now is not his identity as a writer, but his views on this new type of scam.

In the afternoon, Jenkins briefly left the club to go to City Hall, and when he came back, he was already a truly rich young man with a huge amount of money. Even if he tried hard not to express his inner feelings, his excitement could be easily felt by Miss Hathaway and Michael. But they understand this feeling. Anyone who suddenly gets more than five figures in gold pounds will not behave better than Jenkins.

According to Miss Mihail's joking statement, Jenkins has now gathered all the conditions of "rich", "young", "single", "handsome", "successful career", etc., and is truly worthy of "communication" in the minds of young girls. object. Jenkins didn't have much reaction to this, but Hathaway, who was more sensitive, read the unusual meaning in the sentence.

After returning to the church in the evening, Jenkins went to see Feeney first. The girl seemed to be in good condition, and according to Miss Bevanna, no unusual curses were found on her body, which was a relief.

But what happened this morning also means that except for the missing George and Liverpool, the little girl really has no relatives in this world. Jenkins didn't know how to comfort her, so he spent an evening sitting with the girl in the corridor of the courtyard watching the snow.

The way she pursed her lips and grabbed the hem of Jenkins' clothes was very sad, but Jenkins didn't know how to comfort people. They sat like this in the cold wind for nearly two hours, and didn't go back until it was time to go to bed.

"Thank you, sir.".

Before turning the corner and leaving, Feini suddenly said this.

"No, it's nothing. If you run into trouble in the future, you can always come to me."

Jenkins shook his head, touched the top of the girl's head - a bad habit of raising cats, and then turned and left.

The girl stood there and watched Jenkins go away, lowering her head and drawing the sage's holy symbol on her chest. After doing this, she hesitated for a moment, put her hands on her chest, closed her eyes and drooped her head slightly:

"Sir, your kindness has protected me, and your strength has enabled me to survive. You are the embodiment of benevolence, and you are an immortal great man."

Her level of education is not high, and most of her words of praise come from religious scriptures of the church. Therefore, when praying for Jenkins, it is understandable to say these "rebellious" words. Fortunately, no other person can hear it.

This means a good start, because even irregular prayers are prayers. The priesthood is sleeping quietly in Jenkins' body, and this small and weak faith is nothing at present.

At Jenkins' request, Mr. Augustus' estate was paid to him entirely in cash. After bidding farewell to the ladies at the club in the evening, the church sent someone to escort him back to the church. When Jenkins and Feeney parted, the boxes of banknotes were lying quietly in the corner of the room, waiting for the owner to open and inspect them again and again.

"There's nothing more exciting than having a lot of banknotes in your bedroom."

This is the current thinking of the immature Jenkins.

PS: I also feel a little sluggish. Unknowingly, I haven’t written anything in the past chapter, so this chapter is 3K.

Chapter 652 Chapter 640 Investigation Results

After receiving this large sum of money, Jenkins did not forget to "repay" the embezzled £10,000. Of course, the external excuse is donations. Although he was unwilling to publicize this matter in a big way, because he thought it was disgraceful, the good guy still found a reporter and used photos to record the moment when he donated 9,999 pounds.

Considering that the donation was through the church and there was no possibility of embezzlement or deduction, Jenkins quietly put another one-pound gold coin in the suitcase, adding up to 10,000 pounds of donated money.

"So I didn't take away a single penny from this."

He said this to himself. Although he did not feel that his character had been sublimated, he also believed that he was still an upright person.

It was still snowing Friday morning and still dark. The air quality was obviously not suitable for traveling, and a strong smell filled the air. This probably has nothing to do with the power of the Son of God. It seems that the air quality laws are not fully implemented.

In the morning, he visited the Silver Jasmine Opera Company with Miss Michael and Hathaway. Mr. Nellie was very satisfied with the first version of the opera text submitted by Jenkins.

The afternoon was spent in the warm and comfortable club. The overly soft seats made Jenkins drowsy. In fact, he did fall asleep again, but he did not have any strange dreams.

The only sound in the room was the crackling of the flame in the fireplace. Miss Michael looked away from the book in her hand and tilted her head to look at Jenkins' sleeping face.

After a while, she stood up and walked to Hathaway at the desk. She put her finger in front of her lips to signal her not to speak, and then greeted her and walked out of the room together.

The cat lying on Jenkins' lap opened one eye and glanced at them, then twitched its tail and closed its eyes again.

"Is something wrong, Britney?"

There was no one in the corridor, and the two of them stood at the window talking. There were falling snowflakes outside, and inside the window was an uneasy Miss Michael.

"Winter travel starts next week."

She did not dare to look into Hathaway's eyes. Although she still had not made up her mind about the choice proposed by her father, she had decided not to let go of such an opportunity. It is better for one person to be free than for both of them to fall into the abyss. But this means that among the two people in the corridor now, there must be one with the man in the room...

"Yes, how are the clothes packed? I still remember that last year you forgot an important suitcase, and as a result... you didn't bring enough, and you ended up wearing it..."

Hathaway's voice became smaller and smaller as she spoke. She frowned slightly and looked at the blonde girl standing opposite:

"What's up, Britney? Is there a problem with this trip?"

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