The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 936 The Coward and the Brave

‘Clang! ’

The sound of weapons clashing.

‘Bang! ’

The sound of objects breaking.

'brush! ’

The sound of flesh and blood being cut.

'laugh! ’

The sound of blood splattering.

"How, how could it be, like this..."

‘Plop~! ’

Victor fell to the ground, blood spilled out from under him, and soon stained a large area of ​​land red.

Seeing the scene on the ring, the noisy shouts suddenly stopped, and for a while, needles could be heard in the arena.

At this moment, Bell's voice suddenly sounded, clearly reaching the ears of everyone present.

"Indeed, you still have vitality to burn, and you can still explode with power beyond the peak. But unfortunately, you didn't notice that the weapon in your hand has run out of fuel and can no longer support it."

He waved his hand to shake off the blood on the blade, and tiny ice crystals shot into the ground, leaving tiny holes on the ground. Bell sheathed the sword and turned around to look at Victor lying on the ground.

"Ha~ha~ kill, kill me."

Staring at the only remaining ax handle in his hand, Victor's heart was filled with unspeakable sadness.

Just today, at this moment, he lost his closest comrade-in-arms, and soon, he would lose his life, the throne of chief, and his people.

He was very, very unwilling, but he really couldn't do anything about it now. The blood flowed rapidly from the wound on his chest, taking away a lot of his vitality. In just a short time, he felt that his limbs had never been weaker and his body had never been colder.

Using the last bit of strength in his body, Victor struggled to turn over so that he was facing up.

At least, when he died, he hoped that he was facing the enemy directly.

"Admit defeat, Victor. You have tried your best and fulfilled your responsibilities as the chief. Now as long as you admit defeat, this duel will end and you can survive."

Bell did not want to kill Victor or any of the orcs in the Ogu tribe if necessary.

Although according to the tradition of the orcs, as long as he wins this sacred duel, he will seize the position of chief of the Ogu tribe, and other orcs will surrender to him.

But in the final analysis, he is a human being after all, and he is a human being who came here from other planets. Even if he took the chief's position from Victor, other orcs would definitely have a grudge and would not be able to respect him, the first human chief in the history of the orcs, as they respected Victor.

At that time, whether the other orcs are acting against him or not even bothering to do face-saving projects, whether they want to challenge him and defeat him all day long, for Bell, that is not what he wants to see.

Just kidding, he is so busy every day that he has no interest in spending his energy on this small orc tribe.

Therefore, Bell needs Chief Victor to live and continue to lead the orc tribe for him. Presumably in that case, the resistance of the orcs would be much weaker.

In addition, after seeing the advanced technology of mankind and the powerful strength of wizards, these orcs should be willing to join the Menethil family camp.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you still don’t want to.

Be it trolls or orcs, the reason why Bell wanted to conquer them was to provide help to his family and solve the problem of shortage of manpower. If these guys still refuse to surrender and bring more trouble to their family...

Just because Bell is unwilling to kill, it doesn't mean that he really has nothing to do with these 'primitives'.

"No! There are only chiefs who die in battle! There are no chiefs who admit defeat! Come on! Kill me quickly! Let me be broken together with the [Bloodthirsty Blade]!"

The surname of every chief of the Ogu tribe is 'Bloodthirsty Blade'. This does not mean that all chiefs are descended from a single lineage, but that every chief will abandon his original surname on the day he officially becomes chief. Instead, he took the name of [Bloodthirsty Blade] as his surname.

But now, the [Bloodthirsty Blade] is broken in his hands, and there is absolutely no reason for him, the last 'Bloodthirsty Blade', to survive.

"...Okay, it seems I misjudged you. I didn't expect that the chief of the Aogu tribe and the most powerful warrior of the Aogu tribe would be such a coward."

Shaking his head, Bell drew out the magic sword from his waist again and pointed the tip of the sword at Victor lying on the ground.

"What did you say!? I am not a coward! There is not a single warrior in the Ogu tribe who is a coward!"

Shi can be killed and cannot be humiliated. Although from Victor's point of view, it seems that he has been humiliated by Bell many times, but now that he is about to die, he must save some face at the last moment of his life. !

The extreme anger actually made Victor squeeze out some strength from nowhere. He sat up suddenly, and regardless of the wound on his chest opening and blood spurting out, he let out an ear-splitting roar towards Bell.

"Not a coward? Then let me ask you, what is a person who doesn't have the courage to admit his failure if not a coward?"

Bell held out [Frostmourne] forward, the tip of the sword pressed against Victor's throat.

"Now, you only need to lean forward a little to end your life. I guarantee that with the sharpness of my sword, you will not feel much pain.

Choose, die neatly as a coward who dare not admit defeat, or live strong as a brave man, work hard to become stronger and challenge me again!

Choose! "


Victor stared at Bell with splitting eyes. He was speechless for a moment and froze on the spot. He was neither dead nor dead, and felt very uncomfortable.

Victor's hesitation fell in Bell's eyes, causing the corners of Bell's mouth to curl up for a moment.

Sure enough, to deal with this kind of reckless man, it is useless to present facts and reason. You have to use the provoking method, provoking the opponent so hard that he cannot stand down, and then the matter is basically done.

"Victor, we lost, let's admit defeat."

At this time, the voice of old shaman Nerela suddenly came from the high platform nearby.

"But, Elder Nerela, I am the chief of the Ogu tribe, how can I admit defeat!?"

Victor looked at Nerela in disbelief. Victor would really not expect that the other party would suddenly ask him to admit defeat.

“Everyone can admit defeat, the warriors of the Ogu tribe can do it, the shamans of the Ogu tribe can do it, and of course, the chiefs of the Ogu tribe can also do it.

Just like what Mr. Bell said just now, Victor, sometimes, living is more difficult than dying, and admitting defeat requires more courage than dying in battle. "

As an elder and the great shaman of the Ogu tribe, Nerela dare not say that he is the smartest orc in the whole tribe, but he dares to say that he is the old orc who has seen the most things.

The more you see, the more things you will understand. In Nerila's view, Victor should live, and the Aogu tribe also needs him to live.

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